• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,474 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Forty Eight: Of Bunny Piles and Recovery

Chapter Forty Eight: Of Bunny Piles and Recovery

Written by TheCrimsonDM

It had been a few days and Rarity was getting really worried now. Not only had Rainbow Dash told them all a few days ago that the wedding was cancelled, nopony was able to get in contact with Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash had been spending time with Pinkie Pie, as well as on her job. Point in fact today Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were going on a date to take a walk in the Everfree Forest... probably a bad idea, but it was cute they were doing something. The problem was with Fluttershy. Nopony would tell Rarity what happened and what was going on with Fluttershy herself.

Now Rarity was going to visit Fluttershy's house again. This time dragging Applejack along. She'd been here once every day since she found out, but no matter how many times she knocked on the door, Fluttershy wouldn't answer. This time was going to be different.

Once at the door Rarity decided to knock. After a couple of minutes, and few shouts to try and get Fluttershy's attention she took a few steps back and nodded at Applejack. Applejack took the cue walked up to the door, turned around and with a powerful kick broke the door open. They took a few steps inside. The place was dark, and had a faint smell of animal urine. Rarity briefly wondered if Fluttershy had even bothered cleaning in the past few days.

Search as they might, they couldn't find Fluttershy on the first floor. So they went up the stairs to the second floor and straight to Fluttershy's bedroom. The smell of animals was stronger there, and the door was cracked open. A series of tiny squeaking noises made Rarity a little worried. She pushed open the door and her jaw dropped.

In the dimly lit room, with the only light coming through the shielded windows she saw a pile of rabbits at least as tall as a pony just laying on top of one another. They all looked over at the intruders and were quiet as could be. For a moment she feared this might be some horrid copulation ritual, but that fear was removed quickly when she realized they were pretty much just relaxing in a giant bunny pile.

Applejack whispered. "She ain't here?"

Rarity scanned the room again. She caught the hint of a pink tail sticking out from underneath the bunny pile. "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy's voice replied, it was muffled but she could hear her from under the pile of dozens of rabbits. "I'm here."

"Good Sweet Baby Celestia," Rarity swore. "Why are you underneath all of those rabbits?"

"I'm trying to absorb their fluffy love through mass cuddling."

Applejack asked, "Is it working?"

Fluttershy replied. "I think some of them peed on me."

Rarity grimaced, that sounded horrible. "Get out from that pile now, we're going to give you all the love you need... and a bath."

The rabbits gently moved and wiggled as Fluttershy slowly climbed out of the pile. Her eyes were filled with red streaks, her cheeks damp and her nose dripping. She looked like she either had a cold or a severe bunny allergy. Her wings were dirty and feathers stuck out in awkward places indicating she hadn't done any preening in ages. There were a few black stains from where she once had mascara on and it had run down her face.

Applejack swallowed. "Fluttershy, Ah am saying this out of love, but you look like crap."

Fluttershy nodded. "I, I must be ugly. Another reason why Rainbow Dash l-left me."

That last sentence was all the proof that Rarity needed. She wasn't sure what happened to cause it, but it didn't matter. They were all still friends in the end, and Fluttershy was hurting. "Come with us darling, we're going to make it all better."

Fluttershy lowered her head and she shuffled forward. "O-oh, um, you can leave now bunnies. Thank you for trying."

The rabbits moved like a tidal wave scurrying across the floor, past Rarity and Applejack and then out toward the door they'd broken open. Rarity could see the damp floor where they’d all been piled up on. She agreed, a few of them had probably peed.

Once Fluttershy got close the reek was strong. Rarity's nose scrunched up and she almost covered it with her hoof. She did not want to look rude though so she did her very best to breathe was little as possible. "Come on, let's get you in a bath so you can get cleaned up."

The trio quickly made their way to the bathroom. Which was thankfully a lot brighter than the bedroom, and cleaner to boot. She turned on the hot water going into Fluttershy's oddly circular wooden tub and opened the window a crack. She nodded at Applejack. "Darling, could you... open the windows in Fluttershy's room? We need to air this place out a little. We'll fix her door later."

Applejack nodded. "Ayep, Ah'll be back in two shakes of a rattlesnakes tail."

With her gone Rarity helped get Fluttershy into the tub and the first thing she did was dump a bucket of warm water over Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy smelled awful. She smelled like animal urine, sweat, and sadness all wrapped up into a tiny confined space. So using plenty of shampoo she got to work with scrubbing Fluttershy's head. Her face, her mane, even behind her hears. She wasn't going to rest until Fluttershy smelled like a spring flower.

By the time Applejack returned Fluttershy's head, neck and shoulders were all washed and cleaned. Though she was still sitting there with her eyes closed and had lowered her head to that she could rest her chin on the edge of the tub as water drained down her chin fur and over the edge. Rarity nodded at the towel nearby. "Applejack, please use that towel to dry her head and face. I'm still pulling, things, out of her wings."

"What kind of things?"

"The kind of round little nasty things that I'd rather not think about as I'm pulling them out. Let's call them Rabbit coco puffs."

Applejack smirked. "Gross. Well glad Ah don't have yer job."

"No, but you have one, please get to it."

