• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid? Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Do Piranha Dream of Magic Squid?
Part 3


Rahs and Princess Luna burst out of the front of the building with Bri hot on their tails to see what was going on.

They didn't have to look hard to spot it.

A massive shadowy purple form loomed over the city. The shape of it was vaguely unicorn like with a long flowing mane. The edges of it seemed indistinct and blurry, however it was the roiling mass of shapes in the things body that drew everyone's attention

Headless corpses, strange green egg like sacks, grave stones, tentacled horrors, hundreds of faceless figures, serpents of all sizes and shapes and countless of other horrific and scarring images bubbled and shifted in the things flesh like forms rising from a tar pit only to sink back down again after barely a glimpse.

“A tantabus.....”Luna offered with a shudder.

“A what?” Bri demanded.

“A night mare creature. Things brought to life by a surfeit of magic and the horrors brought on by a dreamer.” Typhon supplied as he and the other Alphas came out of the building to see what the roar was. “ I've never seen one this big before, they tend to result when some dog doesn't eat enough of a nightmare for it to vanish. I've only ever seen two and they weren't any bigger than me.”

“We have seen ones this size before during Discord's mad reign when the Oneiroi was in chaos. It was why we sought out the Bunyip.” Luna frowned. “But why is it here? Surely someone must have seen this sort of build up.”

A group of moon dogs darted towards the creature looking to start breaking it up only for the five of them to slam head first into a suddenly formed shield and get thrown back.

“What?!?!” Typhon and the other alphas demanded.

“That shouldn't be possible!”Luna shouted” Why does it have a shield?”

No one had an answer as the monster let out a gargantuan hiss, it's maw opening displaying a pair of viper like fangs and row upon row of spinning teeth that seemed to fill it's throat

“PRINCESS!” Rarity screamed out rushing over to them with Rainbow Dash and Witch-Jack in tow.

“Rarity what's going on?” Luna demanded.

“I have no idea Princess. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and the elder Sparkles are trying to herd all the pups and younger moon dogs away from it, but this thing simply spawned right where we were at.” Rarity offered.

“This thing is huge, it smashed a couple of buildings just by appearing.” Rainbow Dash shouted excitedly.

“Not only that, but ah can't find Twilight, Spike or Shining.” Applejack offered.

“That's because it is them.” Rahs growled, his ears laid back against his head, a low rumbling growl emerging from his throat as he spoke The usual expression on his face was gone replaced with a look of utter hatred and anger that made even Luna flatten her ears.

“Is them?” Luna looked back at the creature, her eyes widening as she noticed a few things in the images.

Cadence rejecting something, a pile of burning books, a sheet of paper with with intricate writing and a small picture of some one in the corner with big red marker scrawled over it reading 'D E D', a collection of savaged Guard corpses, a very old looking Applebloom, laying in bed and closing her eyes slowly, as if for the last time, a quesadilla dripping with cheese.

“By the stars.....” Luna's eyes widened.”The Sparkle's aren't connected to the Oneiroi, fifteen years worth of dreams and nightmares manifesting at once....”

Rahs snarled and was gone, tearing across the distance between the massive nightmare creature and the group before any one could stop him. The glowing points of light on his ears and tail blazing with an after image.

Rahs slammed into the shield barrier just as the others did though unlike the other moon dogs he didn't bounce off , his paws slapped to the shield barrier making it ripple like water in odd angular shapes away from where he had hit. His claws dug into the shield, piercing it before his chest, he strained his arms pulling apart as he spread his arms, the shield before him starting to tear open.

There was a roar from the creature, before a beam of pure darkness fired from the tantabus' horn slamming into, Rahs flash frying him and blasting him away from the creature. The moon dog was launched through the air smashing holes in several dream buildings before impacting through the barn wall side of the council meeting chamber and causing the whole structure to implode on itself in a symphony of destruction.

“RAHS!” Luna and Bri cried out.

“Does that count as your barn being destroyed for this month?” Rainbow Dash asked Witch-Jack who simply shrugged

The nightmare screamed out again the air visibly vibrating around it as it cried out, the moon dogs around howling in pain and covering their ears from the sound.

“We need to stop it.” Luna snapped. “ Something of this size and power might rip the veil or actively start killing dreamers.

“How?” Rarity asked

“Applejack. That shield is magic, go after it and drain it as best you can.” Luna ordered.

“What?” Witch-Jack whined her front paws over her ears.

Luna frowned gathering a hoof full of dream stuff, quickly shaping an image of Witch-Jack attacking the shield.

The orange pony turned bitch nodded and rushed off to do so.

“Rarity gather the others and do what you can to lower the shield, we should be able to cut the creature to pieces bit by bit when the shield goes down, Bri get the other moon dogs ready to attack the parts we cut free, if we can whittle it down, we can defeat it.” Luna ordered.

