• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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"Three's a Cod"

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

"Three's a Cod"

[ Coco Cabana, ten miles south of Caduceus, Capitol of the Zebralands., just after Hearths Warming.]

Aria climbed out of the engine compartment of the 'Song Fishies' and closed up the hatch. There was nothing wrong with the craft, she just needed something to do so she was studying how to fix the ship. It really wasn't that hard, the mechanical parts were the same as human watercraft, and the only real difference was how it was powered by magic rather than gas. There were other changes of course, magic power didn't require the need for pistons, and the oil use was very sparing, little more than grease on some gears.

This meant the ship was quiet too when it ran, if not for the churning of water behind it you wouldn't be able to hear it running.

The thing had a self repair enchantment too which annoyed Aria until she found a way to cut it off. Not that she wanted the work, but having magic do things for her like this also annoyed her.

It was why she left after all.

The trios mother and father were rather doting, smotheringly so. Granted when both parents were gods it tended to go over board. She was never left wanting for anything, barely ever was hurt, and saw no challenge in anything with out it being taken care of for her.

She needed to get out from under that. Go out on her own see the world without being coddled and protected.

Well that had certainly happened, far faster than she liked thanks to Adagio.

Her poofy headed sister had gone the full spoiled princess route, thinking everything was owed to her and was the perfect image of a royal brat. Aria was never really sure why she agreed to go along with Adagio's stupid idea of taking the gems, not much good usually came from screwing with things their father created, but back then none of them had ever seen anything harmful from him.

Adagio wanted to claim everything as her own and show she was better than everyone else. Aria wanted to be out on her own doing things herself. And Sonata.... well neither of them had any idea why their youngest sister came along, she was the most complacent and happy with how things were. She absolutely adored their father as well which made her joining the others odd.

Speaking of which, Aria had no idea where the usually bubbly third siren was.

[Edge of town, Coco Cabana]

Blood dripped down the walls of the old barn, bodies of griffons, ponies and zebra's lay scattered around, some still breathing, most not. In the middle of the room was a walled off pit, with the body of one dog and the cowering form of the other dog looking up at the figure standing on the edge of the pit, blood dripping down her blue fur, a wide shark toothed smile gracing her features.

The figure had a red and white ball cap with a green swoosh sort of arrow on it, the blue mare also had a darker blue jacket on her though all of it was soaked in blood.

Sonata had been invited to this event by a local looking to impress the pretty tourist and thought it was some Pokemon thing. After the first dog ripped apart the other to the cheers of the crowd she had learned other wise and reacted not exactly favorably.

A griffon whimpered trying to crawl away only for a hoof to slam into his back pinning him down as the shark toothed pegasus mare glared down at him

“What in Tartarus are you!” The griffon screeched.

“Pecking order.” Sonata grinned.

“That doesn't make any GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”

There was a scream and a snap and the dog fighting ring was silent save the sound of dripping blood and the whimpers of the dogs still in their cages.

Aria shrugged, her sister was probably chasing a butterfly or watching grass grow or something.

Not that it mattered she was quite sure their father was keeping an eye on them, the ship and the things on it were proof of that, though she wasn't sure the others noticed.

Adagio on the other hand was probably getting pampered at the resort and or sleeping with anything there that caught her eye. She had no idea how her father, if he was watching, was allowing that but she chocked it up to him actually taking the hint to let them be.

Thus far she was glad he was keeping away, doing her own thing like this was what she wanted any way, and she had certainly gotten a lot of that following Adagio.

For better and worse.

[ Ponyville]

Rahs shifted back on his bed stretching out as he considered the holidays this year.

It had turned out rather strange to say the least. As expected all of the girls chasing him had given him a gift, though all of them were surprised he did the same.

Applejack had been rather confused at the cook book and had jokingly accused him of only getting it for her so she could cook for him.

Rahs neither confirmed or denied that though he was happy to note she was looking through it when he left. That she had given him a jar of zap apple jam as a present was perfect, so long as he kept it hidden from Twilight and Spike.

Saturnia had been greatly surprised by the fruit bats. She had some what expected them from Shining and her parents rather than Rahs, but she was quite pleased with the 'candy'.

Her gift had been quite a surprise. The original transcript of the sequel to Wolf of the Harvest Moon. It didn't take Rahs long to figure out why the book had been rejected as it was about Changelings. Though again it didn't hint at where DD might have learned to understand Moon Dog.

