• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Twenty One: Of Apple Coffee and Poly Juice

Chapter Twenty One: Of Apple Coffee and Poly Juice

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Morning came and Trixie woke up with a leg wrapped gently around her barrel and holding her against the soft body on her back. Looking over she saw Twilight still asleep and as cute as ever. It felt like this was going to be another crazy day but she'd gotten used to those by now. All of Twilight's friends were completely insane, but for the most part they were also completely harmless. both were things she could live with. What she couldn't live with was the feeling she was going to both vomit and pee at the same time.

Trixie rolled over and got out of bed as quickly as she could. A quick trot downstairs and she just barely made it to the restroom to sit on the toilet and vomit in the trashcan. She had considering doing this in the opposite but wasn’t able to figure out how to explain why the trashcan would be filled with pee. Well, being pregnant had its drawbacks that much was for sure.

After the morning ritual, she cleaned herself and got to the kitchen to see Spike and Big Mac drinking coffee and looking at hoofball cards. Trixie rolled her eyes at the cards, but smiled when looking at her baby's daddy. "Good morning handsome."

Big Mac's cheeks turned a bit of a deeper shade of red. A blush, how cute on such a strong masculine type. Too bad she was already in a relationship or else she might just... repeat the same mistake that led her to being pregnant in the first place. She really cursed her morning brain and her ghost heat. She took a seat in the chair opposite of them and using some telekinesis made herself a cup of coffee. Part of her wondered if perhaps her baby girl was going to become a strong beautiful earth pony. Trixie smiled as she saw her coffee land in her hooves. "Applejack."

Spike spoke up. "What about her?"

"Oh, Trixie is just wondering if her baby will be as strong as Applejack is? Perhaps our baby," She made sure to meet Big Mac's eyes as she said that, "Will be as strong and beautiful as she is."

Big Mac swallowed. "Maybe."

"Or we might have a baby unicorn, wouldn't that be something?" Trixie giggled. "Oh, I can't wait. One year is such a long time to wait for a baby."

Spike rolled his eyes. "It's going to be one year of you running to the restroom to vomit. And half the time missing."

Trixie glared at him. "Trixie only missed... five times?"

"Four, the fifth time you only peed yourself."

Trixie glared at him. "Trixie does not pee herself. She is a proud mommy."

Twilight’s voice came in from the doorway. "Trixie, I need my cuddles."

A sleepy-eyed Twilight stumbled into the kitchen with a blanket still on her back. She took a seat next to Trixie and laid down on her side. Trixie rolled her eyes. "Such a needy mare this one." Trixie wrapped the blanket around Twilight and watched as Twilight actually fell back asleep next to her.

Spike laughed. "I'm glad to hear it-" he burped up a flame and a letter landed on the table.

Trixie was too quick in opening it and reading it. Usually, the letters Twilight got were basically boring shlock that could be ignored, but she did catch a glimpse or two of some dreadfully embarrassing things in the past.

"My dearest Student.

I'm so glad to hear you’re doing well. These friendship letters about you teaching your new marefriend Trixie about friendship are just wonderful. You must really love her to keep sending me all these letters about her. Even from the moment she first entered your home, it was clear you had a fondness for her, and to hear you two will be raising a foal together is amazing. If you have any needs, or if Trixie has them, please be sure to let me know."

Trixie stared at that. Something was a little off about the letter. Why was Twilight sending letters since the first night Trixie had showed up? Several long minutes went by as Trixie read that over and over again, as she took sips of her coffee. Spike carefully spoke, "You know, it's rude to read Twilight's personal mail."

"Shh, Trixie is using her big girl brain."

Several minutes went by before she looked over at Spike. "Spike... why was Twilight sending letters of Trixie's presence here to Celestia?"

Spike shrugged. "I dunno, she said something about how amazing those letters would be. If she could teach you friendship then Celestia would clearly love her or something."

Trixie closed the letter. "Aha, Trixie sees. Here, Trixie will not be reading any more of Twilight's private mail without permission."

Spike took the letter and stared up at her. "You okay?"

Trixie grinned as she looked down at her sleeping lover. "You know, if Trixie had heard about this two weeks ago, she might have been very with cross and mistrusting of Twilight. However, Trixie now only sees the genius inside her." Trixie also didn't admit to him that being used for something as simple as good writing material for Twilight's mentor was far from the worst thing Twilight could have done. Trixie had come in ready and willing to give her pregnant body to Twilight, but instead Twilight just wanted to send some letters.

