• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Two: Of Bubbles and Baths

Trixie is Pregnant and it’s Twilight’s Problem

Chapter Two: Of bubbles and Baths

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Twilight stared down at Trixie, her heart was racing and her mind blank. Did Trixie just say she was pregnant? As in with child? As in her oven of life was full? If that was true… oh she almost did something horrible. She was going to… not exactly hurt Trixie but a pregnant pony needed extra care.

Twilight looked down at the wet, shivering form of Trixie who had gone back to lying in her puddle. Her eyes couldn’t even meet Twilight’s, instead choosing to stay planted firmly on the floor. There were a lot of questions Twilight had but for now she settled on action. She summoned forth a towel and dropped it over Trixie’s back. The poor mare flinched as it touched her. She was terrified.

“Trixie,” Twilight said as gently as she could. “Why did you come to me?”

Trixie spoke but her voice had a steel tone to it. “Trixie needed assistance.”

“What about your parents?”

“Trixie has none.”

That felt like a barbed thorn being lodged into Twilight’s heart. “Um… friends?”

Trixie blinked. “Those are what ponies have when they know somepony for a while and speak to them yes? Then Trixie has you.”

Twilight sat down. “You consider me a friend?”

“Trixie has never had need of friends before so she doesn’t know if you count, but you seem to be close to what Trixie expects a friend is like.”

That was a mouth full that really only amounted to ‘she has never had a friend and doesn’t understand friendship’ which meant Twilight now had two reasons to think about Trixie’s presence here. One Trixie was clearly in distress and needed help. Having a child with no one around to help you or explain how it worked was difficult. Looking back over at Spike who was busy mopping up the mud the three of them had left behind only solidified Twilight’s knowledge in how hard that could be. Two: Trixie had friendship problems, and Twilight wanted to kick herself for not having thought about it sooner. Of course Trixie had friendship problems and twice now she’d just let Trixie go out on her own and not fixed them… they’d even fixed Discord, well they began to do so, so why did Twilight leave Trixie alone?

Twilight let out a sigh, she already knew where this was going and really didn’t like it. Still, she was the element of magic, the leader of the elements of harmony and this might just prove to be an amazing friendship lesson to give Celestia. To think about the praise she could get for helping a pregnant pony find friendship, well Twilight could easily enjoy some adoration from her favorite princess.

“So,” Twilight began, “Why exactly come to me? What are you expecting?”

“A baby filly.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I meant what are you expecting of me?”

“Trixie… isn’t’ sure.” There was sincere doubt in her tone. “Trixie knows you are a good pony, the second best in Equestria one might argue, next to Trixie of course. So she thought you might know what to do? Trixie just needs to be safe until her baby is here and then she can be a proper mommy and raise the best filly in all of Equestria.”

“Okay, I think I know what to do, but when did you get pregnant?”

“Trixie was not under the best influence when she was using the Alicorn Amulet, she was in fact in heat and made some fun but tactical errors thinking they would not come to last after the incident was over.”

Twilight nodded. “The Amulet does have a way of lowering inhibitions to the point of doing some… let’s not get into this.”


Twilight offered a smile. “I’ll help you. If anypony can understand how scary it is to have a kid and have absolutely no help, or no idea on what to do it would be me. So if there is anything I can help with I will. I will ask of you a single condition though.”

Trixie looked up at her. Her main had fallen over half her face only letting one purple eye stay visible. “F-fine, just be gentle.”

Twilight choked. “I… what? What, what do you think I’m going to ask?”

“The same things everypony does. Either I work, or I give them my… just… what do you want?”

Twilight felt head was starting to split. “I just want you to learn about friendship. That’s all.”

Trixie stared at her. “Is that really all? No hard physical labor, no favors, just learning?”

“Of course. I mean, friends do favors for each other sometimes but that’s for you to learn later.”

“Trixie will… she’ll do as you ask, if you keep her safe so her baby can be born.”

Twilight stood up and reached out with a hoof. Trixie stared at it for a long moment. Twilight finally said, “Take my hoof, your soaking wet, shivering and covered in mud. We’re getting you cleaned up, warmed up, and full of food before this night is over.”

Trixie took Twilight’s hoof and with a little effort Trixie stood up. Twilight was surprised to find herself happy with this situation. Sure she was angry at first and concerned with Trixie’s sudden appearance, but after hearing what it was that Trixie wanted, and how lost she really was, she was positive that this was the right course of action to take. It also couldn’t be understated how powerful of a friendship lesson this would make, the letter for this one was going to be amazing.