Sunset, as usual, surprised him. She had done a good bit of thinking and had written down a number of recipes she recalled from the human world, compiling them into a collection that was like a hoof written cook book. There were only about fifteen of them, though they did seem interesting even if the main ingredients would be hard to come by, granted most of the recipes were prefaced by innuendo laden descriptions, but he had expected that. She also added a cheese sampler, it confused him a little but she had an explanation for that too, about how canines in the human world generally liked cheese.

She wasn't wrong, Rahs did like a good cheese.

She had been surprised and confused at the CDP or crystal data pad she had been given, when he left she was already on her way to make improvements and was talking about something called a 'cell tower'.


Trixie had been crying when he gave her the playbill. With hers lost due to the ursa attack she never thought that she ever could replace it. She was quite upset with herself that he had gotten her that and all she had found for him was some show memorabilia and props from her travels. Rahs didn't mind at all though where she had gotten the silver wolf headed cane from Lon Chaney's The Wolf Mare, was beyond him.

Jynx was a bit confused by the holiday as Diamond Dogs didn't really celebrate Hearths Warming, which was a predominately pony holiday.

They had a winter solstice sort of thing that didn't usually involve gifts and was more of a large party to mark the end of the year and start of the new in midwinter.

Rahs had declined the offer to come to it as he still wasn't entirely comfortable around a large group of Diamond Dogs, he explained it as such and while she seemed disappointed she understood it.

After he some how survived the crushing hug she gave after he gave her the dress she offered him an envelope stating Princess Cadence had suggested the idea after learning Jynx hadn't gotten Rahs anything for the holiday as she didn't know she needed to.

Rarity was thrilled to help it seemed as well with some 'clothing' designs.

There was quite a collection of photos in that envelope.

No one else was going to get to see that gift.


“So you're headed to Canterlot for the weekend? Didn't the crusaders just come back from that?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah about, two weeks ago, though I'm going with them this time.” Spike offered.” There's also a Battle Mallet tourney being held up there and Sweetiebelle and I have entered.”

“Sweetiebelle plays Battle Mallet?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah Princess Luna got her into it, she plays Mau.”Spike offered.

“So what Japony comic did she base them off of?”Twilight sighed.

“The one with the whiny colt in the giant robot. I never could get into that one. If some one came up and said 'here, pilot this giant robot to fight monsters', I wouldn't even hesitate, yet this guy just whines about it and cries a lot.” Spike huffed. “Sweetie's painting skill could be better. But she's trying.”

“If Luna got her into it what does she play?”Twilight asked.

“Orks.” Spike sighed. “ Bad moons specifically. With a second Chaos army of Luna Wolves.”

“Can't say I'm surprised, well so long as everyone's having fun. “ Twilight nodded.” It should give Fireball and her colt friend a bit of alone time for once.”

“So what are you gonna do this weekend.” Spike asked.

“Oh, Cadence is coming into town and we're going to hang out a bit. I was originally going to do something with Fluttershy but she and Pinkie are gone off to some animal conference near Griffonstone.”

[ Off the coast of the Griffon lands.]

“Fire.” Fluttershy stated.

The cannons aboard the galleon roared as the shots slammed into the whaling vessel blowing great holes in the griffonesse ship.

Screams sounded as the birds ran about the deck trying to stop their ship from sinking or fend off the attackers.

Fluttershy stood on the deck dressed in a long coat and a tricorn hat, Angel sat on her shoulder looking grumpy in the little parrot costume he wore.

Pinkie Pie darted around the three masted sailing ship shouting and helping the others of the crew reload.

Maud Pie stood on the prow of the Sea Shepherd, simply flinging the cannon balls herself, punching holes in the whaling ship below the waterline.

Tree Hugger sat up in the crows nest a bit red eyed with a number of punks burning in her mane and tail giving her whole form a smoky appearance as they worked to sink the whaling ship a skull and crossbones flag fluttering above her head.

“Yarrr.” The earth pony laughed.

“Well that should be interesting to hear about. I certainly hope Pinkie Pie doesn't scare any of the animals off by trying to throw a party for them or something.” Spike nodded.

“I don't think Fluttershy would let her hurt any one.” Twilight nodded.

Author's Note:

Alright there's a new image over at my Ko-fi page here.


Currently have a pause for the donations because well.. i received enough for three or four more pieces already and i dun wanna overwhelm the artist. Tempted to see if i can get a image of Rahs from a few other artists to see what their take on him is.

I wonder if Fred Perry does commissions....

I've also got a Imgur thread for the art work if you don't want to bother going to the KoFi, thought he KoFi page will have the new images first.

If i can plan far enough ahead i might try and set up images going for the story i'm working on kinda like 'Off the Mark' does.

'Pecking Order ' joke with Sonota shamelessly stolen from https://www.fimfiction.net/story/324532/three-more-things


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