• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Fourteen: Of Family and Dreams

Trixie is Pregnant

Chapter Fourteen: Of Family and Dreams

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie lay on her back upstairs staring up at the ceiling. Her entire body was warm and her heart even more so. Lying in reverse next to her was Twilight. Their heads were close to one another and Trixie could almost feel Twilight’s energy next to her. A warm, gooy, but organized presence.

Twilight was speaking. “And that’s why I’ve always loved Celestia.”

Trixie had hardly caught most of the story but that was okay, hearing pony noises made her feel like she wasn’t alone. “I, er, Trixie is happy about that.”

Twilight laughed. “I don’t think I’ve told anypony that before. Or even how Celestia offered to marry me when I cried and begged her for three weeks straight.”

Trixie blinked. She had missed that part didn’t she? “D-do you suppose she meant it then? Or do you think she just said it to make you stop crying?”

Twilight frowned. “I… try not to think about that. I kind of locked myself in my room and sobbed after she refused my first proposal. By the time she was able to break in by taking down my magical shield she found me half starved and severely depressed. She explained to me that she only said no because I was only fourteen years old and that even though she was a princess and could do whatever she wanted, it was still highly inappropriate to have any romantic interests in a foal. She then promised to marry me after I turned twenty one and only if I was fully ready for it. She even said how doing so to keep me sane wouldn’t be the worst reason she got married to somepony.”

Trixie’s frown deepened. “Trixie thinks… maybe you missed something.”

Twilight shook her head. “Nope, she said she would marry me because she loved me so much that she wanted to see me happy and never be sad again. Of course she keeps trying to encourage me to date other ponies first. Get some experience as she says, but uh… I’m not that into Luna and I think Luna doesn’t like me that way either, she has other interests. Speaking of love, do you love anypony?”

Trixie had to think about it. “Trixie isn’t sure. She likes ponies and is attracted to a fair few of them, yourself included, but Trixie doesn’t know if she loves any of them. It’s strange… Trixie has had her fair share of experiences but never really felt connected to somepony.”

Twilight laughed again. “That’s sad. I’m not sure why I laughed. I’m sorry. I guess I understand. I’ve always loved Celestia but I’ve never had any experiences. I haven't even had my first kiss yet.”

Trixie rolled her head over and realized Twilight was staring at her. “What have you done all these years to quell the sexual beast inside your soul?”

Twilight giggled. “I’m not sure I’d call it that, but I have had certain urges… usually those magazines work. When they don’t I turn to writing.”

Trixie blinked. “You write stories?”

“Uh-huh. They’re all really badly written though so I hide them in my secret chest. I don’t ever want anypony seeing them.”

Trixie felt sorry for Twilight. She was so stuck on the goddess of the sun that she never tried to even kiss anypony. Instead she was more sheltered, innocent, and distant from life than even Trixie could fathom. At first Trixie was afraid Twilight would want to use her body, but now she could see it, feel it, the thought had never once crossed the mare’s mind.

Trixie leaned forward. “Trixie thinks some damage repair is in order.”

Twilight swallowed and leaned a little closer herself. The air between them changed and Trixie was about to press forward, giving the poor mare a kiss when Twilight shot forward and kissed her instead. Their lips met, and then seperated as quickly as it began it was gone and Trixie was left clueless. She stared at Twilight who was giggling like mad now.

“Trixie demands to know why you did that!”

Twilight kept giggling. “You said you were attracted to me, so I thought you’d be good practice. That was fun!”

Trixie rolled her head up to look at the ceiling again. She started laughing herself. Why was it so funny? Shouldn’t the fact they just kissed mean more or was it just some silly thing that friends did sometimes. Maybe it did mean more?

Twilight admitted. “I tried to get my friends to kiss me once. I heard in sleepovers that when you play truth or dare you’re supposed to dare each other to do naughty things.”

Trixie had never been one for sleepovers. “That was a game Trixie had played in her youth at the home.”

“The home?”

“Trixie was adopted at birth, along with a few other fillies and colts. Our mother was loving but we all knew we weren’t related from early on so some exploration was very much expected.”

Twilight laughed. “I tried to kiss my brother once but Cadance stopped me from using my love potion.”

