• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Twilight's Kraken Part Two, Part 6

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight's Kraken
Part Two, Part 6

[“When we last left off....”]

[ No, I did that once, it's enough.]


[ Edge of Ponyville.]

“Twilight what tha hay was that, Ah just caught a wiff of that same magic scent ah did when ah got mai bit key thingy.” Witch Jack offered as Twilight pulled out the sword fully looking it over.

“Did any of you just see a rainbow coloration shine over this thing?”Twilight asked, blinking as she tried to get the effect to happen again.

“I cannot say I did Twilight.” Rarity pointed out.

“Nopers” Pinkie offered.

“Sorry Twilight.” Fluttershy muttered.

“I though I saw something, but I it could have just been light reflecting off it.” Rainbow Dash added.

“Grah!! I don't have time for this, I need to help Rahs until you all can evacuate.” Twilight huffed. ”I don't have time to go play with that stupid box.”


Turning back towards the town the group saw a lanky purple scaled and green spined little drake loping up with an crystal box, and a claw full of keys to go along with it.

“SPIKE!! I know I told you to go some where safe!” Twilight snapped, “So you have no excuse.”

“Okay three things.” Spike stated as he placed the box on the ground before him. “First, that look is wild and I'm gonna need to see if I can use the description for some monster or another to throw against the Crusaders later in a game. Two, I did go some where safe, and now I'm back . And three and most importantly, like I say every single time you or one of the Princesses tell me that. Buck that noise!”

“Of course.” Twilight sighed as Pinkie Pie giggled. “Fine, why did you bring the chest here?”

“Okay seriously? This thing has been the biggest macguffin to ever exist for the whole damn year. It's barely been two days since you found out the only key missing was yours and now you're in some massive life or death battle where you of course are gonna find your key so you can open the box and turn loose what ever's in it. You know the box given to you by Harmony, the thing that made the Element's of Harmony which you used to beat two other bad guys, plus some. All you need to do is find your key and BAM the day is saved.”

“Ummmmmmm.” Twilight blinked her ears flattening to her head.

“What, what's wrong?” Spike questioned looking at the other mares who were staring at Twilight, he then noticed the sword. “Hey cool sword.... wait, is that it? Is that your key?”

“I refuse to say because you will be insufferably smug about it.” Twilight huffed.

“Too late.” Spike grinned wide.

“Just because I got the key doesn't mean this will help stop Tirek!” Twilight ranted.

“If it doesn't, I will eat my hat.” Spike stated passing out the keys to their owners.

“Spike you don't have a hat silly.” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Fine. I will eat Applejack's hat.” Spike corrected.

“Hold on now.” Witch Jack frowned.

“I'm down with that. Ten bits in.” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Seriously Dash?” Witch Jack growled.

“What? Either we save the day and don't get murdered, or I get to watch Spike eat a hat before I die, win win.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “ And worst case I'm only out ten bits.”

“This is a family heirloom!” Witch Jack growled.

“Please Applejack, you have a closet full of hundreds of those things.” Rarity pointed out.

“They're ALL family Heirlooms!” Witch Jack countered.

“I don't have time for this I need to get back there to help Rahs before Tirek follows me into town!” Twilight yelled.

“Don't worry, we have a distraction.” Spike placated. “Now do the thing with the sword, I've got ten bits to win.”

Rahs crashed backwards into the remaining tree line, surging back to his feet as both he and Tirek healed from the latest flurry of blows.

“Quite the interesting one mutt. Though how long can you stand facing a god alone with out the alicorn backing you up!?” Tirek smirked as Rahs growled in response.

“HEY, WANKER!” bellowed someone in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Rahs and Tirek both looked to see a orange unicorn mare standing atop the gutted remains of the farms windmill, some how still standing, though only just.

Sunset grinned from her perch, almost at eye level with Tirek.

“You mother was a hoover and your father smelt of cheap scotch and sadness.” Sunset bellowed. “ Now step away from my colt friend!”

“HE'S NOT YOUR COLTFRIEND!!!” Jynx, Witch Jack, and Saturnia shouted from various points around the battlefield.

“Fuzzy is Trixies!!!” Trixie shouted suddenly, blinking and looking around at the confused ponies around her that were now staring at her.

“Why did I shout that?” Trixie muttered.

“A demi god? Well I could use a snack.” Tirek smirked blasting Rahs back into the trees as he tried to interrupt.

