• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle,

[Golden Oaks library, the next day]

Twilight stared at the box on the table.

The box sat on the table.

Applejack looked warily between the two.

“Tell me you secrets....” Twilight hissed, narrowing her eyes.

The box continued to sit on the table.

After freeing the captured gods, Harmony had presented the others this box as a gift for the six of them. It then opted to relocate itself some where less well known. It seemed the tree preferred solitude and more than one sapient creature finding it every hundred years was too much, five gods finding it at the same time was way to much. So before Twilight could recover the tree vanished in a flash of light leaving the cavern empty with no hint of where it might have gone.

This pissed Twilight off as she had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many questions, the biggest of which was why her cutie-mark was on the tree.

Now there was this box. A vaguely diamond shaped chest with six keyholes that was gifted to the former Element Bearers, meaning that the six of them had the keys, or would find them, or some other noble test of worthiness or whatever the damn tree wanted.

Twilight had tried a number of spells and other things before she let Pinkie Pie try all the keys she had laying around. Four hours later and seven hundred and forty nine keys, showed no progress.

Rahs and Spike refused to allow her to spend the household budget on power tools to try and break it open.

Rahs and Applejack both didn't feel any magic from it, which was weird because Twilight was certain that the box was multidimensional since at least one facet on it moved depending on how it was placed.

“Twi. Ummm, yah got a moment?” Applejack asked nervously.

“Hmm sure. What's up? I still haven't figured this out, plus with the whole rock thing I really need to get back to work on that Familiar spell.” Twilight sighed poking the box with a hoof before turning her head to look over at Applejack.

“Yeah...well it's about yer brother...” Applejack muttered.

“ Which one?”


“Crap.. What did he do this time?”

“Nothing .. ah think..... look, no, he ain't in trouble..”

“Yet. So what about him?” Twilight offered, turning to look back at the box.

“Ah....... shoot ain't no easy way tah say this. Ah'm thinking tah maybe ask him out or something....” Applejack muttered.

“Bout time.” Twilight muttered.

“What?” Applejack asked.

“I thought you didn't like him like that, that it was all the witch-wolf ?” Twilight explained.

“Yeah well ah figured that would die down after a bit, but seeing Trixie all over him jus made me mad. So ah did some thinking and ah figured it's more than just what ever happened tah me. Though ah think having something else in my head pointing it out sorta brought it intah focus or something.” Applejack sighed.

“He's not likely going to use poison joke to be a pony for you....” Twilight stated, her attention on Applejack despite her gaze being on the box.

“In case yah don't recall, ah was one of tha few not going gaga over him as a pony. And given ah sometimes don't even notice when ah change forms now, ah doubt it matters too much.”

“You realize you'll have to be going against Jynx who has the goddess of love and Rarity backing her, Saturnia who has Chrysalis and oddly Shining Armor, backing her, and Trixie who has Spike and Princess Luna supporting her?”

“Yeah, ah know. Which is why ah'm asking you fer yer help. Ain't no one know more about him than you. Younger an older siblings gonna miss things bout tha middle child. But he's tha same age as you and thus a middle child as well.” Applejack logic'd.

Twilight smiled. “True, Cadence may have foal sat, and Chrysalis might have studied him from Celestia's notes, and Even Luna might know what he is and have a better connection with his race than any one else, but I've been studying him for years. The only one who might know even close to what I do is Celestia. And she's not got any bits in this bet.”

“Wait what was that last thing? Applejack blinked.

“Nothing, I will help you, lets get you hooked up with my brother. Clearly there is no accounting for taste.”


Celestia sighed, this was quite aggravating. Twilight did quite well considering, though ninety percent of Celestia's court cases this morning had been to complain about Twilight's methods. And one was from the Royal Library demanding she return their chair.

Celestia had no issues with how Twilight conducted things, Raven had already filled out a report and Celestia was rather proud on how Twilight dealt with everything. She was a little rash, true, but she had not been taught how to be a princess and had no desire to do so. Still reminding the petitioners that if anything happened to Celestia or her sister, Twilight would be in charge again probably cut down on some of the more stressful requests simply due to the fact no one wanted Celestia to take so much as a sick day now.

Court had broke for lunch a little while ago and Celestia was surprised to find Sunset was waiting for her in the small meeting room attached to the throne room where Celestia often took her meals between cases.

That her daughter looked some what pensive made her worry a bit.

“Did you need something Sunset?” Celestia asked moving to take a seat at the table.

“Not really, but maybe...” Sunset sighed. “ Look dad..... mom..... fuck it I'm going with mom I'm already going to have a head ache and half dealing with how I'm related to the Apples.”

“Well Granny's your half sister......”

“And her names Granny, and I'm Applejack's age, I'm probably just going to call everyone cousin and leave it at that.” Sunset grumbled.

