• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,454 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Thirty Seven: Of Apples and Sacks

Chapter Thirty Seven: Of Apples and Sacks

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie woke up, her entire body was far too hot. She looked around and realized on either side of her she was being smothered by nasty smelling, warm but far too sticky and sexy ponies. Twilight on her right, and Celestia on her left. She rubbed down at her belly feeling the bulge that had just barely begun as her little bean... no their little bean was already growing. She giggled at the happy thought of her little unborn baby, Applebutter. She let out a reserved sigh and sat upright. These ponies were going to out sex her soon enough.

Climbing out of bed she noticed it was hardly morning still. Seriously, how did they all pass out after that? Perhaps a side effect of Celestia’s hot steamy love... speaking of which she noticed that parts of the bedsheets were singed now. They'd have to replace the sheets now. Going down the two flights of stairs she had to wonder what other mysterious would wait for her down there.

Once all the way down to the first floor of the library she saw a surprising figure in the kitchen. Luna sat there drinking some of the stale leftover coffee and staring off into space. Trixie walked over to her side and sat next to her. "Good morning, Trixie assumes you are suffering emotional turmoil over your crush."

Luna's lip quivered. "I'm too big."

She looked at Luna. "You are quite large, but surely that wouldn't stop him from loving you. Big Mac cares not for your looks, but for your heart."

Luna swallowed. "I tried giving him a massage."


"And I think I broke him when I sat down on his um... apple-sack."

Trixie nearly choked. "You did what?"

"I was working on his shoulders, sitting behind him, I moved up a little and sat down on something warm, and very squishy and the sound he made. I did not realize stallions could make such noises. I used healing magic immediately, and after assured that he was fine and that he could still provide children... I ran away."

Trixie looked over at the coffee pot. "If Trixie was not pregnant she would offer to get drunk with you."

Luna lowered her head and gave a little shake. "I am a total failure, how could he ever love me now?"

Trixie reached out and stroked Luna's back. "You are not. Trixie knows that he will forgive you and she suspects he loves you too. You two just need to come out and say it."

Luna looked down at her. "Are you sure? What if he rejects me?"

"He would never."

"What if... he accepts me only because he's afraid of me?"

Trixie's hoof froze for a moment. The reaction only lasted a second but it was enough for Luna to catch it and look away. Trixie was quick to explain, "I'm sure he loves you too. His entire family is waiting for you and him to get hitched."

Luna let out a sigh. "What if they are only accepting me because they're too afraid to reject me? Perhaps I have truly become only an invasive presence in their otherwise perfect lives."

Trixie pulled her hoof back and sat up straighter. "Do you really think that Applejack wouldn't tell you if you were? Come now, Luna, you know the apples, they're all too honest for their own good."

Luna smiled. "It is one of the best qualities about them. Perhaps you are right, but how on Equestria will I ever be able to tell him the truth? I love him so much, but I am so scared he'd reject me. I... have not handled rejection well in the past."

Trixie waved a hoof. "So what if you go nightmare moon again, Twilight and friends will save you. But, trust me, you are not going to be rejected. Trixie is sure of this."

Luna let out another sigh. "Okay, you are right, I should be more courageous. I will never get what I want if I only cower from the truth. Speaking of which, you had an interesting dream this morning."

Trixie stared at her. "I... oh, right that." She only now recalled the dream about her in a school and being taught by Shadow Heart. Lessons on the working of dark magic and possible theories. "Trixie is not positive that was just a dream."

Luna looked at her, "I am fairly certain that was a memory myself. But who was that strange stallion? He seemed familiar but I cannot place why."

Trixie nodded. "He seemed very friendly but Trixie is unsure exactly who he was. A teacher sure, but what influence did he have on Trixie's life? And why can't Trixie recall him or her foalhood very well... well Trixie knows the answer to one of those questions."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yes, apparently Celestia had erased, or blocked some of Trixie's memories involving him, she says this is for Trixie's safety but he was so friendly and interesting, why would it be for her safety?"

Luna shook her head and looked away. "Perhaps because he was more accurate than Celestia cares for. Alicorn magic is not exactly a positive force, we just happen to be mostly immune to the effects of dark magic. Mostly."

Trixie looked over at the coffee in her cup. "Trixie sees. So to keep up appearances, Celestia may have done something she shouldn't?"

Luna's hooves tightened on the counter. "For all the aid you've given me, despite my earlier selfishness, I will look into this for you... if you desire."

Trixie nodded. "It might be nice to have an alley here to help Trixie recall her illustrious past. Thank you."

Luna smiled once more. "Just, if I do discover something ugly, please do not hate my sister for it. She has made mistakes, we all have, but she always tries her best to keep Equestria safe."

Trixie nodded. "Of course, isn’t that what most of us do? I mean most of us here in this group, not say the random news pony."

