• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,474 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Sixteen: Of Apples and Morning Sickness

Trixie is Pregnant and its Twilight’s Problem

Chapter Sixteen: Of Apples and Morning Sickness

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie had had enough for one day. Of course the day had hardly even started and she was already stressed out enough to be feeling sick. No more special cupcakes for her, furthermore no more sleeping in the same bed as anypony, ever again. There was actually a growing list of things she was never going to do again, and she was only, just a smidgen less neurotic than Twilight or else she’d have written out the list in explicit detail.

Instead Trixie focused on busing herself with something, anything to do. Now that everypony already knew her secret and was surprisingly accepting of her she might be able to venture outside without fear of random Rainbow attacks. Of course she wasn’t comfortable doing so alone as everypony else in town surly didn’t know yet.

Trixie ground her teeth as she paced back and forth waiting for Twilight to be finished. What was Twilight doing? Showering, and while in the shower she was pretty much screaming. Not screaming obscenities, or even coherent words for that matter just noise. It was the kind of noise a mare makes when their entire world is turned not only upside down but inside out and they have to come to terms with just how insane all the ponies in their social circle really are. It usually was preceded by and followed by hyperventilating, dilated pupils, and the kind of pacing that burned holes in the floor.

Speaking of which Trixie was carving a very nice trench in the floor herself. Yes, today was an awful one to be sure. Now she had to pretend as though Twilight somehow, using obscure transmutation magic, knocked her up. At least until Twilight figured out how they were going to work around the whole ‘Applejack will freak out when she finds out her brother got you pregnant’ thing. Honestly Trixie didn’t know Applejack nearly well enough to make any sort of judgment here but she did feel that Big Mac needed to know, eventually, in the safest way possible.

For now, it was time to leave. As soon as Twilight was done with her mental break down. Seeing the bathroom door open and Twilight, looking relatively calm, it was time to leave. Twilight grabbed a saddle bag threw it over her back and walked to the door. “We’re leaving Spike here.”

Trixie followed her outside only to be met by the warm rays of the sun and hardly a cloud in sight. At least the weather was nice. Twilight hooked a sharp left and Trixie followed her hoping they were going somewhere nice.

Twilight glanced at Trixie. “So… all of Ponyville is likely aware of the situation that my friends invented. Don’t be surprised if we get questions about how we did it, or congratulations on the new-“

A white mare with a pink and red mane came trotting up. There was a rose on her cutie mark and she gave Trixie and Twilight a smile as she said, “Congratulations on having a baby!”

Twilight sighed.

Trixie stared at her. “How did you find out?”

She blinked a few times as if the question was too obvious to warrant a proper response. “Well, Pinkie Pie did come by asking about flower arrangements for a baby shower.”

“It’s been hardly a few hours since she found out!” Trixie exclaimed.

The mare smiled. “Of course, isn’t she wonderful to care so much? By the way, are you two also getting married or is this more of a casual partnership?”

Twilight groaned. “I hate this town.”

The mare replied. “Oh don’t be like that. True love is wonderful. But if this is just you two decided to co-parent without any relationship that’s fine too. Why my cousin in Talltale lives with a stallion who got her pregnant but he’s as gay as they come.”

Trixie also hated this town. If everypony in the town already knew they were going to be all over her in a matter of seconds… wait, if they all knew they’d be all over her. Trixie grinned as she hooked a leg around Twilight drawing her close. “Well we don’t want to spoil anything yet. Trixie is just so happy that Twilight is such a kind mare, also one with impeccable tastes in unicorns.” Trixie gave a wink.

Twilight glared up at her. “Trixie, what are you doing?”

“Why, I’m just placating our lovely follower here. She’s interested in us, isn’t that right miss…”


“Miss Roseluck.”

Roseluck smiled. “Of course I’m excited for you two. Me and the others are already planning the flower arrangements. We’ve already had our fainting spree and are now fully ready to help out.”

Trixie blinked. “Fainting… spree?”

Twilight’s horn lit up. “And we’re done here.” The world vanished in a flash of bright pink light and they found themselves somewhere on the edge of town. Trixie’s steps felt a little uneasy and the nausea came back with double strength. She looked over at Twilight who was staring out over the hill they were on which showed how large Ponyville really was. It wasn’t just some homes stuffed together in a small area, it was lots of houses all spread far apart with only a small cluster of them near the center.

Twilight looked pleased with herself. “Well we’re finally away from most of the crazies.”

Trixie could taste bile in her mouth. “Do you know anything about morning sickness?”

Twilight looked over. “No, why-“

Almost as if by command, the torrent of vomit had begun. Well… at least it wasn’t the most humiliating thing Trixie covered Twilight in today.


Applejack swung the net down on the strange and hideous hybrid of bat and bumble bee. With the thing in the net she tossed it into the cage with the others. These things were at least as big as a rat and could fly making them three times more nasty. At least they could make good honey but needed an extra careful eye placed on them.

