• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Twilight's Kraken, Part One, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight's Kraken,
Part One,
Part 2

[ Four Days later. Ponyville]

“So Rahs is still running around the Oneiroi?” Sunset questioned.

“He's come back at least twice that I know of to keep me updated. Seems that odd event that happened with the diamond dogs at the stadium also affected all the moon dogs as well as all the diamond dogs that Jynx has asked so far. Though the diamond dogs are not all talking as evidently crying is a sign of weakness and most of them still hold that mindset.” Twilight pointed out as she rolled a hoof over the odd chest rocking it lightly on the table. “Seems Rahs has found a few dead spots in the dreams some of the moon dogs keep tabs on and he's checking out the locations personally to see if there's anything wrong with the ponies there. I did finally pass on what Luna told me, but he still figures it's his job to check it out. Wish he had that sort of drive to clean up anything around the house.”

“Ehh, I'm sure one of us can shape him up.” Sunset grinned. “Specialy if Applejack manages to get him.”

“I doubt that. I think she's picking up his bad habits.” Twilight huffed. “I've caught her sleeping in a sun beam almost as much as Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah, but at least if she's napping, you know her chores are done.” Sunset pointed out.

“True enough.” Twilight admitted.

Any further conversation was cut off as the door opened and the rest of the girls trotted or floated in.

“Sup nerds.” Dash stated floating over to the table with a flap of her wings chuckling.

“Nerds she says, like tha mare who ken tell us all tha major exports of Yakistan has any room tah call any pony else a nerd.” Applejack smirked shifting her hat a little as she followed in after Dash.

“Is it snow? I bet the export is snow.” Pinkie Pie chimed up pronking in.

“Actually darling all I can say with some certainty that it is it is not any of their lovely thick wool.” Rarity scoffed strolling in with the odd combination of her usually white coat and her nightmare colored mane and tail. “Yak wool is the best material around for winter clothing.”

“Oh, so what is it Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked the new proto thestril /bat pony. Fluttershy had a bit of a rough start after her change, but aside from a few stares here and there, no one in town really seemed to care, and in some cases even notice the change.

“Hey I was tricked into knowing that.” Dash huffed landing finally ,her ears flat to her head. “And the main export is peanut butter.”

“Seriously?” Sunset questioned.

“Anything Yaks can smash and then sell is something they are going to go out of their way to produce. Second biggest imports are gravel and sand.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “ Currently Prince is talking with them and trying to get a trade going for almond past and wine, though the yaks aren't as fond of crushing grapes as it stains their wool, so the angle this time is trying to turn it into a fashion statement.”

“Wine stains are slated to be this falls fashion?” Rarity gasped. “Rainbow you simply must tell me when you get that sort of information!”

“Before this gits any sillier what did yah need us all here fer?” Applejack questioned.

“I may have found something out about the box due to some information I received.” Twilight explained offering a wary eye to Pinkie who stared on as if nothing was wrong.

Twilight had gone to confront Pinkie about what she said to Rahs about the keys and had been summarily crushed by a meteor.


As such she had opted to forget Pinkie had said anything and just be vague about where she got the data.

“Pinkie did you have your chicken?” Twilight asked.

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie stated as she pulled Henrietta out of her mane.

“Pinkie, no, your chicken not Fluttershy's chicken.” Twilight sighed.

“Ooh, right!” Pinkie stated putting the chicken back into her hair much to Fluttershy's distress then pulling out Gummy in a chicken suit.

“No Pinkie, the rubber chicken..” Twilight stated her eye twitching a little.

“Gosh Twilight I didn't know you were into that sort of thing. Kinky.” Pinkie Pie stated as Fluttershy blushed.

“What?! NO! The rubber chicken you got from Cheese Sandwich!!” Twilight stated in a higher pitch than normal, clearly getting frustrated.

“OOOOOOOOOOH, Boneless.” Pinkie gasped.

“Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.” Twilight offered as Pinkie pulled out the rubber chicken whipping her head back and forth with it in her mouth making it scream and squawk.

“Right, I have reason to believe that this is one of the keys to the box.” Twilight pointed out.

“Ummm?” Sunset raised an eyebrow as Pinkie Pie's head whipped back and forthe like a dog with a toy, the squawking.

“Give it a moment.” Twilight offered rubbing her forehead with a hoof as she slowly counted backwards from the two hundredth digit of pi.

“Pinkie.” Fluttershy stated.

“Yes?” Pinkie asked releasing Boneless mid swing, sending the chicken flying to smash into Twilight's face sending her falling out of her chair with a yell.

The others simply watched the rubber chicken flip gracefully into the air and land with a last squawk on top of the locked chest.

“I didn't even ask this time!!!” Twilight shouted at the universe from the floor.

The rest of the group stared in awe as the chicken glowed with a flash of rainbow colors before transforming into a key with the bow of it turning into a copy of Pinkie's cutie mark.