Now even if Trixie didn't personally care about that, she did realize this meant Twilight had misled her a little at the start of their relationship. Trixie had indeed been used by Twilight and so she was going to need to think of an adorable and perfect punishment for the mare. Something only Trixie could ever truly think of. Something that would only lock them even closer together and cement their relationship. Oh, Trixie was going to have fun with this.

For now she looked at Big Mac with a different question. "So, Trixie is thinking. She is having our baby and although the name Trixie Two-"

Spike interjected, "-The Retrun of Trixie."

"-has a beautiful sound to it. She might actually have to settle for a Trixie Jr. Of course she noticed a strange obsession in your family with naming kids after apples. is this... perhaps an important tradition?"

BIg Mac nodded. "It sure is. All our family are named after apples. Just how all of Pinkie's family are named after rocks. Pinkie aside of course."

Trixie nodded. "Aha, of course, so Trixie was right... Trixie however does not know of any good apple names. If, perhaps, Trixie were to give her daughter a second name, would you have any suggestions?"

Big Mac's eyes widened. "N-n-name?"

She nodded. "Of course, this is our child after all. Oh, and Twilight gets a name too she supposes."

Big Mac lowered his head a little. "Well... Ah have a few suggestions, but it depends on if'n it's a boy or a girl."

Trixie nodded. "Trixie is sure she is having a girl. But... just in case, let's hear both."

"Apple Butter, if'n a girl. Bright Apple if'n a boy."

Trixie stared at him. "That's an odd combination. Oh, but Trixie has an idea. What about Apple Bright?"

Big Mac's eyes sparkled. "Apple Bright... our little Apple Bright."

Spike stared at him. "Aren't those kinda like the names of your folks?"

Big Mac's eyes looked a little sad, almost as if there was some hurt to that idea. "Ayep."

Trixie wasn't sure why the idea of his parents made him sad, but she did notice a distinct lack of parents during the sham wedding. If this was important to Big Mac, then by Celestia's flaming farts, it was important to her too. "Alright, Trixie Blank Applebright it is. The blank for whatever name Twilight comes up with... so long as it isn't Celestia."

The three of them shared a short laugh at that idea. Of course Trixie was mildly concerned that Twilight might actually suggest that, but hey, Trixie could deal with explaining why that was weird to her lover later. After Twilight's punishment was done of course. She clopped her hoves together in excitement at the wonderful delights she had in mind. Now she just needed some rope and a feather. Twilight was going to regret using the Great and Pregnant Trixie.


Rainbow Dash had noticed she was getting some increasingly awkward looks from Fluttershy the longer she stayed at the cottage, so she decided to leave instead. Of course, she took the book with her, she promised Fluttershy she'd read through it and try to learn more about this weird poly thing. Rainbow Dash had no idea why Fluttershy was so insistent on it but if it was that important, so important that their marriage depended on it then by Celestia as her witness she'd figure this out. Of course she would never openly admit it, but she also recognized she was about as dense as a rock so she needed some help.

Only one pony she knew understood romance and although Rainbow Dash was hesitant to rely on this pony as no help ever truly came free from her, even if she was the element of generosity.

Rainbow Dash landed at Rarity's and walked in to find the mare, as usual, by herself and working on some dress with so many frills on it a pony could drown on them. Rarity beamed at her. "Rainbow, Darling, whatever brings you to my little shop of wonders and delights? Oh, are you checking on the progress of your wedding dress?"

Rainbow Dash turned and locked the door behind her. "Not exactly."

Rarity blinked. "Oh my, is... is everything alright? Fluttershy didn't... didn't hurt you now did she?"

Rainbow Dash glared at her. "What? No, why would she ever hurt me?"

Rarity let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness, she's been known to break hearts on occasion. I know you’re important to her, but I fear even she might struggle with this relationship."

From the sound of that, it made it seem like Rarity already knew exactly what Fluttershy was trying to hint at previously and now Rainbow Dash was even more invested. "Well no, and I really hope she doesn't do that because I don't know what I'd do if she..." Rainbow Dash felt the words catch in her mouth. For the past two weeks she'd lived out a blissful dream of romance, kissing on the couch, cuddling, sleeping in the same bed every night, yet she hadn't stopped to think about it for an instant. As the last two words escaped her mouth, she felt her heart sink. "... left me."

