• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Indonesian damsel manifestation, part 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Indonesian damsel manifestation,
part 5

[ Crystal Empire]

“Sooo.... you enjoying yourself?” Applebloom asked slyly as she approached her target from the left.

“Ehh.” Scootaloo shrugged. “It's been okay.”

“Reeeeeeeally?” Sweetiebelle asked moving up on the other side.

The two mares manning the comic table turned their attention to the two fillies creeping up on the third that was browsing their wares with a bit of wariness.

“Really.” Scootaloo shrugged turning to look at the pair .”What? Do I have something on my face?”

“Nooo, but yah seem not to be spending much time with us at this con.” Applebloom grinned.

“And you have been spending an awful lot of time with Firefly.” Sweetiebelle offered.

The two sales mares relaxed going back to what they were doing, not planning to get involved in the friends teasing.

“So? Where are you going with this?” Scootaloo deadpanned.

“So when's the first date?” Sweetiebelle grinned.

“About three weeks ago.” Scootaloo stated.

“What?” Applebloom blinked thrown off her planned pay back teasing.

“You were busy with the harvest, Sweetiebelle was hanging with Button, and Spike was dealing with the fallout of Twilight and Rainbow Dash finding out Rahs had a complete signed copies of all the Daring Doo novels.” Scootaloo explained.

“Uhhhh” Sweetiebelle blinked.

“What? I kinda wanted to see what it was like to have a colt friend like you and Spike, and Sweetiebelle and Button.” Scootaloo shrugged.

“HE IS NOT MY COLT FRIEND!!” Sweetiebelle bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice drawing a large number of stares. The two mares at the comic booth both glared at Sweetie as they moved to fix the comics her cry blew off the table.

Sweetie's two friends looked at her, then ignored her.

“Well ah can't say ah expected that. But good on ya.”Applebloom shrugged. “Though ah gotta warn yah. Spike thinks he's a changeling.”

“Really?” Sweetiebelle asked completely derailed by that.

“He is.” Scootaloo nodded. “He let me know when I asked him to the movie, though he's only about Spike's age. He was the one who was disguised as me during the Canterlot invasion.”

“And you're okay with that?” Sweetiebelle asked.

“Why not? No one got hurt in that except that one jerk captain guy. Plus I've heard a lot of mares and stallions talk about how awesome it would be to be dating a changeling.” Scootaloo shrugged.

“Why is that?” Applebloom asked.

“Dunno, something about the fact they can turn into anything. Maybe the ones I over heard really like easy Nightmare Night costumes?” Scootaloo shrugged as the two mares at the booth nearly choked at overhearing her.

“Huh. Maybe I should as Big Sis Luna about that.” Sweetiebelle considered. “Nightmare Night is her holiday. Would changeling costumes be cheating?”

“Sure why not. I'm kinda curious.” Scootaloo pondered.

“So where is Firefly?” Sweetiebelle asked.

“Last ah saw him was with Spike as they went to some event panel.” Applebloom explained.

“So where's Twilight then, wasn't she supposed to be keeping an eye on us today?”Scootaloo asked.

“Dunno.” Applebloom offered.

An explosion rocked the building as the trio heard screaming.

“HOW DARE YOU! The book was far better than the stage play!” Twilight screamed out.

“The book was a dull read and you KNOW IT! The play was far better and had far more detail than the books. The stage play was even written by the author of the book because he thought the book sucked.” Shining Armor shouted back.

“BLASPHAMY!!” Twilight shouted as another explosion rocked the convention hall.

“Heresy?” questioned a stallion in cosplay of some battle mallet character

“Found her.” Sweetiebelle pointed out.

“By my aunts plush white flank I can't take you two anywhere.” Cadence fussed.


Rahs shifted in his seat, these bench things were not really meant for some of of his size and he wasn't even sure how ponies sat on the things, the whole bench seemed more like the hard edge of a proper seat.

He spared a glance over to Jynx and she didn't seem that comfortable either. Granted looking at Jynx made him a bit more uncomfortable as he had to shift again.

Not that her time in just a apron wasn't enough as it was, nor the fact she seemed to have no problem changing into the dress in front of him, though he did turn around at least with a titanic effort.

But while the black dress Rarity made for Applejack was very nice, and very much showed her off in both forms, Jynx's was on a wholly different level.

The dress was very form fitting, the red dress attached at her neck and ran down over the front of her body covering her breasts despite the strain on the material, this left her back and shoulders bare as well as a little bit of the sides of her black furred tits. The material again pulled tight around her hips falling nearly to the floor as she walked. The sides of the dress however were slitted all the way up to her hip allowing Jynx's legs to show presenting the matching red leggings that ran from her ankle to her upper thigh. She also had a pair of arm coverings that matched running from her bicep to her wrist. The whole outfit looked like it was out of one of those japony comics Spike had. The fact that there was a small red band that also wrapped around her tail and a bright red band that went into her hair to hold the braids back told Rahs that Rarity had gone all out over this, particularly with the gem designs threaded into the material. Thankfully she hadn't added a boob window.

That was three times tonight it had taken all his will power not to stare at his date, and even more not to take her up on the offer of making some pups, though the thoughts of the others kept him from going for it.

He rather liked Sunset, she was an interesting one to say the least, and the idea that she would be around practically forever did play into it as well as her intelligence.

Trixie was a close friend, and he had to admit he didn't have too many of those, though her actions and intent were getting him to start to see her as something more than just a friend.