Bri blinked nodding as she caught on and rushed off.

“How exactly are we gonna deal with that thing?” Dash demanded.

“This is the dream realm Rainbow Dash, you shape clouds do you not, as you have seen the material here can be shaped to whatever you wish. Get creative with that. Do anything you can to keep the tantabus here in the city and damage that shield.” Luna stated firing a blast of her own magic which slammed into a shield and bounced off destroying another building.

“Anything?” Rainbow Dash pondered looked at Rarity and grinned.“Get the others and tell them about the dream shaping thing, I got an idea.”

“That worries me more than this brute does.” Rarity sighed before running off to let everyone else know the plan as Rainbow Dash started shaping something from parts of the fallen building.

The massive creature started stomping towards through the city crushing buildings and batting aside any moon dogs that came after it.

Luna's eyes narrowed as she fired off a series of blasts all over the shield trying to break through. “Get to cover, we will deal with this.” Luna snapped at the alphas as she galloped forward.

A wire shot over her head and a blue furred figure in a brown uniform with odd boxes on her hips and large blades strapped for her fore hooves flew zipped overhead being yanked along by the wire.

“YEEEEHAAAAA!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she was catapulted at the tantabus, the cable separating from the box and allowing her to go into a brutal spin like a buzz saw slashing across the entire top of the shield before another wire was shot out sending her soaring another direction.

A massive boom filled the air and Luna beheld the sight of Pinkie Pie in a gas mask and spiked helmet wearing a long coat, waving a shovel around as she stood atop a massive tank that Luna recognized as a 'Bane something or other' from the Battle Mallet games.

A lance of light shot from behind the tank as Rarity drew back the string on a bow taller than she was standing on her back legs. The bow itself seemed to be composed of red scales and the spine of a dragon, and Rarity herself was dressed in a black dress that was almost a ball gown, covered in white frills with a white bone spike crown and frilled collar.

A massive armored minotaur knight tore across the street, the spell burst in his back launching him like a rocket, the armored rear hooves sparking over the dream road, the massive armor looked as if it could fit King Kaz. The suit was a perfect replica of the ancient minotaur crusaders armor that fell out of favor when the minotaur left the main land to claim an island kingdom instead. The massive war hammer the minotaur carried was bigger than Luna was.

“Hammer DOWN!!!” Nightlight shouted whipping the massive weapon around and smashing it against the shield with a blast of lightning spreading across the shield from the impact.

Twilight Velvet... well she was dressed in gray tights with a blue cape and cowl, a thick yellow belt and a oval symbol of a bat on her chest.

Her horn glowed and she pulled a small spray can labeled' Bat Shield Remover'. She sprayed the shield with it and the parts touched started to dissolve.

Witch-jack had missed the conversation in attacking the shield and was still doing just that, not able to do as much damage to it as Rahs was, but the nightmare had shot at her several times already.

“He picks up a bus and he throws it back down,
As he wades through the buildings toward the center of town...” A voice sang softly.

Luna turned looking up, then up again, and up some more, standing taller than even the tantabus was a massive green reptile like creature with a more feline muzzle. The thing was stomping up towards the tantabus knocking over buildings. Sitting on it's head was a little yellow pegasus with pink hair singing softly.

The massive creature looked at the tantabus, the spines along it's back starting to glow, the reptile opened it's mouth and beam of blue glowing fire bursts forth from it, smashing into the shield.

“Why are we even here?” Luna muttered to herself as she watched the shield start to crack in several places.

Applejack, and the other braver moon dogs, had switched to taking out the attacking tendrils, simply biting or clawing through them. Applejack severed a few of them, the mass on the other side of the cut away from the main body turned into a thick tar like liquid and splattered whatever landscape hadn't been destroyed with black icor. And in one case, that Applejack swore later wasn't intentional through her grin, a white coated fashionista, who's shriek at getting splashed with black gunk was louder than the creatures roar.

Despite the attacks to the shield , the damage was repairing itself faster than anyone but Witch-Jack could damage.

The shield dropped briefly as Witch-Jack tore into it . Luna and the others took the opportunity to blast the creature with everything they had sending it reeling back on it's rear legs in evident agony.

Though that proved not to be the case as the thing slammed back down it's forelimbs crashing into the island sending the floating structure rocking and sending every one stumbling. The tantabus suddenly exploded outward the larger mass thinning as massive tendrils shot out in all directions lamprey like mouths on the ends slamming into and boring through the ground, the clouds, as well as all of the larger creations of the ponies. Rainbow Dash was sent spiraling out of the sky as one of her wires was clipped before she remembered she could fly, Nightlight and Pinkie were forced to abandon their armor and tank, Twilight Velvet had to run away like she was trying to get rid of a bomb, and the less said of what happened to Fluttershy's monster the better. Luna made a note to ask the moon dogs to double up on her dreams for a while.