“Please. You think I'm scared of a reject from a three year olds crayon drawing after he heard about Greek mythology?” Sunset huffed her mane and tail billowing in the breeze at the top of the windmill as Tirek loomed closer. “I don't need a stinking magical artifact or weapon to deal with the likes of you. I've got something better.”

“And what might that be, snack?”

“First off I would like to thank you, you future 'Royale with Cheese', for letting me recite this line, I have wanted to do it in all seriousness since I saw the movie.”

“What?” Tirek blinked not understanding really any of that.

Sunset grinned wide.

“Say hello to my little friend.”

The cry came at a volume that could likely be heard in Canterlot as a single Breezy with a butter knife launched itself out of Sunsets mane straight at Tirek

“Oh shit!” Tirek yelped back peddling away from Sunset.

Teacup was having none of that as the breezy slammed blade first into Tirek's belly, ripping into it. A second later the diminutive creature tore out of the centaur's back dragging behind it the still connected large intestine. Teacup quickly looped the organs over Tirek's head and neck and began strangling the centaur using his own entrails like a garrote, still screaming in rage.

Sunset blinked as the blood showered down around her, her ears flattening to her head.

“Oh.... oh wow... yeah, fuck this shit, I'm out.” Sunset stated teleporting away.

Twilight and the other girls stared at the massive fountain of blood that soared into the sky and rained down on the town turning everything red as Tirek screamed and Teacup continued a rant in such a high pitched voice that only the canine's could hear it. And judging by Witch-Jack's expression, Twilight didn't want to know what Teacup was saying.

“Little dude really, really, like really really, hates Tirek.” Spike pointed out.

A pop of magic announced Sunset's arrival though the mare was a few shades lighter than normal, clearly in the process of turning white.

“Not like the movies at all. It doesn't describe the smell.” Sunset shuddered.

“What is Teacup doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Well back when all of us were looking at the gate, we started chatting and Teacup mentioned a lot of depression hit after each migration. Teacup usually found some out of the way place to sulk for a few months and I asked where that was.” Sunset shrugged.” Long story short, the breezy told me and Spike and I popped off to pick Teacup up to deal with Tirek. Still took a while, I need to practice my longer range teleports. Also, side note, one of Teacup's minor portfolios is unimaginable violence, just an FYI.”

“How did you even...”Twilight started to demand before she was cut off by three hooves covering her mouth a yellow one, pink one, and a white one.

“Darling. Science later, key now.” Rarity ordered her eyes narrowing as the reptilian slits stared at Twilight.

“Wait? Is that sword her key?” Sunset questioned.

“Yep!” Spike grinned.

“Dude you called it to a T. Now all we have to worry about is if a dopey dog with a shield and a magic duck show up.”Sunset nodded.

Pinkie Pie glared at her, though Twilight was too focused on prodding the box with the sword to notice.

There was a flare of light and the sword shifted and changed becoming a key with Twilight's normal cutie mark as the bow.

The six mares, well, one mare, one wolf mare, one Nightmare, one bat mare, one super potent alicorn mare, and one Pinkie, took their keys putting them into the box.

“This better not wind up being some filly friendship lesson again.” Rainbow Dash sighed as they all turned the keys.

“Tune in next time on....”


Tirek had been having a good day.

The fools he was fighting didn't even seem to notice he had figured out a way to drain their power. That this beast was stealing his magic with every bite was odd, but the mutt couldn't keep up with the magic draw that he possessed.

When the alicorn vanished from the fight he had been planning a way to kill this beast finally now that it's magic support was gone. Still the creature had fought surprisingly well and took blows that might have killed something lesser even with the magic the canine stole restoring him. It was quite impressive, though he could taste the spell work laid down, this thing was one of Luna's. It must have been something she made after he was already sealed away, though the signs of her hoof work were there. Pity he couldn't break that link between the dog and the purple alicorn. That was something that seemed out of his reach, and likely the reason why he could not drain the alicorn. Though the dog was bleeding off so much power from along that link that Tirek could still drain the power of the alicorn sisters, just slower.

In all he was setting himself up to win simply by hanging around so long getting a days exercise.

Then that damn Breezy showed up.

Teacup was a nightmare to Tirek.

Tirek couldn't drain the breezy.

Tirek couldn't kill the breezy for good.

Shards. Tirek could barely hit the tiny damn pain in his ass.

Teacup however, greatly enjoyed ripping holes in Tirek.

Teacup never got tired of ripping holes in Tirek.

Teacups favorite thing in the world, was ripping holes in Tirek.

