• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,251 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Dolphin Don't Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Dolphin Don't
Part 4

“This was an absolutely horrid idea and I hate you.” Saturnia snapped as she ducked under the claw swipe of a diamond dog.

“Don't give me that, it would have worked perfectly if your acting was better.” DD shouted back as she traded blows with Caballeron.

“Bark!” Rahs snapped, hitting the diamond dog with the Thug 2 shirt with the griffon that tackled him back at DD's house.

“Okay fine. It wasn't her acting, but she's supposed to know how to mask her scent from the diamond dogs!” DD stated kicking Caballeron in the belly and sending him tumbling away from her only to get tackled by another goon.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to change how you smell?” Saturnia snapped shifting to a bright pale grayish purple furred abyssinian with wild spiky hair and a white underbelly clearly visible, as she forgot clothes, to duck another blow from the diamond dog before lashing out with her claws ruining the dogs Thug 1 shirt.

Rahs let out a whistle at the form that made Saturnia blush as she drove the thugs head into the ground.

“Hah! Should have figured Rahs would like that form. How the heck did you not figure out to try an abyssinian?”DD laughed pulling off her pith helmet with a wing and belting one of the thug ponies across the face.

“It's not easy to balance on my back legs.” Saturnia muttered letting a green flicker of flame cover her in clothing that matched Rahs' pants and long coat, though her coat was buttoned up rather than open. The pants however were very tight and almost seemed painted on, and the top of the coat was open enough to show off a good bit of cleavage, with the bottom open to show off her flat belly, leaving only two very strained buttons to hold the coat closed over her bust.

“WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!” Caballeron shouted suddenly, waving a hoof in the air getting all the thugs and the trio to pause a moment.

Every one stared at the pony as he jabbed a hoof towards the moon dog.

“Daring, did you just say Rahs? As in Rahs Sparkle?” Caballeron demanded.

“Umm yeah.... why?”DD asked.

“That IS Rahs Sparkle!?” Caballeron demanded again, the rest of his goon's eyes getting wider

“All day long.” Saturnia added curiously.

“Right.” Caballeron stated before flinging the ring back at DD and turning to leave.”We are done here, the thieves guild does NOT mess with the Sparkles.”

The trio watched the group walk off, the griffon giving Rahs a single finger salute as he limped away with the rest.

DD smirked holding up the ring.

“Well, that went better than I expected... ah fuck he took the money didn't he?” DD cursed noting the bag of bits was gone.

“Well you did offer them to buy the ring back. And Caballeron is part of the thieves guild.” Saturnia sighed, though she had yet to change from an abyssinian and was inching a little closer to Rahs who was trying not to glance down at the fairly sizable amount of cleavage the changeling was offering. It wasn't at Jynx's or Witch-Jack's level, but still. It seemed he and his adoptive father had much the same taste, which was odd given how few species actually had boobs like that. Not that he was going to complain at how her rump looked in the too tight mockery of his pants either.

“Yeah yeah.. Well at least we got it before Ahuizotl got it.” DD sighed.

The crashing of trees and the thundering of something rushing through the jungle area like a gorilla drew the groups attention as a blue ape like creature burst from the trees with a deafening roar.

“You had to say something. “ Saturnia sighed.

Rahs blinked noting the creature's fur was the same shade as his with a lighter underbelly. The back half of it was more feline, with the arms and hands of it's upper body more of like the gorilla he thought it was at first.

Then things got weird.

The feline like tail it had ended in a blue three fingered hand. It's head had a vaguely feline shape with long pointed ears before it's head stretched out not unlike a alligators with teeth to match from the look of it. Though the things eyes were on the end of it's snout and it's mouth seemed to open like an alligators with a good bit of an over bite. It also seemed to be dressed very sparsely but in rather colorful gold and red bands with a thick necklace. It also needed to do something about the mess that was it's eyebrows.

Rahs wondered if Discord had a brother.

“The ring, Daring Do! Give it to me! ” the creature bellowed ignoring the flash of Rahs' camera.

“Now, Ahuizotl, you know I love you, but I can't give you the ring 'til I've properly proposed.” DD snarked.

“Hey Ahuizotl, 'long' time no see...... kinda like your face.” Saturnia quipped along.

“Ooh, good one.” DD smirked.

“What..... Saturnia? Lovely, both of you are back together. “ Ahuizotl growled, slapping a hand to his face.

“Aww, you know you missed us.” Saturnia offered.

“With every crossbow bolt so far.” Ahuizotl snapped. “Now give me the ring!”

“Yeah, how about no.” Daring responded.”You could never beat us before when it was just me and Bug. And now we've got a Sparkle.”

“A what?” Ahuizotl questioned.

“Not a what, he's a who.” Saturnia pointed to the moon dog who offered a small wave as the others looked at him.

“An overly large abyssinian?” Ahuizotl questioned, clearly confused. “Or some sort of strange diamond dog? Is he a new species called a Sparkle?”

“Seriously, you've not heard of the Sparkles?” Saturnia blinked.

“Should I have? I don't get out of the valley much. While I rather like cats and I would prefer not to hurt them, excluding you Saturnia no matter what form you are in, simply having a 'Sparkle' creature with you is not going to stop me.” Ahuizotl growled.

“Meow.” Rahs interrupted.

“What?” Ahuizotl blinked.

“Meow, meow. Fffftt fffttt!” Rahs stated.

“What did he say?” Saturnia blinked glancing at DD.

“I don't know, I don't speak fancy.” DD muttered.

“He was informing me of his intent to stop me and quite a bit of that was a rather impressive description of bodily harm if I was to injure his date.” Ahuizotl blinked looking a little pale. “I am impressed, it seems at least Saturnia has developed some taste.”

“Umm, thanks?” Saturnia muttered.

“Oh shut up.” DD snapped.

“Never the less I will have that ring. And it is not as if I came alone.” Ahuizotl snapped his tail hand.

Nothing happened for a moment and the blue creature blinked before snapping his tail again.

DD, Saturnia, and Ahuizotl looked around in confusion before a loud purring could be heard.

The trio's gaze snapped over to Rahs, whose ears were flat to his head, though a tiger, a cheetah, a lynx, a panther, and a little white house cat were all rubbing against him purring loudly.

“Seriously girls?” Ahuizotl sighed. “I am doubtful he is into you like that.”

“Oh! Buck! NO!” Saturnia yelled out, dashing over and leaping with a roar at the gathered cats, starting a massive brawl around Rahs that unfortunately drew him into it as the group crashed back into the jungle with much growling and yowling.

DD and Ahuizotl stared at the vicious attack and subsequent fighting for a moment before Ahuizotl simply sighed and clubbed Daring Do in the back of the head with his tail hand, dropping her like a rock.

“Well.... I suppose that worked after all.” Ahuizotl shrugged picking up Daring, and the ring before running off back into the jungle.

Author's Note:

Everyone loves Rahs.

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