Well at least she wasn’t cold anymore. In fact Trixie might be able to say she was quite comfortable. The hot, bubbly water splashed around her as she relaxed. Twilight was sitting off to the side and had been talking to her almost nonstop since they got up here. It was honestly a bit concerning considering how little they’d ever conversed in the past. Still it wasn’t bad to have a fan, friend, pony who could keep the silence away.

Twilight finally said something that was actually interesting though causing Trixie to actually respond. “Did you just say Trixie is sleeping in the bed?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, I’d never ask a pregnant mare to sleep on anything less.”

“Will you be sleeping on the floor? Or is there a couch hidden in here that Trixie has somehow missed?”

Twilight blinked. “No, I’m sleeping in bed too silly.”

Trixie sat up straight. She knew better than to expect Twilight was really innocent. She’d prepared for this, but she was not pleased. Still if it kept her child safe, she could stomach it, and besides, she might be able to use such activities to manipulate the foolish unicorn. Ponies who were pleased were easily swayed after all.

Spike called out from behind them. He was reading a comic book near the fire place. “Twilight, she thinks you’re going to be sharing a bed.”

Twilight’s face paled. “Oh no, I um, I have two beds. I’m letting you use my guest bed.”

Trixie felt a lot easier about that revelation. She didn’t want to think about getting nearly that cozy with the crazy mare, at least not too soon. It felt like she was trying to take shelter under a dragon. Safe from any threat in the world but only so long as the dragon didn’t notice her.

Twilight then asked, “So how far along are you anyway?”

Trixie paused. “One and a half months.”

Twilight frowned. “That early huh? That’s a good ten and a half months before you give birth. And your right in the middle of the scary part, we won’t know if you’re really safe until 9 weeks have passed. We’ll need to sort out a diet plan for you shortly… and your sure your having a filly?”

Trixie smiled. “Trixie knows she will have a beautiful baby filly and it will be named Trixie Two!”

Spike added. “Electric boogaloo.”

Trixie replied. “The sequel will be better than the first.”

Twilight was smiling again. Not the kind of smile that showed patience toward Trixie but an earnest one that showed pleasure. She’d seen this kind of smile several times but only when watching ponies from afar or the few ponies that had enjoyed her show before it was so thoroughly ruined. “Why are you smiling?”

Twilight shook her head as if it was the silliest question she’d ever heard. “Because I’m happy for you. You seem really excited to have a foal, most mares in your position are normally upset.”

Trixie beamed and waved a hoof through the air. “And why should Trixie be at all upset? Sure her own parents were awful, but that’s why she is here to show she will be the Greatest and Best mommy in the whole world.”

Twilight smiled. “So do you know who the stallion is?”

Trixie shrugged. “Handsome, strong, and big. In all the best ways.”

Twilight blinked. “Like… his muscles or something?”

Did she really not understand or was this some kind of play at innocence. If it was the former this might become an annoying ‘friendship’ really quickly, but if the later, Trixie could exploit it. “Well he did have a fair few of those too. But mostly he was large, and hot. Yet somehow only as rough as Trixie needed.”

Twilight stared at her, her eyes narrowed and lip being bit with this look of concentration like the gears in her head were turning as hard as they could. Several seconds went by before she finally asked, “Did you want him to be rough? Or do you mean like he had a rough and rugged appearance?”

Before she could get to it, Spike had palm slapped his forehead. “Twilight, how is it that I am the kid here and I understand more about sex talk than you do.”

Twilight glared back at him. “She did not mention any breading, Spike. Honestly, you’re getting so weird now that you’re getting older. It’s probably puberty.”

Trixie had to ask, “Have you ever had sex?”

Twilight’s cheeks turned a little pink. “I have too had the sex! And it was with a handsome stallion. It was good.”

Spike called back. “She’s lying.”

Twilight glared at him. “You haven’t had it either.”

Spike was in the middle of drinking from a cup of hot chocolate. He coughed a few times before choking out, “Y-yeah, sure I havne’t. Nope, never had sex. Don’t know what it’s like at all.”

Twilight smiled. “So… um… no. No I have not. I’ve never really had the reason too. I have my books and my studies to tend too.”

Well at least this made Trixie feel more secure about staying here. Twilight was not going to take advantage of Trixie’s body. Still it meant that Twilight truly was innocent, and as funny as that could be it also meant she might be annoying as well. If only there was a peaceful, non sexual way to destroy that innocence so that Twilight could speak on her level. Oh well, that would have to wait she was going to have a whole ten months to plan that out.

Oh, by Celestia’s thick and hot rump, ten months. This was going to be a nightmare wasn’t it? She rubbed her belly again. The small life inside of her was only just beginning to take form and experience things. She could bare ten months of this, so long as it kept her and her baby safe.

That was all that mattered.

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