• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,474 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Ten: Of Tricks and Tact

Trixie is pregnant and it’s Twilight’s Problem

Chapter Ten: Of Tricks and Tact

Written By TheCrimsonDM

It had taken only a little bit of time but Fluttershy was here now and Trixie wasn’t sure what to make of it. Trixie hadn’t really left the tree house since she arrived and although she felt the need to stretch her legs, maybe graze a little, she didn’t exactly want to go outside, especially not alone. Twilight’s fix for the issue, drag one of her friends into the library and then leave them alone in the second floor.

At least the mare was quiet, but the issue was that Fluttershy kept staring at Trixie as if there was something stuck on Trixie’s face. Eventually even Trixie couldn’t pretend the silent stares weren’t a thing. She met the mare’s eyes and asked, “Why are you so insistent on staring at Trixie?”

Fluttershy swallowed. “I um, I um, I… don’t know.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “You don’t know? You mean to tell Trixie you are staring at her like she is some kind of abstract piece of art and you have no idea why?”

Fluttershy’s lip quivered. “You’re so colorful.”

Trixie blinked. “Colorful?”

Fluttershy looked Trixie up and down. “Like really warm looking.”

Warm, colorful, was this mare on some kind of fungi? The only time Trixie had ever experienced something like that was a case where she learned to not eat random mushrooms she found growing in the forest. Great so Trixie’s new companion was a hippie on some kind of substance. Trixie… could do worse for company.

“Trixie will accept that you just like staring at her, but please, look at something else for five minutes. Even the Great and Powerful Trixie struggles with such attention for so long.”

Fluttershy pulled her eyes away and looked down at the floor. “S-sorry.”

Trixie let out a sigh. “Trixie is… sorry too.”

Fluttershy was frowning. It was like the moment Fluttershy looked away the energy inside her began to drain. Was Trixie really so good to stare at? Well yes, yes she was, and the mare had already admitted to liking her magic show. Maybe this mare was not actually on some kind of substance but was an adoring fan met with the possibility of talking to and befriending her favorite magician. Who wouldn’t be stuck staring in such a position?

Trixie got up and walked over closer to the mare. She plopped herself down right in front of Fluttershy, only a foot way. Fluttershy looked up again and locked eyes on Fluttershy. “O-oh, um, um, um.”

Trixie offered a smile. “The Great and Powerful Trixie realizes you must be a true fan to stare at her so much. Tell Trixie, did you want something from her?”

Fluttershy’s lip quivered and her eyes widened. Those cheeks grew a shade a pink and she was trembling a little. Somehow all of these signs only told Trixie that the mare was positively adorable. Something she’d missed earlier, probably thanks to Rainbow Dash’s mouth. Still she wasn’t displeased to have a cute mare so close.

Fluttershy swallowed. “I um, I d-don’t know.”

Trixie realized a fan wanting some fan service when she saw it. “Trixie loves all of her fans, especially those which such cute expressions. Please, if you have any desires of Trixie let her know. She’d more than love to accommodate them.” She attempted to bridge the gap by gently placing a hoof over Fluttershy’s.

Fluttershy’s face went a shade of red and those wings shot out as if they had a mind of their own. Fluttershy closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Trixie laughed. “There is no need to apologize. Trixie finds your antics to be entertaining. She herself is the entertainer though, so if you want an autograph or to see Trixie perform feats of wonder just let her know.”

Fluttershy cracked open an eye. “O-oh… is that… is that what you meant?”

Trixie pulled her hoof back. “Of course it is what Trixie meant. What else could she be talking about?”

Fluttershy’s wings relaxed a little. “Um… o-okay. I like magic tricks… c-could you do any?”

Trixie giggled. “Of course Trixie can. Now where did Trixie put the material she scavenged from Twilight’s abode?” Trixie stood up and turned around. She trotted away from Fluttershy looking at a saddle back near the wall. It wasn’t until she had opened it up and pulled out a deck of cards that she was aware something was a little off. She glanced back to see Fluttershy’s eye wandering over Trixie’s cutie mark. “Oh, are you curious how Trixie received her cutie mark?”

The mare’s face went deep red and she covered her eyes with her wings. “I wasn’t staring.”

Trixie blinked. This mare was certainly strange. Was it so bad to look at another’s cutie mark… oh… she wasn’t looking at the cutie mark was she? Even Trixie wasn’t that dense. She turned around and walked over to where Fluttershy was and laid down. “Fluttershy was it?”

Fluttershy squeaked out a noise that Trixie assumed to be a yes.

“Trixie would love to show you some of the tricks she knows now.”

Fluttershy spread the end feathers of her wings apart just enough to see Trixie. With a patient smile Trixie was shuffling those cards. “Trixie can perform all sorts of feats of wonder using magic. If you’d like, Trixie would be willing to spend the day teaching you all the ‘tricks’ she knows.”

Fluttershy swallowed. Seeing as how Trixie didn’t reject her upon the realization of what was going on, she seemed to relax a little. The game was ahoof and Trixie wasn’t going to be the first one to make a move. Oh no, she was going to make this mare force her hoof and reveal her cards first. Once she did, Trixie might just enjoy herself some pegasus for dinner… assuming Twilight continued to politely bugger off for long enough.

