• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Thirty Six: Of Shadowed Dreams and Apple Streams

Chapter Thirty Six: Of Shadowed Dreams and Apple Streams

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie looked at the chalkboard showing a doodle of a pony with waves coming off its horn to show it was casting magic. A gray stallion with a black mane and tail stood there, his body was covered in scars but he had the warmest smile she'd ever seen was on his lips. His horn had cracks running through it but he never seemed to be in pain. His dark robes were emblazoned with the image of Celestia's sun on his flanks.

A ruler levitated in his dark gray aura as he spoke. "So, you see when unicorns use magic, they are channeling their manalobes inside their brain, which grabs hold of their soul." he circled the ruler to the heart inside the pony's... stomach. "You see the soul is a malleable thing, capable of losing a great deal of itself before needing to rest and regenerate. So long as even a sliver of a soul remains inside of a pony they can regain their magic energy."

Trixie raised her hoof. "Oh, oh, is that why when unicorns used to move the sun and moon they would lose magic forever? They were using too much of their soul?"

He chuckled. "Oh that old myth. Let me tell you, that is just a myth, Trixie. You see ponies are not that stupid. We can be, but we usually aren't. They would actually rotate a group of six unicorns every day and let them rest for a week before going back. So long as a pony didn't keep doing that job for months there was no visible damage to them or their souls."

"But... why does the book say that unicorns would do that until Celestia showed up?"

He smiled softly. There was something to it though, something akin to pain. "It is true that a few unicorns did burn out their souls before we figured it out and stopped that. But just like a hoofball player who sustained an injury, we don't force that player to keep running on a broken leg until it’s unusable, we let them heal so they can play again. It’s much the same." He shook his head. "Of course, this is why we offer more... accurate history once you get older. The tale you grew up with is just there to help Celestia."

Trixie thought about it for a moment. She put a hoof to her chin and then smiled. "Oh, I get it. It's a good way to keep Celestia in power because if ponies thought we didn't need her for the sun and moon, we might not need her at all."

His smile vanished all at once. It was the first time she'd ever seen Shadow Heart frown. He looked left and right, the class was empty and it was just the two of them since she was struggling with history and needed a little extra help. "Trixie... it is usually best not to say such things out loud this close to Celestia's presence."

"But why not? I mean, we still need her either way, imagine what would happen if ponies attempted to rule again. It would be like a disaster."

"That very well is the problem. Some ponies out there want to claim her power, but it sounds like you and me both realize that even if we could technically live without her, it would be disastrous."

Trixie nodded. "Of course."

"So that's why we don't encourage deeper learning of pre Sister history until your older and then only if you select that class as a special credit like you have yourself."

Trixie beamed. "I only took it because that spoiled brat is in the other class I wanted to be in. Starswirl's Historical Timeline."

Shadow Heart chuckled. "Oh my, you mean Twilight Sparkle, don't you? That poor filly, I know all too well how horrible it can be too have those expectations placed on you at that age. Not to mention she's trying to raise a child too."

Trixie's mood was soured. "A child, who actually solved a math equation faster than I could, I might add... if he wasn't five years old I'd shoot him with lightning."

Shadow Heart offered his warm smile again. "Would you really?"

"No... but I would think about it really hard."

He chuckled. "Well I'm glad to hear it. Now, let me get on to what is perhaps the scary part of this lesson in the history of magic involving the Pony Soul. Dark Magic. Dark Magic has a particular taint to it, one that can leave permanent scars on the minds, and souls of ponies it encounters. Ponies who dabble in the darker arts need utmost caution as they risk using up all their soul magic as well."

Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Wait, if dark magic can destroy a pony's soul, and that sun and moon raising spell can destroy a pony's soul... does that mean that raising and lowering the sun requires the use of dark magic?"

He gave her a patient smile. "Oh, is that what your theorizing?"

Trixie stood up. "Um... another question. Does dark magic have a color? Like a weird color that isn't normal to the color of their aura?"

He nodded. "Yes, usually it's a dark green, a sickly green that some call balefire green. Of course ponies who are great at dark magic will still use their normal aura color, its only inexperienced ponies who have the balefire green color which indicates part of their soul is being burned away. Usually not enough to cause lasting damage, but... that's not always the case."

"Hmm... so... does that mean Celestia..." Trixie looked around nervously and then shut her mouth. "Never mind."

He offered a small smile. "To answer your question, one that is better not openly asked, probably yes."

She looked down at her hooves on the table. "O-oh... but... does that mean... if she you know... is dark magic actually... evil?"

He looked around once more as if expecting to see anypony else in this room who might not like his answer. "I am required by the educational board to tell you yes. As for the truth of the matter, well... you'd have to figure that out on your own. Draw your own conclusions about the world we inhabit, but be careful there are always eyes and ears listening for what might be considered descent. Celestia is the only ruler we could ask for, but sometimes she makes mistakes too."

Trixie had a lot to think about after that class. She wasn't sure what she was going to do but she was going to think when she got back to her dorm room, that was for darn sure. The real problem was that she knew Shadow Heart worshiped Celestia, perhaps more so than most, but he had this strange way of viewing her, not as a perfect creature or a god, but one that was flawed but needed by ponykind. What could that mean?


Luna took in a deep breath. The bed smelled of apples, sweat, and a little of musk. Her mind was spinning a little as she took in the deep rich scent. It wasn't until she opened her eyes to see she was not in her bed that she realized something was amiss. She was in fact, inside of Big Mac's bed and with a blanket covering her she felt like maybe she'd crossed some line not meant to ever be crossed. Sitting up she looked around in the darkened space to realize she was indeed all alone.

