• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Twenty Two: Of Gods and Plots

Chapter Twenty Two: Of Gods and Plots

Trixie chose to fully relax at home and laying on a blanket on the first floor. A book was open in front of her, one about mystery, romance, magic, and adventure. Of course, she was mostly reading to pass the time as Twilight really didn't have much in the way of entertainment but hey, if the mare decided she wanted to take a private shower for Celestia knows how long then who was going to stop her? Certainly not the pregnant mare. In fact Trixie didn't even bother to stop Twilight's shower when she had to pee, she did, however, make Twilight scream when she flushed the toilet and left her there.

Maybe that was a little too cruel?

The door opened and Trixie pointed a hoof at the books. "Go ahead and take one. Twilight told me to have anypony requesting a book write the name down on that pad there." there was a desk with a notepad and a quill next to it. And since quills were a nuisance that only old ponies used Trixie had set a pen and a pencil both there too.

A deep warm voice spoke. "Oh thank you, but I am not here for books exactly."

The room was growing warmer as the mare walked in. Trixie heard the door close behind them. "Well Twilight's busy in a private shower, probably touching herself, you'll have to wait for her to finish."

The mare laughed gently, each laugh making the room somehow brighter. "Oh, if I know her well she's probably found a way to use both hooves and some magic for such a daunting task."

It was perhaps too bright to read and it was way too hot in here now. Trixie closed her book. "Okay, who is it that dares to make the room brighter, warmer, and tell Trixie how her lover chooses to masterba-"

Celestia was sitting at the table in the center of the room smiling down at her. "Hello again Trixie."

Trixie's eyes widened. "Oh my god... wait, do you know me?"

Celestia frowned. "D... do you not remember being in my school for gifted unicorns?"

Trixie clsoed her eyes tihgtly. "School... I..." The memories were nearly there, just barely out of her grasp. She reached for them but just as they seemed familiar to her they slipped away. Suddenly she could recall a face, an older gray stallion with pitch-black hair, his body and muzzle covered in scars. Yet despite the scars, he had the kindest smile she had ever seen. "Shadow Heart."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Y-you remember him?"

Trixie stared up at Celestia. "Not... not exactly. I remember his face, his smile but... who is he? Who are you?"

"I'm the Princess of the sun."

"Besides being a goddess, who are you?" Trixie stared up at her. "Why can't I remember school, or him, or meeting you before?"

Celestia frowned. "I only know the answer to one of those questions."

"And that is?"

"A secret I'm afraid, and for your safety, let’s hope it stays that way." Celestia offered a smile but that smile no longer looked as warm as it did before.

Trixie was not going to let herself be intimated by some princess. "What are you here for?"

"I'm here to talk to you and Twilight, the happy couple raising a beautiful baby together." Celestia giggled. "My, I never expected that or for Twilight to impregnate another mare. I should punish her for using magic so recklessly but in this one instance I will forgive her."

Trixie stared up at her. "Well thank you for coming to visit, but I will warn you now. I am not giving Twilight to you. If she is deadset on you, I will share, but you are not taking her from Trixie."

Celestia's smile faded. "Trixie, I’m sorry, I didn't mean for you to misunderstand. I am here to visit in kindness. If I'm being totally honest I am very happy with this. Don't get me wrong, I was fully intending to make good on my promise to marry her, and I would do everything I needed to please her as my wife, including more... private activities. I was not, however, looking forward to that day. As I had mentioned to her before I will marry her because marrying somepony you care about to keep their sanity so they don't destroy themselves or the entirety of Equestria is not the worst reason I would have married somepony."

"You've married for worse reasons?"

"Well I married for wealth once, I am still enjoying that gift. I married for a sexy body, and I made good use of our marital rites with them. I married for political reasons, once, and only once. I also married to get my wings."

Trixie's eyes opened wider. "What was the last one?"

"I married for political reasons once."

Trixie shook her head. "Whatever, anyway, don't you love Twilight?"

"Yes, but... I suppose once your a thousand years old romantic love just doesn't seem to work anymore. Sex is just such a... boring activity at this point. I'd rather explore a ponies mind, their soul, or their heart instead of their body."

Trixie hummed. "Interesting, but you still offered to marry Twilight, knowing that you'd be the one responsible for taking her virginity. At least until I came along."

"Of course, after all, Twilight is my most faithful student if she had ever asked me for anything, I would offer it to her if in my power. After all, she did bring my sister back to me, I'd say marrying the hero that rescued the princess is perhaps a just reward."

Trixie shook her head. "I think you’re insane with the rest of them."

"When the entire world is filled with insanity, and you are the only sane one, does that not make you the crazy one for being so different?"

Trixie stared at her. "I'm not thinking about that."

"That's what my sister said the last time I tried to hook her up with Twilight."

Trixie laughed. "Well, I can see why. She is clearly in lust with my baby's daddy. After all she's stalking him."

Celestia sat down. "Excuse me... my sister is doing what?"

Trixie beamed. She just found a way to get back at Luna for letting her wet the bed with Twilight in it, not once but three times now. "Oh, you didn't know she was watching Big Mac sleeping every night?"

"N-no I did not."

Trixie laughed. "Why it's such a common occurrence that the entire Apple family will open up the window and say good night to Luna before going to bed. It's quite adorable in a way. Too bad she doesn’t have the courage to ask him out, or else she'd be inside his bedroom instead of outside of it."

