• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Fifty Eight: Of Dark Wings and Fixing Things

Chapter Fifty Eight: Of Dark Wings and Fixing Things

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie's chest erupted in cold fire and fury. Her eyes strained to open as blinding pain swarmed around in her mind. She and Twilight were both held aloft in a golden aura in some dark stone room. She knew the copper taste of her tears felt wrong, not salty but matalic. Glancing at Twilight who was in much the same position she noticed Twilight's eyes were crying a sick runny mixture of tears and blood. Though Twilight was in worse place than Trixie. On Twilight's back were a pair of black feathered wings that still had blood dried to her fur from where they had grown out of her back. Trixie had a pair of her own feathered wings, but she could hardly remember how they got there, or how the two of them got here to begin with.

In front of them Trixie saw Celestia and Shadow Heart. Celestia's eyes were stern and hard, her expression unbreakable. "Shadow Heart, you know that I fully blame you for making me do this."

Shadow Heart stammered a response. "Celestia, you were the one who told me I should keep an eye out for an apprentice. You can hardly blame me when I finally find one that understands my position." He was sitting at a table and fiddling with the Alicorn Amulet. "Honestly I have no idea how this thing came to exist here. Did you not throw it into a portal going to some forgotten wasteland?"

"I did, but I suspect a darker force is at work here."

"I see, one of your daughters."

Celestia snarled. "She, is named Sunset, and you will not refer to her as a daughter, student, or otherwise."

Shadow Heart nodded. "Understood."

Celestia's horn was glowing softly with a golden light, the light grew more powerful and the aura around Twilight grew brighter in response. Twilight let out a scream of agony as blades of golden light struck out and carved chunks from her flesh on her back around the wings. Dark slimey chunks hit the floor and fizzled for a moment before turning into black shadows. Celestia spat a curse. "You can't turn yourselves into alicorns yet! Not yet!"

Shadow Heart flinched at the sudden fury in her voice. "Celestia, this wasn't something you could have foreseen."

She shot a glare at him so hot that the edge of the table actually caught fire. "I have to see though. I didn't see my sister turning evil, I didn't see Sunset, I didn’t see Twilight and now I might lose Trixie too!"

He patted out the flame with a hoof. "No, you will not. Trixie did a good job in alerting me as soon as this started. We can save them."

"What about the three dead guards?"

"You can revive them."

"I... I already did." She shook her head. "I shouldn't have to do this. You know what I'm going to have to do to fix this mess."

He bit his lower lip. "I... I know. You can't risk allowing them to remember the darkness. I wish there was another way but maybe one day we can remind them."

She spat to the side, and the mucus that landed on the stone floor caught flame. "The two of them took my frigging leg."

Trixie blinked. Her body was still racked with pain but she couldn’t believe anything was wrong with Celestia's leg. There was one, two, three... there were only three legs. One of Celestia's rear legs was missing with a burned stump left behind near the flank.

Trixie muttered through the pain. "I'm... sorry."

Celestia blinked and she looked over at Trixie. "Oh gods no, you’re awake. Trixie, go to sleep, you can't be awake."

Trixie coughed a few times, something wet and metallic tasting worked its way up her mouth and onto the floor. It was a mixture red and black slime. "S-sorry. I... I t-tried to b-be good. To h-help. Was I good?"

Celestia's eyes softened. "You were good. You were the greatest, and most powerful student I've ever had."

Trixie offered a weak smile before the words sunk in. "H-had?"

Celestia bit her lower lip. "After this, you both will graduate."

Trixie's vision began to fade. "Great, and powerful."

Celestia whispered. "I just wish you would be able to remember it all. Including me."

Shadow Heart spoke gently. "Maybe one day she will."

Trixie glanced over at Twilight. Her eyes were open but it was clear she wasn't actually home at the moment. The golden aura tightened and grasping tentacles of gold light wrapped around the wings on Twilight’s back tight. The tentacles began to pull and a sick, wet snap sounded in the room. Trixie thankfully averted her eyes just before she saw it. A moment later a pair of dark black feathered wings landed on the floor, sizzling and dissolving into dust.

Just as the darkness consumed her she heard Shadow Heart speak. "You know this won't actually change what they've turned themselves into. Only pause their growth."

"It'll have to be enough. Neither of them are supposed to ascend to godhood yet."

Trixie blanked out of consciousness. Which was good, because she was pretty sure that she was the next one to have her wings removed.


Trixie opened her eyes with a start, her breathing ragged and her mind still reeling with the horrible memory she just regained. She dearly prayed that she wouldn’t remember such an awful event ever again. Prayed, but was unsure it was possible. She listened into the sounds of the room around her. She couldn't sense it, but she heard them. Just a little ways away, Twilight and Celestia were speaking in a quiet, but clear tone.

Twilight was speaking, "If she finds out, I don't know what she'll do."

Celestia replied. "I didn't realize it was that important to her."

"I didn't know until I met her, but I think it might be more important than even me. I... I get you bond in different ways with ponies, but you can't just assume that everypony is okay with... that kind of thing."

