• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,474 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Sixty: Of Threeways and Break Aways

Chapter Sixty: Of Threeways and Break Aways

Fluttershy woke up. For a long moment she just lay there, staring up into the dark ceiling and feeling the warmth of the two bodies on either side of her. The soft sounds of them breathing in their sleep. The way the smell of their scent still lingered in the air after the busy night of intimate fun they'd had. It was enough to drive a filly crazy.

Except Fluttershy just felt hollow.

Oh she'd had a lot of fun. Of that she couldn't deny. Yet laying there at the moment she just felt empty. No matter how much fun she'd had, she knew that this wasn't the love she wanted. Her mind filtered through thoughts of Rainbow Dash. Of the memories she had of them together. How happy they were when they were first engaged, how cute she looked after their first kiss, of what the afterglow of Rainbow losing her virginity was like.

The memories shot spikes of pain through her chest, yet as the pain began to fade, she just felt empty again. Looking at the two friends with her she may have loved this moment, but it was not good enough. It never would have been good enough. It only cemented the mistake she'd made originally that much more.

Still, even she couldn't deny that both Twilight and Trixie looked beautiful in their sleep.

Fluttershy climbed out of bed, careful not to awaken the two ponies who had been her lovers tonight. She would normally just leave without leaving a message, but since they were her friends, she thought that would be too rude. She borrowed a piece of paper and one of Twilight's pens. She wrote a quick thank you note, and told them she loved them before slipping the note onto Twilight's nightstand. After that Fluttershy opened the balcony door, slipped out into the night and flew away.

She wanted to just go home. This wasn't quite like her experiences with Pinkie or Rarity in the past. Where usually if she was unfortunate to wake up in the middle of the night she would just go home, or she might stay awake cuddling them. No, she still felt like an intruder in Trixie and Twilight's life, even though this recent experience proved otherwise, she couldn't' shake the feeling.

As Fluttershy flew through the night sky she found herself drifting off toward the Sugarcube Corner. She wasn't sure why, but she just felt like if she saw the building she would be okay and could go home. She saw the building up ahead and flew toward it. There was a large cloud sitting next to the balcony for some reason, a stray she figured. She landed on the balcony. Her heart was racing. This was the closest she'd gotten to the Sugar Cube Corner in weeks. Reaching out with a hoof she was about to knock on the door, then she lowered it again. No... what was she doing? She shouldn't be here.

She turned around to leave and saw something that made her heart freeze up. Rainbow Dash was sitting there on the cloud right next to the balcony. On top of her lay Pinkie. How had she missed them? Did she just not see them? Looking over at the cloud that was sitting next the balcony and how Rainbow's wing was laying on it she realized they must have been using it to stargaze and she just missed them.

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy's wings shot out. She turned to leave, jumped into the air and flapped her wings as hard as she could. All she could do was mutter, "I'm sorry." As she flew away as hard and as fast as she could. This time going straight home.

Once she was home she landed at the front door and fumbled with the handle for a moment. "Stupid, spupid, Fluttershy!" She cursed herself. "What did you think would happen? You just go to check up on them and everything's okay? NO! You stupid, fat, ugly, horrible, cheating, monster!" Her hoof slid off the door handle and she just gave up. She pressed her forehead to the door and let out a quiet sob. "All I did was ruin their time together. That's all I'm good for. Is ruining the things I love."

She just stayed like that. Sobbing against her front door for several minutes. She noticed the air felt warmer but didn't focus on it too much. Her heart was a destroyed mess. How could she do anything but sob like the pathetic pony she was? When something warm wrapped over her back she nearly jumped. Looking around she saw a giant white figure next to her. She could hardly believe it, or the warm wing that had wrapped over her back. "C-Celestia?"

Celestia offered a weak smile. "I think I can relate to 'ruining the things I love'."

Fluttershy felt even worse. Not only did she do something stupid out of pain, but she also got caught sobbing here by Celestia. Yet Celestia was still holding her. The warmth and comfort from Celestia's wing was more than she could have asked for. She leaned into it and did her best not to sob anymore. She failed.

A golden aura wrapped around her door handle and the door was opened. Celestia spoke quietly, but her voice was so warm that she couldn't deny it. "Shall we go inside? You don't have to tell me what’s wrong, but I think we could both use a pony to cuddle."

Fluttershy nodded.

The two of them went inside. Closed the door behind them and then went to the couch where they just laid there cuddling the rest of the night away. Somehow having a pony with her, a pony who was so warm, so loving, and so gentle just made her sleepy. Yet she knew that Celestia had said something that stood out to her.

"You... you said you can relate to me?"

Celestia nearly whispered. "I caused problems for Twilight, and for Trixie. Now Twilight's threatening me to make me tell Trixie the truth, and I just don't know how to handle it. If she finds out, she might never forgive me."

Fluttershy nuzzled into Celestia's neck. She was so warm. "I just tried to visit my exes and they caught me. I ran away... after all, I've hurt both of them so badly, I have no right to visit them."

Celestia's body seemed to only grow warmer still. "I see. It seems we both hurt ponies we care about very much."

Fluttershy yawned. Her body was falling asleep thanks to the warmth of Celestia’s next to her. Celestia yawned in return. It seemed she was just as tired. Celestia spoke quietly. "I just don't know how to tell Trixie the truth."

