• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Twenty: Of Lust and Love

Chapter Twenty: Of Lust and Love

Luna floated outside the window staring through it to see the sleeping form of the most beautiful stallion in all of Equestria. His delicious red fur exposed where the blanket didn’t cover him. His golden mane messy, lonely and looking ready to stroke. There was nopony out there that could match his brilliance, his stature, and his gentle nature. More than anything else, the one time she'd been brave enough to talk to him, he did something nopony ever did for her, he treated her as an equal. Maybe to some stuck up sun butt of a princess that would be insulting, but for Luna, it was deeply romantic. It was in that moment she had fallen in love, but unfortunately her own cowardice had kept her from ever speaking to him again, instead choosing to stalk him at night and keep him and his family safe from anything even their nightmares.

The window next to this room slid open and a tiny yellow head poked out with a red mane looking messy. Luna looked at her. "Applebloom, is it not time for you to be in bed?"

Applebloom smiled. "Ah just wanted to check on ya and see if you were okay. It's getting cold out. If ya need a blanket just ask."

Luna's lip quivered. She was such a coward she couldn't talk to her true love, but these ponies had already accepted her. She smiled as warmly as she could. "Thank you, Applebloom, but I am the princess of the night. I do not feel the cold."

Applebloom smiled and went back in. "That's good. Ah'm having a hard time sleeping, would you sing me a song?"

Luna shook her head. Such a simple thing for such a friendly creature. She flew over to Applebloom's window and began singing. A gentle soft song that she was sure everypony in Equestria had heard by now. "Hush now, quiet now..."

Luna rarely got to sing for an audience, so seeing the smile on Applebloom’s lips was always amazing. She hardly even noticed that Big Mac's window had opened, ever so slightly, as if he too wanted to hear her melody. She didn't have the courage to talk to him, but she could sing, and sing she would.


The Golden Oaks Library was usually quiet on nights like this. It wasn't too odd to find the new couple cuddling in front of the fire place. Twilight feeling the warm loving embrace of her blue surely magician and gently rubbing her belly where the miracle of life was growing inside. Trixie nuzzling the top of Twilight's head, every once in awhile planting a gentle kiss there. Twilight couldn't be happier sitting here if she tried. "Two weeks?"

Trixie kissed Twilight's head once more. "Two weeks."

Twilight giggled. "I'm in a relationship and I've been in one for two whole weeks!"

Trixie's hoof slid down Twilight's back and toward her flank prompting the mare to move closer. "So... Twilight, when do you think you might be ready to go all the way?"

Twilight sighed. "I... I don't know. I never even thought I’d be dating anypony besides Celestia."

"But now you are."

"And I'm in love with somepony besides Celestia."

"Trixie is happy about that you know, for the first time in her life she's in love too."

Twilight looked up and met those gentle purple eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Silence passed between them for a moment before Trixie said, "You know, if you do want to be with Celestia too... Trixie is okay with it. On one condition."

Twilight blinked. "Wait, you want me to date two ponies at once? Aren't you selfish?"

Trixie smiled at her. "Oh, Trixie is selfish. So there is a condition. You must share Celestia with Trixie. After all, who could avoid lusting after the goddess of the sun and her very bountiful plot."

Twilight shivered with delight thinking about Celestia's rear. Part of her wondered if maybe, just maybe Trixie's rear would become as glorious during this pregnancy. Though she wasn't really comfortable with the idea of dating more than one pony, it was very kind of Trixie to offer this option. Perhaps Trixie was scared that Twilight would choose Celestia over her and was giving her a safety net? It made Twilight feel bad to think there could be some possibility of that happening. Still, Twilight wouldn't just abandon Trixie for some random shot at any other mare, even if it was her Celestia.

Twilight moved up a little and their lips met. It was a simple, gentle kiss. One that made Twilight's entire face light up and forget any of her other pressing concerns. Trixie's lips parted ever so slightly, invitingly. Twilight hesitated for a moment but took the invitation letting her tongue slip inside to meet with Trixie's. There was always a strange flavor to Trixie's mouth, something akin to blueberries. One that Twilight wanted to taste deeper.

Trixie's hoof squeezed Twilight's flank reminding her of what they were doing. Twilight moved her hoof over to Trixie's flank and squeezed back. Perhaps, maybe, possibly, Twilight could just... let go and let Trixie have her wish for a deeper form of intimacy. With Twilight's body being pressed tighter to her lover's still she knew it was only a matter of time before she slipped up and just let Trixie have her. Twilight had saved herself for so long but she had never planned to be in a relationship with anypony besides Celestia, it wouldn't be so awful to just go with this would it?

