• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Pinkie Anostomus Pie

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Pinkie Anostomus Pie

[Ponyville, an open field just outside of town, end of Fall]

“Alright do you have that feeling again? Good now tug on it!” Luna stated.

Rahs grumbled, his tail whipping as he started the motions to try and cast the spell Luna was teaching him.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash sat on the other side of the field watching while having a picnic. Occasionally Twilight would need to head over and put out a small fire that started some how.

“... so Pinkie Pie and the Apple family set out to visit one of their relatives who might have a more complete history of the family to find out for sure.” Twilight continued as the sound of an explosion made her look up from her meal to the training pair , before disregarding it as nothing left to burn in that part of the field.

“So that's why Pinkie ran off this morning.” Fluttershy considered.”I have some trouble understanding her when she's super excited about something, so I suppose I got the full story in about four seconds earlier, but thank you for explaining it Twilight.”

“No problem. It may explain a few things about why Pinkie freaks out about her family. I'm still getting used to how the Apples react to it.” Twilight explained.

“Well darling you best get used to it particularly if you are serious about Big Mac. There are quite a number of mares that have their eyes on him. Best you snatch him up as quickly as you can.” Rarity offered.

“Ugh you sound like my mom... until I get that Familiar spell working right I'm not going to go past what we have right now.” Twilight sighed, though she quickly brightened as she struck a pose. “ I'm not worried though where would he find some pony as wonderful as me?”

Spike rolled his eyes as Twilight tried to hold her laughter back at the over the top statement.

“Honestly I kinda wanna know how that trip is going.” Rainbow Dash said as she tapped her chin with a hoof. “They brought Sunset along. And she doesn't strike me as the most stable of ponies.”

“I'm sure it will be fine darling.” Rarity considered looking to Twilight. “ Right?”

Twilight shrugged.

[The scariest cave in Equestria, exit ]

Smoke poured from the mouth of the cave as the little raft floated with the current back out of the darkness.

Sunset Shimmer clung wide eyed to the front of the raft, her mane blown back and horn still smoking.
Witch-Jack sat behind her, also charred, while Granny, Applebloom, and Big Mac all looked like they had rolled around in soot, and Applebloom's bow was on fire.

Big Mac moved to put his little sister out as well as the few flames still licking at the sides of the raft. Behind them smoke poured out of the 'The scariest cave in Equestria' and even the rock seemed to be burning and melting to slag.

Pinkie Pie was unaffected and was still taking pictures.

“We. Are. Not. Coming . Back. This. Way.” Sunset Shimmer stated, her features pale.

“Ah don't think you left anything in that cave tah come back to.” Witch-Jack growled as the tortured stone around the cave mouth finally collapsed blocking off the tunnel from this entry point.

“So what is Rahs doing out here anyway?” Fluttershy asked as there was another explosion.

“Luna is trying to teach him how to open the portal to the Oneiroi. He is the god of moon dogs now and she feels that he needs to learn how to go there himself rather than rely on her. She claims she doesn't want the hassle that comes with having 'travel' in her portfolio.” Twilight explained. “I'm trying to figure out how he can cast spells at all.”

“Well you had to have noticed he's been teleporting around some lately.” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Actually I haven't.” Twilight frowned.

“To be fair, he can be sneaky and not noticing him going from one place to another is kinda easy.” Spike pointed out before stuffing a danish into his mouth.

“Well you might just notice if you were flying..... you know.... like I've been trying to get you to do since you got your wings?” Rainbow Dash snarked leaning closer to Twilight who looked away from her.

“ So why are we out here then?” Rarity asked. “The picnic is nice and all but isn't this a tad dangerous?”

“It's fine Luna's warding most of his mistakes, and all he keeps summoning is fireworks.” Twilight offered.”We thought it would be best if he had an audience as one of his portfolios is Theater. Maybe it would help.”

“Theater, hmmm. HEY RAHS!” Spike bellowed as another explosion happened.

Rahs glared at Spike.

“Oops.” Spike smirked. “Anyway try looking at it like you're bringing in another actor or something for a second part.”

Rahs frowned at that his ears flattening to his head as he considered.

“Thank you for your input young Spike but that is not the way this spell works. One has to focus on the destination and ...” Luna was cut off as Rahs pulled what looked like a smoke bomb from his coat and threw it at his paws filling the whole area around him with a thick gray cloud.

Luna blinked stepping away from it as the smoke billowed out more, then quickly started to dissipate leaving Rahs standing there in the middle of the field.

“What was that even supposed to do?” Twilight asked.

Rahs grinned and took a step to the side. Standing behind him was a confused looking and quite curvy navy blue furred female moon dog who was at least a few inches taller than Rahs and had some how been hidden behind him.

“What!?” Luna demanded.

Rahs smirked whipping off his teal long coat with a flourish and draped it over his naked sister though some how he was already wearing a light gray long coat to replace it the moment the flourish ended.

Bri blinked looking around , her amber eyes taking in everything in confusion.

“Woof?” Bri asked.

“Bark.” Rahs explained.

Bri frowned and punched Rahs in the shoulder.


“Do not be like that Bri we did warn you that Rahs was trying to open a portal and odd things might happen. Still we didn't expect him to bring some dog here.” Luna frowned. “How did you even do that? It wasn't the way I taught you.”

“Stage magic is still magic. He has been hanging out with Trixie after all.”Spike sighed

Luna smacked Rahs upside the back of the head with a wing growling at him.