Thankfully the maiming paused for a moment as a insanely powerful surge of magic erupted from the edge of town drawing the attention of all the combatants.

A beam of pure white light shot into the air vanishing beyond the cloud cover.

There was a moment of silence before six beams of light lanced down from the sky near the edge of town.

“What the shit!?” Teacup muttered.

Tirek was about to respond when the source of the light appeared in a flash before them. Six mares with strange pastel colored rainbow markings, practically glowing neon hovered before him, one of them the alicorn he was after.

Tirek sneered quickly trying to drain it.

“What is this!?!” Tirek gasped as again he couldn't take magic from any of them, it was like that damn breezy.

“Tir Na Nog.....” Teacup muttered completely ignoring Tirek to stare at the mares, the breezy's gaze locked on the cascade of rainbow light swirling around the ponies.

“ To Tartarus with this!!!” Tirek snarled firing off a blast of magic at the group, only for a large form to step in front of the blast of energy and snap it out of the air with a gnash of teeth.

Tirek winced as the canine devoured the magic he put in that spell like it was a meal, the creature was now covered in patterns of rainbow pastels and neon bight highlights.

He looked ridiculous.

Before Tirek could react, Rahs moved dipping down with a quick step forward to shoot his arm upward. His palm smashed into the underside of Tirek chin, his claws ripping open the centaurs throat at the same time. The blow sent the centaur airborne in a shower of blood and motes of light that quickly drifted away from the fight.

“Thanks Rahs, but I think we have this.” Twilight smirked.

“You dun fucked up!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

“Woof.” Rahs growled before nodding and standing aside as the six shot forward leaving light trails of rainbows.

Every time one of the contrails touched Tirek he screamed out as if in pain, the fact none of the mares were just touching him with the light behind him but were landing blows with their hooves wings , magic, and in Fluttershy's case fangs, only made things worse. The trail of rainbows continued to get smaller as they swirled around him. As the rainbows compressed it squeezed out of him more and more motes of light, which soared into the air to take off to find their true owners.

Tirek screamed out as he was crushed back down to the emaciated old centaur form before the magic pulled, away leaving the six mares standing around him the colors fading from their coats and manes. The energy from the six gathered in the air again above Tirek flickering and swirling before shooting into the ground at the bottom of the bloodied crater.

Everything was still for a moment before the ground began to rumble.

Two large tendrils of white crystal burst from the ground reaching towards the sky before meeting like an arch perhaps only ten feet tall. As the two tendrils twined at the tip, the area between them sparked and sparkled to life flashing open like a doorway with a cascade of rainbow light. On the other side of the new gate seemed to be a forest of some kind, a low blue light emanated from somewhere and a village filled with tiny houses took up most of the view.

Flying around the houses were some very confused looking breezies. There was another flash of rainbow light over the portal, and the light inside the portal changed to a soft green as massive trees of a kind never seen in Equestria appeared in the background behind the village, prompting more panic and confused flying by the breezies that could be seen.

The rumbling of the ground only increased as the ground in the crater started to rise, leaving the area around the new gate uncovered though the soil and rock burst around them as massive vines of crystal erupted from the ground spiraling and coiling about them selves forcing everyone back as they rose into the air towering over the landscape before they started branching out , spreading to stretch into the air as the tendrils all gathered to form a massive crystal tree that looked more like a palace as it towered over Ponyville.

“Woah.” Rainbow Dash uttered looking up at the tree. “I call dibs!”

“Rainbow. No.” Rarity sighed.

“Rainbow. YES!” Rainbow Dash countered.

“Pretty sure that tree ken house all of Ponyville with rooms tah spare.” Applejack whistled not even noticing she had been pulled out of her witch wolf state.

“Oh...” Twilight muttered swaying in place, the purple alicorn was back to her normal state though barely seeming to be able to stay on her hooves. A glance in his direction showed Rahs had finally drained the enlarge spell and was walking slowly towards the group, somehow having found another long coat. A number of the others had gathered around to look at the new crystal tree castle thing, including Sunset, Sombra, Spike, the Changeling forces with Saturnia, and a group of Diamond Dogs with Jynx.

“No.. No!! I am not finished yet!! You damned ponies I am still standing I will be victorious!!!" Tirek snarled pushing himself to his hooves.

The air next to the centaur was suddenly rent apart like claws tearing through reality. The air tore open and a sound like a siren mixed in with whistle of a train and the death wails of a score of accident victims merged with the howling of a timber wolf accompanied by baying hounds on a trail filled the area.

