• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Thirty Three: Of Tongues and Kisses

Chapter Thirty Three: Of Tongues, and Kisses

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Twilight stared at Celestia as she sat on her bed. Celestia was currently in the middle of talking about some inane thing that Twilight couldn't even remember anymore but she just loved hearing Celestia's voice so much that she would listen to it for ages. Celestia was on the floor right in front of her, her lips only a couple feet away, somehow, just somehow Twilight had to get those lips and put them against her own. If she could do that, she could die happy, well maybe not, she had a new baby on the way, but she could live happy.

Celestia was finishing, "And that's when I put the banana inside and Luna completely freaked out. It was so funny, you should have seen it. Well maybe you'd have been too embarrassed to join me in laughing, but I assure you it was hilarious. What do you think?"

Twilight answered. "That your voice is so pretty."

Celestia blinked. "Twilight... have you been listening at all?"

"Yes, to the sound of your voice. It's so pretty," Twilight smiled. "Please, don't stop talking."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "You have been sitting there, listening to me this entire time and not hearing a single word have you."

"It's okay, I like it when you talk to me. It makes me happy."

Celestia smiled and shook her head a little. "I suppose I like talking to you too. But I've talked enough now. It's your turn. Tell me, whets on your mind."

Twilight blinked. "Oh, I'm trying to figure out how to get you to make out with me, but I haven't figured out the best strategy yet. I could just launch forward and kiss you, but you might get surprised, I could beg you to kiss me but that feels too awkward to do. So I'm still trying to think of it. Perhaps we could eat a bowl of spaghetti and each grab the same noodle in our mouth accidentally bringing our lips into contact for a kiss."

Celestia laughed, it was such a deep, rich, and warm sound. "Oh, Twilight. Always making molehills into mountains. Why don't you just ask me to kiss you?"

Twilight's ears folded back. "No, I don't think I can do that. You'd say no. It needs to be more romantic."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Okay then, how about this. Twilight Sparkle, will you kiss me, pretty please with my shining sun on top?"

Twilight's eyes widened. "D-do you really mean it?"

"If it will get you to pay more attention in the future, I'll kiss you as much as you'd like." Celestia raised an eyebrow. "And if you beg hard enough, I might kiss you anywhere you'd like as well."

Twilight swallowed. "Where else you kiss me if not my lips?"

"Oh, Twilight, you have more than one pair of lips I could kiss, lick, or put my tongue inside."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh, goddess, oh no, I didn't mean, but that, I've only, Celestia!"

Celestia laughed some more. "Think it over some, and come to beg me when you’re ready. I shall be waiting for your groveling. For now though." Celestia leaned forward, her face only mere inches away from Twilight's. "Will you kiss me?"

Twilight swallowed. She leaned her head forward. She wasn't really going to do this was she? Of course she had permission from Trixie, heck Trixie had an intention to do this with Celestia too. Still she couldn’t believe she was about to do this. Celestia's breath felt so hot, so warm, and smelled like dandelions. Twilight's favorite food. Twilight closed her eyes and leaned further still. She felt it. Hot lips pressed against hers. Huge lips that made her feel more like a foal than a full grown adult. She leaned into the kiss feeling Celestia's lips press back. The heat was intense, going through Twilight's face, down her spine and ending somewhere she'd rather not say. A wing wrapped around the back of Twilight's head keeping it in place as Celestia continued kissing her. This feeling was pure magic, and never wanted it to stop.

Twilight opened her mouth to try and get a breath of fresh air to cool herself down and instead found herself inhaling a massive burning, slimy appendage that took over the entire space in her mouth. Twilight froze for a moment confused as to what happened and realized that the thing was Celestia's tongue. Celestia was tongue kissing her! The further back the tongue went the more heat spread through Twilight’s body, it was so big it held her own tongue down so she couldn't even kiss like she did with Trixie. The tongue reached into her throat and pressed against the roof of her throat, brushing the tonsils and triggering a magic button. A magic button that had one singular purpose.

Twilight yanked her head away from the foot long tongue leaned over the edge of the bed and did her best impersonation of Trixie when she suffered morning sickness. Including vomiting all over Celestia's hooves, chest, and some of her neck. At the very least, Twilight didn't vomit into Celestia's mouth, that would have been awful.

Celestia swallowed and spoke carefully. "Ah... I haven't really made out with a normal mare in awhile, I forgot laryngeal spasms, er gag reflexes were a thing..."

Well Twilight wouldn't forget it, not ever.


Rainbow Dash found herself sitting next to Fluttershy inside of Pinkie's room up in the top of Sugarcube Corner. The look Pinkie was giving the two of them made her fur stand out on end. Pouted lip, halfway closed eyes, a slight red blush on her cheeks. It was enough to make Rainbow Dash feel naked, not that she ever really wore clothes but still. The fact Pinkie's tail was raised and swishing back and forth only made her want to scream. Fluttershy was wrong, this wasn't okay, it was hot, it was sexy, but it was also absolutely terrifying.

Fluttershy didn't seem to have any objections herself as she sat there. She looked pleased as punch and was waiting for something. What she was waiting for Rainbow Dash wasn't exactly sure. All she knew was that this was an awkward situation at best.

Fluttershy finally spoke, "So, we're doing this."

Pinkie Pie grinned. "I'm green if you are."

Fluttershy shook her head. "You learned Rarity's safe words?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "How did you know what her safe words were?"