Saturnia was great, she was clever shared a number of interests and the fact she could change shape to something he would find interesting was a plus as well. Like Sunset she would be around for as long as he would as well. Though the idea that his brother was her step dad was a little weird in his mind.

Applejack was also interesting, though at the same time they really didn't have that much in common. She wasn't too interested in the theater scene and while she liked some books he did, it wasn't much of a drive for her. Plus he greatly enjoyed lazing about and she was more than eager to work. Though there was no denying he was greatly attracted to her physically, well that, and her cooking skill.

Jynx on the other paw cranked that attraction up by ten, the cooking skill was a little better to, though that was mostly because Jynx knew how to prepare meals for a carnivore where AJ did not.

Had Jynx simply showed up before the crap with the other diamond dogs with an interest of having pups.. well... she would likely have some pups. But since that and all the other girls bringing up their desire for him, that wasn't something he was willing to try at the moment.

The main issues with Jynx was that she didn't quite seem to share any interests with him, and he felt something like he was more of a prize to be won with her than anything else. Granted he got the same thing from the other girls, but it felt different with the diamond dog.

Rahs shook his head clearing it of those thoughts, they were here to have a good time, though he wasn't sure this was thought out very well in the end.

The place was a large sports arena, filled with the uncomfortable seats and a large number of ponies, a few other scattered races, and a surprising number of minotaurs, many of them waving signs over their heads.

Rahs had already yanked one of the signs out of the grasp of the stallion in front of him. The sign had been waved in front of his face blocking Rahs and Jynx's view with the size of it.

The fact the sign read' The guy behind me can't see' didn't help the stallions case for Rahs wanting to beat him with the sign. But he refrained and the stallion wisely chose not to annoy the two very large predators behind him.

The arena was sloped down towards a large square ring in the center lit by numerous spot lights with the crowd seating a bit darkened, not that that bothered him, though Jynx seemed to have a bit of issue seeing anything that wasn't the ring with how she squinted once the lights went out.

There had been a bit of fan fare at the start, a few ring bunnies wandering around and an announcer working up the crowd.

It had been fairly interesting, but nothing had grabbed his attention. Jynx like wise didn't seem that interested.

She let out a small sigh as some muscular stallion in an obvious toupee stood in the center of the ring with a large gold belt on his shoulder talking about how great he was.

“It seems I may have chosen poorly. I was hoping that there might be something more to this pony wrestling that you might be able to learn from.” Jynx sighed.

Rahs considered as he saw where she had been coming from and opened his mouth to respond when the lights all went out.

Both of them turned to stare at the darkened ring, the blackout making even Rahs' usual night vision useless as the darkness was absolute. Rahs caught the scent of strange magic. His ears flattened to his head as a narrow spot light came up on the stallion in the ring. The light only managed to shine on him and he looked around as confused as the crowd was.

The lights came back on suddenly and behind the stallion was a massive Nocturne nox-call stallion towering over the pony. This new comer was dressed in red with a mask covering his face. His mane was wild and he stared down at the boasting stallion towering over him. There was a moment of pause where the stallion was about to continue his boasting before he turned and screamed out at the massive nox-cal behind him. The larger pony grabbed him by the neck with one hoof and lifted him high in the air as the nox-cal reared up, before smashing him down onto the mat hard enough the other stallion bounced.

As the stallion hit the ring a second time, he quickly scrambled to his hooves with the belt, leaving his toupee behind before rolling out of the ring to the ground out side it. He scrambled to his hooves backing up the path that was cordoned off from the crowd towards the opening he came into the arena from.

The massive nox-cal in the center of the ring stared after him before rising onto his back legs and slamming his fore hooves down on the ring mat. The lights went out that instant and the four ring posts exploded in pillars of fire as a bell tolled deep enough to shake the arena, a dirge of some sort starting to play.

The nox-cal stood in the middle of the ring silently starting after the other still shouting stallion as the crowd went nuts.

Jynx raised an eyebrow not sure what was going on.

Rahs however stared at the ring his eyes wide, a tingle running along his spine as he looked down at the ring.


Not a ring.

A stage.

Rahs grinned, his tail starting to whip.


“And you get some bling darling, and you get some bling, EVERY PONY GETS BLING!!” the dark furred mare screamed out, cackling as ponies tried to flee the mad fashionista only to be wrapped in fine clothing or too much jewelry and precious metals.

The whole town already looked to crash the market of gems alone, every surface was bedazzled with something. If there was a spot that wasn't, as soon as this nightmare version of Rarity saw it, it was. Everything looked like it could be art, even the trash cans were not safe.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were hidden behind a low wall that was made of gold bricks and topped with platinum.

“We have to do something.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Don't look at me, one stupid fancy dress was bad enough, I've been dumped in three today.” Dash muttered back.

“We have to do something.” Fluttershy pointed out as more screams sounded as Rarity found some ponies she considered criminally under dressed.

“We are doing something silly. We're waiting for Twilight or Applejack or Rahs to get back and fix this.” Pinkie Pie explained. “I dunno about you, but magic is totally not my thing.”

“Oh Pinkie Pie! Where are you? I've been wanting to do something about that mane of yours for a little while and I have just the idea.” Nightmare Rarity sing songed.

Pinkie's eyes went wide and she screamed clutching her mane.

“Nightmarity is after me!”Pinkie cried out. ”EVERY PONY FOR THEMSELVES!!”

Pinkie Pie and the other two took off like shots, Pinkie screaming bloody murder and some how managing to keep her fore hooves covering her mane.

“Darling come back, it's just a little trim” Nightmarity called.

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