Rarity trotted up and threw a leg around Rainbow's neck pulling her into a hug. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you think such sad thoughts. Please, tell me what it is you need."

Rainbow shook her head loose of the thoughts. "Right, so Fluttershy said she won't set a date for getting married until I can solve this mystery she gave me and talk to her about it. I have no idea what she wants me to figure out but she told me to read some of these weirdo romance books to figure out."

Rarity nodded. "Well you certainly came to the right place. Please follow me."

They made their way to the kitchen and Rainbow Dash pulled the three books from her saddlebags sitting them on the table as Rarity poured them each a cup of orange juice. Once Rainbow had her drink she took a sip and let Rarity examine them. "So, Rarity, I was trying to read these earlier but Fluttershy kept watching me and it was kind of creeping me out."

Rarity nodded. "I see, these are quite the deviant little books now aren't they. But of course Fluttershy would be interested in these kinds of things."

"It's always the quiet ones amiright?"


Rarity set them aside and took a drink from her glass. "So, tell me, what are your thoughts on these books thus far?"

"So far, weird, creepy, and unrealistic."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Oh, can you explain?"

"Yeah, weird because they’re all about like... multiple ponies doing things together at the same time... creepy because some of the stuff they do is just plain gross. Like... you’re supposed to pee in a toilet, or a cloud, or behind a tree, not... other places."

Rarity giggled. "Well some ponies like their golden showers."

"Now that's creepy."

Rarity looked at her more seriously. "And why are they unrealistic?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Uh, isn't it obvious?"

"Not as much as you'd like to think."

"Because multiple ponies can't all date each other at the same time Rarity. There's a little thing called loyalty, and it kind of makes some ponies go crazy with jealousy."

Rarity stared at her in silence for a long moment, only taking a few sips of her glass here and there. "So, let me get this straight. You feel that it is unrealistic for multiple ponies to have a lasting, loving relationship with each other because it's not loyal?"

"Well yeah, and I mean, other than porn whoever heard of something like that?"

Rarity let out a sigh and leaned back. "And thus I have figured out why Fluttershy tasked you with reading those books and figuring this out yourself."

Rainbow Dash leaned forward. "Oh yeah, tell me why?"

Rarity gave her a flat stare. "I'm not positive I should. It might be crossing a boundary that I may not be able to return from. Yet... I do disagree with Flutterhsy's method here. That shy mare can’t handle a conversation like this, I bet she could hardly even let you see those books.”

“Yeah, she was shaking when she did and wouldn’t look at me or the books directly.”

“And I feel another method would serve you better."

"Another method, for what?"

"Education, my dear." Rarity smiled. "Have you ever heard of the term poly-pony?"

"Yeah, Fluttershy taught me that word last night. Freaking weird."

"Okay, but some ponies really practice the things in these books. And from my experience, it requires even more loyalty and honesty both to make such relationships work in the long run, much more than simple monogamy."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Um, Rarity, monogamy isn’t simple."

"You know, Applejack told me the same exact thing."

"Anyway, what your saying is crazy. Like, how is it loyal to let your lover go touch butts with some other pony? Or the other way around?"

Rarity smiled. "Because it requires true loyalty and trust to be able to allow your lover such freedom, knowing that when they’re done they will always come back to you no matter what because they love you."

"I uh… I guess but it still sounds weird."

"Another term in a similar vein is called an 'open relationship'"

Rainbow Dash stood up. "I've heard of those. And I have no interest in that kind of thing. I'm fast, but even I'm not that fast."

Rarity frowned. "So you would be against this kind of thing, completely?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I'm kind of selfish you know."

Rarity nodded. "I see. You know, so am I, but I've found that being selfless sometimes can make a relationship's bonds deeper than before. However, I would advise if such things bother you, don't go risking your happiness over them."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Not like I have to worry about that. I mean, this all just crazy stuff found in Fluttershy's perv books."

The look Rairyt gave her sent shivers down Rainbow Dash's spine. "You... might need to worry about it."

Rainbow Dash swallowed. "Why?"

"Because, darling, Fluttershy is a poly-pony."

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