• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Thirty Two: Of Spies and Pies

Chapter Thirty Two: Of Spies and Pies

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Twilight was stalking about town hiding inside a very inconspicuous bush with Rarity by her side. They were close enough that their sides were forced up against one another. It was also perhaps the first time Twilight had really gotten a good sniff of Rarity's scent and although she always believed Rarity to smell good, somehow she smelled even better now. Spending time with Trixie must have had some kind of side effect and now she wanted nothing more than to go home, drag Trixie upstairs and enjoy a deep love making session.

Of course she had more important things to do, like finding out who's been sleeping with her baby and killing them, slowly, in her dungeon. Perhaps even turning them into cupcakes, though that might be another pony's job description. She partly wondered if Pinkie would be willing to help out. Speaking of which she finally found Spike, and he was with Pinkie as they left a small narrow offset. Pinkie was licking something off her lips and smiling as Spike walked with his claws behind his head as if he was trying to look casual.

Twilight hissed. "Secrets and lies. That's what they're up to."

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "I'm pretty sure they're up to something a little more personal than that."

Twilight ignored her, as Rarity’s input was only as good as it was to find the one giving Spike all these gifts.

They stayed quiet as they listened to Spike and Pinkie talk. Pinkie giggled. "That was good, thank you kindly, Spike."

Spike shrugged. "All in a day’s work for a handsome dragon such as myself."

"Oh don't go getting too full of yourself now. You were just helping fill me up a little is all."

Spike smiled at her. "Heh, maybe you need filled up a little more?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Probably, but we ran out of frosting."

Spike pouted. "Yeah, sorry about that, I kind of got it all over your face too didn’t I?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Not the worst thing I've licked off my own face."

Spike laughed. "I'll bet, anyway, I have a date with you know who."

Pinkie jumped for joy. "Oh really! Have you kissed her yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm hoping soon. I really like her, so I’m kind of staying away from intimacy from a lot of other mares right now."

"Oh but you won't leave me out will you?"

"Sorry, Pinkie. I have to leave you out of this too. I might be in love, so I hope you understand."

"I do, but I'll miss my hot dragon filling."

Spike laughed. "So will the others, but what can I say, when I'm in love I want to put all my focus toward who it is."

"It's okay, I think Rarity is probably mad, but she'll get over it, she's dating Applejack too."

Spike sighed. "I hope she does. She deserves to be happy too."

Pinkie giggled once more. “I might get a chance to date somepony soon myself.”

Spike looked at her. “Oh yeah? Let me guess, Rainbow and Flutters are going to drag you into something weird.”

“Fluttershy always drags me into weird things. I just hope she doesn’t do what she always does.”

Spike shivered. “Yeah me too. She’s a bit… self destructive isn’t she?”

“Does it count as self destruction when she breaks another pony’s heart?”

Spike and Pinkie parted ways with Spike walking further away and Pinkie walking towards them. Just as Pinkie walked past she nearly whispered, "Try and be gentle to her, okay Twilight?"

Twilight's head snapped back to stare at Pinkie ready to use a spell to knock her out if she needed to silence her, but Pinkie was already gone. That mare, she always did freak Twilight out. It was rumored once that if Pinkie ever went insane, she'd try to kill them all and Twilight would probably be the first to go as she represented the largest threat, so some part of Twilight was ready, always ready to completely annihilate Pinkie a second time if she had too... or more rather a forty sixth time if she had too.

Since when did killing Pinkie Pies become such a mundane task for her? Twilight shook her head. No more clones, not ever. From there Twilight dragged herself, the bush, and Rarity after Spike. She was going to find out who this mare was. Who cares if Spike was 'in love' he was not supposed to do anything suspicious or strange, or sexual. Of course some of that conversation that Pinkie had with Spike made her feel uneasy. It almost sounded like Pinkie Pie and Spike had... no, she put the thought into the vault along with the other thoughts she had about such things. She needed to focus, only to focus on her current and most important of tasks.

