• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Twilight's Kraken, Part Two, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight's Kraken,
Part Two,
Part 2


“He's on the move again my Queen.”

“Where?” Chrysalis demanded of the mirror.

“Leaving Canterlot, his course is taking him towards Ponyville.”the mirror said. “I have reports that he restored a number of the smashed stained glass windows in the throne room and has identified Twilight Sparkle as an alicorn. Scouts also heard the name Forthe mentioned.”

“Bucking ghost.... What about Cadence?”

“No sign of her my Queen.”

“Damn it Cady... how's rescue efforts progress ?”

“The mana ley line network in Canterlot is completely drained. ETA to restoration six hours minimum, the crystals are completely shot and need replacement and there's no background magic to charge the new crystals. Back up mana units have already been mobilized to area hospitals to restore life support and any critical functions.” the mirror reported. “Teams Gamma through November are working on search and rescue in the ruins. Team's Tango through X-ray are tracking down evacuees and those sheltering under the city. No Moon Dogs reported in Canterlot.”

“So he isn't there yet... or ….” Chrysalis winced. “I want all teams not currently engaged in search and rescue to prepare to move to Ponyville, leave the ones in shelters be for the moment. He's going after his main target and I want every ling there try and salvage what's left as soon as possible, it's going to be much worse in Ponyville by the end of this I expect.”

“Yes My Queen.”

[Ponyville, late morning. ]

Tirek snarled.

These ponies were mad.

What had happened in the world in years he had been gone? These creatures were supposed to flee, they were supposed to cower before him. Ponies were NOT supposed to sic eight headed hydras on him.

Tirek shook his head, he had not managed to steal a single pony's energy since Canterlot. He had only glimpsed one or two in navy and purple armor with green trim in the bushes before the two massive hydra burst out of the forest and right into his path, both judging him as a meal.

Defeating them has cost him energy he didn't want to use, and the beasts took even longer to sulk off after he rendered them hundred headed hydra with mouths too small to even bite him. Of course fire did nothing, the damn beasts just had to be PYRO hydras, what were those creatures even doing out of a fire swamp or volcano?

Then there had been the odd blue rain cloud that had soaked him with some sort of sweet smelling liquid that reminded him of flowers. He had managed to drain the pegasus team that had moved the cloud, though moments after that his flank had gained a cutie mark. One that was words written in old ponish that read, 'Sucky, sucky, one bit'

He had not been amused by that.

Various traps and other monsters had been sent his way including a Ursa Major.

What the shards even were these ponies?

At least the Ursa had been a bit of a meal.

It took perhaps an hour before he managed to get the best of the Guards by teleporting to the edge of town behind them as they were setting up another trap.

He quickly drained them only to be hit in the head by three anvils, a safe, a grand piano and then gotten a face full of ninja stars.

It was then he noticed the turtles the ponies had gathered were of a variety usually found in Tartarus.

…. Tartarus turtles. How the buck did these ponies get a hold of Tartarus turtles?

You know what? Never mind.

Tirek glared down at the Guards, most of them were old enough to be near retirement age, though a few of them managed to find their hooves despite being drained, one of them even drew some ridiculous length of weighted chain as a weapon, as if he would be able to do anything with it.

“What is it you are trying to protect? This piddly town? This is what you are protecting?” Tirek growled gesturing to the town behind him. “What a waste. I have crushed your gods and everything in this land, including you, now belongs to me. And my property is not allowed to resist me. This is what happens to those that defy me!”

Tirek smirked as he lifted his hand up over his head, a massive ball of roiling energy formed in his palm. The ball compressed then grew as he pumped more power into it then compressed once again.

With a twisted grin, Tirek flung the mass of energy into the center of town, aiming at the large tree visible in the middle of it.

It has been said that Golden Oaks Library was a magical fortress the likes of which Starswirl the Bearded would have creamed his robes to have just glimpsed from a distance, through second hoof tubes of empty toilet paper rolls.

Most of the ponies who knew the pony that lived there were quite aware that the wards on the tree were turned inward in order to save the place from the random mishaps from said pony who lived there, and her experiments.

What most did not know, but should have expected, was that the outside was warded as well.

Between diamond dogs kidnapping her brother, PETA kidnapping her pets and both her brothers, one over exuberant paparazzi, who still had not fully recovered mentally and a number of other things, Twilight Sparkle was quite tired of creatures breaking into her home.

That said, the wards outside of the tree were stronger than those on the inside, and had been, on several occasions, enough to make Princess Luna worry about setting them off.

The millisecond they detected the hostile spell, the wards activated and and shaped shields and barriers formed and set in place.

Twilight Sparkle might not have been as skilled in shields as her elder brother, but what she lacked in skill, she made up for in over planning, contingency planning, and raw bucking power.

