• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Sixty Two: Sunny Days and Mommy Play

Chapter Sixty Two: Sunny Days and Mommy Play

Fluttershy found herself at one of the local diners with Celestia in front of her. They'd both ordered a daisy sandwich, and Fluttershy was drinking some raspberry iced tea. This was a nice place she liked to visit from time to time but she didn't come here often. It just felt like the most relaxing atmosphere to bring the ruler of Equestrian too. Given that pretty much everyone was staring at them, Fluttershy realized that there probably wasn't a relaxing place for Celestia.

Celestia let out a sigh. "I should have used my transformation spell, I apologize for the extra attention."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, it's quite alright, Celestia. I'm just glad to get to spend time with you."

Celestia smiled. "Thank you."

Fluttershy had remembered more of the details from the night before and she was realizing she might have learned something she wasn't supposed too. "Celestia, may I ask a question?"

"Given the fact that the last twenty four hours have been a little surprising for the both of us, why, yes, yes you can."

"Why haven't you told Trixie the truth yet?"

Celestia's eyes widened for a moment, and then she closed them and let out a sigh. "I see, you did remember me saying that last night... To answer your question, me and Trixie have had some intimate moments when I was dating Twilight and her. Though I usually wouldn't see any problems with such a... bonding activity. It was pointed out to me that most ponies might find the idea appalling. I'm afraid I won't just lose her... I'm afraid she'll hate."

Fluttershy had to give her credit there. This was a particularly unique experience and she couldn't very well deny that most ponies would lose their collective minds if they found out they got done screwing their own mother. Though for some reason she had the feeling Trixie might be a unique case. Fluttershy leaned back. "I think Trixie might just be happy to get to know you."

Celestia put the sandwich to her mouth and took a bite. "Mmm, needs bacon."

"Oh um, I think they have hay bacon here, we could ask them to-"

Celestia shook her head. "Never mind. I'll survive. Real bacon is not easy to come across."

Fluttershy blinked. What did she mean real bacon? Hay bacon was real bacon.

Celestia let out a sigh. "You may be right. Twilight's threatening me too. She stated if I don't tell Trixie she will. So either way the secret will come out... I just wish I could burry my head into the sand some days."

Fluttershy understood that feeling perfectly. "I have a few hidey-hole’s if you want to hide. I could join you in them."

Celestia smiled. "How about we do that. After our lunch. After this morning's exercise I am quite hungry."

Fluttershy smiled. "Me too."

Celestia and Fluttershy both took a few bites of their food. Eventually Celestia asked, "How about you? You seem to be upset with regards to your exes."

Fluttershy nodded. "Of course I am. I loved them. I may not have been a good pony, I probably still am not a good pony, but that doesn't mean I didn't care about them. The fact we're all trying to be friends is tough."

Celestia reached out with one of her massive wings across the table and used it to stroke Fluttershy's shoulder. The sensation was warm, fluffy, and loving. Fluttershy couldn't help but to lean into it. Celestia spoke quietly. "I've not had much experience in dating these past thousand years, but if I can help in anyway, please let me know."

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment and then came up with an idea. "Could we do this more often?"


"Lunch, cuddling, time on my kitchen table, everything that comes with spending time with you." Fluttershy wasn't sure if what she was hinting at would fly by Celestia. Or worse yet, if Celestia might reject her offer, but it was worth trying.

Celestia smiled. "I would love too. However, I fear I must explain that you may not be the only pony I'm spending 'table time' with."

Fluttershy looked up at her and smiled. "Is it okay if you're not the only pony I'd be spending that kind of time with either?"

"Of course, if I'm going to be having 'table time' with others, you should too."

Just hearing that level of acceptance made Fluttershy's heart soar. She found herself locking eyes with Celestia. Her heart was racing like crazy and her stomach was fluttery. Oh no, she might be falling for Celestia.


Rainbow Dash just lay there, huddled into the fetal position on Pinkie's floor. She knew she was supposed to go do something today, anything really, but her heart felt like it was breaking inside. Seeing Fluttershy like that had hurt her. It was good to see Fluttershy happy, of that she was certain, but to see her happy and having sex with other ponies, ponies she knew, now that hurt and she hated herself for it. Trixie and Fluttershy were right, it wasn't her business, but it still felt like it was.

Pinkie had come up and opened the door. "You okay, Dashy? I'm on my fifteen so I thought I'd stop by and say hi."

Rainbow Dash spoke quietly. "Thanks."

Pinkie Pie took a seat next to Rainbow Dash and snuggled into Rainbow's back. "There, there, sweetie. It'll be okay."

Rainbow Dash was pretty sure that was the problem. It was okay. Things were just fine, and that bothered her. She hated herself for it, she hated it so deeply. Why did she still care about Fluttershy like this? Still care about what Fluttershy did, or in this case who she did. She sniffled and did her best to keep her poisonous thoughts inside. "Thank you."

Pinkie ran a hoof down Rainbow's side and then back up. A soft, stroking motion that made Rainbow Dash want to melt into her. "You mean the world to me, Dashy. If I could just take your pain, I would. I would take it all. Break ups are never fun."

Rainbow Dash rolled over to look at Pinkie. Pinkie's bright blue eyes and her patient smile were always there to make her feel safe. "Pinkie, why do I still care?"

"She's your first love, you'll always care." Pinkie closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them up. They were wet, glossy. "You know how I'm friends with every pony?"

"Y-yeah, that's like your thing."

"There is one pony I'm not friends with."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "R-really? Who could not be friends with you?"

"M-more like I couldn’t stay friends with them... the first pony I ever fell in love with, the first one I dated. I was so in love, but they ended up cheating on me. We broke up, but I just couldn't stay friends with that one pony. I... I don't think I hate them, and it's been years since that happened but it still hurts. I'm just glad they moved out of Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash stared at her. "So... you're saying I might not be able to stay friends with Fluttershy?"