Trixie burst out laughing. “Now that’s funny. Wait… you mentioned you had a sleepover. You of all ponies?”

“Yeah it was with Rarity and Applejack. But instead of wanting to have any of that kind of fun they just argued all night. By the time we did get to have some peace my mood was pretty much ruined so I didn’t try it again… well until now.”

Trixie scooted forward and rest her head against Twilight’s, feeling the soft warm fur of her friend. “At least Trixie could be your first kiss, this makes you very lucky.”

Twilight nearly whispered. “Very lucky indeed.”


Rarity’s lips worked in silence as she and Pinkie stared through the cracked open window at where Trixie and Twilight were laying. Spike had actually fallen asleep in his bed ages ago but these two were wide awake, had kissed, and were now talking about the time Twilight apparently tried and failed to take advantage of Rarity… this was probably the worst idea she’d had in ages. At least Pinkie seemed excited about this.

Twilight finally moved pushing herself up. “Are you hungry? I’m hungry.”

Trixie rolled over and lay in a lump on the floor. “Trixie is hungry, she is hungry for two you know. So feed her and her baby.”

Twilight laughed. “I have some secret snacks in here somewhere. Let me get them. I hope the baby likes candy.”

Trixie replied. “My baby loves candy!”

Rarity swallowed and whispered. “Baby?”

Pinkie Pie was whispering too but her excitement was barely contained. “Oh my gosh, she’s pregnant. I knew it. We should throw her a baby shower. But wait… how do we shower the baby?”

Rarity ignored that comment. “Darling, I think I may have discovered Trixie’s secret and I may have also learned a good deal more than I bargained for. We should probably climb down before we watch those two going at it.”

Pinkie nodded. “I agree, as fun as that would be to watch, I think it might be awkward to watch it together. I mean, unless your into that kind of thing.”

Choosing once again to ignore Pinkie’s comment, they climbed down the grappling hook and once on the ground Pinkie retracted the tool and slid it into its holster. Rarity was starting to fully understand the situation and did really not like the connotations here. She’d screwed up and she knew it. Twilight was just trying to help a pregnant pony and Rarity and Rainbow Dash combined both were causing the kinds of problems that could be seen as destructive to their friendship. Maybe Trixie could actually stand to learn something, to grow and become friendly, just watching her with Twilight for a few minutes confirmed that she was at least very close to twilight… too close for comfort.

Rarity then had another thought. “Pinkie, is your Special Formula safe for pregnant mares?”

Pinkie giggled. “It’s no worse than eating grass. Just filled with magical ingredients, you know the smoke from a wisp, the weed of a dryad, just a hint of Fuzzies, you know the ones you touch and get dizzy from, just those kinds of things.”

Rarity shook her head. “I… am going to hope that means it’s safe.”

Pinkie shrugged. “Misses Cake demanded Pinkie’s Silly Sauce throughout her entire pregnancy. Helped with the mood swings.”

Rarity smiled. “Well the twins turned out just fine so I’m sure it’s safe then.”

Pinkie Pie then had to ask the question that sent shivers down Rarity’s spine. “So, how did Twilight knock up Trixie?”


It was late into the night before Trixie found herself in bed and exhausted beyond belief. Twilight seemed to be just as tired as she was in her own bed. Staring up at the ceiling the warm feeling emanating throughout her entire being was starting to fade a little but she was still happy. This was the first time she felt like she had really connected with somepony in years. Explaining her foalhood was an odd one but Twilight seemed to be perfectly accepting of it.

With spike already asleep and her own eyelids growing heavier by the second Trixie was already starting to envision the most magical of things. She heard Twilight speaking and it brought her back from the edge asleep enough. “Are you scared of me?”

Trixie yawned. “No.”

“Some ponies are… most ponies are.”

Trixie pushed herself up. Ponies afraid of Twilight, preposterous. If anything they were afraid of Trixie after all the schemes she’d done and succeeded at. “Why on earth would anypony be scared of you?”

Twilight replied, her voice cracked a little. “I’m powerful.”

Was she boasting? Trixie did not feel like it was an appropriate time to boast about such things. “Trixie fails to see how your meager amount of talent would scare anypony.”

