• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Three: of Biscuits and Coffee

Trixie is Pregnant and it’s Twilight’s Problem

Chapter Three: Of Biscuits and Coffee

Written by TheCrimsonDM

It was late into the night and Trixie found herself lying awake in the bed Twilight had offered. It was smaller than the enormous thing Twilight slept in. Honestly Twilight’s bed was so large it was actually bigger than Trixie’s old wagon. Still it wasn’t uncomfortable so she was happy with it. The bed Trixie occupied was on the top level of the tree house sitting on the opposite side of the floor as Twilights. Spike had taken the dog bed making her question a lot of things about how Twilight viewed him.

Was this a mistake? Coming here and asking for assistance from Twilight had worked out so far. Tartarus she hadn’t even needed to do much besides ask for the help and promise to learn about friendship. This was still one of the few places in Equestria that Trixie wanted to be but when she had weighed her options from Canterlot to Manehatten no place was safe for a mare like her. If only her reputation hadn’t been absolutely crushed, she’d have been able to do some stage magic, save some money, and then eke out a living in some inn at a no nothing town or something.

Even with that said what was she going to do now?

It was late at night and the gears in her mind were spinning. She could stay here, be somewhere safe, and then once she had her child she would take the baby and leave. Where to, she had no idea, but Twilight was already kind enough to let her stay this long. Relying on that kindness to last that long was a gamble, to hope it extended any further was impossible. No, she knew that despite whatever kind words came from Twilight’s lips, she’d be thrown out once the kid arrived.

That was okay though, in a year’s time maybe her reputation would have healed some. If not she could always pretend to use another stage name for awhile. The thought of that tasted sour… that wouldn’t work. The Great and Powerful Trixie could lie about anything, except about who she was.

Trixie rolled over. The sound of rain had eased up a little and what was left was somehow relaxing. Reminiscent of the rogue rainclouds sometimes found on the road. Her eyelids felt as heavy as her heart as she continued listening into the pitter patter against the window.

One question still bothered her. What did Twilight get out of this act of charity? Nopony did things free of charge, so there had to be something. Trixie feared it could be something more than she bargained for, but really hoped that the way Twilight portrayed herself was accurate to who she really was. An innocent, good natured, fool.


Twilight woke with a start. There was an unfamiliar noise in her room. Like a chainsaw going off. She looked around quickly only to see a bed on the opposite side of her room. In it lay a slumbering Trixie, mouth open and snoring as loudly as Rainbow Dash. For a moment she stared unsure of how it was Trixie got there but as her brain began to wake up with her she remembered the events of yesterday.

The great and pregnant Trixie was staying with her. Oh… that might have been more than she bargained for. Thinking back to it, she had felt so sorry for Trixie’s predicament she hadn’t considered the long run. Ten and a half months, plus however long it would take Trixie to heal from after birth. This was going to be a long year. The thought of the friendship letters she could write to Celestia were starting to feel less important now.

Twilight shook her head. She had already made her promise, and furthermore Trixie had agreed to learn about friendship. Surely things would be just fine, maybe even better than fine as things went on. Twilight rolled herself out of bed and managed to drag herself downstairs. Once on the first floor the scent of freshly brewed coffee made Twilight’s hooves curl. Following the scent she found Spike in the kitchen drinking a cup for himself with a plate of biscuits sitting in the middle of the table. There were a fair few more biscuits than usual.

Once cup of coffee and three biscuits later Twilight was ready to socialize again. “Good morning, Spike.”

Spike replied. “Morning, Twilight. You wake up to the sound of a bear roaring too?”

Twilight laughed. “I wasn’t expecting it, but yes. I managed to get some good sleep despite it though.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Well she’s not the only one who snores at night.”

Twilight didn’t care much for his insinuation but choose better than to react to it. Instead she had a concern of her own t address. “How in the world do we explain this to the girls?”

Spike took a sip of coffee. “Easy. ‘Hey everypony, Trixie got knocked up and we’re taking pity on her. Try to be nice to her okay.’”

Twilight glared at him. “That is not exactly tactful.”

“Does it really need to be?”

“Considering the situation I’d say yes. Explaining how and why I’m taking on this role is going to be rough.”

Spike looked up at her. “Why exactly are you doing this again?”

“Because she needs somepony and… I can actually relate to what she’s going through. At least a little bit. I know you can’t remember what it was like when I first had you, but if I ever had any criticism with Celestia, and I don’t, it would be that she kind of, sort of, dropped a child on my lap with no help or explanation of how to raise one.” Twilight let out a sigh. “Honestly, I’m grateful for the experience because it taught me that I can do anything, but I don’t want anypony else to feel that way so if I can help prepare Trixie for motherhood, even a little, I want to.”

Spike’s claws tightened around his cup of coffee. “Y-yeah… must have been hard.”

Even Twilight could tell that his demeanor had changed. It always did when the subject of his hatching and raising came up. “Spike, I’m so very happy to have had you. Honestly, I’m the luckiest mare in the whole world because I got you.”

He smiled. “Thanks… but why did Celestia have a dragon egg anyway? Like what happened to the dragons that laid me?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ve even tried to research it but from what I have heard, you weren’t really supposed to be a dragon egg. You were supposed to be a rock somepony painted to look like one. The fact you were an egg and that I hatched you is a miracle and I don’t need to know how it happened, I’m just glad it did.”

Spike looked up. “Do you think Trixie feels the same way?”

Twilight smiled. “Judging from how she smiles when she talks about her baby, I do.”

Spike stood up. “Okay, you can count me in. I don’t know what I can really do to help but I’m all for it.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s the spirit. Now how do we get the others to feel the same way?”