"No, Dashy. I'm just saying that I understand how painful it is to have your heart ripped out the first time. At the very least, Fluttershy didn't actually cheat on you. She broke your heart, and she was totally a meanie doodoo head, but Fluttershy is not a cheater. So I think one day you and her will be best friends again."

Rainbow Dash sniffled. "I love her though."

"So do I, but we can hurt for her together right?"

Rainbow Dash met Pinkie's eyes. Somehow hearing that, knowing that they both shared this pain, it made Rainbow Dash's heart feel lighter. "Thank you, Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie grinned. "No problem." She leaned down and kissed Rainbow Dash on the lips. "Now are you ready to go out and help today."

Rainbow Dash blinked at her. "Help... with what?"

"Did you forget you promised to help Rarity and Applejack today?"

Rainbow Dash shot upright. "You're right!"

Rainbow Dash jumped toward the balcony on the second floor and then paused. "Hey... Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Yeppers."

"Did it ever seem odd that you have like, the perfect entrance and exit for a pegasus?"

"So does Twilight."

"Yes, but Twilight moved into someone else's home. This is your place."

Pinkie simply shrugged. "Meh, means you have easy access to my warm place."

Rainbow Dash swallowed. "Heh, thanks... see you later, love."

"See you soon, hopefully in my bed." Pinkie gave her a wink.

Rainbow could feel it as her face lit on fire from the flirt. Oh she was still awful at romance stuff, but at the very least, she was happy to know she was welcome here. She was going to fully enjoy coming back here to take Pinkie on her bed later. For now, she did make a promise to help Rarity and Applejack move some stuff today, she just hoped she wasn't too late.


Twilight had come back downstairs to see Trixie sitting by the table, reading a magazine. The books had been picked up off the floor, and then shoved into a pile near the bookshelf. Not even on the bookshelf, just near it. Twilight groaned. "Seriously, Trixie, I love you but if you're going to help out, please do."

Trixie rubbed at her slowly growing belly. "Trixie's having back problems and her hooves are sore."

Twilight lowered her head. "O-oh... I'm sorry. The doctor said it was rare for mares to have such issues, but that you might considering how uh... large the father is."

Trixie flipped a page in the magazine she was holding in her hooves. "Mmm, yes. He is quite large. Too gentle, but quite large indeed."

Twilight was picking up on some of these double entendres now. "Trixie, I don’t want to hear about Big Mac's penis."

Trixie gasped. "Oh my, Twilight, whatever made you think something so dirty. I was talking about his height, his length, his girth as a pony."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I thought you were talking about his penis. I'm not good at sex talk yet. I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

Trixie smiled warmly. "I'll forgive you, if you help Trixie with the books please."

Twilight nodded. "Of course I will. I made a baseless accusation and jumped to conclusions. I'll take care of the books, it's the least I can do for my love."

Trixie purred. "And can you stick your butt out toward me while you do."

Twilight faced the bookshelf. "I kind of have too, you’re sitting opposite of the bookshelf. Why would you want me to stick my-" Twilight looked back at her and saw Trixie's eyes drawing invisible lines all across Twilight's rear end. "Well at least you're staring at me." She glanced at the cover of the magazine Trixie was reading. "What is that?"

"Oh this, it's an issue of Mommy Daughter Love. You want to read it?"

"That's a weird title. Oh, is it one of those magazines for new parents?"

"I sure hope no new parents are using this as reference material. Though I have a fetish here, I am never going to practice this with our daughter. Maybe if I ever met my real mom and she was like, super hot or something."

Oh Trixie had no idea just how 'hot' her real mom was. Not yet at least. Twilight was making quick work of the bookshelf. Once finished she turned to face Trixie and began walking to her. "Trixie... about your mom..." It hurt to do this, but Twilight felt like it was about time. If Celestia was going to continue spying on them and avoiding a direct conversation with Trixie then somepony had to tell Trixie what was going on.

Twilight joined Trixie's side and looked at the page Trixie was reading. It was a large blown up image of two mares, one looking close to her mid to late thirties and one that was freshly eighteen. The older one was holding the younger one and doing something uncouth with her hooves. A caption next to it read, ‘Mother helping her daughter massage after a breakup.'

Trixie purred. "Yeeess, do you think you could do you're mane in a bun and pretend to be my mommy so we can try this?"

Twilight decided that this was the worst moment to reveal Trixie's real mother's identity. In fact, she might just stay shut about it for some time. After all if this was something Trixie liked... they'd just end up in bed with Celestia again wouldn't they?

Twilight stammered. "If you give me a freebie, I'll do whatever you want in bed."

Trixie looked at her. "Do this, stick it in my butt, and say the words, 'mommy loves your tight butt'."

Twilight's eye twitched. "Please stop talking."

Trixie closed the magazine and stood up. "Mmm, okay. I'll just go upstairs then. See you soon, love. Oh and my back and hooves feel much better now."

She walked away leaving Twilight sitting there. It only slowly dawned on her that not only was Trixie insinuating she wanted to spend some more romantic time with her, but Twilight realized that Trixie's hooves or back didn't stop her from putting books away because her magic was working just fine. Twilight had just been duped.

Twilight could go upstairs and be angry, but that would get Trixie what she wanted. Twilight could upstairs and give Trixie what she wanted anyway. Or Twilight could stay downstairs and not give Trixie her attention, but that meant Twilight would just be frustrated at that point.

"You win this time, Trixie." Twilight spoke under her breath as she began ascending the staircase to please her demented lover. "Mommy’s going to spank you for being a naughty filly."

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