• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Maud Pike

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Maud Pike

[Ponyville, O-dark-What the buck, in the morning, Sugar Cube Corner]

Twilight rubbed her temples as she looked at Pinkie Pie who was bouncing like a lunatic around the mountains of rock candy. She was not thrilled to be woken up this early despite the fact that Pinkie -Pie had asked them all to show up at this gods awful hour.

Hmmm, maybe Twilight should start making swears up on her self like ponies used Celestia's tail and what not. Actually no given her brothers that would get old quick.

Her attention left Pinkie and went to Spike, who was busy chewing his way through his third pile. Then to her other bottomless pit of a brother Rahs, who had discovered that Pinkie Pie had some how managed to put a great deal of magic into certain types of the candy, and he was starting his fourth pile.

Twilight then looked to her other friends as if to figure out what was happening, or at least show that some one else recognized how ridiculous this was.

Applejack..... Witch-Jack, was going through the rock candy as fast as Rahs was. The only time she stopped was to ask Pinkie why the flavor she called Snozz Berries tasted like Rahs.

When Rahs was done choking and Rainbow Dash finished laughing her head off, Witch-Jack and Twilight were both still confused as no one explained anything.

Rarity was trying out the candy as she was asked to, though she seemed to be taking great effort to try it as daintily and slowly as she could, clearly not wanting any, but willing to help out Pinkie with the taste testing. It was before breakfast after all.

Dash was just grabbing hoof fulls of her favorite and just tossing them into her mouth not bothering to really try any others.

Fluttershy was.... well Fluttershy seemed as exasperated as Twilight was.

Twilight moved over to the yellow pegasus who was prodding at the rock candy before her.

“Is this normal?” Twilight questioned.

“Unfortunately.” Fluttershy sighed.”She does something like this every time she hears one of her family is coming. You should have seen her when her dad stopped by on the way to make a delivery to Canterlot.”

“I don't get it. I mean I guess Maud likes rock candy, but to this level?” Twilight muttered gesturing to the big rock candy mountain, particularly the one Pinkie had named Charlie.

“Hey don't knock it this is great.” Dash offered.

“Shun the nonbeliever.” Spike added.

“Shhhunnn.” Pinkie Pie added

“Shhhhhuunnnnnnn-naa.” Dash continued laughing.

“ Right, well, she doesn't, Maud doesn't like candy, but Pinkie got it into her head that she liked rock candy and Maud doesn't want to upset her.” Fluttershy whispered. ”Wish I could have this kind of excitement from a family visit.”

“You don't get along with your family?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Oh, I get along with my mother and father great. It's just usually if they visit it's because somethings happened or they need something.” Fluttershy offered. ”Then there's my brother.....”

Fluttershy trailed off as Twilight backed away a few paces, the tone and venom in the sweet butter yellow mare's voice was enough to make Twilight 'Tuesday' Sparkle wonder if the Flower Trio had enough room in their bunker for one more.

Drawing on some of Spike's wisdom stat, which he clearly wasn't using having eaten easily several times his weight in rock candy by now citing it was future Spike's problem, Twilight changed the subject.

“Soooooo when is Maud supposed to arrive?” Twilight asked hopefully.

[ Canterlot]

Trixie screamed out, throwing her hooves in the air and falling back to the ground cursing with a heavy Neigh Orleans accent.

Princess Luna watched her antics with some amusement and a hint of boredom. This was a usual result for her student when something frustrated her.

For the most part Luna was happy to share what she knew and she found she rather liked Trixie as after a few days the mare was not the slightest bit intimidated by her and had gotten quite informal.

Unfortunately after all this time it was becoming quite clear that Trixie was in no way as much a savant as Luna had thought.

Unless it involved illusions, by her own star filled tail this mare could do illusions like she was the alicorn of them.

Almost every other school of magic however, well to put bluntly, Trixie was shit at.

Trixie couldn't manage a basic transmutation spell, for crying out loud, even a newborn foal could turn lead into gold.

She could manage the basics of abjuration and evocation, conjuration was almost as bad as transmutation, but she could at least manage to turn summon a few spices to add to her meals, if they were within sight and only a few feet out of reach.

Enchantment she was fair at, though at best a journymare level, she had used this school to set things up in her act enough that she was proficient. Luna had even tried a bit of necromancy and blood magic.

The blood magic she could do the basics, but was averse to using it to the point that most of her spells would fail.

Necromancy, well there was a reason it was a opposite school of illusion. Luna was fairly certain the spell she cast was supposed to be a simple chill touch, hardly even a necromantic spell, at best it could be used to make ice for drinks.

When the fire was put out Luna gave up on that school of magic entirety.

“Are you done?” Luna asked the mare.

Trixie seemed to ponder a moment more before nodding. “Yes.”

“Good we shall move on to...”

“No Princess. Trixie is DONE.” Trixie stated picking herself up.

“Hmm? We suppose it is getting late.” Luna sighed.

“No. Princess you still do not understand. Trixie is done with the lessons, done with the training, done with this. Trixie has been stuck in Canterlot since last winter and she has improved not a whit.” Trixie explained.” Trixie has improved on nothing ..”

“Not true, you have picked up a great deal of refinement to your skills...”

