• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle,
Episode 2, Part 5

[The Everfree Forest]

Say what you will about the Everfree forest, that it's unnatural, that it's dark, that its full of monsters and horrors, because it's all of those things.

The main thing the Everfree Forest was however, was dangerous.

In this instance however, could it feel emotions, the forest would be scared.

Twilight Sparkle, Rahs Sparkle, and Spike Sparkle strode, and in Spike's case, rode, into the place without a bit of worry about anything inside it.

With them was a dress maker, Rarity, who regularly dealt with one of the more dangerous predators, the Diamond Dogs, and had a tiny animal who thought it was a god that she kept as a pet. She also was sister of one third of the CMC.

With her was a timid animal caretaker, Fluttershy, who went out of her way to deal with dangerous animals when they were hurt or scared, had made friends with a god of chaos, and was a member in good standing with at least four hardcore 'eco terrorist' groups and was known by name by seven others. She also had a pet that was descended from a literal god and was the apex of his kind BEFORE, he started training to get better.

Following along with her was Pinkie Pie. Enough said.

Above them floated Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus alive, who was a brown belt in three styles of martial arts and a black belt in two others including Griffonise kempo.

Below her was a demi god unicorn that had ruled a nation with an iron hoof and had personally slain some one who was considered one of the biggest threats Equss had ever seen. Not to mention Sombra was grouchy.

On the left of Rahs was a simple unicorn mare, likely the weakest in the group, though she had trained with Princess Luna, was a gifted spell caster in her own right even before that and was in top physical form from transporting and setting up her own shows. That Trixie's great grandfather was a dragon hardly entered into it.

On the other side of Rahs stalked a much larger orange furred canine like beast wearing a stetson hat. Applejack had been through a lot recently , though her current form was a furry engine of destruction capable of eating the magic of the most powerful non alicorn spell caster known to pony kind. And the teeth and claws she had were certainly not for show either. Rarity had managed to get her a vest and some shorts, though Witch-Jack didn't seem comfortable in them. Rahs had grumbled something about the tight clothing simply making the situation worse, but he was ignored. She was also the sister of one third of the CMC.

Behind them was another orange mare and the third demi god of the group. Sunset Shimmer. This mare was the one that made the forest, and every one else, a bit leery, more so than Pinkie Pie as she seemed unable to burn back the encroaching vines without cackling like a mad mare, or like Twilight doing science.

Rahs was a little worried that Sunset was staying behind him. She was also humming something to her self and occasionally Pinkie would chime in with ' Baby got back' for no reason which always seemed to throw Sunset for a loop.

The Everfree Forest had no chance.

Twilight was rather surprised at how easy the trip had gone. The hardest part was finding an easy way down into the ravine.

They had encountered a Cragodile, which was flung into a distant pond by Sombra without batting an eye, though he had to listen to Fluttershy scold him for a portion of the trek.

They ran into a manticore, which proceeded to lick Fluttershy's face until they needed to continue on.

They ran into a Ursa major, which Trixie surprisingly got to leave them alone. It seemed being Luna's apprentice had some benefits. Granted once Trixie found out Luna had a connection to the star bears that was the first thing she wanted to know about.

They had run into an odd three headed snake.

No one was quite sure where that thing wound up by the time Twilight had stopped screaming. Though a good chunk of the forest around them was on fire or missing and Sunset was laughing her head off.

The black vines were hardly a threat given Sunset 'Pyro' Shimmer was with them, particularly after she found out that certain ones spit out a gas that was highly volatile.

Sunset didn't stop cackling for five minutes after the first one exploded.

They also encountered a small pack of timber wolves.

Rahs and Applejack were both on them and had ripped apart two of them before the remaining three could react, and the remaining three were destroyed before they could do more than growl.

The pair then spent the rest of the trip picking twigs out of their teeth.

In fact the only real issues came from the inter party dynamics.

“BURN, BABY BURN, DISCO INFERNO” Sunset cackled as her horn glowed and she continued her one mare crusade against anything flammable.

“Sunset Focus.” Twilight sighed.

“I am focused. I'm focused on clearing a nice wide path we can put sports stadium or a twelve lane highway in.”Sunset grinned.

“Okay, Rahs before Fluttershy's friend Smokey gets here.” Twilight sighed.

“Woof.” Rahs nodded and walked up behind Sunset as she set a rather nice looking shrubbery, one that wasn't too expensive, on fire and took a large bite out of the magic she was flinging about.

“GAH!!” Sunset jerked back flailing.

Rahs blinked and smiled wide.


“It tastes like bacon?” Twilight gasped.”I thought you said it tasted like green apple tea cake?”

“ Woof” Rahs shrugged.

“Really?Bacon?” Witch- Jack asked looking at Sunset.

“What the heck did you do that for?” Sunset snapped glaring at Rahs before grumbling and turning to start casting again only to have Witch-Jack take a bite out of her magic, making her cry out again.

“Hey, he's right.” Witch- Jack nodded appreciatively.

“Damn my inability to taste magic!” Twilight wailed.

