• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,473 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Thirty One: Of Invisible Princesses and Apple Pie

Chapter Thirty One: Of Invisible Princesses and Apple Pie

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie was sitting at Sweet Apple Acers and watching as Big Mac was bucking some apple trees. He was certainly a strong handsome thing wasn't he? Beside her sat Luna. Or more accurately hiding behind a barrel that was not quite large enough to hide her, sat Luna who was peaking over the top to stare at Big Mac. Her face was flushed pink and she was licking her lips as if she saw a delicious treat she wanted to steal away in front of her.

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Everypony knows your here and leering at Big Mac. Just go up to him and ask him out already."

Luna looked at her. "Shh, I am not here. See there is a perfectly good barrel in front of me."

Applejack came over, picked up the barrel threw it onto her back and walked away without batting an eye at Luna. Trixie giggled. "Oh, so well hidden that Applejack couldn't even see you when she took your hiding place away."

Luna stared at her. "Shut it. I am so stealthy she simply didn’t see me. For you see I have discovered the trick to being invisible.'

Trixie stared at her. "Oh and that is?"

"To stand still. If you stay still ponies can't see you."

Trixie stared directly at her. "Uh-huh. Okay, well you can keep being a coward, but obviously the apples accept you. If you just asked, I'm sure Big Mac would say yes to a date."

Luna went back to staring at her object of lust. "Why are you being so encouraging, didn't he leave you with child?"

"No, Trixie took a child from his penis and is going to raise it as a co-parent. Trixie is here to learn more about the apple family and their culture, after all Trixie's baby is part apple and deserves a family. A big, loving, warm family."

Applebloom's voice popped out of nowhere. "That's really sweet of ya, Ah think yer a good pony sometimes."

Trixie looked to her side and down at Applebloom. "Sometimes?"

"Well yer also kind of stuck on yerself but Ah guess Rarity is too, and Applejack seems to like her well enough."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Do not link Trixie up with her please. She makes fantastic dresses but she is so strange sometimes."

Luna added in. "I believe the most terrifying is the pink one. She honestly scares me. I believe she will kill us all one day."

Both Trixie and Applebloom looked at Luna. Applebloom swallowed. "Let's not think about that."

Trixie nodded. "Agreed."

Applejack returned with the barrel and set it down in front of Luna. Luna quickly attempted to hide, very poorly behind it. Luna couldn't even try hide her massive plot behind if she wanted too. Luna looked up at Applejack. "Thank you, but why did you bring my hiding place back to me?'

Applejack shrugged. "Big Mac said you were looking scared without yer barrel so he told me to give back to you. He's a bit sweet on you if you haven't noticed."

Luna's lip quivered. "He asked you too? My lovely handsome knight asked you to bring back my hiding spot so that I could admire him from afar without worry?"

Applejack nodded. "Ayep."

Luna smiled. "Then it is settled. I shall talk to him. Later. When I have more confidence."

Trixie laughed. "Your such a big baby, it’s no wonder Celestia worries about you."

Luna glared up at her. "I am neither big nor a baby."

Trixie smiled. "Oh? Trixie doesn’t think either is necessarily a bad thing. Especially if you keep an open mind."

The look Luna gave her was just priceless. Trixie would forever relish that look of shock until the end of days.


Twilight sat next to Rarity inside of her boutique. Rarity had decided to begin digging through some random boxes in search of Celestia knows what. Honestly, it was feeling like they were just wasting time here. "Rarity, we should be tailing Spike to find out who he's sleeping with."

Rarity looked back at her. "I am trying, but we need something important first. I already have the rope, the cloth and the chloroform but I can't seem to find my ski mask at all."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "What exactly do you think we're going to do to this mare?"

Rarity sat down and looked back at her. "I was under the impression we were going to get her for daring to take our Spikey Wikey away from us."

Twilight grumbled. "Away from me, you don't get to have him."

"Right, and I didn't want him, until he broke up with me. Now he has to be mine. Surely you understand these things, you are a mare after all.”

Twilight shook her head. "Being one does not mean I understand being an obsessive weirdo." Twilight looked over at the pile of materials Rarity had procured. "Besides, I was just going to use magic to teleport her to my basement anyway. Like, seriously, did you think I needed to drag somepony through town with rope? I have chains and hoof cuffs in my basement from my last experiment with Pinkie."

Rarity looked back at her. "Oh, in that case I think we're fine."

The door opened and the little bell chimed making Rarity spin around as her blue aura shoved her illicit materials back into a trunk. A mare walked in with green apple colored fur and a teal colored mane. The two diamonds on her flank as a cutie mark told Twilight she had some involvement with precious metals. The heart shaped jade necklace around her neck was another sign of such connection. However, Twilight could honestly say she had never spoken to the mare before.

Rarity took a look at her and for a moment looked puzzled before her eyes widened. "Green Diamond! Oh my, darling I'm so sorry, did I forget when you’re dress would be ready?'

Green Diamond shook her head. "Nuh-uh Miss Rarity, I'm early. I just was walking by and realized that I really wanted to say thank you for making a dress for me. I know it’s your job and all, but you’re so talented that it means so much to me you'd make something for me. If I was even half as good at making jewelry as you are with dresses I'd be so happy."

Rarity smiled. "Really it's no problem, and I think you are very talented at what you do. You’re still young so you'll have plenty of time to practice and get better."

Green Diamond beamed at the compliment. "Thank you! Miss Rarity's it’s sure been weird living on my own now, but it's also really fun. I even met a cute stallion, I never would have had the chance if I was living my parents still."

