• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,252 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

For Whom The Sweetie Betta Toils,
Part 2


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” two thirds of The Cutie Mark Crusaders screamed.

“.......” stated Princess Luna, her horn embedded into the table, the mug she had been drinking from sliding across the table in a slow spin where it had fallen from her magic leaving a trail of coffee behind it.

“Dang, I was sure I had that right.” Sweetiebelle huffed.


Sweetiebelle shooed the night chef away again as she watched the pot boil. She glanced over to the book and started adding things to the water. The instructions for the coffee were right here in this book and she was determined to get it right for when her bestest big sister came down for dinner/ breakfast.

Sweetiebelle knew Luna loved coffee and as such had gotten this book specifically for the coffee recipe it had. She wasn't sure what Turkey coffee was , but it didn't seem too hard to make. And there didn't seem to be any turkey in it either, which just made the name that much stranger.

Still it was odd that the chef kept trying to interrupt her and it was getting annoying, she hadn't even made a mess.

And her friends certainly didn't help matters by setting up a bunch of sand bags and wearing bomb squad gear they borrowed from the Guard. Why the Guard even had bomb squad gear in their size was something Sweetiebelle didn't bother to think about.

Still there were no obvious explosions and the one fire that was quickly put out.

The head chef was unsure how the little white unicorn had managed to set the kitchen sink on fire, though the coffee was done and being carried off before he had the time to ask.

The coffee was brought before Luna as she settled in at the table and the others gathered around, Sweetiebelle with excitement, the other two with building dread.

The Princess of the Night had taken a sip of the 'coffee' complimented Sweetiebelle on the taste and drained a good portion of the rest of the mug.

About that point her eyes rolled back in her head, her magic winked out and she slammed face first into the table, leading the other crusaders to scream out and Sweetiebelle to wonder what happened.

[ Ponyville]

Twilight stared at Twilight.

Twilight stared back at Twilight.

“You are not scientifically possible.” Twilight stated.

“Don't even start with that.” Twilight huffed fluttering her wings. “We went through that last time we time traveled!”

“It doesn't make it any less scientifically possible.” Twilight stated.

“We literally know a god of time, and Minuette. It's magically possible.” Spike snapped.

“Yeah, what I said.” Spike offered as well.

“Woof.” Rahs nodded sagely.

“Bark?” Rahs asked.

“Yeah, it's just timey whimy stuff. Don't think about it too much, kinda like Pinkie Pie.” Shining Armor added from where he sat next to a large stone table that appeared in the middle of the library.

“I for one would like to know if I can borrow both Rahs' for a bit. I have had an idea that I am not sure a cloning spell would work on....” Sunset offered biting her lip a little as she looked between the two moon dogs.

“No.” The collected group stated, save the Rahs' who simply looked at the mare with wide eyes.

“So if you are me from the future, what sort of dire message do you have?”Twilight huffed. “What's gonna happen next Tuesday that brings Shining in too?”

“Nope, we're a little more than a year in the future if I recall correctly. And really there's so much shit that happens I can't really explain it all. Good news, the rest of that stupid prophecy is figured out. I can tell you that you don't need to worry about figuring out the stupid box because that comes into play this summer, I also figure out the Familiar spell.” Twilight added with a small glare at Sunset at the mention of the spell.”

“The next expansion of, Fallout Equestria is pretty neat, but don't buy it day one, there's so many bugs and stuff you wanna wait until about the end of the year before picking it up.” Spike told himself. “Also hold off getting any new Battle Mallet rule books as 9th edition is gonna drop in the middle of next year.”

“Sweet.” Spike nodded.”See this is the sorta stuff that's important to know from the future.”

“Bark.” Rahs offered making Rahs stiffen.

“BORK!” Rahs gasped.

“Yes, he means six, by next year you're gonna have a a rather intense sixth girl chasing you.” Shining Armor chuckled. “I still can't believe it.”

“What!?” Sunset snapped. “Who is she so that I may burn her!?”

“No.” The collected group stated, save the Rahs' who simply looked at the mare with wide eyes.

“Annnd it's reasons like that which are why we are keeping this simple.” Twilight sighed.” This is all I told you when I came through last time so this is all I'll tell you coming through this time because of the time issues. And I really don't want to annoy White.”