Rainbow Dash found the way into the ravine and the group was currently making their way along the bottom when they started encountering ruins.

Twilight and Rahs both shuddered, recognizing the remains of the old bridge that had lead to the castle of Whinnysor.

As the group continued on Sombra lingered behind as he noticed something. Throwing a few of the rocks aside he uncovered a very faint, and familiar magical presence. Moving more of the rocks he started to find bits of metal. What once might have been the haft of a spear, the broken broad blade tip and a tattered red ribbon still wrapped around it. The weapon was in easily eight or nine pieces but it was untarnished by rust or age and he could feel the magic still filling it.

He gave it a look and tucked all the broken bits into his saddle bag before quickly following after the others before they left him behind.

“Well this is it.” Twilight frowned looking at the mass of black vines that filled the cave mouth before them. There was a faint glow from behind the black mass, though the vines choked the entrance enough that no one could tell what it was.

Twilight and Rahs had both seen it before however.

“So this is it... we need to get inside some how. “ Twilight frowned.” Sunset?”

“Oh no. You didn't want me to burn everything so I didn't burn everything. Now you want me to burn everything and I'm still not doing it because you'll just complain again.” Sunset ranted. “How bout you do the grunt work and show me what you mean by 'fire control' Sparkle...”

“I can't because this thing goes after gods magic and if I cast anything it will be coming after me.” Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Sounds like a personal problem to me.” Sunset huffed.

“ Sombra?”

“My magic is ineffective against this Sparkle. The few spells I have tried have been less than successful and Sunset has only likely succeeded because her talent is burning things, both physically and verbally.” Sombra grumbled.

“Did you just make a joke?” Sunset asked surprised.

“Oh for the love of... Trixie has this.” Trixie huffed.

The show mare stormed up to the mass of vines, her horn glowing as she followed along the ground and the edge of the stone wall of the cave poking at it lightly and dodging some of the half hearted attacks of the vines. Finally reaching one corner where the vines clung to the rock she took off her hat and reached into it digging around. The others blinked wondering what she was doing before the blue mare turned suddenly and ran back towards the group, leaping up and tackling Rahs, shoving him and herself behind a large boulder.

The others watched them, then turned to look back at the rock wall where the fuse on a fairly large cask labeled TNT was quickly burning out.

The group of them cleared out quickly diving for cover as the cask exploded.

When the smoke cleared and the falling rubble stopped, the vines seemed slightly damaged, and quickly replacing themselves with more vines, though the rock wall next to them had a large hole blown into it that had soft light coming from the other side of it.

The group glared at Trixie, save Rahs who was being nuzzled again by the happy pony atop of him.

“Question. “ Spike asked.

“Yes?” Trixie asked a bit annoyed.

“I thought Illusions were your thing not explosions.” Spike pointed out.

“Trixie's talent is illusions, but her expertise is in spectacle. Fireworks count for that.” Trixie explained.

“Okay have you been taking lessons from Luna on how to flirt and date because that was a rather slick move to get to Rahs.” Sunset nodded appraisingly.

“Maybe a few.” Trixie admitted.

Twilight however had left the others and made her way into the cave with the other five Element Bearers. Though Pinkie Pie had to drag Witch-Jack along to keep her from going after Trixie.

Inside the cave was a massive glowing crystal tree looking very much like a weeping willow,though it was wrapped in black vines that seemed to be trying to choke the life out of it.

The tree pulsed with light though it was dimmed by the vines around it.

“Whoa...” Rainbow Dash gasped looking at everything.

“My My it's gorgeous.” Rarity gasped. “Or would be I suppose without all these vines.”

>”I was wondering when you would show up.”< The tree pulsed with light as it's words echoed in their heads.

“ Did that tree jus talk?” Witch-Jack asked.

“Neat it spoke in my brain. Be careful there mister tree. It's dangerous in there.” Pinkie Pie giggled a little deeper than any one expected.

>” I am afraid my time grows short. The Plunder Seed vines are strong magic absorbers, While it is unable to destroy gods, it can contain us and it uses our own magic to keep the bonds tight around us as well as help it grow. I have been keeping this contained here for some time, but with the repeated use of the Elements of Harmony as of late, the draw on my powers has allowed the vines to gain a much better foothold and has left me over run. I need you to return the Elements of Harmony to me.”<

“ You need them back? But we need them to protect Equestria.” Rainbow Dash shouted. “ How are we going to do that with out them?”

>“You seem to have done quite well in the Crystal Empire. And truth be told I would say you need to protect Equestria from Twilight more than anything else.”< the tree pulsed.

“What?!” Twilight snapped.

>”That was a joke. Did I not do it right?It is rare I get a chance to do humor or speak at all. But never the less I need the Element's returned to use my full power to destroy the plunder vine fully and release the other gods taken by it.”<

“What exactly are the Element's any way?” Rarity asked.

>“My Familiars.”< The tree glowed.

“What.....?!” Twilight blinked.

“Not to nit pick your choice of friend but, umm, rocks?” Fluttershy asked.

>” I'm a tree. I certainly hope you didn't expect me to have a woodpecker or something.”< the tree glowed.

