• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Flounder to the Finish. Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Flounder to the Finish.
Part 3

[ One week later]

“What do you mean she isn't coming?” Spike demanded, as he glared at the other two Crusaders.

“She said would just bring us down because she couldn't fly.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“What was wrong with your first performance?” Spike asked.

“I dunno, but she kept wanting to do it better and now she's not here at all” Applebloom huffed, clearly annoyed herself.

“You do realize that without a third you'll be disqualified right?” Spike offered.

“What?” Applebloom gasped.

“Seriously!?” Sweetiebelle demanded.

“Did either of you even read the rules?” Spike sighed. His head fins twitched as he heard giggling behind him and barely whispered insults. Well, at least he knew who to blame for this turn of events. Those three better be glad he wasn't a judge. Not like he expected Diamond Tiara's ' Commerce is what makes Ponyville special' to win.

“Well at the very least you guys get to see the Crystal Empire. Though I'm not happy with you two for leaving her behind, when she is clearly going through some stuff.” Spike sighed as the pair flinched. He shook his head and headed up towards the other train cars to let the Event Coordinators know about the lack of Scootaloo and the Crusaders dropping out of the competition.

Dash would not be happy about this.

Spike stumbled forward as the train screeched to a halt. He quickly looked back to see two little ponies hopping from the back of the stalled train.

The train started up again, with barely a moments pause.

“The emergency stop is for EMERGENCIES ONLY!” Cheeriliee shouted from the next car in a very decent rendition of the Royal Canterlot voice.

“The Cru....”Diamond Tiara started to call out before Spike quickly leaned over the seat and slapped his claw over her mouth.

“It was an accident Miss Cheerilee, they all know better.”Spike called out before whirling on Diamond Tiara. “I don't normally get directly involved to stop you bullying my friends, but I've learned some things about the one you decided to target this week that have made me step up this time. If you tell Cheerilee about them leaving like this I will make sure to yank that rope again and blame both of the resulting problems on you. Miss Cheerilee will believe me over you, Silver Sterling won't say anything because it's me and Silver Spoon will step back so as not to get in trouble with her own father. You will be alone with your word versus mine, and your word alone is not worth anything. So sit down, shut up and enjoy the trip, or don't. I hardly care.”

Spike snorted letting go of her muzzle as he glared at her, the other foals in the car staring at the angry little dragon.

“I don't know what your problem is with the Crusaders, but you need to get over it. It takes a special kind of stupid to antagonize a trio that can bring down the Wonderbolts, The Element Bearers, a couple of random demi gods, probably Discord, and most, if not all of, the Princesses on your head. And that's before I would get involved and bring in even more gods. You're not bullying a trio of fillies, you're bullying something that can call a HK class, world ending, legion of pain on your stupid crown painted flank.”Spike growled before heading up towards the next car leaving Diamond white as a sheet.

Spike paused looking back at her his tail whipping.”Good talk.”He stated before entering the next car.

[Golden Oaks Library]

“So why are you here again?” Twilight demanded as she scrubbed another plate, rinsing it off with the sink hose before putting it in the rack.

Behind her sipping a cider and reading the newspaper at the kitchen table sat Queen Chrysalis.

“Visiting my daughter, but she's freaking out so much over Sunset managing to be the first one to date your brother and I got sick of it.”Chrysalis offered.

“No, I mean specifically why are you in my kitchen” Twilight sighed starting on another plate.

“Because I'm bored and you tend to be entertaining when you're not pissed at me.” Chrysalis offered taking another sip of the cider. “Besides I'm rather curious as to how your brother reacted to his date with Sunset.”

“Of course you are. Well first off she's going to have to wait her turn. Because of Sunset, Applejack got up the nerve to ask him out next weekend, She's up in the Empire to cheer on her little sister today. Evidently there's a Cherry festival next weekend in Dodge Junction they're going to. Be sure to pass onto Saturnia that if she interferes, I will be very cross. The others already know that. Interestingly enough Sunset has offered to set any one on fire who messes with Applejack's date as well.”

“I expected that since she's your choice, but that doesn't answer my question.” Chrysalis added.

“It's not just that Applejack is my choice. Despite his being an idiot he's still my brother and I do want him to be happy at least until he does something else that makes me want to kill him.” Twilight sighed cleaning a cup. “As for the date, as far as I can tell it went fairly well. Sunset had a rather novel idea and he enjoyed himself.”

“Hmm, well with both you and Luna playing fair now I suppose I'd best do the same.”Chrysalis sighed.

“That's rather surprising.” Twilight offered. “You seemed as gun-ho as Cadence about this.”

“Saturnia's my daughter and I do want her to be happy, but she picked a difficult target of her desire is all. And I thought getting Cadence was hard. Any way, do keep in mind I am the god of change after all. Granted I also have bees in my portfolio as a lesser. I met at least three others with bees as their lesser portfolios and the council meeting. “Chrysalis shrugged. ”In particular a Giraffe god named Mythos introduced me to a strain of bee called the 'Loco bee'. They are the only known creature who is unaffected by poison joke, and they actually make honey from the plant when it blooms. Seems that concentrates the effect to make it act near instantly as well. It's a rather ingenious natural defense as no other animal will go after their honey because of it.”