“Fair enough.” Twilight agreed.


“This is a horrible plan.” Scootaloo muttered setting up the rope and pulley system around the throne hiding parts of it under a blanket draped over the back.”We are so boned.”

“This will work, it has to work.” Sweetiebelle stated running around doing her best to hide the puppeteering strings with a bit of magic or decoration.”It worked with Granny Smith that one time.”

“No it didn't. That whole thing was stupid and that was just trying tah fool one pony not a whole court.” Applebloom fussed, the little earth pony struggling under the weight of Luna as she moved the Princess to the throne.” Ah'm sure glad this is Princess Luna an not Princess Celestia, dun think ah ken lift her.”

“Look this is gonna be easy We've sat through a couple of her night courts before. Her secretary Miss Darksky already knows most of the verdicts and points out the changes in the laws that Luna might miss so all we have to do is get Luna to nod or shake her head dependent on what is asked.”

The trio propped Luna in a chair and Sweetiebelle paints a pair of fake eyes on Luna's eyelids as Applebloom hooks the Princess up.

“This is super dumb we are gonna get thrown in jail, then banished, then thrown in another jail where we're banished to, then that's gonna get banished.” Scootaloo muttered.

“Calm down, this is fine everything's gonna be fine, she said before she passed out.....” Sweetiebelle started.

“You mean before you killed her with your cooking.”Scootaloo moaned.

“SHE SAID! Tonight was a light night and shouldn't take her more than an hour or two to get through the cases.” Sweetiebelle squeaked as she shouted. “ We will be fine!”

The door to the throne room opened and a dark purple mare walked in. the cloven hooves of the female clicked along the floor as the kirin Nox-cal levitated a stack of papers in front of her , the mass of paper work swirling around her head barely allowing the yellow maned pony to see, yet she some how stopped in front of the throne.

“Hi Miss Darksky.” Sweetiebelle chimed up as Applebloom and Scootaloo ducked behind the blanket draped over the back of the throne to work the pulley system, lifting Luna's head up as if she was looking at the kirin.

“Hello Sweetiebelle. Are you here to watch Princess Luna hold court again?” The mare asked without looking out from her halo of papers.

“Yep she says it's gonna be a light night so we can uhh go hang out after wards.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“Oh dear, I suppose no one told you or the Princess then. There was a riot earlier today and the judicial court has close to three hundred cases to oversee this evening.” Miss Darksky stated.

“WHAT!?” all three of the crusaders screamed out.

“No need to use the royal Canterlot voice Princess. Seems a bar fight escalated into an all out riot that took up most of down town and set a few clubs and bars on fire. The fourth worse riot we've seen since the changeling invasion.” Miss Darksky offered. “And this one had nothing to do with sports or a price hike on popcorn at the theater.”

“But...” Sweetiebelle gasped wide eyed glancing between the oblivious assistant and the comatose princess.

“I'm sorry Sweetie, this still shouldn't take all night though, the cases are fairly straight forward, Danny will read the evidence against them, Kristy will try to say why they are innocent, the Princess will consider and since the most of them were caught red hoofed the only thing the Princess needs to do is pass sentence. The only reason most of them are even being brought here rather than this being dealt with by the lower courts is because of all the bartenders and clubs are demanding this be dealt with by the patron goddess of the night life. Plus they are trying for harsher penalties and reimbursement.”Miss Darksky offered. “We probably could have passed that off too if there were not so many, we don't have enough cells to hold them all for the lower courts to work through. So most of it needs to be done tonight.”

“Oh no.” Sweetiebelle muttered.

[ Las Pegasus]

“Well that went wonderfully don't you think?” Rarity chimed up as she and Sombra strolled down the still rather busy late night street.

“Hmm.” Sombra shrugged.

“Wasn't it nice of Sapphire Shores to get us a table at that restaurant... I've never seen such opulence paired with such delicious food.”Rarity crowed.

“I have had better....” Sombra trailed off.

“Yes, but wasn't that lovely regardless? We had that whole booth to ourselves over looking that delightful live band they had there.” Rarity smiled.

Sombra sighed.” I already agreed to sing for that one song on her album, you do not need to continue to try and butter me up.”