“Hey Maud has boulder!” Pinkie huffed. “There's nothing wrong with rocks...”

“Oh no Pinkie I didn't mean it like that.” Fluttershy tried to placate.

“Alright, great, ROCKS can be familiars, yet no ones tried ponies, perfect just what I need to hear. We can do this, but I want to know who you are first.” Twilight demanded.

>” I would think that would be obvious Twilight Sparkle. I am the god Harmony.”< The tree flashed. >” I am one of the first three gods created by the universe to watch over Equss along with Law and Chaos. Or as he prefers to be called, Discord.”<

“Wait Discord's one of the first gods of Equss?” Rarity asked.” This explains a few things.”

>”I would regal you more but this is a strain to keep Grogar's plants at bay and talk AND keep doing Law's job.”< The tree glowed as it seemed to grumble. >” Seriously first Law vanishes and I'm stuck keeping the balance by doing her job to keep chaos from getting too big, Then Law's kids show up and I loan out my familiars so they can deal with Chaos, then her kids start making things too orderly so I have to do Chaos' job while he was sealed away, then you come along, and I have to swing back to law, and now this. Honestly it has been a very stressful millennia.”<

“Oh you poor thing.” Fluttershy frowned.

>” Thank you at least I get some sympathy. It would have been fine if Law hadn't vanished, but NOOO, I even learn how to move my roots in order to do that thing she liked and still buggered off after a few centuries”<

“Oh dear, sounds like there's some history there.” Rarity added.

>” You have no idea.”< the tree seemed to shudder.

“Wait you and some body else got freaky? What with pollen? Oh crap are we getting covered in tree sperm every time it's pollen season!?” Rainbow Dash snapped, her eye twitching. “ Is blowing on a dandelion helping a weed jack off?”

The rest of the group looked ill at that.

“ We were having a good day.....” Pinkie Pie muttered.

“No it's not. Seeds are not analogous to sperm. Neither is Pollen. Plants don't do dimorpic gametes like that. Harmony aside, as I'm not even going to think on that, blowing on a dandelion is closer to firing a bunch of fully formed foals from a party cannon.” Twilight lectured before she frowned and pointed a wing at Pinkie Pie. “Do not fire any foals from a party cannon.”

“Awwwww.” Pinkie Pie pouted.” There go my weekend plans.”

“Right let's do this. Give me a second to get the crown.” Twilight muttered walking back to the hole in the rock to look outside for her brother.

Twilight blinked at the scene outside.

Sombra was half buried in the ground, head first his back leg twitching in the air.

Spike was sitting on a rock, his face buried in his claws.

Rahs was laying face first on the ground, out cold and smoldering, twitching slightly every so often. He was also missing his pants for some reason. Sunset sat on his back, a look on her face like the cat that ate the canary.

Trixie was yelling at Sunset and trying to put her burning hat out.

Twilight blinked.

“It has not even been five minutes.” She shook her head and grabbed Rahs, yanking him out from under Sunset, flipping the mare off him and sending her crashing into Trixie. She flipped him over onto his back getting a pained groan from him before collecting the Element of Magic from his pocket.

Trixie yelped as Rahs was flipped over and tried to cover her eyes with her hooves, though she still peeked around at Rahs lying on his back pants-less.

“Heeeelloooo!” Sunset yelped appreciatively.

Witch-Jack took that moment to peek around Twilight and spotted Rahs, her eyes widening before Twilight shoved her back into the cave.

“I don't even want to know.” Twilight grumbled as Rahs woke up, yelped and closed his coat around himself.

The Elements of Harmony glowed brightly as they were locked into place at various points around the tree. Harmony glowed brightly for a moment before dimming, then flaring like the sun at midday. The vines around the tree turned to white ash as the energy coursed through them, spreading out from the tree. The magic fizzled a little as they hit the thickest parts of the vines where Starswirl had planted them, before this too was destroyed.

The others watched as the large vine barrier in the cave faded away showing the tree to of those outside.

The burst of magic traveled outward further destroying all of the vines across the forest and over Ponyville.

The tree seemed to unfold from it self, branches stretching out and spreading into a majestic crystal weeping willow. The Element's shown brightly, seeming to merge with the tree, all retaining the shape of the former Bearers cutie marks.

Gathered in a large pile under the tree were three large mounds of vines that seemed to be fighting the destruction, though one by one they all poofed to dust as well. Revealing the tall white form of Princess Celestia, the tall, but not quite as wide form, of Princess Luna, and the long and sinuous form of the Goddess Ascepius who had been in Canterlot at the time studying Applejack's situation.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” screamed Twilight, taking off like a shot into the air.

“Oh neat. When did she learn to fly?” Pinkie Pie asked watching Twilight soar out of the cave.

“She didn't” Rainbow Dash winced as Twilight plowed into the side of the canyon, sliding down it like a plate of pancakes flung at a wall by a foal throwing a temper tantrum.

“What the buck happened?” Princess Celestia asked looking around confused at the others gathered around.

“And where are Rahs' pants?” Princess Luna added.

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