“While that is .. a decidedly interesting bit of trivia why are you telling me tha......”Twilight began before her eyes narrowed. “What did you do?”

“Muuuhahhahahahhahaha.” Chrysalis cackled.

[ Canterlot Castle]

Princess Luna sat at the dining table trying not to smirk.

Princess Celestia sat across from her trying to get comfortable in her chair.

The attendants watched horrified, one or two had run off screaming, and at least one fainted.

The Solar Princess sighed, her long snake like form covered in her usual pure white fur, though her head was more fox like now, with one moose antler and one ram horn. She had a narwhal horn sprouting out of the bridge of her nose and her mane flowed and swayed looking all the world like red kelp caught in the tide. Her left arm was from some sort of lizard and her right from some featherless biped that was decidedly not a chicken. Her right leg was a minotaurs, and her left a nox-cal kirin's. Her tail was long and cat like ending in a forked tip.

“I have the uneasy feeling that the honey used in my tea was NOT from my usual apiary.” Celestia stated flatly.

“Clearly.” Luna snorted.

“HEEEEELLLLLLOOOOOO NURSE!” Discord popped in with a wolf whistle before getting decked with a thrown table.

“You know what? Never mind, I don't want to know.” Twilight grumbled.

“Hey, hey, hey, Twilight, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie shouted pronking in and bouncing around the kitchen table.

“Hey... close the front door, were you born in a barn?” Chrysalis grumbled.

“Yes, I was..... how did you know?” Pinkie asked flatly as Chrysalis' ear twitched.

“Never mind that… what did you want Pinkie?” Twilight smiled, glad she wasn't the only one at odds with Pinkie's pinkieness.

“Oh, right I figured it out!”Pinkie exclaimed with a grin.

“Figured what out?” Chrysalis asked.

“Why everyone is after Rahs romantically like they are!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

“Okay this is not going to end well, but I'm going to ask.” Twilight sighed. “And why is that Pinkie?”

“Because he's everyone's 'DREAM” date!” Pinkie Pie cheered. “ Get it? Because he's a moon dog and they live in the Oneiroi...”

Chrysalis smashed both her hooves into her face in a epic face hoof that toppled her out of her chair, while Twilight simply turned the dish hose on the shrieking and giggling Pinkie with a dead pan expression.


“So you abandoned them to their fate?” Sombra asked raising an eyebrow. For once the stallion was without a suit as Rarity had left earlier for the Crystal Empire to support her sister.

“They're better off without me.” Scootaloo huffed staring at the ice cream she had been given as it slowly melted.

“If you say so.” Sombra grumbled. He had come across Scootaloo making her way back home from the train station. He was quite certain she was supposed to be on her way to the Crystal Empire. The trio had invited him, but he had refused. Part of his parole was to stay away from the empire. In truth, Sombra was fine with that, there was nothing in the Empire for him and he had no desire to rule anything again anytime soon. His short stint as king had left a bad taste in his mouth. Though given it was all he had really known it left him out of sorts. But that was his problem, there was another to address now.

“Applebloom told me they didn't need a quitter on the team.”Scootaloo sighed.”Sweetiebelle at least tried to get me to reconsider.”

“She has little tact.”Sombra agreed.


“And disposing of your Scooter was supposed to mean what specifically?”Sombra demanded glancing at the alley that Scootaloo had been heading down with her scooter to throw in the dumpster there, the pair of them were across the road from the train station now, sitting on a bench in front of an ice cream parlor.

“Cause it's pointless, I'm never gonna fly and never be anything at this rate it's just... What's the point?” Scootaloo sighed.

“I did not take you for an idiot.” Sombra stated flatly examining the ice cream he floating in his magic as if to figure out the best way to eat it, chocolate was a wonderful thing.

“What?” Scootaloo snapped.

“Why are you giving up something you clearly enjoy just because you are unable to do something completely different?”


“Is it that hard to figure out? You already know my stance on destiny and cutie marks. I am also not fond of giving up for no reason like you have done. You should not have done so. You terrify a dragon with that wheeled board of yours, the only other I have heard to have done the same is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Yeah but she's all magic and angry and alicorny and stuff.” Scootaloo sighed.

“And yet for all that, she flies like a brick.” Sombra stated with the hint of a smirk at the memories of Twilight trying, and failing, repeatedly, and painfully, to learn to fly.

He had eaten far too much popcorn that day.

“But flying is the one thing I'm supposed to be good at as a pegasus!” Scootaloo whined.

“Really? Did your cutie mark show you that?”

“Dude, that was low.”



“Then how do you know your talent even is in flight? Your aunt hardly flies and her cutie mark seems to be related to that.... or evocation magic.... maybe stargazing, in either case Fluttershy as well is not a strong flier, her talent lies with getting others to protect her from things.”

“No it isn't, her talent is.... oh.”Scootaloo protested before trailing off.