“Oh I'm not...” Rarity offered as she nearly purred, pressing up against the side of Sombra.”You know what would make this night even better?”

Sombra glanced over to the white mare pressing to his side with a raised eyebrow.

“Ice cream?” Sombra asked.

“YES!” Rarity cheered.


“Where have you been?” Applebloom hissed as Scootaloo slipped back under the blanket at the back of the throne.

“I had to go move all the lights we put out side the windows up more cause the Princess hasn't moved the moon.” Scootaloo hissed back.

“ Fine. Help me move this over a little.” Applebloom muttered pulling on a cord.

In front of the throne, Luna seemed to shift over to whisper something to Sweetiebelle. Early on Sweetiebelle had some how managed to convince the entire court that Princess Luna was telling her the judgment so she could relay it and try to get rid of her fear of public speaking.

There was of course some annoyance from some of the petitioners, though that was rapidly defused by Sweetiebelle giving a bit of a pouty lip at the ponies didn't seem to like her.

Given that most of them were trying to appeal for a more lenient sentence with Luna they all quickly agreed and any who might have had issue wisely kept their mouths shut about it.

It had been a few hours of faking this and most of the court cases were pretty straight forward with the punishments mostly being community service and a few fines. Sweetiebelle just picked a few things that Danny wanted to happen and went with that rather than the whole list, keeping a little bit of a middle punishment rather than the excessive amount Danny wanted, or the scott free Kritsy wanted.
The massive minotaur 'Bull' and the smaller but far more dangerous Bailiff Ross kept every pony in order and accepting of their judgments.


Discord sat in a chair on his wall watching the fish tank that was showing a TV show of what was happening in the Night Court.

The God of Chaos blinked slowly at the scene with the Crusaders, then turned to look at you and shrugged.

“I have no idea how this is happening.”

He then turned back to the show staring in confusion.

[ Las Pegasus]

Rarity smiled as Sombra came out of the ice cream shop. She then frowned in noticing he only had one chocolate cone in his magic.

“You didn't get me one?” Rarity pouted.

“You are still on the black list for another week.” Sombra explained simply.

“Oh please, like Pinkie Pie would ever know.” Rarity huffed.

“She is in the shop.” Sombra pointed out.

“What?!” Rarity gasped.

“She is in the shop.” Sombra explained.

“How is she in the shop!?” Rarity scoffed.

Her questioning was interrupted as a waffle cone filled with sprinkles belted Sombra up side the back of the head thrown from said ice cream shop.


“What!??” Rarity blinked.

“You have lived in Ponyville longer than me and I have learned to not question it.” Sombra explained taking a lick of his ice cream cone as he shook the sprinkles out of his mane.

[Canterlot, early morning]

“I cannot believe that worked.” Scootaloo muttered her head face down on the table.

“Ah'm just glad she woke up in time to finish up and didn't ask too many questions about tha ropes.” Applebloom yawned.

“At least it's over and no one called me out on any of the cases so I guess they were all done correctly.” Sweetiebelle muttered.

“Oh, good morning girls.”

Looking up from the table the trio took note of Princess Celestia trotting into the dining area from the kitchen.

“You look like you've had a rough night. Did you finally manage to stay up with Lulu?” Celestia asked floating a mug over to her lips and taking a sip.

“Yah ken say that.” Applebloom grumbled.

Scootaloo had noticed something. “What's that you have?” Scootaloo demanded.

“Oh this?” Princess Celestia lifted the mug which had 'Equestria's #1 Flank' written on the side, Applebloom felt that might have been Cadence's mug. “I don't normally drink coffee but there was a pot of it left in the kitchen that smelled rather good and only needed to be heated up a little bit. Some times even I have a bit of trouble getting up in the morning girls.”

The trio stared in horror as Princess Celestia finished the coffee, licked her lips then promptly collapsed.

The Cutie Mark crusaders stared at the prone form of the Princess of the sun a moment before the shouting started again.

“ Why didn't you throw that away!?” Scootaloo shouted.

“I'm not supposed to waste food.” Sweetiebelle pouted.

“Oh thank tha stars, ah ain't sure what tha heck ah'd do if ah got a cutie mark in regicide.” Applebloom muttered checking her flank just in case.

Author's Note:

Weekend at Luna's.

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