• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Twenty Three: Of Lies and Pies

Chapter Twenty Three: Of Lies and Pies

Rainbow Dash laid her head down on the table. "Oh goddess... are... are you sure?"

Rarity was by her side and stroking Rainbow's back. "Oh, I'm positive. The last relationship she was in lasted quite a number of months before it came to a peaceful but sad ending. It was her and two other mares."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Why? That's... that's too many ponies? Oh Goddess, I can't do that."

Rarity was still stroking Rainbow’s back. "I know, and I think that's why she wanted you to discover this now. Even if she is loyal to you, and never ever cheats on you, she'll still feel pulled toward others at some point. I am not positive how important this part of her is for her to express, but this might be..."

Rainbow glared at her. "No, it's not a deal-breaker. It can't be..."

"I know, darling."

"She... she just isn't able to say no right? Like the idea of hurting somepony’s feelings is too much for her so she'll just say yes to dating multiple ponies?"

Rarity bit her lower lip. "I... I shouldn't say, but no, Rainbow Dash. She is very much capable of breaking hearts when needed. It... I guess you would find out sooner or later. Fluttershy and Pinkie were part of that group. From what I understood the intimacy was great, Fluttershy enjoyed pretending Pinkie was pregnant, you know because she's a little more round in the middle, and Pinkie loved to do... I won't repeat what she loved to do. Anyway, they loved each other but Fluttershy felt the energy just wasn’t right so she broke up with Pinkie Pie. It hurt Pinkie for a long time but they remained friends."

Rainbow Dash felt her heart stop. "Pinkie, and Fluttershy?"

"Yes, and if I understood correctly, since Fluttershy believed you didn't have any real interest in her she was hoping you and Pinkie could enjoy each other instead."

Rainbow Dash grabbed at her mane and pulled. "WHAT? What is wrong with you all?"

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me, I didn't say I agreed with it, just that it happened."

"So all this time, that PInkie's been flirting with me, it's because Fluttershy told her too?"

Rarity nodded. "And I’m sure if you ask Fluttershy for permission, she'd still let you try Pinkie's candy, if you know what I mean."

Rainbow Dash lowered her head back into the table. "Oh my goddess, your all insane, horny, nightmares."

"Again, I didn't say it would be a good idea."

"Then why did you tell me that?"

"To let you know that Fluttershy is pretty open-minded. Which is something that if you choose to marry her, you'll have to get used to. Also, her eyes might drift to anything that smells pregnant within a fifty-foot radius of her."

Rainbow Dash pushed away from the table nearly knocking her chair over. "Trixie is pregnant. You don’t think Fluttershy is trying to tell me this so she can... you know?"

Rarity shook her head. "I am fairly certain that Twilight would never share, in fact I imagine that once she realizes that Celestia might have some interest in her still after promising to wed her, that Twilight's going to have to make a hard choice. I think she'll end up picking Triixe though, which I'm happy about as the poor mare really does need a gentle lover like her."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Great, now you’re talking about Twilight and Trixie."

"I'm sorry... is there anything I can do to help you?"

Rainbow deflated. "I don't know. I can't even go to PInkie's to try and cheer up with some silly sauce now because, turns out, the entire time she's been hitting on me was because Fluttershy told her to..."

Rarity lowered her head. "I'm sorry. Please don't judge Fluttershy too much, dear. Her heart just works differently than ours do."

"Oh so you’re a normal pony."

Rarity smiled. "Oh, I wouldn't say normal, just very, very greedy when it comes to romance. If you must know, that is the real reason why the idea of me and Fluttershy would never work out. I'd get into hood fights every time she looked at somepony else."

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. "What am I supposed to do? This is too much for me, you know? I know I’m like super awesome but I can't handle Fluttershy... doing all that."

"Talk to her, set some boundaries, darling. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of sharing her then tell her so."

Rainbow Dash nodded. It sucked but she was going to have to take a stand here. If they were really going to get married then she needed to do this before hoof... which in retrospect explained exactly why Flutterhsy was waiting until after Rainobw Dash figured this out before getting married. Some ground rules were going to need to be set and some explanations had. It was going to be an awkward and long conversation.

There was a knock at Rarity's door. Rarity hopped off her chair and trotted toward the door. "One minute, Rainbow Dash. That could be my sister or one of my clients. We'll continue this in just a moment."

Rainbow Dash watched as Rarity opened the door and lo and behold, Fluttershy was right there. Rarity spoke gently. "Fluttershy, darling, is everything okay?"

Fluttershy nodded with a smile. "Of course it is. Um, at least I hope it is."

Rainbow Dash made her way to the door, every muscle in her body was sluggish and slow. It was better to rip the bandaid off now and just get it over with. It wasn't like Fluttershy would leave her just because Rainbow Dash was uncomfortable with the whole, sharing thing... right?

Fluttershy saw Rainbow Dash and her smile only grew. "Dashy!" Without warning, Fluttershy ran past Rarity and jumped into Rainbow Dash knocking her over and laying on top of her. Fluttershy buried her muzzle into Rainbow Dash's chest and breathed in deeply. "Oh, Dashy, I know it's only been a few hours b-but I missed you."

