• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle,
Episode 2, Part



Twilight flinched as the world solidified around her, her body tensed up as she forced herself to open her eyes. After the last vision she was reluctant to try this again. Her friends managed to convince her to give it a go and Rahs was going to be there so she finally went for it. Still she was going to have words with Velkorn if she ever saw her, and Rahs had already stated he was planning to eat the zebra gods face for this, so she might not even have to get violent herself. Which worked out because she wasn't really feeling that violent at the moment.

The place they arrived this time was the mouth of a large cave. Looking around outside they seemed to be in some sort of chasm, far above at the top of the cliff face she could see trees, likely a forest of some sort.

Still it was what was in the cave that caught and held her attention.

A great crystal tree, reminiscent of a weeping willow, dominated the center of the cave casting a sparkling light around its little niche. The tree itself was what seemed to give off the glow that caught it's leaves lighting them up like prisms. Etched on the tree trunk itself were two symbols one depicting the moon, the other the sun. Their placement on the trunk seemed almost natural as if they had been put there when the tree was younger and had grown with the tree itself.

The air felt charged with energy, a magic that Twilight could taste despite this only being a vision. Rahs stood nearby walking around the tree as it hummed softly. As he drew nearer to it, the lights flickered brighter towards him as if the tree knew he was there despite this simply them not really being there.

The investigation of the crystalline tree was stopped as a line of energy cut in the air just outside the cave, the line tore open with a sound of a thousand ripped out book pages. Horrific screaming could be heard emerging from the hole, just a constant sound as if ponies with infinite air in their lungs were tearing their throats bloody as they cried out constantly.

Either that or a whole mess of Pinkie's rubber chickens.

Soon eight figures stumbled out of the tear and scattered across the small area at the mouth of the cave.

The first was an wrinkled lavender unicorn mare with gray greenish hair that fluttered in a unseen breeze. Given her poise and grace she was likely quite beautiful when she was younger though age had clearly tried to rob her of it. She winced as she stumbled out taking a spot on a small patch of grass outside of the cave clutching her chest.

The second was a blue earth pony mare with a red mane, she wore some sort of costume and mask that was reminiscent of a bird. She quickly shook her head as she collected herself before rushing over to the older mare's side to check up on her.

The next was an armored orange furred pegasus stallion. He was carrying a large shield on his back and a red scarf adorned his neck. He landed heavily on the ground with a clang before quickly moving around the area checking it over like a guard or a solider.

A small dark blue maned and light blue furred unicorn mare staggered out of the rift, quickly darting past the pegasus stallion to a large rock out side the cave to release the contents of her stomach. A small emerald green dragon fluttered around her landing on the rock she was heaving behind, patting her back. The little green dragon glared at one of the others leaving the portal.

The next out of the rift was a massive earth pony stallion, the light blue stallion had a shock orange and red mane, and a large beard. The pony might have been larger than Big Mac even, and carried a large shovel across his shoulders. He was the first to notice the tree given how he stared at it in confusion.

The seventh figure was a pretty pink pegasus mare dressed in something that looked to come from Cleopatrot in the far east. Her green striped tail and mane were barely visible under the headdress she wore. She flew out to land next to the solider saying something he nodded to, before she took to the air flying up out of the chasm.

The final figure didn't stumble and he strode out of the rupture in reality like he owned the place. Twilight recognized him instantly. A gray furred unicorn stallion with long white hair and a great bushy beard, the sort that iconic wizards were depicted as in all of Spike's games. Well all male wizards, the less said about what the female wizard images wore the better, as like what they wore, there wasn't much to say.

He wore a dark blue cloak with a pattern of the night with stars and moons and a large hat to match festooned with bells.

“Th... that's Starswirl the Bearded.” Twilight squeed.” Which means that ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. That's Lady Mistmane. and that's Mage Medowbrook, and that's Rock Hoof, and that's Flash Magnus, and the one who flew off is Somnambula and those two are....”

Twilight trailed off looking at the ill unicorn mare and the green dragonling. “ Well I have no idea who those two are, but these are the Pillars of Old Equestria. This must be a vision of right after the unification when the group of them first formed to deal with the evils still left in the world.”

“Woof?” Rahs asked and Twilight blinked.

“Sunset banished herself, and the other monsters he sent in clearly didn't manage to do anything to the other world, so Starswirl must have examined the other side of the portal before sending anything through.....”

“Bork....” Rahs again pointed out.

“Nothing was wrong with the journal, I must have read something wrong with it....” Twilight protested as Rahs threw his hands in the air.

“Okay Starswirl. The next time you get a bright idea to throw us into a freaking Tartarus portal to fight an army of undead controlled by an old goat, DON'T!!” Flash Magnus shouted at the gray unicorn.

“It worked didn't it? We had the element of surprise on our side and we easily defeated the hordes and their creator.” Starswirl harrumphed as he put his hoof down and frowned shaking it.

