• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,252 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 6

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Indonesian damsel manifestation,
part 6

[Crystal Empire, late Monday night]
[I can't believe that that's the name of the city itself.]

Twilight muttered to her self looking over a few of the books she picked up while Applejack lounged on one of the beds, and the Crusaders, Spike, and Firefly sat on the floor comparing con swag.

“So tell me again why we ain't headed back home now that tha con is over?” Applejack asked.

“Rule six of a successful convention. Always take another day to relax and wind down after a con before heading out. You get to stay until the closing ceremony and you get to miss most of the traffic of ponies heading out after the con.” Twilight offered.

“There's rules for going to a con?” Firefly asked.

“Sorta. Guide lines mostly but they should be rules.” Spike offered. “Like rule one is take a freaking bath at least once a day while at a con.”

“I really wish some of those guys followed that as a rule.” Scootaloo made a gagging face.

“Right and rule two is make sure you eat and sleep to keep healthy so you have a harder time catching what ever con funk is going around.” Twilight offered. “Most of the other rules are about how to treat people, always save a few extra bits to get home, and inventory all you came with and what you picked up to make sure you didn't leave something. Stuff like that.”

“There's also a set of rules for cosplay, and turning in any one who is trying to trash the place for any reason to keep the rates down for everyone else.” Spike offered.

“There's a much bigger reason for staying another night however.” Twilight offered.

“An what's that?” Applebloom asked.

“Tomorrow is Tuesday.” Spike offered.

“Oh.” Applebloom blinked.

“So we're going back Wednesday?” Sweetiebelle questioned.

“Ah'm okay with that.” Applejack offered.


Jynx was not entirely certain what had gone on.

The wrestling matches had started, and rather than be disinterested at the over the top things going on in the ring, that was clearly not any sort of wrestling that she knew of, Rahs took note of it and was enthralled. Sure some of the moves were the same and the competitors were clearly powerful enough to do some damage, but none of them did any thing real it seemed.

She was certain there were some getting hurt, but this wasn't really any sort of fighting so much as it was some sort of complex impact heavy dance.

Rahs absolutely was loving it though, so she held her tongue on her complaints.

After a time however she started finding herself rooting for certain competitors. Less for how showy they were, but due to some of the ways they went over things. I mean there was no way something called a huricarana would be effective in a real fight, but the skill of it being used was quite impressive.

Still the evening had ended on an enjoyable note and a train right back where she got to lean against Rahs much to his discomfort at the closeness and her enjoyment, though now she was even more confused.

Why Jynx was confused was that Ponyville was practically glowing with the amount of gems and precious metals that were reflecting the moon light and some how enhancing it to sparkle like a disco ball.

She never really asked about the mirror sphere, some of her pack had developed a thing for that dance style the more familiar they became with pony culture.

“What is going on here?”Jynx questioned as her ears flattened to her head.

Rahs simply sighed and slapped his face with his paw.

“So you know what has happened?” Jynx asked curiously.


Jynx and Rahs both turned to see a black unicorn all but prancing towards them. The tall mares purple and white streaked mane and tail flowing behind her on some unseen current, rippling like water.

“Is that Lady Rarity?” Jynx asked.

Rahs shifted, growling, and glaring at the approaching mare.


“Language dahling. There is no need to be rude.” Nightmarity offered.

“WOOF!” Rahs snapped.

“Ah, well of course you don't quite understand it. I got this wonderful book from the library and it's allowed me to make everything fabulous. I mean look at Ponyville it's never been more high class and gorgeous since I've lived here.” Nightmarity offered. “There are of course a few spots I'm having a difficult time with. Nothing I try on Golden Oaks seems to work and I simply thought making it a real gold oak tree would be perfect, maybe with jade leaves. Of course I need to get out to Sweet Apple Acres as well, but that can wait a bit until I'm finished with the town itself.”

“Are you alright Lady Rarity .. you seem..... darker?” Jynx questioned tilting her head.

“Oh quite wonderful dahling, I do hope the date went well. I have such high hopes for the two of you.” Rarity chimed up smirking showing off razor sharp teeth that filled a mouth that smiled just a little too wide. “I know, perhaps I should add a bit more glam to you perhaps that will help out.”