Now the real game had began. To get Fluttershy to make the first move.


Twilight was busy with the water hose giving the flower garden a much needed bathing. Using Fluttershy to start Trixie’s friendship lessons was a great idea. The mare had single hoofedly tamed Discord, so she’d be able to do anything.

Of course Spike who was busy pulling weeds on the other side of the garden was busy trying to contradict her. “You sure this was a good idea?”

“Spike, Spike, Spike, Fluttershy is the most quiet, sensitive pony out there. If there is any one of my friends that I trust to help Trixie out of her shell and to become more gentle it is her.”

Spike grumbled. “Yeah, so long as Fluttershy doesn’t find out Trixie is pregnant. If that happens you’re going to have a mess to clean.”

Twilight glanced at him. “What do you mean? Wait, are you still on the whole Fluttershy devours unborn children thing? How many times do I have to tell you she doesn’t do that.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “You know what, if you find any weird stains or puddles upstairs, you get to clean them. Not me.”

What on earth was he on about? Whatever if it made him feel better. “Alright, that’s acceptable.”

It was at that point Twilight recognized the snow-white pristine form of Rarity walking down the road towards them. Not deterred from her task of washing the flowers she continued to do so until Rarity appeared. Rarity’s first response was not the one she expected.

“Darling, are you trying to waterboard your daisies?”

Twilight took the hose off of them. They looked fine to her. They were so happy with being watered they were drooping from being sleepy. Spike took the first chance to look at the flowers. “See, this is why I’m in charge of taking care of the garden. I think you just killed them all.”

Twilight frowned. “But the book said plenty of water. This doesn’t seem like too much for me.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh, twilight, it’s plenty of water for a flower, not for a pony.”

Twilight frowned. The only book she’d been able to read in time to help out today was more of pamphlet talking about flowers in such a way to teach kids how they worked. Even she had to prioritize her reading time especially with a pregnant mare in the house.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I’ll ask Applejack if she can help save them later. She’s surprisingly good with flower gardens I’ll have you know.”

Spike agreed. “She helped e when we had those magical beetles come in.”

Twilight felt out of place in this conversation. Could they return to talking about magical theory, or history of Equestria, or even just Princess Celestia, she knew a lot about those things. Still she was done watering the garden, by now Fluttershy and Trixie had surely had enough time to become friends. Of course Rarity was here now… why was she here again?

Twilight looked over at Rarity. “Did you need anything?”

Rarity only offered a small smile. “I want to get to know Trixie better.”

“Oh Fluttershy’s doing that right now. I’m hoping they get to know each other really well and get really close.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “You left Fluttershy alone with Trixie?”

“We left her alone with Discord, didn’t we?”

Rarity bit her lower lip. “I still feel bad about that. What if he had hurt her?”

“Discord is about chaos not evil, he wouldn’t directly hurt somepony. Historically all the battle’s he’s won have been by circumstance not him attacking anything.”

Rarity was still frowning. “Even so I don’t like the idea of putting her in harm’s way.”

“Trixie is not going to hurt anypony. She really wants to change for the better. Today she even felt comfortable enough to be playful with me.”

Rarity gave Twilight an odd stare. “Define playful.”

“Teasing, jokes, being a little silly… you know, like Rainbow Dash does.”

Rarity put a hoof to her chin as if in thought. “Well she does somewhat remind me of Rainbow Dash. I suppose as we get to know her more we might see more similarities.”

Twilight grinned. “See, even you have to admit it’s not all bad.”

“I never said it was all bad, just that there was bad there in the first place.” Rarity shook her head. “What I mean is, there is a chance this could go wrong and I’d like to avoid that if at all possible.”

Twilight nodded. “I agree, that’s why it’s Fluttershy up there instead of anypony else. She’s the best equipped to be Trixie’s second friend.”


Twilight smiled. “I’m her first!”

Rarity looked down at the ground and furrowed her brow. “I… see. So she really didn’t have any friends before you. What made her consider you as somepony to help her learn then?”

Twilight felt her body freeze. That was not a question she was prepared for. What was she going to say, that Trixie showed up in the middle of the night, soaking wet, homeless and desperate for help? If she did Rarity was going to press for further questions, besides that it might hurt Trixie’s ego, which wouldn’t be bad except for the fact that she really didn’t need the extra stress. If she just left Rarity alone though wouldn’t she start pestering Trixie about it? What could she do?

Spike answered. “She came here in the middle of a storm soaking wet and homeless.”

Rarity stared at him. “I see. Poor thing must really have had nowhere else to turn. At least she seems to have gotten to the right pony at the right time. Don’t worry, I won’t repeat anything you said. Discretion is a lady’s best friend.”

Well… that was actually a lot simpler than Twilight gave it credit for. Now it was just time to check up on Trixie and Fluttershy. It ad been a good half hour now right? What could those two possibly get up to in that amount of time?

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