“Grogar will be back, we didn't find his phylactery.” The unnamed blue mare coughed.

“Good news.” Somnambula stated as she flew back down to the group. “We're in Equestria, Whinnysor is at the top of the Canyon. And we haven't been gone long as they are still building the south wing.”

“Perfect, I could use a little break.”Mistmane stated.

“Not to distract from the much needed rest. But what is that?” Rock Hoof asked. “I've never seen anything like it before.”

The group looked taking note of the crystalline tree in the back of the cave.

Starswirl frowned as his horn lit up, his spell scanning the tree before he frowned.

“Clearly it is nothing of importance, as my spells tell me it is simply a mutant tree.” Starswirl huffed his attention going back to his hoof seeing if he had a rock or something stuck in his frog.

“It's beautiful”Mage Meadowbrook added in lifting up her mask to look at the faintly glowing tree.

“Yes, yes, visually attractive.” Starswirl gruffed.” It has the same magic as those toys Celestia and Luna used on that lout that was making eyes at her. Still better that they dealt with the problem for once. I'm sick of cleaning up their messes at this point, and that Discord thing made a big one.”

“You're just [CENSORED] mad that they fixed the problem first and no ones [CENSORED] the [CENSORED] with you[CENSORED] and a couple of[CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] drag my claws though your burnt stubble.” The little green dragon yelled at Starswirl.” And Lily take [CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] spell off of me!!”

“Not until you calm down Drusy.” Lily chided, frowning as it seemed their whole exchange was ignored by the others.

“Now then we have a week before the next chaotic mess shall happen so every pony go rest and do what ever it is you ponies do. I have research to take care of.” Starswirl muttered.

“Are you sure this thing is safe?” Flash Magnus uttered looking at the tree.

“Indeed, perhaps we should investigate this further?” Somnambula asked.

“For crying aloud. Why do you care about something so easy to dismiss. It is a crystal tree, there are hundreds of them in the Empire. If you are so concerned with a plant here. “ Starswirl pulled what was stuck to his hoof off, the item looking like a black seed. He blasted a hole in the ground and dropped the seed in before covering it. “ Mistmane set that growing.”

“Umm are you sure about that? That thing came from the undead realm of darkness we just left.” Lily pointed out.

“Lily hush and let your betters work.” Starswirl snapped.

Mistmane rolled her eyes and lit up her horn the ground where the seed had been planted glowed lightly and a few black tendrils with blue thorns emerged from the hole burned in the ground.

“There. The crystal tree now has a friend so it won't be lonely, we are leaving. Starswirl snapped and his horn lit up causing the whole group to vanish save the unicorn mare Lily and the dragon.

“[CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] bags, at least they didn't leave us in the [CENSORED][CENSORED] Lichs home.”Drusy snarled. “I mean seriously [CENSORED][CENSORED]!!

“I …. it's just because I'm not as strong as they are... maybe if I could do something on my own … they might notice me....”

“Or I can set fire to [CENSORED][CENSORED]swirl's pointy [CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] hat.” Drusy offered.

“No, it's okay.. clearly I need to do something....” The mare muttered as the images started to fade.

[Golden Oaks]

Sunset frowned looking at the catatonic Twilight Sparkle and Rahs Sparkle. The former getting giggled at by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie as some of the potion trickled down her face. Sunset was going to make a Bukkake comment, but Pinkie beat her to it.

Trixie and Witch-Jack were still fighting, despite both of their hats being gnawed to bits, neither of them seemed to be gaining the upper hand... dammit, hoof.

“Hey Spike. Mind answering a few questions for me?” Sunset asked.

“If it's about my brothers love life, no, I am not dealing with that..... in regards to either of them.” Spike stated flatly as he played with a little phoenix chick that fluttered down once everything was calmer. There was also a raccoon asleep on Rahs now that growled at any one who came close. Sunset was curious, but wasn't about to mess with a creature that would fight a god for a half eaten bagel out of a trashcan.

“Nah mostly about my cousin or niece or grand niece or whatever there.” Sunset gestured to Witch-Jack who was currently sitting atop of the 'Small and Comically Flailing Trixie', looking quite proud of herself.

“Ehh she got possessed by the spirit of a dead witch wolf and now when too much magic is used around her she turns into one. She's still Applejack now, but well, like if Applejack was a cat. It's weird how she acts when she's like this. It's still her, but a far less … bound by laws and morals, her. You understand?”

“Sorta and sounds fun.” Sunset shrugged.” Couldn't you just hit her with an exorcism spell if its a possessing spirit?”

“Well that's a necromantic spell and Twilight's not familiar with them. The court licensed necromancer couldn't cast anything on her she didn't eat, and Discord said even if we did remove it fully she'd still be changed. Removing it might even make it worse since it seemed to bond fully to her now.”