So when the massive ball of death hit the Golden Oaks Library, the centaur was quite surprised, when it bounced off without so much as rustling a single leaf on the tree.

Unfortunately for Ponyville, Twilight had not adjusted the outside wards to launch any attacks into the no fly zone above the library. Twilight had not considered an attack of enough power to activate all the wards at once would even happen.

Fortunately for Ponyville, after the Siren's attack and the subsequent rebuilding of large parts of the town, Twilight had warded numerous other structures at the behest of the Mayor.

Normally this would result in low level protection that would not have protected anything from Tirek's ball of death.

However Twilight and Sunset had come up with a plan to use this to finally create a mana network in Ponyville.

Mayor Mare had not been happy to find that out after all the times she told Twilight no in the past.

The reasoning for this, which was finally accepted by the Mayor, if only just, was that the upkeep on multiple warded buildings would be very costly and time consuming. Particularly with Applejack and Rahs wandering around draining the mana crystals that each building would require to power the wards.

As such all the warded buildings were all linked back to Golden Oaks Library. They would simply share the wards set up on the tree rather than require new ones. Setting the wards defaults in each new location was far easier that building them up from scratch would have been. And so the rest of the town was linked and warded, or at least as far as the ley line network went, which wasn't that far yet.

Still two score of buildings in town were covered.

As such Tirek's ball of magic death, bounced around the center of town like a demented pinball trying to rack up a high score.

Had the ball continued it might have progressed outside of the limited ley line network that was set up, however, the ball finally hit Sugar Cube Corner.

Carrot Cake was not known to be the smartest pony in the world. In fact, outside of the realm of baking, he was considered a tad slow by some.

However he was a father, and was quite intent on protecting his foals and wife, despite the fact Mrs. Cake was quite capable of turning most who threatened her into living pretzels who wished the living part wasn't a thing.

Sugar Cube Corner had a thieves guild warding mark before the Sparkles ever set hoof in town.

Still when Twilight linked the shop to the network, he had asked her if she wouldn't mind adding a extra spell or two as a deterrent if some one attacked his shop.

Mr. Cake was rather paranoid about other shop owners trying to sabotage his business despite no evidence to support this.

His idea was that whatever was thrown at the store would be reflected back on the attacker.

At most he expected some rotten eggs, a brick, or maybe a mild curse, at worst perhaps a Molotov.

Twilight however liked the idea and agreed. She then set it up with her own twist. She linked that spell to draw more mana from the ley lines. It would then increase the power or speed of whatever spell or projectile targeted the shop by a magnitude of at least two, then fire it back at the caster with a targeting spell attached to avoid collateral damage.

As such, before Tirek could question why his spell was bouncing around the town, nor why the Thieves guild's mark for 'danger' was incorporated as a constant design on all the buildings on the edge of town, the blast came back to him. It was doubled in size, power, and quickly exploded in his face.

Pinkie Pie poked her head out of a bush as she watched the centaur be blown back through the air to impact one of the farms about a mile outside of town.

“Well that was neat.” Pinkie shrugged before darting out with a collection of other towns ponies to gather up the fallen Guard and bring them to safety before Tirek came back.

[ Carrot Glace Fields, east of Ponyville.]

Tirek closed his eyes as he lay back on the field of ruined root vegetables.

“This has been a very trying day.” the centaur muttered staring at the sky for a moment.

He was going to drain every living thing in and around this town for miles and then turn it into an active volcano as a monument to how much it pissed him off. The name 'Ponyville' would only be spoken in hushed whispered of dread for eons to come when he was finished with it.

The centaur's train of thought was derailed as the sky darkened, he opened his eyes, looking up to the sky expecting another blue cloud but seeing the sun with a massive shadow in front of it. The silvery glow of the moon was barely visible in front of the sun.

“What the shard?”

[ Moon]

Discord and Sonata sat on a large moon rock, with long sticks laden with marshmallows and hot dogs , holding them up in the air over the sun to cook.

Adagio relined on the surface of the moon with heavy shades on, soaking up the sun like she could get a tan through her scales and fur.

Aria frowned from where she huddled under an overhang of rock in the shade, nearly panting at the heat.

“All of you are nuts.” she huffed.

“Don't be an emu dear.” Discord called out to his middle child.

Tirek sat up, and rolled back to his hooves as he turned towards the forest's edge and the overwhelming presence of delicious power that was radiating from it.

Before he could move forward, his target stepped out of the edge of the forest towards him.

At least he thought it was the mare he was after.

The pony was easily as tall, if not taller, than Princess Celestia. The figures fur seemed to shift with every step, changing from pure black before sliding to purple, then pink, then pure white and back again. Hooves that thudded to the ground were made of dark purple crystal, as was the massive spiraled horn jutting from the mares head. Her mane and tail were a array of colors like a sunrise or sunset, with the bright points of light of countless stars clearly seen, as well as streaks of shooting stars crossing the ethereal expanse.