Rarity walked over. "Awww, that's so sweet. I hope you and him have a long loving relationship."

"Me too! I really love him. I never loved anyone before, I think I might even give him my first kiss... that's not bad is it, Miss Rarity?"

Rarity shook her head. "Not at all, you’re a young adult, and it's not like you’re going to get pregnant if you are careful to avoid heat seasons. So go crazy I say.”

She jumped in the air. "Thank you, Miss Rarity. This really means a lot! Oh, and I got a new shipment of emeralds a few days ago. Would you like any?"

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. "I think I would, I have an idea for a dress involving them. Please bring them by when you come to pick up your dress."

Green Diamond turned and trotted toward the door. "Oh I will, good bye, Miss Rarity and her friend."

With that Green Diamond was gone and Twilight was left sitting there with a mixture of confused feelings. This mare was clearly a little younger than her, but seemed a bit inexperienced with life. It reminded Twilight a lot of how she was when she first moved to Ponyville. Yet this little intrusion had cost her precious time, time she did not have to waste on finding out who was screwing her baby dragon. Rarity smiled as the door fully closed. "She's a sweet heart, I've had an arrangement with her for years now to help me get some precious gemstones, the kind that usually don’t grow around Ponyville. Or when I'm too busy even the more common ones. I'm glad to hear she's dating." Rarity giggled. "Her first kiss huh, now that's sweet."

Twilight glanced at Rarity. "We are wasting valuable time. Time I could be using looking for my prey."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, let me close up and we will go find this hussie who took Spike from us."

Twilight growled. "Me, not us."

"Oh, Twilight, I'm not so selfish as to not include you. It's not just me, it is indeed us."

Twilight was going to kill her by the end of the day, wasn't she?


Trixie was inside the kitchen of Sweet Apple Acers and had finished eating the slice of apple pie she was given and was grinning with a happy belly. She could almost feel it, Trixie Two: Dawn of Trixie... no she couldn't just keep calling her that in her head. Trixie smiled as she rubbed her belly. "Applebutter."

Applejack coughed a few times from where she sat nearby at the table. "Did you just say Applebutter?"

Trixie smiled. "Big Mac helped come up with the name... Trixie just liked the sound of it, not that Trixie wanted to see him smile or anything... even if he looks so happy when he does."

Applejack gave her an awkward stare for a long moment in silence before letting out a sigh and shaking her head. "Well Ah reckon Ah should have expected that. So what's her full name?"

Trixie still hadn't gotten a name from Twilight and if she didn't get one by the time she popped the baby out then she was just going with the default. "Applebutter Trixie Twilight the Second."

Applejack stared at her. "Now ain't that a mouthful of molasses."

Trixie glared at her. "It’s still a working title. Twilight has yet to give a proper suggestion for Tri- Applebutter's third name."

Applejack nodded. "It's got to be hard fer her. Filly can hardly make up her mind about what color of pen to use when writing an essay, let alone the name of an unborn foal. Whatever she chooses will be there fer life, or until the filly decides to change her name."

Trixie smirked. "With a name so perfect, how could anypony wish to change it?"

"All Ah'm saying is that sometimes ponies change their names to better fit their cutie marks. And although Ah fully suspect yer daughter... mah niece is going to have an apple related cutie mark she might decide something like, Magic Apple or something later on."

Trixie's eyes widened, in fact they even sparkled. "A stage name."

"A what?"

Trixie was about to stand up, felt a little lazy and decided to stay put. "A stage name! Applebutter is going to have a stage name growing up! She'll be mommy's little assistant and we'll go on amazing tours together. Always coming home to Twilight so she can do whatever boring thing it is housewives do."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "One: Being a housewife doesn't have to be boring. Two: If that's what Twilight wants you should be more respectful of it."

"Trixie is respectful. She has not told Twilight that she should choose to do more than just babysit the house all day. Perhaps Trixie could help her start up a business at home, unless we still live in the library by then, in which case she already has a job."

"Is there a reason you want Twilight to do more than just be your housewife? Ah mean if that's what she really truly wants, shouldn't you let her have it?"

"Trixie wants Twilight to be happy, and she knows that if Twilight is stuck at home all day she might get bored, and bored ponies think, and thinking ponies realize they made a mistake in getting married. Trixie does not want to become Twilight's mistake."

Applejack reached out and squeezed Trixie's hoof. "You are not going to become Twilight's mistake. Ah was a little confused by this whole mess at first, but now Ah can see why she loves you so. Yer special to her in ways nopony else can be. Try and keep that in-"

Applejack's eyes drifted over to the corner of the room where Luna stood staring at them. Trixie looked at her and the back to Applejack. "Did you just realize she's been there the whole time?"

Luna spoke quietly. "I have mastered the art of standing so incredibly still that I have become invisible to the naked eye."

Trixie looked at Luna. "Um... we can see you."

"No you can't. I'm sure I'm invisible."

Applejack ran a hoof down her face. "And this is the second mare that is part of the family."

Luna looked around slowly. "This always works at night, when the shadows can envelop me completely."

Trixie looked at Luna. "It's not night."

Luna smiled. "Tis still a feasible idea. Watch, I shall stand perfectly still and nopony will see me."

Big Mac took that moment to walk in, took a look at Luna and beamed. "Howdy, Luna."

Luna's horn lit up and she teleported in a flash of dark blue light. It was then that Trixie noticed the other half of the pie she was about to get too was gone as well. The hussie just stole her pie!

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