Spike's voice came out from behind them. "If you two keep making out like that, Twilight is really going to find a way to impregnate you."

Twilight pulled back and took a deep breath. "SPIKE?"

Spike was laying on the floor nearby, he was reading a comic book and not even looking at them. "Yes, Twilight, I am in fact, still here. Just as I have been the last five times you forgot."

Twilight looked away and lowered her head. "S-sorry."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Why do you keep apologizing? It's not like we were doing anything more than kissing."

Twilight returned to rubbing Trixie's pregnant belly. It was only just now starting to look a little different, and with Trixie past the scariest part of foaling they were in a safer place to be a little less cautious. Twilight had so much to think about, in fact she still hadn't really thought about how to tell Celestia that plans may have changed slightly. With her dating now, she wasn't sure that she'd be free to marry once she was twenty one. And the fact that her lover was pregnant of all things meant something entirely different for her too.

Trixie was smiling down at her. "Twily, love, what are you thinking?"

"With a baby on the way, is there going to be room for me in your life?"

Trixie giggled. "Of course, our baby will have the best mommies and the best dad around."

Twilight looked up at her. "Our baby?"

Trixie reached out with a hoof and stroked Twilight's cheek. "Our baby. Trixie may be selfish but she can share a little sometimes."

Twilight's lip quivered. "Our baby?"

"That is what Trixie said."

Twilight threw her legs around Trixie wrapping her up into a tight embrace. "OUR BABY!"

Trixie returned the embrace. "It is so simple to please you sometimes... Trixie admires that about you."

Twilight nuzzled in. "Wait, if it's our baby does that mean we need to get... married?"

Trixie shrugged. "Leave that for Rainbow and Shy, we can move at our own pace."

The fireplace was crackling with life and heat, but even if it hadn't been, Twilight would feel more than enough warmth from the love she shared with Trixie. Now if only Spike wasn't here to keep reminding her not to get carried away making out. Twilight let out a sigh, she really needed to take a nice private and hot shower. Detachable shower heads were her best friends when Trixie drove her crazy like this.

Trixie leaned back. "Trixie needs a shower. Care to join her?"

Twilight blinked. "I, um, well..."

Trixie gave her a wink. "Trixie is feeling a little flustered from how attractive you are, she needs to take a very hot, very wet shower, but she'd like to have you join her."

Spike spoke once again. "Twilight, she's asking you to have sex in the shower."

Twilight glared at him. "I"M NOT THAT STUPID... I knew that."

Trixie giggled. "We don't have to have sex per se, just... get close."

Twilight gave her an inquisitive look. "Close? To sex? But I'd stay a virgin?"

Trixie smiled. "Oh but of course."

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "Hmmm, it would keep me a virgin for marriage, and let me feel good at the same time. Very tempting."

Trixie stood up. "Well like it or not, Trixie needs to take care of her needs in the shower, and she also needs help with washing her back. So you can join now, or wait for Trixie to finish. Your choice."

Twilight bit her lower lip. "Okay, but I only have one question, answer it and I might join you."

Trixie smiled at her. "Of course."

"If for example, you and me were to get married... could I be the house wife?"

Trixie blinked. "Why would you want to be the house wife?"

"I just... it just sounds romantic. To have a hard working attractive mare come home from her show as the greatest magician of Equestria only to be greeted by a warm dinner made with love, a nice hot bath, and a bed already warmed up for them to enjoy." Twilight's heart was racing at the thought.

Trixie smiled. "That sounds amazing."

Twilight stood up. "So... is that a yes?"

"You can have anything you want, Twily. If this makes you happy, than it shall be yours, so says the Great and Giving Trixie."

Twilight smiled. "Okay, based on your response than I think I will join you for the shower."

Trixie grinned. "Good, now Trixie only has one stipulation."

Twilight looked at her. "Yes?"

"Trixie gets first dibs on the shower head. You can have the sloppy seconds of shower heads."


Rainbow Dash lay in Fluttershy's winged embrace on the couch as she closed her eyes and relaxed deeply into that feathery warm love. Fluttershy's house was usually quiet on nights like this and although Rainbow Dash loved excitement and noise, sometimes just taking a few hours to relax, close her eyes and drift in and out of sleep next to her partner was all she could ask for. Meanwhile Fluttershy was reading some romance book, her cheeks as pink as could be. Rainbow Dash had skimmed through a few passages of the book itself, and honestly she was confused.