Celestia frowned. "This... sounds like unhealthy behavior."

Trixie met Celestia's eyes. "Oh, but weren't you just saying how if your the only sane pony in a crazy world, aren't you the insane one?"

Celestia's eyes narrowed. "My sister stalking some poor stallion is not-"

"-absolutely insane?"

Celestia puffed out of her nostrils. "I see you have no fear of showing your true colors around me still."

"And why should Trixie, you may be a giant powerful goddess, but you are currently inside Trixie's home as a guest. One that Trixie will value and love with all her heart because Twilight does, but a guest nonetheless."

It was then something different that happened to make Trixie question her choices here. Celestia smiled. "I admire that."

"You... you do?"

"Of course, so few ponies actually have the guts to treat me as an equal, and seeing that you do is very interesting. Would you be against having me in your home more often to visit?"

Trixie shrugged. "Suit yourself."

"Then I shall."

Trixie put a hoof ther chin. "On one occasion. You must tell Twilight you love her, and give her a hug, every single time you visit."

Celestia giggled. "Oh and what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Don't you want hugs?"

Trixie glared at her. "Trixie swears to the goddess, if you turn out to have a pregnancy fetish too she will throw every single book in this library directly at your head."

Celestia laughed. "Oh don't worry, I was only teasing. Though I do find pregnant mares to be beautiful I do not have any fetishes toward them."

Trixie laughed too. "Trixie thinks you are a little intimidating, but she would very much like to continue this conversation. Would you like some coffee?"

Celestia nodded. "I'd love some, black."

Trixie sucked in a deep breath before bellowing out, "SPIKE!"

Several moments went by without an answer. Trixie pouted. "That lazy dragon."

There was a quiet sound coming from the kitchen and the two of them looked to see Twilight standing there. She was shaking, her eyes were closed and her voice was tiny and fragile. "Spike went out with Rarity."

Trixie stood up and trotted over to Twilight. "Twily, what's wrong?"

Trixie threw her legs around Twilight pulling her in close. Twilight sat down and looked past Trixie at Celestia. "I'm... fine. I have you."

Trixie shook her head. "You are surely not fine. You are shaking worse than Trixie did the first time she met your friends."

Twilight lowered her head and whispered. "Celestia didn't want to marry me... that's fine."

Trixie's heart skipped a beat. SHe pulled Twilight in closer. "Celestia, get your fat and sexy butt over here and fix her. Twilight cannot break on Trixie."

Celestia walked over and wrapped her giant warm feather wings around the two of them. "Twilight, I didn't say that I didn't want to marry you."

Twilight's voice cracked. "Oh, oh gods, no, Celestia doesn't want to marry me?"

Trixie felt Twilight's body sink into her own and go limp as she began sobbing. "Twilight, shhh, Twilight, you um, you misunderstood right?"

Celestia nodded vigorously making them both shake with her wings holding them so tight. "That's right. I um, I do want to marry you Twilight, I am looking very much forward to it."

Trixie growled. "Again, Trixie is not letting you steal Twilight."

Celestia tried to whisper. "What do you want me to say? Seriously?" A moment went past and Celestia let out a sigh. "Twilight, I'm sorry. You are right... I don't want to marry you."

Twilight's body froze.

Trixie glared at Celestia as the giantess backed away. "YOU ARE NOT HELPING!"

Celestia pulled away and lowered herself to the floor, going so far as to lay her head completely flat on the ground. "Twilight... Trixie... I want to marry both of you."

Twilight's body stood up and she looked over at Celestia. "You mean it? You really want to marry both of us? So... so... I can have both of you, forever?"

Trixie looked back at Celestia. She was unsure of what to say. Honestly she could do worse as far as uncomfortable marriages go, but there was a concern she had. She was pretty sure that Celestia just lied, and the lie she made was going to cement the trio into a very awkward scenario. Well Trixie figured a little playful punishment was in order for toying with Twilight’s heart like this. "Fine, Trixie agrees to this but she gets Celestia's butt, you can have her front."

Celestia's head shot up. "Excuse me?"

Twilight looked at Trixie. "Oh silly, we don't have to split Celestia up like some kind of cartoon. What did you want us to draw a line on her with a marker to say which half is ours?"

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "No, Trixie is talking about our threesome. Trixie will ride Celestia's butt like she was some kind of mount, and you can ride her face. Trixie is sure you will enjoy that mouth." Trixie glared at Ceelstia. "It seems pretty big if you ask her."

Twilight's eyes widened. "W-wy would I ride her face?"

Trixie laughed. "Oh, Twilight, we both have such wonderful, horrible things to teach you." She looked at Celestia. "Tell Trixie, have you ever had all of your openings filled at once? We may need a third party to help out with that. Is your sister available for the evening?"

Celestia's eyes were wide and her face had gone from white to red in mere seconds. "My… s-sister? I… she’s stalking her soon to be husband I’m sure. I-I assure you I have had far more experience with such things than you... and... T-Twilight isn't ready for that."

Trixie kissed the side of Twilight's face. "Oh, but she will be one day, and when that day comes, we both need to be ready for her. Welcome to the weird pony romance club. Population, you, me, Twilight, and a nice fluffy bed."

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