Rather than wave and flow, the ethereal mane and tail whipped like in a hurricane force gale, curling and lashing around the mare. Massive wings rested at her sides the lead edges covered in feathers and showing the same color shift as her coat, though the wings themselves were webbed like a bat and kept the much darker hues present. Her cutie mark was a moon, shaped like a heart with a corona of the sun emanating from around it and six stars surrounding the main mark.

Tirek's attention was drawn to the eyes however which seemed little more that balls of radiant fire, with clearly visible black cat like pupils.

He was nearly salivating at the insane amount of magic power this mare had.

“I heard you were talking shit.” Twilight Sparkle stated simply before her wings snapped open and the distance between her and the centaur was gone.

Tirek took one step back before a blast of power from the mare rocketed him skyward, vaporizing his form, leaving only his back half untouched and still on the ground.

Twilight Sparkle, was in no way a warrior.

She bounced constantly between easily distracted and insanely focused, had a list of issues and phobias, that while she had gotten better about, still affected her. As of late she had leaned far to heavily on anger to power through some of her issues when presented. This made many uncomfortable, despite her seeking therapy.

Twilight was primarily a scholar. She was most at home researching something or studying. She was also a clear bibliophile and thanks to her oldest friend/ sister in law, she had developed a few other odd interests.

None of which Big Mac seemed to mind.

She was also formerly the Element of Magic, part of a set of six before the tree took them back, and she was still known as the most gifted spell caster in the last few generations, even with the return of Sunset Shimmer.

She was still not a warrior.

She did know a few combat spells, and had been meaning to let her eldest brother train her a little, but it had never been her field of focus, nor did either of them ever wind up having the time.

She was going to have to change that after this.

Despite all that, Twilight was likely the most powerful thing on Equss right now with perhaps only the Tree of Harmony and some of the council being close to, let alone matching what she had.

She was currently in possession of eight major portfolios and two minor ones.

Crystal Ponies, Nox- Cal , and regular ponies all existed, and were in danger.

The Sun was out.

The Moon was out.

Her family, friends, and colt friend loved her.

She had more magic at one time and it was amped higher than any creature, besides White, had ever seen.

And it was Tuesday.

She was barely in control of it and it felt like every cell of her body was burning.

Tirek was a warrior.

A knight in fact, before he acceded.

He was also an assassin, a rogue, and very briefly a bard, but it still counted.

He was riding the power of twelve drained gods, thousands of drained mortals, and at least four demi gods he had encountered since his escape from Tartarus. He had also drained a mega ley line grid in Canterlot and a few smaller grids in other cities he had passed through.

He had done his best to conserve and hoard the power he had gained because he knew that a massive battle was coming. He had expected it to be with the fates and Aqua, the gods that had sealed him away last time with the help of the alicorns.

He had not expected it to be a single mare brimming with power.

Tirek was a warrior, though not the god of warriors.

He was the god of Centaurs, Thieves, and Greed.

With minors in monologues, hubris, and lutes.

Tirek was a god.

Twilight Sparkle was a god.

Conflicts between gods never ended well for anyone.

A rather large hole opened in the side of the Manterhorn, looking all the world like some giant had taken a bite out of it.

Neither of the combatants noticed.

Ghastly Gorge gained a new channel through the hewn rock.

Neither of the combatants noticed.

The Everfree Forest lost more trees in a second than five years of logging.

Neither of the combatants noticed.

The remains of the farm they fought in was little but a crater at this point as Twilight tried to aim down with her shots. She was also taking some hits in order to keep them away from Ponyville.

Few of the attacks between the two were physical at first.

Once Tirek had found he could not eat her magic, he had started trying to close the distance, using his larger size to attack physically, using smaller spells to summon weapons or increase his own abilities, conserving his mana pool.

Twilight was hardly casting spells at all and most of her attacks were wild uncontrolled bursts of energy.

Both were getting injured, both were getting killed, and both were recovering almost instantly.

However, experience proved the better trait to have this time.

Twilight screamed out as Tirek managed to get his hands on her, crushing the mare in his grip. He didn't use enough force to kill her, but more than enough that she could feel her ribs cracking along with most of her bones being crushed to dust. He eased his grip slightly, just enough for them to heal before he squeezed again.

“Finally I have you, this day has gone on long enough. You've been firing wild mare, wasting more energy than I am and you can't focus your power as well as I can with pain.“ Tirek snarled.” I don't know how you took the power from the other alicorns, but I will make sure to keep you in constant agony until you give that power to me. Only then will I allow you to finally be free of the pain and die.”