In the book it seemed like the main pony, Silverstone, was dating like, seven different ponies at the same time and everypony was in on it. In fact there were a few scenes involving three or more ponies all getting together and touching each other at the same time which made Rainbow Dash's shame meter rise to the top. How could Fluttershy read such... slutty romances?

After once particular scene that involved ponies doing things with their butts that should never, ever be done. Rainbow Dash couldn't stay quiet any longer. "Fluttershy, what in Celestia's name are you reading?"

"O-oh, um it's the Harem of Marecoast," Fluttershy answered.

"And the main characters are all super slutty because?"

Fluttershy closed the book with a little more firmness than Rainbow Dash expected. "They are not slutty, they are poly-ponies."

Rainbow Dash stared at her. "Isn’t that a type of plastic?"

"N-not quite... um so I've... researched this phenomena a bit. Some ponies just have too much love in their little hearts to only give it to one pony and so they need more than... one, or two... or three... h-honestly I'm comfortable most at two or three."

Rainbow Dash looked at her. "So this story having so many makes you uncomfortable?"

"Well, that's not what I meant... but also no? It's just a story. And um... very interesting."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "So you really are a secret pervert. Good to know. Well I'm just glad you’re all mine."

Fluttershy let out a sigh. "Y-yeah... I am too. D-don't tell the others about these books please. Rarity understands, but um, I think the others might not g-get it."

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes again. "It's cool, what else are fiancé’s for if not for keeping your dirty little secrets?"

Fluttershy let out another sigh. "We've been engaged for two weeks and I d-don't think we've talked much about that."

"I'm cool to marry you whenever. Want to get hitched tomorrow?"

Fluttershy giggled. "You’re always fast, aren't you?"

"Sure am, fastest flier in Equestria."

Fluttershy stroked the tip of her wing across Rainbow's side. "I think we should wait a little longer than that. If we're going to spend the rest of our lives together we need to know more about each other first. And to accept those parts we might not fully understand, or even like."

Rainbow Dash yawned. "I already know everything about you, and I accept it all."

"You didn’t know I read books like this until tonight."

Rainbow Dash cracked an eye open. "I guess not, but that's like... just a book."

Fluttershy closed her eyes. "It's not just a book to me."

Rainbow Dash looked at the book, its red cover and black binding looked very much like a book to her. "Than what is it?"

"I'll... let you figure that one out yourself."

Rainbow Dash grumbled. "Oh come on I'm not that smart, give me a hint."

Fluttershy looked at her. "This book is the hint. You can read it yourself if you'd like."

"I think I might be grossed out by it. That or really bugged out. Just thinking about this poly-pony stuff is confusing me."

Fluttershy giggled. "That's okay, it doesn't make a lot of sense to poly-ponies themselves sometimes. It's confusing, and maybe a little scary, but it's just how their hearts work."

Rainbow Dash groaned and buried her head into Fluttershy's shoulder. "Flutters, I'm too tired for confusing weird stuff right now."

Fluttershy kissed the top of Rainbow Dash's head. "Think about it tomorrow then. It's important to me you figure this out, before I agree to a date for our wedding."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, smelling Fluttershy’s scent and losing herself into it. "If I do that, you'll actually set a date with me? For the marriage?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I promise, once you figure out this little mystery and fully understand it, I will marry you. Even if you want to get married that very moment."

Rainbow Dash hated thinking too hard, but if it was important to Fluttershy it was important to her. "Fine."

Fluttershy leaned in and whispered. "Also another hint, I am very, very, interested in sharing. After all, sharing is caring."

"I get it, you'll share your books with me. Your creepy weirdo romance books filled with butt stuff."

Fluttershy giggled. "N-not filled with it. Only one of the harem members is really into that. The others have their own um... quirks."

"Oh and what's your quirk?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Pregnant mares. Once we get you pregnant I might lose my self control a little."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Well not until we're married. No sex until then okay?"


"So the faster I can get married to you."

"Oh, Rainbow, you don't need to marry me just for sex. I'm um... more open minded than you might think."

It wasn't long before Rainbow Dash fell back to sleep dreaming of her Fluttershy and how much fun they would have once married.

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