“She eats magic ? Like Rahs?”Sunset blinked.

“A little worse than him. Rahs has had his whole life around magic and he can turn his down a little, or off … I dunno what he picked up as a god, but he's just a moon dog. Witch- Jack is a witch wolf, which is like a hyper version of a moon dog and she hasn't even been one for a year yet, so she has no control over what she eats.”

“Ahhh, I see.” Sunset smirks.” This is gonna make things interesting when I head out to the farm.”

“So I've got a question for you then. What's up with Trixie's training?” Spike asked pointing at Trixie who had formed the illusion of a small red dot that drew Witch-Jack's attention. Trixie had then run it across the floor and Witch -Jack gave chase, only for Trixie to yank it to the side sharply, forcing the orange furred wolf mare to turn sharply and loose her footing on the smooth floor. Witch-Jack then slid into another bookshelf, which collapsed atop of her as Trixie cackled.

“From what I under stand Luna is trying to teach her to improve her illusions. The fact she can trick the universe into making them real is pretty impressive, or would be if she could make anything complicated that was bigger than a bit. Seems the bigger it is the simpler it has to be or it won't take. And she needs a lot of rest because her mana pool's not that big. I was told about the alicorn amulet and Luna still can't get her to reproduce the same results as she had with it on. Luna says that's odd because all the alicorn amulet does is open the path to your magic flow better.”

“Of course the fool thinks that because she didn't think to ask me.” Sombra growled from where he sat nearby, half hiding behind the check in desk holding an ice pack to his head. “ I made hundreds of those things for practice, why would I only use the one enchantment on them? True some opened the mana pathways fully, but others drew in mana from the surrounding area and channeled it into the wielder, others had set spells in them, still others had nothing but a curse on them, and others did other things like helping some ones cooking skill.”

“I'm surprised there's not a ton of them around then.” Spike frowned.

“I called them dog treats for a reason. The witch wolves ate most of the ones I made, turning them back to scraps of metal.” Sombra frowned. ”I'm surprised any survived. I never had the time to make more while trying to keep my kingdom. And the damnable guards won't let me near a forge.”

“Probably a good thing given they think you'll make something and go after Twilight or one of the Princesses.” Spike growled.

“And exactly what would I be able to do to them whelp? I couldn't beat your sister when she was mortal with a concussion, what am I against her as she is now?” Sombra snapped.

“Well for starters you're not drooling all over your self after looking like you just 'had a drink from the fire hose.'” Sunset offered.

“Good one!” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“Not right now.... ugh you know what I mean mare....” Sombra growled.

“BUCKING. STARSWIRL. THE. BUCKING. BEARDED!” Twilight ranted suddenly.

“Either this was a really weird nerd dream, or she found something.” Sunset offered.

“She found something, usually if she has dreams like that it's about Big Mac.” Spike offered.

“Wait is he my nephew or what ever?” Sunset blinked.

“ Yup.” Spike stated.

“Reeeeeealllly.” Sunset grinned.

“Don't They're already dating. You won't like what happens if you mess with her about it. Trust me.”Spike warned.

“Fiiiine” Sunset huffed.

“Woof!” Rahs shouted back at his sister as he sat up only to be knocked back down again as Witch Jack and Trixie tackled him driving him face first to the floor.

Blakeney had wisely moved the moment he woke up.

“Right, focusing. I know where we need to go for answers and also what looks like the source of the vines.” Twilight stated.

“Into the Everfree I assume?” Rarity sighed.

“Ummm yes.” Twilight blinked.

“Of course because everything has to come out of that nasty place.” Rarity sighed.” Well darlings give me a moment to get my boots and we shall go.”

“No, you guys stay here it's too dangerous. Rahs and I can deal with this.” Twilight shook her head before blinking as she noticed everyone else in the library was glaring at her.

“How about no.” Rainbow Dash offered.

“Trixie did not get dragged down here to Ponyville simply to let you run off with Rahs some where.” Trixie scoffed.

“Seriously we didn't let you go last time alone and it's worse now.” Witch-Jack offered.

“I agree with Trixie on this. Besides you and Rahs are both what the vines are after so some ones got to keep you two from getting grabbed. In truth you two should be the ones staying here and letting us go.” Sunset pointed out.

“Well we all know that's not gonna happen.” Pinkie Pie grinned. “ I already packed cupcakes.”

Sombra blinked at this looking at the pink mare though he shook his head. ”My cousin has a point. The vines have not shown any interest in foal napping any ones else, just harassing them and driving them off like in town and with that zebra. Gods seem to be the target.”

Twilight sighed. “ Fine I'm not even going to argue, just bring the Elements of Harmony with you girls we might need them. Along with a few hundred gallons of weed killer.”

“Plants hate fire.” Sunset grinned.

“No.” Sombra growled.

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