Twilight screamed out and squirmed and struggled, gasping for air in the brief moment his grip relaxed before his fist clenched again, the sound of her bones and wings snapping in his hand easily heard over the massive creatures laughing.

Tirek smirked squeezing and relaxing his grip waiting to see if the mares eyes would pop out.

“I can do this for weeks mare.” Tirek laughed, his attention drawn to her as she managed to cast a number of quick spells while he was flexing.

“A giants growth spell? Mare, I might not be a scholar of the arcane, but even I know that spell has limiters built into it's casting to prevent you from growing some where that would harm you. Somewhere like trapped in my hand.” Tirek chuckled as the alicorn didn't change in size at all despite still casting the spell on herself several more times.

“Not for me.” Twilight gasped.

“Really? Then who is that spell for?”


Standing behind Tirek, eye to eye with the towering centaur was a massive navy blue furred figure. The creature bore only a passing resemblance to a diamond dog looking like a cross between a hell hound and a rabid panther. It had wild unkempt fur covering a body that looked to be pure muscle and rage.

The creature had long pointed ears that seemed to be glowing with 3-D magic representations of Twilight's current cutie mark and every shift of his ears left contrails of light for a few seconds following the movement. The creatures fur crackled with energy, bleeding off power that seemed to match the mare in Tirek's hand as it set the air on fire around the beast. A long tail whipped behind the creature, a massive scythe like crescent of energy slicing through the air as the tail lashed, leaving little sonic booms as it cut the very air around it with each whip.

The eyes were just like the alicorns, glowing balls of flame with black feline slits for pupils.

Tirek didn't have time to react before Rahs moved.

The moon dog darted forward and grabbed the wrist of the hand holding his sister, a quick yank pulled the arm down. At the same time his other hand shot upward, striking the elbow of the same arm, pushing up while also pulling down on Tirek's arm.

The centaur howled in pain as his elbow shattered, the bones of it breaking through his skin as his arm bent in a way it was not meant to bend until the back of his hand could touch his arm pit.

With the same movement the moon dog's tail whipped up. severing his hand at the wrist. freeing Twilight.

Rahs released Tirek as the centaur reared. The moon dog slipping under the damaged arm to stand face to face with Tirek. He reached up to grab Tirek's horns as his tail whipped in front of him, the crescent blade of energy severing the centaurs forelegs at the barrel.

Rahs yanked hard on Tirek's horns bringing the monsters head down as the centaurs own weight helped the pull down with the loss of his fore legs.

As Tirek was yanked down, Rahs shot his knee up, meeting Tirek's face.

The horns shattered in Rahs' grip as the savaged body of the centaur was sent flying into the air to crash down hard on his back Tirek's whole face smashed in.

Rahs Sparkle was not a warrior.

He was lazy, fixated on his own personal interests, and not very inclined to put too much effort into things that didn't interest, or immediately affect him.

Sure he was super naturally tough, and given the very nature of the world he lived in with it's plethora of magic, able to heal from anything that didn't kill him outright, and that was before he became a god.

The Bone Hounds had shaken his world view quite a bit, and although his traits had remained the same, he had taken the time to learn how to defend himself.

Rahs didn't have the genius of his sister, nor the cleverness of his younger brother, nor even the training of his elder brother. All his fights, with the exception of Discord, had been against things that his size and magic eating ability could easily deal with. Heck even Discord was 90% magic by mass.

The first real fight he recalled was with Managarmr in the Crystal Empire, a fight he came very close to losing.

There had been a few other conflicts here and there too, but nothing like that.

He was now also the god of a nearly unknown species one that he had already seen needed protection at times.

Then there were his friends, and his family, and even the girls who were interested in him that he felt he needed to protect.

Granted it was unlikely any of the ones interested in him needed such protection, but he doubted any of them were up to dealing with god tier threats.

Rahs Sparkle was not a warrior.

Rahs Sparkle was an actor, something he prided himself in.

However unlike in the past, if the situation arose...

… he could very much 'ACT' like a warrior.

Tirek snarled as he pushed himself up. His gaze locked on the pair across the field from where he landed. The blue monster snarled at him, and the alicorn standing on his shoulder glared, their flaming gaze threatening to turn him to ash.

“Well. Two of you now?” The centaur smirked. “This just got interesting.”

Author's Note:


For those of you who do not know i have a KOFI page to accept donations so i can buy commissions for my story.

At this point in time The image of the Twilight described in this chapter is going to be drawn.
However i have not yet met the goal needed for the RAHS in this chapter to be drawn.

Anything in excess of what is needed to pay the hungry artist will be passed on to the next commission after this one.

I also accept suggestions from donators on the next piece i will request.

Link is up above as well as all the images i have purchased so far.

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