• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,252 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Pinkie Perch, Part 1

Author's Note:


For those of you who have issue with 4th wall breaks, there's a part in here where the 4th wall gets nuked and the meta flows like warm root beer over oh so fluffy towels. You have been warned.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Pinkie Perch,
Part 1

[Ponyville, Rainbow Dash's Birthday. Sunday]

["Much, much, earlier than the last chapter."]


“Pinkie Pie.”

“Yesssssssss, Twilight?” Pinkie asked as streamers rained down from the sky behind her.

“If you go this overboard for my next birthday party, I am setting everything on fire.” Twilight stated.

“DOO EEEET!” Sunset shouted from nearby, probably by the giant birthday cake.

“Oh don't worry it's only this big because, it's Dashie and you know how she gets.” Pinkie Pie explained, as fire works went off some where.

“Good to know.” Twilight let out a long exhalation.” Because this is a carnival.”

“Ehh close enough.” Pinkie Pie pointed out to one of the five stages being constructed. A light purple furred earth pony half hidden in a purple hoodie was working on that one her dark purple and teal mane done up into long twin ponytails that fell out from under the hood and she had a pair of spiked bracelets on. Pinkie thought she looked familiar, but focused on something more important.” Big Mac will be here shortly and Dashie knows about your issues so you can easily just teleport back into your house to calm down if you like and no one will be upset. I made sure not to decorate that ”

“Thanks Pinkie. I might do that, but I will try to stay around as much as I can.” Twilight let out a small sigh.

“Hey don't worry, we'll beat this paralyzing packed party problem post hast....... probably.” Pinkie Pie proclaimed as pink powder puffs of pure Panela-sugar pastries plastered plenty of partying ponies paces from the pair.

“Happy Birthday Daddy!” Spike called out as Rahs cackled, Rainbow Dash groaned, and Prince spit out his drink, coughing, nearly soaking the blue furred pegasus with odd pink gossamer wings that had served it to him. Thankfully she dodged, though Prince had no idea why she was in a bunny suit. A furry one with long floppy pink ears at that. Prince just suspected it was a changeling and left it at that.

“Seriously are we doing this again?” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Woof.” Rahs grinned as he nodded.

“Of course we are.” Dash face hooved.

“I really need to hear the story of this one.” Prince chuckled, his ears perked up as he looked between the three.

“Turns out the first Rain-boom I made helped Twilight hatch this annoyance and pulled the bigger annoyance out of the dream realm and ever since it came to light they both occasionally call me daddy.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Well it certainly is amusing.” Prince chuckled cleaning up his chin from his drink with a napkin before taking another sip of the punch Pinkie had made.

“So Daddy, is this our new mommy?”

Once again the punch was spittaked as Rainbow Dash started cackling as well. Prince just glared at Rahs who had a massive fanged smile on his face.

“It is slightly less amusing now.” Prince huffed as the serving mare in the bunny suit giggled.

“So you're headed out?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Bark.” Rahs explained.

“I know, I know, you're trying to be fair to all of them and Jynx has scheduling issues.” Pinkie Pie placated.

“Woof.” Rahs offered as the pair walked past a few of the stages.

“Oooh, Canterlot, fancy, pity you couldn't have it here we have a lot of food and games and music.” Pinkie Pie offered as Rahs paused to pick up a tool the mare dropped on the ground, offering it back to her before reaching up to hold the speaker in place as she attached it to the pole.

" Wuff." Rahs pointed out.

"What?" The tech mare asked.

"He says he likes your spiked bracelets." Pinkie Pie added.

" Oh, ummm, thanks?"

Rahs nodded before he walked off still talking with Pinkie Pie.


“Good point I guess AJ, Saturnia, and Sunset would probably try and make it difficult. Well at least AJ would, you know those two can't get near each other without getting into a fight over you.” Pinkie smiled.” Of course then there's trying to have a sexy date near your sister aaaaand trust me I get that.”

Rahs rolled his eyes.

Aria frowned slightly, as she watched the canine creature walk off. That had felt strange, it was as if he was drawing in some of the magic she had in her gem. Wasn't the problem supposed to be a female? She shook her head, he was leaving from what she over heard any way. She quickly went back to rigging up all the sound systems in town to the one stage she and her sisters would be on.

She wasn't going to give her sister an excuse to bitch about her set up, but she was going to point this out to them regardless.