The worst part was she was still very tired. She crawled out of the bed and made her way to the door wondering how she got into there, and more over why her head hurt so much. It was like she'd been hit in the head several times and she wasn't not a fan of this feeling. Opening the door she noticed there was a small dent in the top of the door frame. Going out into the hall she saw a hole large enough for her horn to go in, on the ceiling. What happened here? The apples were always so clean and well kept. This was a strange sight indeed. Going down the stairs they creaked her under her weight and she hissed a curse as she realized she was trying to be quiet so she could sneak out.

Walking past the open entrance to the kitchen she heard Applejack's voice from inside. "Luna, you should join us fer dinner, we just got done making it."

Luna glanced over and saw the whole apple family sitting at the table and looking pleased to see her. Her initial response was to cast a spell of invisibility and flee. Yet her horn merely fizzled and she got a headache. She must have been really tired. Running also sounded like far too much work just then. Luna let out a sigh and gave in. She was going to have to do the awkward thing, at least she would get free food out of it. "Alright, I shall join you. I am hungry anyway."

Luna wasn't exactly comfortable but she was tired, her head ached, and she was hungry. She could only fix one of those issues right then, and with her magic being on the fritz for some reason she figured she would eat first, magic later. Going to the table she watched as Applejack pointed to a seat where a plate with some steamed vegetables and a slice of apple pie were already waiting for her. Luna sat down and looked around for a moment, it seemed Applejack was not exactly honest as some of their plates already had some food missing but Luna was too hungry to care.

Taking a bite of some food she could taste the love, affection, and skill that had gone into the vegetables. The carrots were savory, moist, and hot. The potatoes much the same. Luna was surprised that after just a few seconds her plate was empty and she was already on to the apple pie and eating it as easily as she breathed, so sweet, with a crisp crust and hot moist insides. It was like making love to a mare, only it tasted better.

Applejack cleared her throat. "You uh, you like the food?"

Luna swallowed her last bite of pie before speaking with enthusiasm. "I am most pleased by this meal, it is perhaps one of the best ones I have ever had. Even the chefs in Canterlot cannot compare to this."

Applejack grinned. "You know all of us here work to make dinner together, even Big Mac helps out. Ah know he worked extra hard to make something nice fer you after how you've been feeling today."

Luna swallowed. "Oh... thank you. You are all so wonderful, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart."

Applejack leaned back letting Luna have a much clearer view of Big Mac who was beside her. Big Mac offered a kind smile. He met Luna's eyes and for a moment Luna was lost in them. He was so close, so close and wide awake. She could just reach out and touch him, he was real, and she was closer than ever before. Yet despite wanting to say something, anything really, she found her throat would not produce a noise. She swallowed. Looked away and down at her plate and using all of the power in her body managed to nearly whisper. "Thank you, Big Mac."

It was then she noticed that somepony had placed more food as well as a second piece of pie down for her. That was thoughtful, she was far from full, but she didn't dare ask directly for a second helping. She was not in the castle, and had to respect the fact others might not have enough food to feed an alicorn. So the refill was very much appreciated. So much so she only just barely heard Big Mac's magical voice as he replied, "Yer welcome."

Well Luna was enjoying some extra food, and she wasn't going to contest that. Eating dinner with them, even if she was a bit more on the quiet side felt nice. She was able to listen in as the apple family held conversations about Applebloom's school, Granny Smith's health, Big Mac's work on the farm and even Applejack's misadventures with her friends. Something began to occur to her as she listened in on the various conversations swirling about. There wasn't any silence here. Every time she enjoyed dinner with Celestia there was always so much silence between the two of them, it was almost as if she was eating by herself. Here though, there was so much noise, energy, and love. It made Luna feel lonely to think her own dinners were generally so quiet. Yet there was something wonderful about being able to share dinner with these ponies and for once not be so lonely inside. Something that made her happier than she thought possible from such a simple act.

Applejack soon turned the conversation towards Luna. "So, Luna, what are yer thoughts?"

Luna looked down at her. "My apologies I seem to still be waking up, what was the question again?"

Applejack smiled at her and shook her head. "About Big Mac's back problem. Says he's throwing his back out and needs a break, Ah think he's faking it."

Luna looked over at Big Mac. His green eyes met her for a moment but quickly looked away as a small smile grew on his lips. "Hmm, I suspect he may need a very capable pony who's experienced in back issues to take a look at it. Perhaps a massage is in order. After all the physical labor can cause some painful knots if one does not take care of themselves."

Applejack grinned up at her. "Oh, and are you any good at giving massages?"

Luna nodded and went to her glass of water for a drink. "I am quite skilled at them myself. Why do you ask?"

Applejack's grin grew wider still. "Maybe you should give Big Mac a massage then, if yer so skilled that is."

Luna spoke. "It would be my pleasure, after all the free food it is the least I can- did you just say that I should give a massage to Big Mac?"

Applejack met her eyes. "Ayep."

Big Mac was covering his face with a hoof now, clearly quite embarrassed by his sister's antics. Yet then again, Luna was also quite embarrassed by this turn of events herself. Still she didn't want to lose the opportunity to get closer to her handsome crush. "I... I would love to help him out with his back problems."

Of course Luna was absolutely horrified at the concept, but she wasn't going to stop now. No she'd just reach out and... touch... the most sexually appealing stallion in all of Equestria... was it hot in here? It was hot in here. Clearly Celestia's sun was too bright and she had to turn it down, she was not at all blushing furiously because she was going to touch... those big, rippling muscles.

Oh no, what did she just agree too?

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