• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Flounder to the Finish. Prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Flounder to the Finish.

[Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library. Two weeks after the return from the Oneiroi]

“Look you've got the thrum's power at point eight three five, that's three orders of power bigger than it needs to be.”

“Of course it's bigger, you set it too low, this is deific power, your setting might ruffle their fur at best.”

“And yours might set it on fire.”

“MMMM, fire.”


“It's a joke Sparkle, contain the calamity that is your mammeries.”

“I understood that reference.”

“At least some pony gets some of them!”

Spike and Rahs glanced up from their books to look at the two egg heads arguing over Twilight's notes.

It had been some time since Twilight had someone who could talk shop with her. Sunset might not have been as into everything as Twilight and Moon Dancer were, but in her areas of expertise she could keep up with the new goddess of magic fairly easily.

The orange mare's foray into Blood magic was a lot more complex than Twilight had expected. While it could indeed be a shortcut to power, that was clearly for the rookies and idiots. At it's core blood magic was a amplification style of magic, but that was hardly it's only use. An expert in the school could do things that would make a skilled surgeon whimper with how useless their doctorate was. Turned inward a blood mages magic could alter the very cells of their body if need be, permanently if one was not careful. Sunset's change in the human world was based off this theory, but she had sacrificed a good bit of the power she drew from the Element of Harmony to make sure the effect was an ongoing enchantment rather than a full change, which was why Rahs was able to break it.

Had Sunset gone the other route she would have remained a demon when she was spit out, just a powerless one.

And Sunset thought she looked too damn good to change herself permanently like that.

Still this meant that Sunset's skill in transformation magic was exactly what Twilight needed to help her figure out the Familiar spell to get it to include ponies. Despite testing it once or twice, the spell wouldn't stick for long.

Still even with Sunset's help this was slow going, particularly since Applejack was working on getting Sunset adjusted to the farm's schedule, which was going about as well as one would expect from a night owl like Sunset.

And of course there were other problems too.

“Hey Rahs!?” Sunset called out as the pair took a small break, ”What are you doing Saturday?”

“Woof?”Rahs asked.

“He asked why?” Spike offered.

“I got that, I might not understand him but I'm trying to learn the language, Pinkie's not helpful and it's Fluttershy's talent. I tried asking Luna and she just laughed about it. I bet she's teaching Trixie though.” Sunset snorted.

“Soo why?” Spike asked again.

“Look are you busy or not?” Sunset sighed.

Rahs considered a moment looking worried then shook his head.

“Great, you want to have a date? There's something coming up in Canterlot that I think would be a decent start to a relationship with a first date, particularly with you in mind.” Sunset smirked.

“Ummm.” Spike offered as Rahs just stared.

“Why are you even interested in my brother?”Twilight grumbled. “The only encounter you had with him was setting him on fire and getting nearly eaten.”

“Spike set him on fire, not me, I blasted him into the wall, and of course he ate me as payback, there was a bit of another encounter too, but that's better left unsaid.” Sunset grinned as Rahs turned red, hiding his face in his book. “Besides it's a first date, those are hardly meant to be serious and simply to see if it might be of interest to do something more. I figured since I was interested and the others are clearly idiots to have waited this long, I'd ask him out. I figure Applejack might get up the nerve to do so as well if some one else did first.”Sunset explained. “As for why, let's just say my tastes have never been for ponies, humans and minotaur are kinda boring, Diamond Dogs a bit too handicap mentally, and griffons are on the banned list for me due to something mom did, that leaves a nice little niche that you fit into along with Nox-cal, but I've yet to meet one of them that held my interest.”

“That.... that is surprisingly logical.” Twilight pointed out.” Though I am reassessing my thoughts on you due to the obvious mental handicap you have being interested in him.”

Any further conversation was stopped by a knock at the door.

Rahs put down the couch he was going to fling at his sister with a grumble as she got up to answer the door.

“So is that a yes a no?” Sunset ignored the exchange and threat of violence, focusing on Rahs. After a moment or two he nodded. Maybe he would luck out and Sunset would lose interest with the date, or it might spur the others to back off. He really didn't want to hurt any of them. It also didn't hurt that Sunset didn't smell like a pony. She smelled like the waves of heat from a hot stone in the summer. It was rather odd, but nice.

“Oh, hello Ditsy. Mails early today.” Twilight stated.

“Hey, yeah this isn't standard mail, it's a special delivery from the Crystal Empire to deliver to the direct hooves of a one Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle.” Ditsy offered.

“What?” Twilight asked as Sunset noticed both Spike and Rahs suddenly paying full attention to Twilight and the mail mare, both with barely repressed grins.

Sunset wisely stepped back out of the firing line.

“ One, I'm not a Princess, two my name is not Twilight Tuesday Sparkle.” Twilight frowned.

“Says right here on this legal form that we got at the post office that it is. And there's only one princess in Ponyville..... not counting Ole Greg, but he's a bit odd.” Ditsy shrugged, hoofing over the letter before taking off to return to her route.

“My middle name isn't Tuesday.” Twilight protested looking at the letter.

“It might be.” Spike offered.

“I think I would know my own middle na...... what did you do?” Twilight whirled on her brothers as Sunset retreated to the kitchen.

“Well remember that whole situation where you annoyed the crap out of us by throwing us out of the house when we complained about you and Mac making too much noise rather than just increasing the silence spells power?” Spike offered.

“What did you do?” Twilight demanded her voice dripping with malice.

“Went to Mayor Mare and had your name officially changed to reflect your new princessieness.” Spike grinned.

“That's not a word.” Twilight ground her teeth.

“Woof.” Rahs added.

“Right, it is now. Royal decree, signed by you while you were hunting coffee. They plan to add it into the dictionary next print.” Spike chuckled.

“That.... “ Twilight growled before shaking her head and glaring at them, her mane starting to spark. Sunset pushed the kitchen table over and hid behind it before she started raising shield spells.“Besides that, you can't change my name without me being present to sign off on it. I know I wasn't tired enough before my coffee to have walked down to town hall to sign off on it.”

“Well actually you can if you're a legal parent or guardian and given mom named Rahs our legal guardian when we first moved here because I was too young and she was afraid you'd spend all our bits on books.” Spike smirked and fist bumped Rahs who had a equally wide grin.”Given that that never got changed, Rahs was legally able to change it. So you're Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle now. Nice and legally.”

The resulting explosion sent both of them soaring across Ponyville to crash land at the Apple's farm taking out the barn that had been rebuilt after the whale fell on it.

It was described by both of them later as 'Still worth it.'

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