• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Twelve: Of Lonely Clouds and Feeling Proud

Trixie is Pregnant and it’s Twilight’s Problem

Chapter Twelve: Of Lonely Clouds and Feeling Proud

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Rainbow Dash was flying around town in circles her mind moving as fast as she was. The idea of Twilight in a relationship was hilarious and growing more so by the second. The idea of her trying to hide said relationship was funnier still. However, the funniest thing about this was that she was dating Trixie.

Sure even Rainbow Dash could understand that when it came to magical gay mares Twilight’s options were a bit limited. Her obvious crush on Princess Celestia was completely one sided from what Rainbow Dash could see and Twilight’s other choices were with mixed results or in the case of Lyra, the mare was already taken by a mare who ran a candy store. At least Twilight seemed happy with this but it meant that Rainbow Dash was going to have to be more careful around Trixie. She didn’t want to step on Twilight’s hooves again.

It was a little challenging because Trixie was also super annoying. She acted like she was the coolest, hottest thing in town, when obviously it was Rainbow Dash who deserved that title. No respect for the greats, right? Oh well, at least Rainbow Dash could get all the adoration she ever wanted from Fluttershy. Speaking of which she spied the yellow buttercup on her way home from Twilight’s. She figured Fluttershy’s play date with Trixie probably went well.

Rainbow Dash felt herself cringe when thinking of the word ‘date’ in the same sentence as Fluttershy and Trixie. Hang out, that seemed better. Fluttershy’s hanging out with Trixie probably went well.

Rainbow Dash swooped down behind the unsuspecting yellow mare. Taking just a brief moment to enjoy the view from behind her. Rainbow Dash crept up slowly and silently until she was mere inches above her. Rainbow Dash put both hooves to her mouth, sucked in a huge breath and-

“Oh hello, Rainbow.”

Fluttershy didn’t even turn to great her yet she knew Rainbow Dash was there. She froze for a moment. “Um… hi.”

Fluttershy looked back at her. Those eyes were practically sparkling and that smile was content as could be. It was like some kind of magical happiness potion had been consumed by the mare. Their eyes met and Rainbow’s heart skipped a beat. She felt herself inching forward, eyeing those soft, subtle lips as if they were a precious treasure she wanted to steal. It took effort but she pulled herself away and put a few feet of distance between the two with a few powerful flaps of her wings.

Fluttershy continued walking and looked away from her. “How was your day?”

Rainbow Dash felt her heart crumpling. Well it was going better. “It’s alright, you?”

Fluttershy had a sing song tone in her voice as she replied. “It’s been both great, and powerful.” She finished that with a giggle.

Those two must have really hit it off. It wasn’t unthinkable, after all Fluttershy was the kind of mare who could find a way to befriend almost any animal. Besides that Trixie seemed to be girly enough that Fluttershy could probably find some ways to relate, makeovers, dresses, all that gross stuff.

Fluttershy hummed as she continued walking almost oblivious to Rainbow’s presence. This would not do, not in her town. Rainbow Dash flew around and then put herself in front of Fluttershy flying backwards so that Fluttershy would be forced to pay attention. “So, you figure it out yet?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened for a moment and then relaxed. “W-what do you m-mean?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. Of course she did. “The real reason Twilight’s keeping Trixie around like a pet.”

Fluttershy’s eyes grew conflicted as if she wanted to say something but wasn’t supposed too. “I’m… I’m not sure.”

Yeah right, but if Fluttershy wanted to pretend to not know that was cool with her. Rainbow Dash just stretched her forelegs out and put them behind her head as she relaxed in her backwards flight. “Uh-huh. Well I know the secret, and let me tell you. It’s pretty freaking funny.”

Fluttershy bit her lip. “It’s not funny. It’s… um… alluring.”

Right, girly girls, any romance was a good one or something like that. Rainbow Dash figured Rarity knew the sayings better than her. Oh wait, what if Rarity found out, that would be the best. Of course Rainbow Dash was forbidden from telling anypony but the laughs she could have at Twilight’s expense… this was going to be hard.

Fluttershy met Rainbow’s eyes. “D-do you still hate Trixie?”

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. “I have to like, let that go right? I mean she did some awful stuff but I kinda figured she’s with a mare who has also done some awful stuff with magic.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Who better than Twilight to help Trixie on the right path?”

“Yeah, especially after that whole Want it Need it thing. I guess Twilight really is in the right place to help her but it’s still weird. Funny as tartarus but still weird.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You can find it funny if you want.”

The way she said it almost made it sound like Rainbow Dash shouldn’t be having so much fun at their expense. If this ended up becoming another friendship lesson she was going to scream. When was Twilight going to stop sending those letters to Celestia? Like, never?

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Well at least they’re happy together-“

With a crash Rainbow Dash hit something and felt herself rolling backwards. There was something boney and warm and soft entangled around her. Opening her eyes she found only a white fluffy abyss and tasted marshmallow fur. There was an image of a diamond mixed into that fluffy abyss. Next to the other side of her head a purple tail swished.