Jynx was about to question that when the dark unicorn fired some sort of magic at her, Jynx jerked back only for a blue furred form to dart in front of her faster than she could follow, the spell slamming into Rahs.

The flare of the spell faded and the Moon dog's coat was decked out in gems and fine silks, gold leaf and silver and looked to weigh a good hundred or so pounds.

Rahs growled shucking out of the long coat which stood on it's own as he slipped free of it.

His fur looked neatly trimmed and he took a moment to tear off the few bits of jewelry that had appeared on him the glimmering items turning into nothing in his claws.

Jynx was slightly disappointed he didn't get rid of the red silk and gold embroidered pants he had on, but seeing him shirtless was nice enough.

“BORK!” Rahs accused.

“Mad? No dahling I'm quite sane. I've been wanting to change this town for years and I finally have the power and the ability to do so. But why would I stop here? Canterlot and countless other cities could do with some more glamour.” Nightmarity chimed in with a toss of her mane.

“Judging by just what I see here, you have already reduced the value of gems and gold as currency.” Jynx frowned. “You seem to be intent on crashing the Equestrian economy. Not to mention it looks tacky.”

“This is not tacky, this is HIGHLY stylish!” Rarity snapped.

“WOOF!” Rahs snapped back taking note of a number of ponies in rather fancy clothing and decked out like his coat was poking their heads out of various doors and windows. All of them looked like they had been on the receiving end of her antics all night. He could smell the tantabus on her, though it didn't seem the same as before, like it had changed. There was some strong unfamiliar magic here as well.

“I have not become the villain of the week, how dare you. How does wanting to improve something make me a villain.” Nightmarity scoffed. “ Not that it matters. I have no plans on letting you get any where near me and there for you certainly can't stop me. NO ONE CAN STOP ME FROM MAKEING THE WORLD FASHIONABLE!!!”

Rahs snorted.

“I am the bone of my claw.
Steel is my body, and magic is my blood.
I have eaten over a thousand spells.
Unknown to Love, nor known to the Sun.
Have withstood pain to become as I am.
Yet this realm holds nothing to me.
So as I pray.
Unlimited Pup Works.”

“What?” Nightmarity blinked.

The sound of portals popping into being around the trio was heard as dozens of glowing portals formed in the air around them.

“What? What is this?” Nightmarity gasped.

Rahs grinned.

Countless glowing points of light were seen in the darkness of the portals, all of them seemingly getting closer before the first figures burst out of the portals their ear and tail tips aglow with small orbs of silvery light.

Moon Dogs of all shapes and sizes rushed towards the tasty scent of the nightmare from all directions at once as they burst out of the portal plowing into the now panicked Nightmarity.

“AHHHHH!!!” Nightmarity screamed out as she was buried under a mess of hungry moon dogs.

Jynx blinked at the mass of Moon Dogs still pouring out of the portals trying to get to the Tantabus touched unicorn.

“No, stop that, EEEKKK don't lick that you cur. AHHHAHAHHA, no not there, ahhh, I'm ticklish Eeeeee!!” Rarity screamed from the bottom of the pile.

After a few moments the moon dogs started backing away some of them licking their lips and looking around in confusion as Rahs strode up looking down at a perfectly normal, if completely covered in dog drool, Rarity.

“Woof?” one of the moon dogs asked looking up at Rahs.

“Bark.” Rahs nodded.

“Ruff?” Another asked pointing to the rest of the town.

Rahs considered before nodding.

The pack howled out and rushed off into the town following the scent of magic from the tantabus eating away the magic that was left to start to make the town look at least some what more normal in removing a good portion of the bedazzling.

Rarity screeched looking down at herself and how matted and saliva soaked her fur was before running off like a shot screaming about a shower..

Rahs looked down noting a small pup hadn't left with the others and was chewing on a book.



“ Woof!” Rahs demanded.

The pup tried to run off with it before Rahs caught him by the tail and pulled him back taking the book from his mouth after a bit of struggle before setting him down near the coat he had been wearing which the pup started chewing on to get the magic out of it.