“My point stands. You had something that seemed entertaining, and you threw it away for no reason. Like a pony dying of thirst being offered a glass of water, but ignoring it in favor of looking for a lake.” Sombra grumbled before snapping up the rest of the cone in two bites. “It hardly matters if you cannot fly, that hardly defines everything you are.”

“I guess, but I screwed up now. The others are mad and already half way to the empire by now.” Scootaloo moped.

“I would not be so sure.” Sombra offered noting two little figures running their way.

Sombra sat back as the trio started their little discussion and made up over their shared issues. He resolved to ask Fireball about Scootaloo's flying problem at a later time.

“But now what? We're all stuck here.” Applebloom trailed off as the conversation died down.

“We can always catch the next train.” Sweetiebelle offered.

The trio rose and rushed off to the train station with Sombra following along at a more measured pace. Scootaloo had forgotten her ice cream on the bench and rather than let it go to waste Sombra was finishing it off.

“Oh no, the next train isn't headed up their until this afternoon, we're not gonna make it in time for the contest.” Applebloom wailed.

Sombra strode up looking around the station as the fillies started to panic.

“All of your supplies are already on the other train?”Sombra asked simply.

“Well yeah expect for Scootaloo's scooter.”Sweetiebelle offered.

“I see.” Sombra nodded and walked over to a uniformed stallion who was watching a train be hitched up to some supply box cars.

“Are you the station master?” Sombra asked.

“I am, is there something you need sir?” The gray coated and blue maned stallion nodded with a small smile.

“That train is going to the Crystal Empire.” Sombra pointed at the train loaded with box cars.

“No sir, that train is going the exact opposite direction, towards Appleloosa and Dodge Junction.” The station master answered.

Sombra raised an eyebrow. “You misunderstand........”

The dark unicorns horn flared and a purplish almost black light colored corona formed around his horn. The same aura formed around the train engine, disconnecting it from the front of the other cars and lifting it into the air. He flipped the engine around to face it the other way on the tracks before letting his aura fade from it. A wagon of coal was gripped next and dumped in the engines coal hopper. The box cars were all shoved further down the tracks out of the way and a single passenger car from one of the side tracks was connected to the engine.

Through the whole event Sombra's eyes remained locked on the station masters, the stallion darting his attention between the black unicorn's glare and the events going on behind him with nervous glances.

“.......That train 'is' going to the Crystal Empire.” Sombra stated again to make sure there was no confusion this time.

“Ummmm, yes sir....” the station master stammered as the engineers and other attendants nearby watching rushed to ready the train for it's new destination.

“Good. Girls get on, I will go pay for the tickets. I expect to hear that you have won.” Sombra stated .” Do not disappoint me.”

“Oh wow.... that was cool!” Scootaloo offered. “Thanks Sombra.“

The trio ran off climbing onto the train as Sombra went to the ticket booth dropping the bits needed for the trip on the counter for the teller as well as a few others for the trouble. He glanced back as the train whistle cried out, the engineers nervously looking at him as the fillies waved out of the window at him.

“Hmmph.” Sombra grumped as the train started to pull away.


“Sparkle.” Sombra stated turning to face the mare storming up to him.

“What are you doing!?” Twilight demanded.

“Paying for train tickets.” Sombra offered gesturing to the ticket booth, only to flinch as a plate bounced off his head.

“That's for biting Fluttershy!” a soaking wet Pinkie Pie shouted.

“PINKIE, stop throwing my dishes!” Twilight shouted before turning back to Sombra.“Why did I just have a panicked pony run up to my house and tell me you were throwing train cars around at the train station?”

“Because the ponies of this town are easily panicked and have vivid imaginations?” Sombra asked staring down at the shorter mare.


“Umm Miss Sparkle, he did flip around a train engine and tell us to send it to the Crystal Empire.” the station master offered.

“What? What did you do!?”Twilight snapped looking back at the train pulling away.

“I made sure some fillies who missed their train caught another one in order to do what they needed to, nothing more.” Sombra explained.

“You can't derail a whole train schedule like that!” Twilight fussed.

“Last I checked I was actual royalty, Luna's son and by Celestia's own admission third in line for the throne now that Cadence has her own place to rule. Commandeering a single train for my purposes is well within my rights. I am still holding up my end of the parole and going no where near the Crystal Empire myself no matter who I send on a train.“ Sombra stated. “Before you start quoting the law book and the rest of that at me Twilight keep in mind I have had nothing to do for the last year BUT read, and the terms of my parole I studied quite closely. I have broken no law, and perhaps only nudged my bounds in terms of courtesy by not giving the train yard time to adjust to my order. That is hardly a crime itself, and another train will be along shortly headed towards Dodge Junction, adding a few more cars to the end of that will hardly matter. In any event, I will be taking my leave now Sparkle. I have promised Miss Rarity that I would feed her cat while she is away and the little beast gets cranky if not fed at a certain time. Good day.”

Sombra turned and trotted off, a smile growing on his face as Twilight fumed behind him.

Yes, this was a good day.

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