The moon dogs who set out to attack while the shield was down were all forced to run away as some of the tendril mouths turned back to them spitting green fire, the others started to devour everything they touched the creature growing in size yet again growing larger than Fluttershy's pet monster had been.

An unearthly roar cut though the Oneiroi and snapped everyone's, including the tantabus', attention to the collapsed council building.

The pile of rubble was flung into the air raining down around the city, forcing a number of dogs, the council members, and Luna to either dodge out of the way or put up a shield.

A massive snarl sounded as a dark blue form rose out of the pile of rubble. The creature bore only a slight resemblance to the moon dog he had been, looking much closer in size and appearance to how Witch- Jack looked. The creature was bulky, as if it's muscle had increased dramatically, the fur along it's body was spiked and wild and the remains of a long coat hung to it's form, the pants hardly any better, both nearly burnt to ash. It's long ears were topped with balls of white light that shown like full moons on a cold clear winters night and left contrails when his ears shifted. His fur crackled with light as if it had built up a static charge of energy. His tail had grown longer, the glowing crescent moon on the end having tripled in size looking more like a double bladed scythe as the appendage lashed.

“Rahs?!” Luna gasped as several of the moon dog bitches swooned.

The blue witch wolf opened his mouth exhaling, sparks of magic dancing along his teeth and forming into a small cloud like a breath on a cold day.

His eyes opened, the amber orbs narrowed as they glared at the tantabus before he took a step forward.

The tantabus took a step back.

Then Rahs moved, the ground and rubble where he had been standing flying back to crash into the dream structure behind him across the street.

The impact as he met the newly raised and evidently empowered shield was felt in everyone's bones before any one heard the noise of the impact. Claws ripped open the shield like it was tissue paper, the entire bubble of protection torn away in a instant and fluttering away from the massive creature like shredded strands of gossamer silk.

The tantabus roared out, it's horn blasting Rahs with another beam of energy.

Rahs caught it.

Luna's eyes widened as the beam seemed to solidify against Rahs' claws, the tantabus snarled, and Rahs yanked.

There was the sound of tearing metal and the entire beam of energy was ripped away from the tantabus, tearing it's horn free as well.

The monster screamed out staggering back as Rahs devoured the black mass he had torn free, like a particularly long noodle.

“What. The. Fuck, darling!?” Rarity demanded.

The tantabus broke into a run away from the blue witch wolf.

Rahs tore after it leaving a trail of silvery light as he burned off the magic he had eaten.

Reaching the edge of the floating city the tantabus grew wings and prepared to fly off, only for Rahs to slam into it's back and rip free one of it's wings treating it the same way it had the creature's magic and horn.

The tantabus screamed out again, whirling around and crashing through the city as it turned into a more amorphous form, pseudo pods, spikes, tendrils, whirling maws of lamprey teeth, and blades formed of itself lashing inward at Rahs as it curled up around him attacking from all sides as it sought to engulf the blue witch wolf.

The blackish mass closed around him as Rahs was rending the tendrils and spines attacking him in splatters of icor,though it was clear there were too many for him to deal with himself as many slammed into him and through him as he roared before the blob closed over him.

After a heart beat or two the blob shifted back into a pony like form with no sign of Rahs.

“What are you staring for!” Cosma snarled.” ATTACK IT, I WILL NOT LOSE HIM A SECOND TIME!”

The older moon dog rushed forward with a snarl, joined by several score of other moon dogs, including Blink and several of the pairs older pups.

They didn't even make it to the tantabus before it exploded.

The remaining dream buildings were leveled and everyone on the floating island was knocked onto their collective asses.

Black icor sprayed over everything, including an annoyed fashionista who had just gotten clean from the first bout of splatter.

Standing in the center of the exploded mass was a surprisingly unsplattered towering blue form, the points of light on his ears glowed almost blindingly as his fur danced with energy, the scythe at the end of his tail as long as he was tall and he towered over even Luna now.

Draped over his shoulders was a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane and tail, under one arm was a purple drake, and under the other was a purple alicorn mare. The three of them were unconscious but seemed other wise unharmed.

Rahs opened his eyes again looking out over the ruined city full of moon dogs and ponies simply standing there staring and panting heavily.

A number of the moon dogs seeing this dropped to their knees before him, a act quickly followed by all those dogs present, including the elder alphas. Though almost as one, they all rolled onto their backs exposing their bellies and throats.

Rahs blinked as he watched this his head tilting a little in confusion.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Author's Note:


Can you name them all?

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