“What the heck was that!?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

Twilight grumbled sitting up as she picked up the key and looked it over. ”Well at least that proves the statement was correct. At any rate that's one key of six.”

Applejack tilted her head considering as she sniffed the air. She walked up to the table taking off her hat and pulling a bit from it before putting her hat back on. She considered the bit in her hoof a moment before pressing it to the box.

“Applejack what are you..? Twilight asked as another flash of rainbow light appeared and Applejack was left holding a key with her own cutie mark.

“Ah caught a whiff of that scent of magic before when Shill gave me this bit after that whole nonsense with tha potions. “ Applejack offered. ”Figured it was worth a shot.”

“Seems you were right.” Twilight considered. ”Have you caught the scent of any other magic like this?”

“Fraid not.” Applejack sighed.

“Rahs said he smelled something like the box at the qualifying trials for the Equestria games.” Twilight offered. “ Did any one else get something from there?”

“That's when Spitfire gave me a Wonderbolts pin... you think that might be something?” Rainbow Dash added.

“Might be, grab it and we'll see.” Twilight considered.

“Back in a sec.” Rainbow Dash offered taking off like a shot out the door.

“If it is the pin than this is just the Element thing again.” Sunset offered.

“Right.” Twilight nodded.” Applejack got the coin by being honest and stopping the sham going on. Pinkie got the chicken by bringing laughter and joy with Cheese. And if the pin is the third key Rainbow got that by being loyal to her team and calling out Spitfire for trying to recruit her.”

“So was there anything that you two got recently that you gained due to kindness or generosity?” Sunset asked Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Well no, I don't think so..... oh maybe that flower, it's still fresh like it was just picked some how, and Angel hasn't even tried to eat it.”Fluttershy considered.

“Darling that hardly narrows anything down for me. After all you do something nice for someone and you never know if they will do something nice for you.......” Rarity trailed off with an odd look on her face. “ Actually darlings I will be right back, I do have something that may fit the criteria.”

“Well. Not like I'm going any where.” Twilight offered as she worked on fitting the two keys she had into an appropriate key hole.

[ Later]

“Well that's five of the six keys.” Sunset sighed.” Are you sure you haven't helped some random person magically or friendshipidely lately?”

“That's not a word.” Twilight huffed.

“I could say it is from the other world and there would be no way for you to know if I'm lying or not.” Sunset grinned.

“Ahem.” Applejack huffed.

“Spoil sport.” Sunset smirked.

“No. I haven't done anything like that at all. Nothing that counts as Magic or even friendship...” Twilight muttered.

“Still say that's corny.” Rainbow Dash huffed.

“.... unless.....” Twilight trailed off considering before looking at Sunset.

“What? Wait AHHH!” Sunset yelped as Twilight's magic lifted her up bodily and floated her over the table to smack her against the box a few times.

“Okay, that was bullshit Sparkle.” Sunset growled as she was plonked back in her seat.

“Well that wasn't it. Wonder if I can smack Sombra into it a few times?” Twilight considered.

“Please don't” Rarity sighed.” I understand you still have issues with him causing your untimely demise, but I would prefer you two at least be civil.”

“Actually I hardly blame him for that anymore. I would have done the same in the situation, were it reversed.” Twilight admitted.

“Why does that worry me?” Sunset pointed out.

“Cause yah been hanging out with Twi enough tah know better.” Applejack offered.

“In any case Rarity, you don't have to worry about me seeking revenge on your colt friend.” Twilight offered. “ We have something of an understanding now.”

“One date hardly makes him my colt friend Twilight.” Rarity huffed.

“Oh, but Rarity he's just what you always wanted. Tall, dark, handsome. He's a prince, he gets along well with your sister, and you both like ice cream. Plus he's just bad enough to keep things interesting.” Fluttershy explained as every one looked to the former pegasus then back to Rarity who had turned red.

“Fluttershy. Darling. Please stop helping.” Rarity stammered.

“Oh. Sorry.” Fluttershy meeped.

“Just give me at least a month before the wedding so I can plan the best party ever.” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“Pinkie Pie there is no … ARRRGH!” Rarity screamed.

“Ah the anguished cry of the damned.” Spike offered as he came into the room. “Is someone teasing Rarity about Sombra again?”

“Yup.” Rainbow Dash chuckled.

“Something up Spike? I thought you were trying to avoid dealing with the box in case it blew up.” Twilight questioned.

“Oh I was, but I just got a message from Celestia and Luna, they want you to come to Canterlot immediately. They have a chariot on it's way.” Spike held up the scroll.

“Why are you reading my messages?” Twilight frowned.

“Hey, I coughed it up literally, so I get first peek.” Spike huffed.

“Heh, be careful Spike. You don't wanna be playing tonsil hockey with Applebloom and choke her with a sudden scroll.” Rainbow Dash laughed only to be smacked up side the head with Applejack's hat.

Author's Note:

A little bit of a fluff chapter here but ehh. The episode didn't give me much to work with.

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