“Alright. So I take that wasn't what you wanted to talk about then?” Celestia offered waving off the servant with a short statement of whatever the chef had on hoof. Lunch tended to be light for her any way, usually only one cake, maybe two.

“Well it's complicated. i might have found some one I'm interested in.” Sunset muttered.

Celestia paused sipping her tea. A thousand scenarios raced through her mind on who she might have met in the month she'd be back. There were also the mix of thoughts if she should be supportive like a mother or go borrow Granny's shotgun like a father.

Celestia had been quite careful to keep her away from any of the griffons that still came around. She doubted it would be one of the guards, maybe one of the Night Guard, Sunset did have a thing for the exotic and dangerous looking ones.

Not that Celestia could fault her, the Nocturne Nox- Cal were probably the only stallions that could mount her without a step stool. Hmm, might be good to look into that if Twilight ever figured out the familiar spell.

Sunset took the pause from Celestia to mean a large number of things, most of them were what she was worried about.

“I'm surprised you're asking me about this sort of thing and not Luna. Or Cadence, it is sort of her thing.” Celestia finally spoke.

“Yeah okay keep in mind it was Cadence during one of her visits that taught me sex ed cause I asked her about it.” Sunset shuddered.

“If it makes you feel better I banned her from trying to teach that to anyone in any public venue. And then after Twilight and Rahs received a lesson in private, I banned her from doing that too.” Celestia sighed.” Seriously if she has a foal with Shining, I have the entire Sparkle family and a legion of Guards ready to be teleported up there to stop any 'talk' she has.”

“Actually that does make me feel a little safer. But no I can't talk to Luna either due to …. reasons, but I figure you would be the best bet here anyway.” Sunset let out in a bit of a rush.

“Ahh well. I will help how I can. So who is this mysterious individual? When did you meet him? I'm assuming it's a him as you haven't had any interest in mares before.” Celestia smiled happy to be getting more into the parental role here.

“Well it started when I came back to steal the crown..........”

[Cadence's Love Lab, Canterlot]

“Wait so what did happen to his pants?” Chrysalis asked, she and Cadence had come down from Canterlot to find out what had happened to the sun and moon for a while there. Once here Luna pulled them both into Cadence's old Love Lab to talk.

“We don't know, we simply know that Trixie and Applejack seemed greatly amused by it.” Luna offered.

“Damn it. That would put you and Twilight in the lead.” Cadence frowned working over a cork board with some pins.” Trixie has now had several kisses with Rahs, and she's seen him naked. Applejack has seen him naked and no one knows what happened in the woods when she first changed. Jynx has one kiss, but Saturnia has nothing to show for her efforts yet.”

“HA HA Trixie shall be Rahs' paramour.” Luna grinned.

“My daughter has Twilight's permission.” Chrysalis offered leaning back in her chair with a smirk. “ She might not have had a kiss yet, but she's taking it slower.”

“Yes, well so does Applejack.” Cadence sighed.” But given Twilight supports Applejack, that Saturnia got permission from her is a fairly big deal.”

Any further statements were cut off as the big steel door to the main entrance of the Love Lab was blown off it's hinges. The great steel door was blasted across the room clipping the table and striking Chrysalis dead on, before impacting the far wall at high speed splattering the changeling queen against the wall like a bug under a flyswatter.

Luna and Cadence blinked looking at the mess against the far wall then back to the door as Celestia strolled in like she hadn't done anything wrong. She trotted up to the table and slapped her hoof on top of it, the bag of bits she held clanking on the table.

“Put me down for Sunset getting Rahs.” Celestia grinned.

Cadence blinked at Celestia, then looked at her carefully laid out shipping board. She then kicked it over with a scream.

[ Deep in the Everfree forest.]

A single black vine studded with blue spikes lay twitching on the ground. A large bulbous knot at one end of it exhaled a bit of gas as the plant tried to wiggle.

The vine had almost reached the far side of the forest and as such was almost out of the range of the blast that had destroyed all of the other vines.


The broken end of the vine sizzled as the last of the magic of Harmony started eating along it's length turning it to ash. The magic had weakened from distance, but the plunder vine had not quite made it out of range.

The light had almost made it to the gas pod when a slash of darkness cut through the air severing the fading tendril from the rest of the gas pod.

The spell dissolved the rest of the cut vine leaving the pod and about two foot of vine left wiggling on the ground.

A dark figure approached the pod stomping on the wiggling tendril and slashing open the gas pod.

The vine shuddered it's last, though the dark shadowy figure smiled, and picked out a hoof full of black seeds from the pod.

“Well, well, plunder vine, who knew it was this potent. Seems I need to plant a little garden...” The darkness chuckled.

Author's Note:

Not exactly a Hearts and Hooves Chapter , but it's got shipping, so that's good enough

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