Once Trixie had finally awoken she managed to drag herself out of bed. At first she was confused by her surroundings but as she recalled the night before she remembered she would be staying with Twilight for some time. However, all of that paled in comparison to the scent of coffee wafting up from downstairs.

Trixie walked downstairs still half asleep and as she approached the kitchen she heard Twilight mention, “Now how do we get the others to feel the same way?”

Trixie looked at her. “Others feel what way?”

Twilight offered her a warm smile. “To want to help you out and be friends with you of course.”

Trixie looked at the coffee. “Trixie… does not want them to know everything.”

Twilight seemed to noticed Trixie’s stare. “Go ahead and have some. There’s a cup and plenty of biscuits on the table.”

Trixie did not hesitate to grab herself a cup of coffee and then three, four, or five biscuits, before sitting down. She was starving but then again it wasn’t just her who was hungry. She ate greedily as Twilight continued to smile at her. Normally Trixie loved a captive audience but she did not like the smile, it felt odd, too warm for her.

Twilight asked, “So what did you not want me to tell the others?”

Trixie swallowed the last bite of her biscuit. “That Trixie is with child.”

Twilight blinked. “But… but isn’t that the most amazing part?”

“Sure, if most ponies were understanding. Yet most ponies expect certain things like, Trixie to be married, or at least have a significant other. Trixie is very much single and they might look down upon that fact.”

Twilight looked down at her cup of half finished coffee. “I didn’t think of it that way. I was just happy for you. I guess you’re right though, I’m sure Fluttershy would love to get close to you if she knew but I’m not so certain about the others.”

“And prey tell why would this Fluttershy want to be close to Trixie?”

Spike answered. “She’s baby hungry.”

Twilight replied. “Fluttershy does not want to consume children, Spike. I think she just wants to have one.”

Spike face palmed. Trixie followed the motion. Twilight looked at both of them. “What?”

Spike explained. “It’s a phrase, Twilight. Why, why do I know more about these things than you do?”

Twilight’s ears folded back. “I just read a lot of books, I don’t always know every current phrase that ponies have to say.”

Trixie could see it in Twilight’s features. She was at least mildly upset about not knowing what the term ‘baby hungry’ meant. In fact that could be a general discomfort with being out of touch with phrases or socializing in general. She wasn’t sure but that might come in useful later, if nothing else it was oddly cute.

Twilight shook her head. “Alright, so I won’t tell them about your pregnancy. I still need to explain why you’ll be living with me.”

Trixie raised a hoof. “OH, you could tell them we are a couple now. That would explain why I sleep in the same house as you.”

Twilight’s eyes became pinpricks and nearly budged from her skull. “A c-c-couple!”

“Yes, and to truly fool them we could share the same bed or even kiss in their presence. That would silence any doubts before they arise.”

Twilight scooted back in her chair. “K-kiss!”

Trixie leaned forward and pouted. “Is this not a great idea?”

Twilight stammered for a good moment. She was positively frazzled and Trixie had to admit it was equal parts adorable and hilarious. This stay could actually be a lot of fun. Twilight finally managed to say, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Trixie let a cruel smile grow across her lips. “Trixie was only joking. The lie would be a difficult one to keep up with.”

Twilight out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank goodness. I don’t want my first kiss to be a lie.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Have you not even kissed? Have you never had an interest in somepony before?”

Twilight looked from side to side a few times as if expecting eavesdropping ears. “I have… had thoughts before. B-but never acted on them.”

Spike replied. “That’s because she keeps rejecting you.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes at him and growled. “She does not reject me, Spike. She simply doesn’t realize how I feel.”

“Sure, nopony else knows about your super not obvious crush.”

Twilight glared. “The same could be said for you.”

Spike swallowed. “Oh uh…”

Twilight swiftly turned that glare into a friendly smile, with such speed Trixie was sure she was used to changing her emotional appearance in a moment flat. “It’s okay, Spike. We can just keep our secrets secret for now.”

Spike nodded.

Trixie had the distinct feeling that they were trying to keep certain facts hidden in front of her but it was fun to know that both of these two had crushes. Of course she was sure they’d both never act on them… scratch that, the dragon boy seemed to have had some knowledge or dare she wonder, experience with certain things that Twilight had not yet. He might act on his.

Twilight shook her head. “Okay, I think I have it. I’m going to tell them the truth, but not the whole truth. You needed help and wanted to learn about friendship so I’m taking you in as my pupil to learn about the magic of friendship as well as helping you get back on your hooves. How does that sound?”

Trixie looked at her. “This is acceptable. That way you do not have to attempt lying, which you are far from skilled in, and Trixie can keep her baby a secret until she is ready to trust these ponies.”

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. “You know, if your one and a half months along we should get you to a doctor. See if we can find out if you have a baby girl or boy.”

Trixie huffed. “Trixie does not need to have a doctor tell her the gender. She already knows. Besides, does it not ruin the fun to know such things?”

Twilight smiled. “Maybe it does, I wouldn’t know… but you know, mares do have a tendency to um… slip. So I want to make sure we go to a doctor for you and your baby’s safety.”

“Trixie and Trixie Two-“

Spike cut in. “The Trixiening.”

“-would appreciate that, but um… we don’t have any money for one.”

Twilight grinned. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it. I’ll take a few days to research who the very best doctor is nearby. Just promise that when I introduce you to my friends you’ll do your best to try and become friends with them too.”

The ones Trixie had thoroughly trounced in the past, tormented, or otherwise humiliated… that seemed unlikely but if they were anything Like Twilight maybe it was possible. She still wasn’t’ sure about this whole ‘friend’ thing but if it was Twilight’s only stipulation than she’d have to take it. Trixie offered her favorite practiced smile, “Sure thing.”

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