Rainbow Dash reached out with a leg and held Fluttershy's back. This feeling was nice. A soft warm body pressed against her own, the rise and fall of Fluttershy’s back, the way her little heart was racing, each beat felt against Rainbow's chest. She could stay like this forever. Yet she was going to have to ruin this beautiful moment one way or another. "Hey, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy looked up at her from an awkward angle. "Yes, my love bird?"

"Love bird?"

Fluttershy giggled. "I'm still trying out nicknames.... is that one too silly?"

Rainbow Dash swallowed. "No, it's good. You can be my Flutterbutter then right?"

"Yes," Fluttershy drew a hoof down along Rainbow's chest. "Yes, I can."

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes. Rip the bandaid off, just tell her that it's not okay to share. Just say something, anything. Rainbow Dash tried to make her mouth move, she tried so hard but she just couldn't. This was absolutely stupid, all she needed to do was say a few words and that was it. Rainbow Dash ground her teeth together and then realized the reason why this was so hard. It had been many years since Rainbow Dash first fell in love with Fluttershy, many years since she first realized that her end goal in life was going to be to marry this mare. For all of Fluttershy’s gifts, her kindness, her weakness, and her faults. All of them were perfect and Rainbow Dash couldn't fight against that.

Rainbow Dash let out a quiet sigh. "So... your a poly-pony aren't you?"

Fluttershy's body went rigid. For a long moment, there was silence. Rarity quietly locked the door and shooed herself away into the kitchen but Rainbow Dash could tell the mare was still listening in. The fact that part of her curly purple tail was sticking out from the side of the entrance into the kitchen meant Rarity was hiding behind the wall listening in. Well, she could listen if she wanted to.

Fluttershy spoke in a voice so quiet Rainbow dash almost missed it. "I... I am."

Rainbow Dash swallowed. "So... um... what does that mean... for us?"

"I'm not sure." Fluttershy buried her face a little deeper into Rainbow’s floof. "I've never been married before."

"Marriage is kind of a one-on-one thing you know, I mean unless you’re a princess then you can marry all the ponies you want, but like, neither of us are princesses."

Fluttershy's voice shook as she spoke. "I know, it’s... it's going to make things complicated. I still love you, and I want to make you happy. Even... even if I have to... give up on..."

"Being a slut?"

Fluttershy's head jerked up and her eyes met Rainbows. "W-w-what?"

Rainbow Dash smirked. "I'm kidding."

"That's not f-funny."

"I... I know. I think I’m just really nervous."

Fluttershy was still looking into her eyes. There was so much fear there, terror that Rainbow had hardly ever seen before. The way Fluttershy's ears were folded back and her wings tense against her back. The mare was just as scared as Rainbow Dash was. Rainbow let out a sigh. She had to be the big pony here, she was always the big pony... she could make a sacrifice if it meant Fluttershy would be able to relax. "I don't understand it, and I don't think I could ever make myself be with another pony, but... this seems really important to you."

Fluttershy closed her eyes. "I... It's who I am."

Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip and closed her eyes. She couldn't rip that bandaid off after all. "Just... don't tell me about it."


"If you spend time with another pony, just... don't tell me about it and it's okay."

Fluttershy laid her head down. "That doesn't sound healthy."

"It's healthy, it's fine, it’s... normal. I'm not going to tell you not to be who you always were, just don't let me know and everything is okay."

Fluttershy was still tense. Okay, that didn't work, Rainbow Dash was missing something here. Fluttershy whispered, "I want to be able to share everything with you, even the other ponies I might love."

Okay, this was worse now. Rainbow Dash sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. How could she fix this? If only she could get married and love Fluttershy forever, everything would be okay. Fluttershy was perfect, wasn't she? She was supposed to be... which meant that Rainbow Dash was the imperfect one? No that didn’t sound right, clearly Rainbow Dash was too awesome to be perfect, but maybe she was too awesome? Sure, Rainbow Dash could roll with that one. "What do you mean ‘share with me?’"

"I want you to know about them, and maybe... we could... me, and you, and another pony... at the same time?"

Oh by Celestia's perfect butt, she was talking about threesomes now. Rainbow Dash felt herself caving, her heart was shriveling up and she needed to do something, anything. Rainbow Dash let out a quiet sigh. "If that's what you need from me, I can do that for you. Your my perfect lovely butterscotch. I would never deny you anything you ask of me."

Fluttershy’s body began to relax. Yes, he was on the right track. "Does it bother you?"

Rainbow Dash lied. "Nope, just think it’s weird, that's all."

Fluttershy reached out with a hoof and wiped something wet away from Rainbow's closed eyes. "Then why are you crying?"

"Because i"m happy, duh." Rainbow lied again. "We’re going to get married now that I've accepted you. Right?"

Fluttershy was silent for a moment. "I... yes, I did make that promise. We can get married now.”

Rainbow Dash kissed Fluttershy's lips, the taste of honey almost making her forget this new discovery, almost.

As they continued kissing Rainbow Dash's mind was racing. This was good, because she knew, once they were married any problems, or painful stabbing in her chest, or her mind reeling in horror from the idea of watching Fluttershy kiss another mare in a threeway would all just go away. It was like physical training. It sucked at first, and even hurt, but once one got used to it, they began to enjoy the burn, the pain, the... sweat from multiple mares. There was a saying that Rainbow Dash felt was very appropriate for this scenario when it felt like the world was burning down around you.

"This is fine."

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