She looked to Big Mac who had just finished his round. “Big Mac, did y’all get them all on yer side?”

Big Mac nodded. “Ayep.”

“Good with everypony safe now, you can answer a question fer me.”

He eyed her.

“How exactly do ya know Trixie? And how does she know you?”

He shrugged.

“Listen here, Ah ain’t gonna take that shrug. It’s plenty obvious you two know each other somehow. That mare’s so stuck on herself she couldn’t even remember most our names till two days ago. So how did she remember you?”

Big Mac stayed quiet but there was a squint in his eyes telling her he was hiding something alright. “Did she hurt you?”

He shook his head.

“Did you hurt her?”

Another shake.

“Then what in Tarnation did y’all get up to?”

He opened his mouth as if to answer her when Applebloom jumped into the conversation. “She took over the entire town, Applejack. Big Mac kind of stands out in a crowd and so hed be easy to remember.”

Applejack shot her glare as if to tell her to not interrupt again should she value having a butt that wasn’t red and stinging. “Big Mac.”

Big Mac smiled. “Remember how Twilight turned you into a stallion?”

Applejack blinked. “Oh… yeah, Ah do remember that. Why did you act all surprised to see her then?”

“Ah didn’t know she was in town after that amulet thing.”

Applejack frowned. Something about this mess felt off. She was clearly missing something but his argument made a lot of sense. She hadn’t exactly told him that she was back in town, nor that she was supposed to be her friend now. Though to be fair without having ever spent time with her friendship was not a thing she could easily say was taking place. Applejack would give Trixie a chance, maybe she was wrong here, it wouldn’t be the first time. However, if things kept being weird she’d have to say something. This wasn’t like how she caught Luna spying on Big Mac in his sleep… numerous times. This was something new and she could actually handle this one.

Though she’d be careful. Trixie was carrying Twilight’s baby after all, didn’t want to risk anything weird happening there.

Big Mac’s next words struck her as odd but sensible giving the circumstance. “Is she really having Twilight’s child?”

Applejack nodded. “Ayep, as weird as it sounds. Rainbow Dash found out first, and then Rarity put the pieces together. Now we all know. A bit surprised but Ah reckon if Twilight wants good magical genes Trixie ain’t too bad a choice.”

Applebloom stuck her head up in front of Applejack nearly knocking her back. “How is Trixie having Twilight’s baby? From what Ah’ve seen you have to have a boy and girl to do that and Ah’m pretty sure Twilight’s a girl.”

Applejack felt her face starting to burn. “Um… well, you see…” she looked for help from Big Mac but he had ditched leaving her with the hard part. “Remember when we had the apples and the oranges talk?”

“Ayep, and Ah remember how it applies to the pigs and sheep and cows and the ponies and the-“

“Alright, alright. Well Twilight’s an all powerful wizard pony. She can turn herself into a stallion if she needs too… or in this case just wants too.”

Applebloom made a sour face as if the idea was physically impossible for her to imagine for a moment. Then her face lit up. “OH! Just like those weird comics Scootaloo keeps under her bed in her room. So Twilight got Trixie pregnant. Are they going to get married now? Are you going to be the flower girl or the bridesmaid, and is Rarity going to make the wedding dre-“

Applejack shoved a hoof over Applebloom’s lips as swiftly as possible. “Shhh, don’t say those the M word out loud. She will hear you and then our day is gonna be filled with nonsense.”

There was a mad cackle from the woods nearby. “Oh no…” She scooped Applebloom up in her leg threw her on her back and checked to make sure the cages of batbees were secure. Then she ran. If she could make it home before the cackling mad marriage focused mare caught up, she’d be safe. Darn Applebloom for making her run from a hopefully imaginary Rarity.

Speaking of which… Trixie was about to enter a world of annoyances and measurements.


Twilight was still busy using a magical cloth to clean her fur. Trixie honestly felt bad about this one and was apologizing for the third time. Twilight shook her head. “A little vomiting is fine and perfectly normal. I’d much rather have you throwing up on me than my original fear of my friends finding out after Rainbow’s misunderstanding.”

Trixie stared at her. “What were you so afraid of, Trixie thinks they were nice, absolutely out of their pumpkins, but nice.”

Twilight frowned. “I was afraid that Rarity was going to start wanting to make wedding dresses for us. I know we’re not planning to get married but she might get carried away with the idea and then we’d be spending days modeling for them.”

Trixie frowned. “She’d have to be able to adjust for Trixie’s size, you know Trixie will only get larger.”

Twilight glared at her. “She won’t have to do any of that because we are not getting married.”

Trixie smiled. “Don’t say that, Twilight. If it makes your friends happy, shouldn’t you do anything to please them?”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something but closed it tight. She stared past Trixie as her eyes widened. There was a sudden sharp snap of something being drawn tight behind Trixie’s ears. She looked over behind her and saw Rarity standing there, a cloth measuring tape in her telekinetic aura drawn tight and straight as could be. “Did somepony say ‘wedding dresses’?”

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