Rahs regarded the book curiously. The pup had eaten away most of the magic covering it, showing just a gray book with spikes on it underneath. There was strong magic in the book, though it seemed to have a underlying scent that was mixed with the smell of the tantabus.

Rahs frowned looking at the town before devouring the spell around the book in two bites, the tome crumbling to dust in his hand.

It tasted like lemons.

[Ponyville, Tuesday]

“A month? Is that all she's gonna be on the black list for?” Dash snorted.

“Well most of the changes were fixed by the moon dog swarm that ran through town.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“But your hair.” Fluttershy pointed out pouting a little that Pinkie Pie's mane was cut as short as Rainbow Dash's, though more in a pixie cut.

“Well not everything was done by magic so the moon dogs couldn't fix everything.” Pinkie frowned running a hoof through her super short mane. The air around her darkened and all you could see was a red glow in Pinkie's eyes as her voice deepened. “Don't worry. I won't be forgetting this.”

Rahs, Fluttershy, and Dash stared at her a moment before they were distracted by the door opening and Princess Luna coming in.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Yes, well, as far as we can tell she is fine.“ Luna sighed. “Though in truth we have never really ever dealt with a Tantabus possessing a pony before outside of the Oneiroi. This is quite an odd event.”

“What about the book Rahs ate?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“One of Starswirl's old spell books if we are not mistaken. A reality warping spell, we think it was from a time he was trying to prove he could do it better than Discord....”Luna began.

“PPPFFFT that old codger couldn't even come close to me.”

“A dangerous tome, but the amount of power needed to power the spell was far more than most could sustain. We think the Tantabus was altering the spell in some way, hence why the Rahs could smell the books taint in nearly everything and why the Moon Dogs could easily devour the spells effects, at least the ones that were not made physical by other means. Like your hair Miss Pie.” Luna explained.

“So is everything going to be alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“We believe so.” Luna nodded.”Although we have no idea if there will be any long term effects.”

[ Carousel boutique]

Sombra shook his head as he trotted through the building. This day had been a interesting one and he was quite glad that he missed most of it.

The appearance of his mother at the end didn't help his mood, but at the same time at least the nonsense was over.

The worst part was listening to the pink one explain about her 'black list' thing. Honestly like he really needed a reason not to share his chocolate ice cream. Still he should check on his host.

He had never really considered her attractive before, though that brief stint she had as a tall dark mare decidedly caught his interest. He wondered briefly if this meant he had a type and was attracted to dark furred mares.

Stopping at her door he took note that it was partially open. She had come home, back to normal, and screaming about dog drool, before rushing up to her room. Luna had shown up not long after, though now everything seemed back to normal.

“Rarity are you....” Sombra trailed off as he pushed the door open a bit more.

Standing in front of the mirror was a black furred version of Rarity with a wavy purple mane and tail. She wasn't as tall as she had been earlier but her coloration was the same. The mare was examining herself in the mirror, and turned, startled as he poked his head in the room. The coloration faded quickly and the normal white furred Rarity stood there.

“Umm, yes darling, did you need something?”Rarity asked.

“Eenope.” Sombra stated and closed the door.

[North Havenhock]

Adagio smiled, the brawling crowd in the bar was getting into a proper tizzy after their performance. The crowd was trashing the place, feeding their gems.

It seemed Sonata was correct about the 'boobie puppy' after all.

Aria had done a bit of investigation and found out the two dogs were a one Applejack Apple, who was cursed as something called a witch wolf. There was evidently a big scare about her a while back and there was a great deal of info about her. The other one was named Rahs Sparkle a creature called a moon dog though there wasn't much known about him, though Aria found they both did, in fact, eat magic.

The two of them would be a problem. Though she was currently thinking of a way to get rid of both of them before they sought to take Ponyville again. Once Ponyville fell, Canterlot was next.

It was only a matter of time.

Author's Note:

Alright Stuck in another hurricane here figured i would post this before the storm hit in case something happened.

I'm hardly worried as this is the most normal thing that has happened this entire borking year.

Plus it's only a cat 1.

On another note i have fan art coming of Rahs so stay tuned for that.

Those in my Discord chat got a sneak peak of the line art for him.

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