Luna laughed. "Of course. Besides it would seem from what I can tell there are scars of dark magic upon your soul, I fear not all not all of them are fresh either. Twilight’s soul didn’t seem in any better condition when I first met her either. But Twilight does seem intent on helping you so I shall endeavor to aid as well. After all, isn't that what friendship is for?"

Trixie beamed. "Trixie thinks it is. She's still learning friendship you see."

They shared a small laugh at that. Both of them having been a little bit estranged from the idea of friendship, but still wanting to learn more about it. Together they could probably work faster than apart so Trixie was more than happy for the help. After all, things were steadily growing more insane as time passed. She wasn't sure where things were heading but she was positive wherever it was, was going to be absolute insanity. Well she'd been there before at least once, she'd welcome it again, because this time Trixie had friends to join her.


Applejack shook her head as she stared at Big Mac from the tree she was currently trying to get the last annoying apple off of. Just one apple was stuck up there no matter how hard she bucked the tree. What she wouldn't give for Luna's help now. "So, how’s yer baby maker?"

Big Mac groaned. "Ah'm better, alright."

She shook her head and kicked the tree again. "Ah'm sorry you had to suffer like that. At least Luna patched you up. She looked terrified though."

He lowered his gaze as he kicked a tree behind him sending a cascade of apples down into the buckets around them. "Ah feel just awful. Ah really like her, and now she's scared she hurt me."

"She did hurt you. We all heard that noise you made."

He stared at her. "Ah didn't make any noise."

"Sure you didn't, and Ah am not currently in an estranged relationship with a snooty beautiful mare."

Big Mac smiled. "You planning to marry her?"

Applejack's eyes widened. 'What in tarnation are you trying to pull? If'n you say that word, she's going to-"

A wailing shriek like that of a banshee was heard over Sweet Apple Acres.

Big Mac laughed. "Think you can outrun that?"

Applejack let out a sigh. "Nope."

Big Mac looked up at the lone apple stuck in the tree. "That sure is one mighty stubborn apple."

She looked up at it herself. "You know, Ah've had just about enough of this." She kicked the tree again, harder. The apple shook in place but stayed.

Big Mac laughed. "An yer supposed to be the strong one?"

"At least I don't squeal like a stuck pig when somepony sits on my apple-sack."

He glared at her. "Count yerself lucky you don't have one to worry about."

She paused to think about that. What would she do if she was born a stallion instead of a mare? Well have a sensitive pouch to protect was clearly one thing but maybe Rarity would have been more interested in her earlier too. She shook her head. It was just weird though, not like she was planning to ask if Twilight could temporarily transform her into a stallion later... surely not.

Applejack kicked the tree again. The apple was still firmly stuck up there. She nearly screamed as she grabbed her hat and threw it to the ground. "Tarnation, this apple just won't budge. It’s more stubborn than Luna. Come on, get down here you git!"

The apple for its part, did absolutely nothing.

Big Mac walked over to the tree she was working on eyeing the apple suspiciously. "You know... that apple just ain't right. It should have come down by now right? It's as red as red could be."

Applejack grumbled. "As red as yer face is when you see Luna's behind."

"Hey... that' ain’t fair."

Applejack smirked. "Life ain't fair, but it can be funny."

Another howling shriek came over the Sweet Apple Acers along with the gust of wind.

Applejack swallowed. "Big Mac, Ah think you awoke the beast."

Big Mac shrugged. "Ain't me she's after."

Applejack picked up her hat, flicked her tail over it to dust it off and placed it back on her head. "Well what are we going to do about that apple? It just won't budge no matter how much we try pushing, pulling or convincing."

Big Mac turned, gave the tree a mighty buck, and still nothing.

Applejack shook her head. "This ain't hardly fair. The apple needs to come down and join its family but it just won't budge."

Big Mac stared up at it. "Yer right, but Ah ain't sure what to do about it at this point. Ah can't be any more direct with the apple or else Ah might hurt it."

A blue aura surrounded the apple and plucked it from the tree bringing it down to the apple rest in the bucket. The two of them turned to see Rarity standing there, her face flushed, and sweat on her brow. She smiled at them manically. "Sometimes you need to be direct, just tell the apple what you want, and then it'll work with you. Isn't that right my dear?"

The way Rarity looked at her gave her the shivers. "Howdy, Rares."

Rarity walked over. "Now, who, said, wedding?"

Big Mac raised a hoof. "Ah didn't say wedding. Ah said, Marry."

She snapped at him. "I don’t care for the specifics. I need more marriages now!"

Applejack let out a sigh. "Celestia Darn it, Rarity we don't need more-"

The look that Rarity gave her was so harsh it could have set the tree on fire. Applejack wisely decided to shut her mouth before actual beams of fire and death shot out of those eyes. Rarity spoke gently, but each word was sharpened like a dagger. "More, marriages, now."

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