[Later after the party had been usurped, you've likely seen the episode I don't need to recap it.]

[“Hold onto your butts.”]

[“Quoting Jurassic park are we?”]

[“Why not he made a song called Jurassic Park.”]




[“….” Discord hums a few bars.]

[“...... Some one shut the fence off … in the rain....”]

Pinkie Pie growled seeing everything Cheese Sandwich was doing usurping her party planning.

“That's it! This pony has gotta get her title back! And I know just what to do!” Pinkie Pie snapped.
“CHEESE! You have a lot of nerve up staging me. Why don't you go back to UHF where you belong.”

Cheese narrowed his eyes

“ I dun wanna hear it from a mare who's typecast as a little girls voice. At least I was in movies”

“Yeah as yourself mostly, or as a bad guy in Naked Gun!”

“I made records, you're in pony life!”

“You made parodies, rewording someone else's songs. I was in Darkstalkers, the good one, the OAV.”

“Yeah as a little girl, see first statement same as this one.”Cheese retorted.” And I made original songs too!”

“At least I didn't let The Macho Man 'Elbow Drop' my hamster!” Pinkie Pie snapped.

“At least I'm not my own mare friend.”

“No, you just keep going around being a grammar Nazi”

“Proper grammar is important, I could point out a lot of things with this story...”

[“ DON'T!”]

“Fine,” Cheese snorted. “But I don't have to take this from a mare who was 'HARMONY' Bear in the care bears show. How clique!”

“This from the 'dare to be stupid, Rekgar?”

“At least my best role isn't Maya the bee!”

“Hey I was in at least two Gundam movies, and a main role in Maison Ikkukou!”

“As the little girl again.” Cheese pointed out.

“I was in Black Lagoon” Sonata chimed up.

“What?!” Pinkie and Cheese demand.

“Come on dear, best leave them be they're going so meta even the readers are getting glassy eyed” Discord pointed out trying to usher Sonata away.

“Butt out Q!” Cheese and Pinkie shout.

“Rude.” Discord huffed as he vanished.

“Where were we?” Pinkie Pie considered.

“Hmm. Okay we did the child voice acting joke..” Cheese pondered.

“And the UHF and Dare To Be Stupid.”Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Oh right, right, oh, was it my turn or yours?” Cheese asked.

“Umm, Mine, I think cause you did the child thing again.

“Okay, go ahead.” Cheese offered.

“Well I was in Ranma 1/2 and got to beat up Akane!”Pinkie Pie snapped.” That should give me points in All Who Wander right?”

“Yeah it might, but Starlight is Ukyo, and given the author ships Ukyo and Ryoga, probably not that much.” Cheese stated.

[“Leave me out of this.”]

“Well I've been in DBZ!” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Hold on, I understood that reference” Sunset blinked.

“Who hasn't been in DBZ at this point?” Cheese shrugged.


“Hey, I was in Yugi-oh, it was close enough!”

“Yeah, Yugi-oh … abridged!”

“That was better than the original!”

“Yeah, well I was in Reboot.”

“Oh really? Who as, I loved that show!”


“Oh Enzo's girlfriend, that's awesome, did you know the guy who did that show also did Dire Straights Money for Nothing Chicks for free music video?” Cheese offered. “I couldn't get him to help with Money for Nothing Beverly Hillbillies but I got Rick Moranis to help and the guy from Dire Straights to play guitar.”

“No, I didn't know, that's so cool!” Pinkie Pie stated. “But...No, wait.. GOOF OFF, You . ME . NOW.”

“Should we wake everyone up out of the meta coma first?” Cheese asked gesturing to the large crowd around them that were all swaying and glassy eyed.

“Probably.” Pinkie Pie agreed.

[Later still]

“Alright every pony, according to the official goof off rule book.” Twilight began

“She actually has a goof off rule book?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“Hello, my name's Spike, have you actually met my sister?” Spike deadpanned.

“Shhh,” snapped a faded yellow unicorn with a mass of orange hair that wasn't gravitationaly feasible snapped next to them.

“The two competitors have free range to goof about -- be it by singing, dancing, playing, prancing, joking, or performing -- to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down. “ Twilight continued. ”Anything to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down.”

“Great so who's the judge?” Rainbow Dash asked, slowly blinking as everyone turned to look at her.

“I would think it would be obvious, birthday mare.” Rarity smiled.

“Uh Oh” Rainbow Dash winced.

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