A number of diamond dogs and changelings fled at the sound, and the moon dogs would need to double up on the work load for Ponyville for a month for all that heard it.

Even the new castle seemed to shudder.

“FOUND YOU!” a voice snarled.

Six eyes opened in the blackness of the rift, two rows of three, all of them but one a bright crimson, and that one was a brilliant green.

All six of the eyes locked on the centaur before a massive black draconian hand stretched out from the rent, slamming down atop of the screaming centaur, talons curling around Tirek to drag him back into the portal.

The glowing rift in space remained a moment before the skeletal head of a equine poked up out of it to look around, spotting the group staring at the gate wide eyed before it ducked it's head back into the rift.

“It SeEmS wE aRe In PoNyViLlE.” a voice echoed.

“Ahh thank you Grace. You truly must stop over for tea. I need to thank you for being so hospitable despite our unexpected arrival.”

The voice was accompanied by three alicorns striding out of the rift. Celestia looked back to speak with the skeletal zebra, who only nodded before the rift closed fully.

“Well that was a thing. Hmm, I don't recall approving a zoning permit for that.” Princess Celestia offered looking up at the crystal castle.

Then she exploded into a fine red mist. Ensuring the moon dogs would have a lot to eat in the next few weeks beyond just the scream.

“YOU!!!” Chrysalis shouted storming up from the gathered crowd. Her hoof pointed angrily at Cadence.

“Oh hello Chryssy, how did everythOOWW ow, ow, ow, ow!!!” Cadence started before her ear was twisted in the changeling queens magic and she was yanked closer to Chrysalis.

“Don't you 'oh hello me miss 'Oh I can't leave, I need to be bait', WHAT THE BUCK CREDENZA?!?!”Chrysalis snarled before she whipped about and pointed a hoof as Saturnia.”YOU!! GROUNDED!!”

“What?” Saturnia blinked.

“Oooooh.” offered Bees

“Pinkie Pie, add her to the black list, a month minimum.” Chrysalis turned to the pinkest pony.

“Okie doki.” Pinkie Pie nodded.

“What! You can't just” Saturnia stammered.

“I TOLD YOU TO HIDE, NOT RUSH THE DAMN THING.” Chrysalis boomed in a rather impressive replication of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “ You are not too big to take over my knee missy! TWO MONTHS FOR BACK TALKING!! Pinkie!”

“Got it.” Pinkie Pie nodded as Saturnia wailed.

“Woof.” Rahs frowned making Applejack wince.

“Jynx and Applejack get a month as well? Okay.” Pinkie Pie nodded as Rahs huffed and glared at the three of his suitors before he turned and walked off. The moment he passed behind a large rock he was gone. He had moon dogs to return home.

Sunset blinked looking around at the other three panicked suitors, before she smirked. “Wooo.”

“You, moon butt, portal to the Crystal Empire.” Chrysalis snapped.

“Just so you know, we were outvoted in this.” Luna huffed.

“Don't care, I'm tired, pissed, still drained from that stupid transference earlier, and I still need to yell at this one and Shining.” Chrysalis snapped. “Portal.”

“Fair enough.” Luna sighed, her horn glowing as she drew on the power of her moon still in the sky and opened a gate.

Chrysalis bodily threw Cadence through it and stormed in after her before Luna closed it.

“So is that it?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked around.” Cause if it is, I gotta go check on something.”

“Go check on Prince, Rainbow Dash, if there's something else going on, I don't care. I'm going to bed.” Twilight sighed turning and trotting off with Pinkie and Fluttershy's help guiding her. Spike shrugged and followed along after them.

Rainbow Dash nodded and took off towards Canterlot.

“Guess ah need tah check on the girls” Applejack sighed.

“Might as well.” Sunset nodded following along with Applejack.

“I cannot believe I put all that effort into making that sword for her and she turned it into a damn key!”

Sombra growled as he trudged off not even having gotten a chance to attack Tirek before the breezy did all the work.

“There, there. Pretty sure I have some ice cream at home, and I feel I need it as well.” Rarity sighed.

With the others gone the crowd of Changelings and Diamond Dogs left with their respective leaders leaving Luna alone in the middle of a bloodied crater with a giant crystal tree on the edge of it. Celestia had probably scampered away after she reformed and even Teacup had wandered off.

“So.... we suppose we shall.... just tidy up here then.” Luna sighed.” Joy.”

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