“Skills Trixie already knew. It is is far to clear to Trixie now her initial plan was not going to work. There is no way Trixie is going to out magic Twilight Sparkle and take over Fuzzy's link.”

“To be fair it was not a good plan anyway since no one , not even us, knows how that works.” Luna sighed.

“Yes, well, Trixie needs to come up with a new plan, one that will allow her to show she is the better choice beyond the others. Which Trixie really needs to focus on.” Trixie pouted. “Trixie is the underdog here and she is the only one who is not a dog or able to turn into one out of those after Fuzzy.”

“Sunset is not a dog...” Luna offered.

“Sunset is a total bitch, which is close enough to count.” Trixie huffed as Luna rolled her eyes without disagreeing.” Coming out of no where like that when Trixie only had to deal with two others, Trixie can't even blame Apple Smack for her involvement, but she can blame Sunset.

“Applejack.” Luna offered.

“Whatever.”Trixie sighed. “Trixie is sorry Princess it is not your teaching, though Trixie will still complain about the dream classes, in Trixie's dreams, but Trixie is at the limit of her skills. She does not have the power to fool reality with her illusions like you seem to think she can.”

“Yes well after having the amulet investigated it seems we may have to agree, we did not recall that Sombra made other types of amulets, but it seems there are several hundred types that he often used to 'feed the puppies' as he had mentioned.”Luna frowned. “So what do you plan to do now?”

“Right now Trixie has heard of Sunset and Snapple Crack having asked him out on a date. Trixie needs to get to work on some of her shows so she has the bits to ask him out and be able to do better than they have with her date.” Trixie offered. ”Though she needs to get back on the road to do so. While her savings have not taken any real hits staying on the palace's bit, she is not wealthy enough to be comfortable.”

“Oh that reminds us, since you have been our student for this long we have forgotten to give you the usual stipend that is granted to students of the crown like Twilight had.” Luna's horn glowed and a rolled up sheet of paper appeared that was then offered to Trixie.

“Ahh that should help. Thank you Princess. Though we can't imagine it being that much for just a few months of …....” Trixie trailed off as her eyes widened looking at the scroll, which was a writ for payment from the Royal Treasury. “That..... is an awful lot of zeros....”

“Well aside from the stipend there is also the reimbursement for what you paid for the amulet we seized, the finders fee for an cursed artifact. The reward for the aid in recovering the crown Princesses, pay the few times we have asked you to help us foal sit Sweetiebelle and her friends, plus the hazard pay for that, and payout for the few impromptu shows you put together for a few of the royal guests, ambassadors, and their young, at palace prices of course.”

“An awful lot of zeros.” Trixie muttered.

“As they say in the modern tongue, do not spend it all in one place.” Luna offered with a smirk.


So wait you're studying for a Rockterate? I'm not entirely certain what that is?” Rarity asked questioned.

“It's like a doctorate, but with rocks.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.

“So a geologist?” Twilight asked.

“Geologists are amateurs.” Maud stated flatly.

Twilight sighed. It had pretty much been this way the entire visit. Pinkie Pie was cranked up to eleven, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were confused at how different the two sisters were. Fluttershy hadn't added anything and simply gone along with Pinkie's excitement like she was used to it. Spike and Maud had gotten into a minor conversation about the taste of certain gems, though that was mostly Spike talking animatedly about certain flavors and Maud slowly offering a suggestion or two for him.

Twilight tried to learn about her only for the mares slow and direct method of speech to frustrate her to no end, and this was after dealing with Big Mac for two years.

She seemed nice, but Rarity had been confused to all get out about the mare taking a simple painting smock as high fashion. The mare had yet to crack so much as a smile or a frown or anything and Twilight was being driven mad.

The closest thing to a facial expression had been when she greeted Rahs, and that exchange was maddening.

“Rahs.” Maud stated looking up at the moon dog.


“Keeping out of trouble?” Maud asked.

Rahs grinned.

The small hint of what might have been a smile in another life touched Maud's face for an attosecond, before she lifted a hoof and fist/hoof bumped Rahs before the moon dog went back to what he was doing and the pair ignored each other the rest of the time they were all in the library.

Fluttershy had explained that Rahs had met Maud during the PETA incident and they approved of each others style on handling the situation.

Twilight and Applejack were both thrilled to find out Maud was not interested in Rahs like that.

Spike and Rarity lost a few bits on that one.

Twilight wasn't sure how the conversation came up, but the talk of pets was brought up. Fluttershy twitched lightly at the talk which should have been a warning.

Then Twilight was introduced to Boulder.

A magnesium-rich basalt chunk if Twilight was correct, she only dabbled in geology as a hobby after all along with all her other studies.

To be honest after the whole deal with the tree of Harmony and the Elements, Twilight wasn't even going to say anything about Boulder.

“Huh. I wonder if Princess Luna thinks of the moon as her pet rock?” Rainbow Dash considered.” That has to be an awesome thing.”

“Princess Luna may have the biggest pet rock. But I have the best. Isn't that right Boulder?” Maud asked holding the small rock up with a hoof.

Given that was the longest series of words Maud had spoken all day thus far Twilight wondered if there was some history there.

“One does not use a pet as a weapon.” Maud continued.

Yep, there was the history. This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

Yes, i know what i did here.

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