"The... truth... about... what?"

Fluttershy was almost asleep, so she wasn't certain she heard Celestia correctly, but she could have sworn that Celestia said, "The truth about me being her birth mother."


The next day Twilight sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and reading Fluttershy's note yet again. She and Trixie had woken up without Fluttershy there, and if not for the letter they'd be concerned. Fluttershy was very kind in her letter, and even explained when she wakes up like that in the middle of the night, she can only get to sleep by going to her own bed. Poor filly, it sounded like her anxiety must be as bad as Twilight feared. The recent events surely didn't help.

Of course that was when Rainbow Dash came walking into the kitchen alongside Trixie. Trixie was looking misplaced, and confused. That was never good, even if it was common. Rainbow Dash on the other hand looked upset, shaken. "Twilight, I need to talk to you. About Fluttershy."

Twilight just looked at her. "Oh... frick me in the butt."

Trixie snapped to attention. "Finally! I've been begging you to let me do that for ages."

Twilight glared at her. "Not now, Trixie."

"Well duh, I don’t want Rainbow Dash to see you're first anal."

Twilight did the wise thing and ignored the crazy. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong?"

Rainbow Dash walked in and took a seat across from Twilight. "Me and Pinkie were laying on a cloud last night, stargazing and cuddling and you know, that romance stuff. Then Fluttershy just lands on our balcony out of the blue, goes to knock on the door but stops all of a sudden. She then sees us, and before I could ask her what was wrong she just apologizes and runs away."

Twilight frowned. "Oh... that's not good."

"I chased after her too. If I didn't see Princess Celestia there comforting Fluttershy I would have talked to her. But she was in good hooves."

"Wait," Twilight's eyes widened. "Princess Celestia was there. Why would she be there? It was the middle of the night."

"I don't know. It was like she was watching Fluttershy. She was following her all the way to our place so I assumed she just kept following Fluttershy home."

Twilight's eye twitched. "D-does that mean..."

Trixie was sitting down by the doorway. "Yeah, that means Celestia was spying on our house and followed Fluttershy when she left in the middle of the night while we slept."

Now Rainbow's eyes were wide and alert. "Why was Fluttershy at your place while you two were sleeping?"

Twilight stared at her. "Um... um... sleepover?"

The look of confusion melted into one of pain. The expression Rainbow Dash made, as she closed her eyes shut tight and her muzzle scrunched up, she looked like she'd just been stabbed in the heart. "I-I see... F-fudge... maybe I should have just let her do what she wanted in the first place."

Twilight looked down at her coffee. "No, you made the right call. You and Pinkie both."

"Then what the frick was last night?" Rainbow snapped, but she didn't sound angry. She just sounded in pain.

Twilight looked over at Trixie. Praying that she had some kind of answer.

Trixie let out a sigh. "Rainbow Dash, what me, Twilight, and Fluttershy do in our private time is no longer your concern. You're free of that. Let her go and just focus on Pinkie."

Rainbow shot a glare at Trixie, but her eyes were glossy and wet ruining the look. "How is it not my concern when she shows up at my doorstep in the middle of the night. I didn't move in with Pinkie so that she could just... I thought something was wrong. Tartarus, the way she was crying in front of her front door, I knew something was wrong."

Trixie frowned. "Maybe she wasn't ready for this." Trixie shook her head slowly. "We asked her if she was, but maybe she wasn't."

Twilight had so many things to think about at the moment. She could only really focus on one at a time. With Rainbow Dash present she had to focus on that one. "Okay, Rainbow Dash, we really did have a sleepover. It just... got very mature. I didn't think you'd find out."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "You didn't think I'd find out. So you thought it would be okay to screw my ex, to let Trixie screw my ex, when Trixie is the entire reason we broke up in the first place, so long as I didn't find out?"

Twilight very quickly shut her trap. That was not the right thing to say.

Trixie joiend Twilight's side. "Twilight, honeybunny, please do us both a favor and shut up for five minutes." She focused on Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, hun, please don't listen to Twilight. She's scared right now and saying things she doesn't mean."

Rainbow took in a deep steadying breath and then let it out. "Fine, I don't care. It's whatever."

Trixie shook her head. "No, it's not whatever. We hurt you, and we're sorry. This was not our intention when we invited Fluttershy over for the sleepover. However, I am going to point out that we do not regret our actions."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"

"No, nothing will make you feel better. You're still hung up on Fluttershy and you need to have a conversation with her. Not with us."

Rainbow Dash stuck her nose up in the air. "Whatever, I'm leaving. I wanted advice and I guess I got it. Later, you sluts."

She marched out of the kitchen, and a moment later they heard the front door open and slam close. Twilight groaned. "I screwed up didn't I?"

Trixie let out a sigh of relief. "Yes, but at least you have me to lie our way out of things. Goodness, hopefully she buys half of what I said, and maybe talking to Fluttershy will help her feel better. That or she just gets into either a hoof fight or a makeout session and ends the stupid."

Twilight stared at her. "None of those things you said are going to fix this. In the name of Princess Sunbutt, if she finds out that we all agreed to the threesome ahead of time she's really going to snap."

Trixie smiled. "Oh don't worry, Fluttershy's very good at being discrete."

Twilight buried her head onto the table. "Oh, we're all screwed."

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