Rarity sat up, her plump bottom shoving Rainbow’s head down. “Oh my, what was that? Fluttershy, what happened? I think I-“

One bite form Rainbow later and there was an ear piercing screech as Rarity jumped off of Rainbow dash and landed some feet away. “RAINBOW DASH!”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Serves you right for sitting on my face.”

Rarity’s eyes drilled into Rainbow’s. “I know you’re starved for affection and sexually frustrated but if you’re going to be biting my rump, at least ask permission first. Also we should do that indoors away from prying eyes.”

Rainbow Dash stared at her for a long moment. She then sat straight up and jabbed a hoof at Rarity. “I was not doing that because of some weird idea.”

“Of course not, darling.” Rarity said as she looked over at the newly formed bite mark on her left flank. “Oh my… you really are hungry if you bit so deep.”

Rainbow Dash jumped into the air. “I am not. I have a perfectly normal and functional sex life.”

Rarity met her eyes. “Darling, I appreciate the bravado but do not try to lie to me. There is no need. If all you want is some special attention you just need to ask.”

Rainbow Dash grabbed at her mane and pulled. “Gaah! What’s wrong with you, we’re friends. You can’t just do that with friends!”

Rarity smiled. “Oh? But Fluttershy does.”

Rainbow Dash looked from Rarity to Fluttershy and back to Rarity. Oh god, oh no. She knew that Fluttershy had been with other mares before, dated once or twice, and even had this weird obsession with pregnant ponies but this… not this. She felt something stab her heart. Her eyes were stinging.

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Darling, I’m joking. It’s a joke. Please don’t take it seriously. Fluttershy and me have never done such things. I was only trying to-“

Rainbow Dash glared at her. “One more word and I might just… just freak out okay! So shut it.” She flapped her wings once, twice and thrice to propel herself skyward. How dare Rarity tease her like that. Doesn’t she realize that some jokes go too far? She was going to have to… well she was going to go home and cry now. The worst part of it all was the fact that Rarity was right, even when compared to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash’s romantic life was as exciting as a rock. Sure she was cool, but clearly not cool enough.


Rarity bit her lower lip watching Rainbow Dash fly away. “Oh my, I didn’t mean to do that. I thought she’d laugh… I’ll have to apologize now.”

Fluttershy watched as well. “She gets really sensitive about her um… love life.”

Rarity glanced at her. Did Fluttershy not pick up on what it was that really triggered Rainbow Dash? Or was she choosing to ignore it because the joke had involved her and an imaginary but not unwanted encounter with herself and Rarity. Either way Rarity still had to make this up to Rainbow Dash. Perhaps she should actually enact plan Flutterdash and get these two in bed somehow. If she was going to do that she’d need the help of the one pony in town who could pull of the impossible: Pinkie Pie.

Of course she felt like she was forgetting something important in the moment. What was she doing before Rainbow Dash collided into her and then Rarity proceeded to make a donkey of herself? Oh right she was on her way to Fluttershy’s. Luckily for her the mare in question was right there in front of her and as clueless and innocent as ever.

Rarity saddled up next to Fluttershy. “Darling, I was just on my way to your place. I just have to know how your day with Trixie went.”

As they walked Fluttershy was looking down at the ground. “Um… it was fun…”

Rarity could practically feel the hesitation coming from Fluttershy. “I’m glad to hear it, what did you two do?”

Fluttershy’s lips curled up ever so slightly. “Magic tricks.”

Well of course they would, Trixie was a one trick pony after all it’s not like she would do anything else. “How do you feel about her?”

“Oh, um, f-feel? Like um… feel feel?”

Rarity had absolutely no idea what Fluttershy was trying to ask but the pink shade in her cheeks were a telling sign she’d seen a couple times now. No, just… no. not with Trixie. She could go find some other random mare but not Trixie. “Darling, you do realize this is the same pony that summoned an Ursa Minor to destroy the town and enslaved the entire town. You do realize this right?”

Fluttershy nodded, and then quickly shook her head. “She d-didn’t summon the Ursa Minor. Snips and Snails did that.”

“And why do you think they did that? Because of Trixie that’s why.”

“Actually it was Spikes fault.”

Rarity stopped. “Excuse me?”

Fluttershy glanced back at her. “It was Spikes f-fault. He goaded them into proving Trixie’s stories were r-real. Obviously they were j-just stories. P-part of the p-performance but um… they d-didn’t know?”

Rarity smiled. “Of course darling… but Spike didn’t do that.”

“H-he didn’t? I’m p-pretty sure he t-told me he d-did.”

Rarity laughed. “My precious Spikey Wikey would never do something so horrid to our entire town and then allow the blame to be put on Trixie without shouldering any of it himself for well over a year.”

Fluttershy frowned. “Um… I-I think he t-tried to take the b-blame but Twilight was insistent on n-not blaming him.”

“And she was right to do so because he is faultless. Now please, let’s let these fantastic stories of yours rest. I have one very important question for you,” Rarity met Fluttershy’s eyes with a cold sharp stare. “What is she hiding from us?”

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