After Applejack dried up Fluttershy's face, Fluttershy opened her once bright and beautiful green eyes, they were dull and a muted green now. In fact Rarity would surmise that all of Fluttershy was a muted color now. It was clear that Fluttershy must have been pretty depressed if it was affecting her color pallet. It took a good half hour on the wings alone, the rest of Fluttershy took the remainder of an hour. Especially since the more Fluttershy moved the more sluggish her motions became. Eventually though, Fluttershy was cleaned up. She was clearly feeling down, but cleaned.

Applejack returned. "Hey, Ah fixed the door, and got Twilight to help clean the house with magic. Twilight didn't really want to see Fluttershy though... Ah'm uh, Ah don't like that."

Rarity frowned. "Me neither, it means she knows more than I do about what happened."

Fluttershy was still being dried off by a towel held in Rarity's aura. Fluttershy spoke quietly. "I, hurt Rainbow."

Rarity bit her lower lip. She was afraid of that. It was the only conclusion she could come to. Still it was hard to hear. "It'll be okay, darling."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, it won't be. I hurt her. I should have just told her I wanted some privacy. I didn't, and I just... we got into fights, at Twilight’s house, and I told her that I made out with Trixie, and Rainbow Dash didn't even get mad, she just... got sad."

Applejack spoke up. "You uh, you did what with Trixie now?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "It was a long time ago, before Trixie and Twilight dated. It would be fine if I didn't use that to make Rainbow angry... or at least try to."

There was a part of Rarity that was afraid of this happening from the beginning. A part of her that knew that Fluttershy went through lovers like most ponies went through sliced bread. She had given herself hope that a marriage could fix that, but maybe that was actually the mistake. Still it had happened and Fluttershy still needed somepony to help her. "It's okay, we're here for you."

Fluttershy looked up at her. Those eyes even sadder than before. "She picked Pinkie Pie over me."

"I... I know."

"And Pinkie picked her over me."

"I know."

Fluttershy lowered her head and closed her eyes. A shudder went through her whole body as a weak, tired sob escaped her lips. "I thought, with how close me and Pinkie were, she'd still be with me."

Applejack spoke up. "Sugarcube, whatever happened in the past doesn't matter right now. Ah think you should stay with me on the farm fer awhile. We have applepie, Luna, and family."

Rarity looked over at Applejack. "Darling, I was going to offer that."

"Ah know, but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie hang out at yer place a lot more than mine. Ah can convince those two to give Fluttershy some space to recover. Clearly she can't do this on her own."

Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm f-fine. The bunny pile wasn't so bad. It was warm."

Rarity nodded. "I agree, I'll come to check up on her every day and help with preening."

Fluttershy lowered her head a little more. "Okay."

It was hard seeing Fluttershy like this, but she'd seen Fluttershy heartbroken before. Before too long Fluttershy would find some beautiful mare to try and hit on, probably succeed, and then break their heart. So long as it wasn't another one of their friends, than who cared. Actually, maybe Rarity did care. This behavior was not healthy and it was clearly self destructive. There had to be something Rarity could do. She couldn’t stand by and keep letting Fluttershy do this to herself, and to others.

Applejack smiled. "Fluttershy, Ah ain't pressuring you or anything, but you ever think about going to a counselor? Ah know a good one who can help."

Rarity looked at Applejack like she was a miracle worker. Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm not crazy."

Applejack reached out and pet the top of Fluttershy's head. "Neither was Ah, but when my parents died, Ah needed the help. Ah think it wouldn't just help you feel better now, it would help you feel better later on."

Rarity stared at her. "You never told me you went to a counselor before?"

Applejack only offered a smile. "Ah don't talk about my folks too much, or how it affected me or the rest of mah family. Ah don't need to because Ah have so many good things to think about now. Such as mah lovely diamond, and my friend Fluttershy."

Fluttershy looked at them. "Are you two still my friends? After what I did to Rainbow?"

Applejack nodded. "Of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?"

Rarity nodded. "Best friends."

That seemed to be enough to make Fluttershy sob. She shook her head and wept. No tears came out but she cried still. "I don't wanna be a bad pony anymore. Please, help me. Oh goddess, help me."

Applejack and Rarity both hugged Fluttershy tight, holding her in their legs. Rarity whispered. "That's what we're here for. To help you."

Applejack added. "And yer not a bad pony. Not anymore than the rest of us. You had a bad night, but that doesn't make you a bad pony."

Rarity knew she was right. They'd all done something awful or another to each other at least once. It didn't mean they were bad ponies. Twilight wasn't some evil wizard who would manipulate and use curses on her friends just so she can write a stupid letter. Trixie wasn’t some self absorbed mare who would destroy all in her path to find some false glory, Rainbow Dash wasn't so competitive that she'd beat up her friends to win some stupid race. And Rarity wasn't so stuck up and snobbish that she'd steal Rainbow Dash's biggest moment away from her every time just to show how perfect she was, only to put herself and Rainbow Dash's heroes lives at risk.

They were all capable of doing screwed up things, but that didn't make them evil. It just made them ponies. Foolish, crappy ponies, but ponies none the less.

And the best part was they could all stand to improve themselves, even Fluttershy.

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