Going further into town she caught sight of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy trotting down the street side by side. They looked happy as could be and when Fluttershy leaned over and pecked Rainbow Dash on the cheek, Twilight felt herself squee as Rainbow Dash's entire face turned red. Rainbow Dash glanced around nervously before returning the kiss. Clearly she wasn’t used to public romance yet, then again, neither was Twilight. The idea of being kissed in public was almost embarrassing, but it also sent shivers down her spine she couldn't ignore. Shivers that ran from the tip of her horn all the way to her tail and made her desire the warm fur, loving embrace, and hot love of Trixie. Twilight shook her head to clear the thoughts out of her head. After all it was hard enough to stay this close to Rarity so close that warm fur was pressed hotly against her side even their flanks were touching. Rarity's soft, very well rounded flank.

Rarity cleared her throat. "Twilight, I believe that you are in a relationship with one, no two other mares already. It probably isn't wise to expand your interests just yet."

Twilight growled. "I'm only staring because your fat butt keeps pushing me."

Rarity scoffed. "My, fat, butt. Excuse me, who's the one who keeps rubbing theirs against mine, and looking like they’re about to just break down and start touching themselves in the middle of town."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't.... probably wouldn't do that. At least not when anypony was watching me."

They continued onward for several minutes before they reached a diner where Spike made his way to a table and climbed up onto the chair. Opposite of him was the Green Diamond mare from earlier. She smiled at Spike and he smiled back at her. Their eyes locked and it didn't take a genius to figure out what this mare was to Spike. Yet Twilight would give her time to commit the sin before punishing her justly for it.

Rarity gasped. "Twilight, this isn't good. She's so young, and a virgin."

Twilight grumbled. "And that means what exactly?"

"I also think she's never had a coltfriend before."

"Oh no, I feel soooooo bad, her first date has to be with my kid. Like I'm really going to forgive her just because she has a sob story."

Twilight watched as the two of them leaned forward over the table. Spike stood up so he could get closer. He reached out with a scaled claw and gently stroked her cheek. They spoke quietly and Twilight couldn't quite hear what either of them were saying. What she did notice though, was that Spike had grown. By several inches, and perhaps it was over night, or at least over a week. He was taller and his belly was getting a little smaller. Twilight didn't want to admit it, but perhaps her baby dragon was really... growing up.

The two of them kissed. It was a light, gentle kiss on the lips and Twilight's anger flushed out of her system almost immediately. The look in Spike's eyes, it was a gentle and deep love. One that she'd only seen on a few ponies before, and one that kicked her anger to the curb. A good number of the mares eating outside the diner were casting hateful glares not at Spike but at Green Diamond yet neither of them could see the ponies around them. They were lost in each other’s gaze, in each other’s eyes, in each other’s love.

Twilight let out a sigh. "We should leave..."

Rarity glanced at her. "Oh, are you not going to foalnap Green Diamond and murder her?"

"No, I don't think I am. That was her first kiss wasn't it?"

Rarity's lip quivered. "Yes... yes it was."

Twilight shook her head. "Spike looked like he was really good at that."

"Well he's had some practice. And judging by the mares around their table, it probably involved all of them."

Twilight turned the bush and Rarity around. "I'm driving us home. We're done here."

Rarity looked at her. "Driving? Darling we are hiding in a bush not riding some kind of cart."

Twilight shrugged. "Same principle applies. Let's just go before I start feeling guilty over this." She said that but she knew it was already too late to not feel guilty over this. Great, she came in angry as could be, and now was feeling horrible. She had to come to terms with this didn't she? That Spike was really a mature, sexually active dragon and that she had somehow missed him having sex with like half the town before finding a pony besides Rarity to love.

Something struck a chord in her when she thought about that. She was with Trixie, and Celestia, so she shouldn’t feel bad or like an invalid for not having the same experiences right? Yet she only even kissed Trixie. She was starting to realize that perhaps this was a little unfair, she had two lovers and deserved to try them both out didn't she? Trixie even gave her permission to do so? So what was Celestia doing by denying her still to this day? Twilight's horn lit up. "Actually you can get home on your own." Twilight vanished with a teleport that took her plus the bush with her. She ended up on her balcony and looking over the town. With the bush still around her she realized that Rarity might have been left in a bit of a rough place.

When she heard Rarity screaming, "TWILIGHT I"M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

She smiled. A little last bit of revenge for Rarity's sin, perhaps.

Celestia's voice came out from behind her. "Wow, sounds like you must have made her angry."

Twilight twisted herself around and saw Celestia there in the flesh. The exact pony she wanted, no needed right then. Now, she just had to figure out a way to convince Celestia to make out with her.

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