Fluttershy smiled but Rainbow Dash had lived with her enough now to almost recognize the smile. It was a smile of secret pride, she wasn’t going to comment or explain herself but she was proud of the reason behind it. It was a smile Rainbow Dash was slowly growing to hate. It made her feel inadequate and stupid. Like she wasn't smart enough to figure it out so she wasn't allowed to know. It was almost like Fluttershy was being smug.

Great, now Rainbow Dash was in a bad mood.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, "Well, Champ, we're here for you. You get to have your pick between us."

Rainbow Dash could already feel her face growing hot. It was hot in here right? It wasn't just her, right? "Why do I have to pick just one?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Dashy! We meant you need to pick which one of us to kiss first, and then you get the other one. I'm okay being second."

Fluttershy smiled. "And I'm okay being second, it might be kind of um... hot, to see you two."

Rainbow Dash wanted to keel over and die. This was the opposite of anything she'd ever felt, or thought of before. Honestly how was she supposed to pick one, or even do this? This was one too many ponies to be kissing at once. Yet, she could see it in Fluttershy's eyes. Fluttershy was really excited about this, clearly she was depraved enough to want to see Rainbow Dash making out with Pinkie. Then again, Rainbow Dash was a little curious about what that would feel like. After all she had considered it in the past, she just didn't act on it. Well now was her chance, and better yet she was being given direct permission from her fiancé to boot.

Rainbow Dash swallowed. "I'm doing this for Fluttershy, so... I'll uh, I'll pick Pinkie first?"

Pinkie Pie's grin only grew. "Awwwwww, thank you!"

Fluttershy licked her lips. "Don't hold back on my account, go as far as you want."

Oh, great, now she was virtually telling Rainbow Dash to have sex in front of her. Was that the end goal? To have sex in front of her, or with them both at the same time? Sure Rainbow Dash was awesome but that seemed too awesome even for her. The sacrifices one made for marriage. Sexy, plump, pink sacrifices.

With how close Pinkie already was it didn’t take much for Pinkie to lean forward, her muzzle nearly brushing against Rainbow's. She whispered so quietly that Rainbow Dash was sure Fluttershy couldn’t hear her. “If your not comfortable, just say the word, I’ll stop this.”

Rainbow Dash already knew the truth. She couldn’t stop at this point even if she wanted too. “I’m cool.”

Pinkie giggled. “You always were.”

Pinkie’s mouth was only an inch away from Rainbow's lips, her hot, sweet smelling breathe falling upon Rainbow Dash's face. Rainbow felt a little dizzy, and really hot. For a moment she looked at Fluttershy who only nodded to give her approval. Rainbow Dash leaned forward, their lips brushed against one another and For a moment Rainbow froze. Electricity shot through her muzzle and down her spine and she felt her body being pulled closer, her lips pressing harder against Pinkie's as they kissed deeper. Pinkie's hoof reached up and grabbed Rainbow Dash's shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze. Rainbow reached out with a hoof and squeezed Pinkie’s fluffy thick side.

Pinkie's lips parted and she felt a hot, wet tongue reach out seeking a friend to play with. Rainbow Dash opened her mouth and gave Pinkie's tongue that very friend it sought. Frosting, Pinkie Pie tasted a little like frosting and cotton candy. She wasn't even sure which was Pinkie's natural flavor and which was due to her diet. Either way she was losing herself as the hot wet tongues met and played with each other. Nervous, careful movements at first, which slowly grew to become stronger more confident movements the more Rainbow Dash kissed.

Pinkie Pie fell forward knocking Rainbow Dash onto her back yet their lips never once parted. With Pinkie pie on top of her, Rainbow's hooves sought something they could hold and found their way to Pinkie’s bountiful flanks, big, soft, and squeezable. Pinkie moaned through the kiss from the touch. It sounded so much more honest, less restrained and quiet than Fluttershy's moans. This was insane, Rainbow Dash wanted more. So much more.

A few minutes were lost to the kissing, and Rainbow Dash had even forgotten where she was. All she could focus on was the hot, heavy body on top of her, the way Pinkie’s butt felt in her hooves, and the heavy panting from their side. It took a moment but the heavy panting became irregular and had a few sharp intakes of breath. A soft, muffled moan made Rainbow Dash freeze. She looked over to Fluttershy to realize Fluttershy was laying on her stomach watching them, her hooves having slipped underneath her going toward Fluttershy' rear and... they were moving.

Rainbow Dash stared at Fluttershy for a good long moment. Was this really happening? Did she just lose herself that much? Pinkie pie recaptured her attention with a move of her tongue and then pulled away just enough to whisper, "Let her have her fun while we have ours, she likes this kind of thing."

Rainbow Dash did not sign up for this. "Pinkie, I did not sign up for this."

Pinkie pie giggled. "Neither did I, but hey, it makes Flutters happy, and we both love her. Let her do her thing, she's not hurting anything other than my floor, and I'm pretty sure that it’s already dirty if you catch my drift."

Rainbow Dash would have retaliated if not for the tongue which was slid back into her mouth. Rainbow hesitated for all but a second until she realized that there was no way to argue with this. She was too deep now and she was enjoying this way too much to stop. Giving into her lust completely she figured she might as well enjoy how nice and big Pinkie's butt was some more. Pinkie’s hooves landed on Rainbow's erect wings stroking them gently and making Rainbow Dash moan from the effort.

Rainbow Dash had already lost and all she could think of as she lost herself to Pinkie’s love. Just before she lost herself completely Pinkie pulled back just far enough to whisper. “Kissing only, this is our first session and I don’t want to go too awful far… yet.”

Rainbow Dash could agree to that. Ignoring the total pervert next to them who was enjoying the make out session way too much and wasn’t even directly involved. Rainbow Dash was becoming weird.

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