“Why did you bring her here? Don't you recall what happened last time moon dogs were pulled from the Oneiroi. “Luna fumed.” This could have been a disaster!”

Rahs frowned glaring at Luna before poking her nose with a claw.

“Bork.” Rahs stated and Luna flinched.

“Yes... well...... we are sorry it's just....” Luna sighed closing her eyes and exhaling deeply.”Can you do that again? And better yet can you get yourself there now?”

Rahs considered for a moment before nodding.

Spike waddled up with the others offering a wave to the other moon dog. “ Nice to see you again Bri.”

“Ruff?” Bri asked.

Spike and Twilight stared at her.

“What?” Spike asked.

“Bark?” Bri questioned.

“Woof?” Rahs asked as well.

“I understand you, but not her.” Twilight pointed out frowning as Rahs grinned.

“Really?” Luna questioned.

“I understand her, she was asking how you've been and why Twilight smelled so much like food.”Fluttershy offered.

“Woof.” Bri agreed.

“So this is what it's like.” Spike grumbled.

“Bark.” Bri pointed out glaring at Rahs.

Rahs rolled his eyes.

“What?” Rarity asked.

“Now that he can visit the Oneiroi, Bri told him that Cosma wanted him to visit more often.”Fluttershy translated.

“This is very annoying.” Twilight huffed.

“Welcome to our world.” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Ruff.” Bri rolled her eyes.

Rahs winced and patted her on the head as if he was sorry for her, that got him a punch in the gut.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“He asked if she had finally been assigned a god to watch over. Seems after Rahs was accepted as a god his biggest detractor in the council stepped down, and Bri took the roll of watching over Cadence's dreams. Rahs was apologizing for her having to do that.” Fluttershy offered.

“Ouch. I feel sorry for her now too.” Spike muttered.

“Who is this?” a fairly deep voice asked with a hint of a growl.

Glancing towards the voice the group was greeted to the sight of a large well muscled midnight black furred female canine, her long white hair done up in a large number of braids that hung down nearly to her tail. Her ample chest seemed to barely be contained in a rather ornate blue vest that bared her tone midriff before her many pocketed pair of cargo pants took over covering her legs to her ankles. The touch of Rarity's work in the clothing was apparent with some of the trim and designs of the thread being a little more decorative.

Ice blue eyes regarded the navy furred bitch in Rahs' coat with the way she was tensed she seemed ready to do something.

“Ah lady Jynx. This is Bri. Rahs' sister from the Oneiroi.” Rarity added quickly before anything happened.

Jynx nodded a little at that her gaze darting over to Luna, though she clearly didn't relax.

Bri blinked surprised she was looking up at the diamond dog.

“So what brings you here Lady Jynx.” Rarity continued.

“ Yes. Well. My apologies. I have been wanting to ask Rahs out for some time now though the issues with my pack have gotten a bit more complicated and I have not been able to get away from them until now.” Jynx sighed, her top some how still not bursting.

“Oh? Nothing that will be a problem we hope?” Luna offered.

“ Not at all Princess. Just for some reason a number of other packs have come here to join the Jade Wolves. It has been . Rather chaotic.” Jynx explained. “There have been a few disputes and a great deal of expanding of our tunnels to adjust for the new comers.”

“ Jade Wolves? No longer the Wolf Fang?” Luna questioned.

“We are seeking to have amicable relations with ponies. A slightly softer name was in order.” Jynx offered. “Despite some disagreeing with it, I am the Alpha and what I say goes.”

“Woof?” Bri asked.

“Ruff.” Rahs explained gesturing to Jynx.

Bri smirked.

Rahs rolled his eyes.

Jynx glanced between the two.

“Yes well darling don't just stand there. Ask.” Rarity ushered.

Jynx blinked at the white mare and nodded.” Errr right. Sorry.” Jynx let out a held breath. “ Rahs if you would I have this Monday free, if those idiots know what is good for them. And I wonder if you would like to have dinner with me?”

Rahs blinked surprised the large diamond dog seemed so hesitant, the few glances she spared to Rarity made him wonder if she was being coached.

Still he offered a nod in response and a smile at her which she seemed to accept.

“Alright. Well. I will see you then Rahs.” Jynx offered before moving away from the group her gaze darting to Rarity who was smiling, then to Luna who was watching warily then to Bri who was pondering it seemed.

Jynx took another step back then dropped into a hole that was unnoticed, but did explain how she snuck up on them. It was quickly filled in and the diamond dog was gone.

Bri smiled wider looking at Rahs.


Rah blinked his ears flattening to his head as Bri mad a pantomime of Jynx's huge tracks of land.

“We would not say he has a type per-say, but we cannot argue that Lady Jynx is rather well endowed for her species.” Luna offered.

“I dunno. “ Twilight offered. “ Applejack is fairly stacked and we all saw how he reacted to Rarity when she was under the effects of poison joke. Saturnia could be something like that easily so he might just have a type.”

“I am not fond of being brought into this conversation as I am not involved as one of his growing number of suitors.” Rarity huffed.

“Yeah, Sunset and Trixie are kinda the odd ones out.” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Not really. If I recall how Sunset looked in the human world her chest was pretty big too.” Spike offered.

“Bark?” Bri asked slapping Rahs' arm and laughing.

Rahs growled burying his face in his paws as the others laughed as well at his embarrassment.

“I hate you all.”

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