Twilight rolled over in her bed. Hiding her face from Trixie’s. “Do you know the amount of damage I caused by mistake as a foal? There were so many times I had destroyed walls, or doors. So many accidental explosions or transformations. I think I turned my own brother into a frog once. Him, Cadance, even my own parents always looked at me like I was some kind of monster. Only Celestia ever really looked at me like a person. If it wasn’t for her, I might have become some kind of villain…”

Trixie was too tired to say anything meaningful and wasn’t really sure what to say anyway. If she was being truly honest with herself she was a little intimidated by that amount of power Twilight had but she would never admit to it. She was certain even Twilight’s friends were aware of the danger.

Twilight added. “I even scared the entire town when I nearly destroyed it. Twice.”

Having everypony fear you… Trixie could say she related to that. She accepted that fear gave her power over other ponies but it still wounded her heart when she thought about how much better it was to have somepony actually like her, talk to her, kiss her…

Trixie got up and out of bed. She didn’t have any plans on what to do to fix Twilight yet. Whatever strange magic had opened up the doorway to make the mare confide in her, it was working. Trixie walked over to Twilight’s bed climbed into it and slipped under the covers. She heard a gasp as Trixie wrapped a hoof around Twilight’s barrel and nuzzled into her neck. “Trixie thinks you should go to sleep. You are not scary, you are merely great, and dare Trixie suggest, powerful. Not as much as Trixie, but enough to be worthy of Trixie’s attention. Count yourself lucky as Trixie will mercifully help you sleep tonight.”

Twilight was silent for a moment before letting out a small whimper. “Thank you.”

Trixie was already falling fast asleep again. “You’re welcome.”


Trixie found herself in the most magical of dreams. Lying in Twilight’s bed with Twilight in front of her, hot lips meeting with hers. Fluttershy’s hooves and wings came from behind Trixie to caress every part of her body not currently dominated by Twilight’s. Only when Trixie pulled away for breath did she stop kissing Twilight only to watch Twilight and Fluttershy begin kissing one another. This was a moment she could live in for eternity.

Down at the foot of the bed stood a tall, dark and beautiful alicorn. Her dark blue fur and sparkling midnight mane captured her attention. The mare was giving a sly smile as she watched the scene on the bed. Trixie motioned for the mare to join them.

The mare shook her head. “I would love to, but I fear it would be impolite of me to join.”

Trixie shot back. “But it’s not impolite to watch?”

“Watching is part of the job description. At least this is one of the better times.”

Trixie frowned. “Better times? Job? Oh who cares, Trixie wants to return to her lovers-“

She turned to see two skeletons in bed with her. A unicorn skull landed on her chest and a boney wing landed on her flank. Oh Celestia no, where, what?

The mare’s voice came out calm as could be. “My apologies, I may have interrupted your event.” A dark blue aura surrounded the skeletons and they vanished leaving Trixie alone in the bed very confused.

Then came the pain. A sudden sharp pain from her stomach. She looked down at herself and saw something bulging from her belly. It was an odd shape, and a green baleful glow came from her stomach. Trixie rubbed at her stomach trying to figure out what it was. It was hard, and sharp and felt much like an amulet that had been taken away ages ago.

The mare’s horn lit up and surrounded Trixie. The pain ceased and her stomach returned to normal. Trixie was shaking, her mind unable to process what was happening and her body aching. The mare spoke in a gentle tone. “its okay, Trixie Lulamoon. You will be fine, this is but a nightmare. Though you may have to apologize when you awaken.”

Trixie looked up at her. “Why would Trixie apologize when she... Wait is Trixie-“

“-asleep?” Trixie’s eyes shot open and she was staring at a dimly lit ceiling. The soft pink light from a new dawn was coming through the window. She was cold, cold and wet. That must truly have been a horrible nightmare. At least she was okay… and in the same bed as a sleeping Twilight who was lying next to her, rump firmly pressed against Trixie’s flank.

Why was she so cold and wet though. Lifting up the blanket Trixie discovered the cause from a puddle formed around her and Twilight and cursed herself. “Great, Trixie wet herself. Finally get in bed with a cute mare and wet yourself. Good Job oh Great and Disgusting Trixie.”

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