Celestia let out a sigh. "Is it really so wrong of me? I really enjoyed Trixie, and I think that bond you speak of is a large part of it? Is it wrong of me to want to show her how deep my love really is?"

Twilight let out a sigh in a mimic of Celestia. "Yes, it is. It's weird and gross. You, are weird and gross."

"Excuse me! I am the princess of the sun."

"Goddess or not, that's still weird."

"Zeus didn't think so."

"Zeus turned into a bird and raped a pony, I don’t think his morals should be considered in any respect."

"You make an interesting point. Perhaps I've just become so old that morals really don't mean much to me anymore."

Twilight sounded disappointed more than anything else. "Anyway, that's why I've made up my mind. I hope you can forgive me.'

Celestia replied. "Do... what do you think Trixie wants?"

"Well regardless of what she wants now, she shouldn’t date you anymore. Neither should I."

"But... that's not fair."

"No, what you've done is not fair. All of it. Yes, I screwed up, I screwed up bad but that didn't give you the right to concede to my foalish demands to be intimate with you and Trixie. You should have just said no, and been done with it."

Trixie could hardly believe what she was hearing. Was Twilight really breaking up with Celestia, not only breaking up with Celestia but also stating that she wouldn't share Trixie either? Trixie wasn't sure if she should feel honored, sad, or scared. Or perhaps a mixture of all three.

There was a pregnant pause of silence. At length Celestia finally spoke. "I understand. Should you, or Trixie change your minds, I will continue being intimate with you two, but I suppose I'll... find something to do with myself."

Twilight then added in a sharp tone. "You will not stop visiting us though."

"Oh, I won't will I?"

"No, after the ways you've screwed up, you will continue to visit at least once a week, and spend as much time with Trixie and Apple Butter as possible. I will even butt out of it if you need some alone time, so long as you respect the boundary."

Celestia spoke but she had a warm tone to her voice. "Thank you, Twilight. I was afraid you'd just... remove me from your life entirely... thank you."

Twilight huffed. "You better take care of her, I know where you live after all."

"So does the entire country."

The two of them shared a small laugh and then silence followed. Trixie listened in and then heard the sound of a magical pop in the air and then silence for another long few seconds. Soon hoofsteps followed and Trixie watched from her position on the bed as she saw Twilight's head poke up from the staircase leading to the loft. It wasn't long before she was all the way up and then saw Trixie staring at her. Twilight was smiling despite herself and her cheeks turned bright pink as a furious blush took over her face.

Twilight cleared her throat. "How much of that did you hear?"

Trixie stared at her. "Enough to realize you are selfish after all... and that you picked Trixie over Celestia."

Twilight smiled. "Nothing else?"

"That for some reason you desire Trixie and Celestia to bond?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, it'll be good for the two of you."


Twilight walked over to the bed. "You did a good job cleaning the house and organizing my books. It was just the treat that I needed after remembering all the horrible things i did to you as a teen... I'm sorry, Trixie. I hurt you, and it was wrong of me."

Trixie reached out and pet the top of Twilight’s head. Twilight nuzzled into the touch like a cat. "It's okay, Trixie forgives you. She was not exactly the best to you either. But you remembered everything?"

Twilight nodded. "More than you perhaps."

"How did you do that?"

Twilight offered a weak smile. "Trade secret."

"And about why you desire Trixie and Celestia to bond?"

Twilight's smile faded a bit. "O-oh, hey, Fluttershy may have meant it as a joke but she wants to have a threeway with us. I... might be interested in that idea. Would you like something like that?"

"You’re avoiding Trixie's question."

Twilight looked down and away. "You’re avoiding mine too."

Trixie frowned. "Fine, Trixie thinks that could be... fun. She'll think about it. Now answer Trixie’s question. Why should she and Celestia bond?"

Twilight bit her lower lip and closed her eyes tight. "Please don't make me tell you."

"If it's important, shouldn't Trixie know?"

"I think you do too, but I want her to tell you. Maybe that's wrong of me, but I want her to tell you because it would mean so much more if she told you than if I did... if... if you really want me to, I will. I refuse to lie to you, or to keep secrets, so... if you press me... I'll tell."

It was clear that Twilight was hurt by this secret. Trixie stared at her in silence for a long, hard minute before she finally made up her decision. "Trixie will allow you to keep this secret for now. She trusts your judgment, but if Celestia refuses to explain than Trixie will need an answer."

"If that bi- er... pony, refuses to tell you the truth, even after bonding with you, than I promise I will. You deserve to know whether she has the guts to tell you or not."

Trixie nodded. "Good. Now, Trixie feels you deserve some sort of reward for your bravery and for choosing Trixie. Come up here and Trixie will reward you. You need only sit on Trixie's face."

Twilight's entire face went red. Though clearly embarrassed to the core, she still climbed up onto the bed and Trixie got to work making sure that Twilight was deeply rewarded. It didn’t hurt that Twilight returned the favor with just as much interest as Trixie had in giving it.

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