• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle, Episode 2, Part 3

Author's Note:

Just a heads up. This is a warning this chapter ahead contains the stuff that ets me my violence and gore tags.

Reader discretion is advised.

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Plecostomus Twilight Sparkle,
Episode 2, Part 3


Twilight Sparkle screamed out as the severed unicorn head passed through her. She flinched back peddling away as the skull smashed into the stone wall behind her, turned to a slurry of bone fragments, black mane, and gray matter upon impact.

The massive witch wolf roared out as it stomped the headless carcass of the unicorn, the head less body bursting like an over ripe melon and splattering the stone hall with his innards. The massive spiky furred beast howled and lept into a group of armored guards that were approaching, claws and fangs brandished as blood ran down it's form, the remains of those it had found before this group. The armored ponies forced their magic user back, drawing simple steel weapons to face the monstrous witch wolf.

Twilight shuddered stumbling back over her own hooves prancing in place as she looked around the hall. Tattered banners hung from the ceiling, the walls had chunks taken out of them, some deep enough that a dim light from outside could be seen through them. Scattered across the ground were savaged bodies, some missing body parts, others burned or blasted apart by spell fire, others still filled with arrows. The bodies numbered castle servants, guards, and a number of silver and black armored nox-cal.

The clash at the end of the hall seemed to finally resolve as a large earth pony brought his ax down on the neck of the witch wolf, the beast refusing to give up and clamping it's bloodied jaws around the ponies leg as the ax fell a second time in a violent swing that removed the witch wolf's head from it's shoulders. The four remaining guards stepped back panting and checking over the fallen ones to see if any still lived the wounded guard was treated by the unicorn who stayed back from the fight.

They only managed a moment of peace before the wall next to them exploded in, burying them with rubble as a the massive form of a buffalo juggernaut tore through the wall trampling them all to death, showering the area with gore and screams.

The buffalo itself only lived a few moments more before a blast of magic from further down the hall burned a hole larger than Twilight through it's side, showering the wall behind it with it's smoldering guts and bones. The massive beast collapsed instantly, as another squad of guards already bloodied and battered rushed down the hall.

Twilight panted in panic her eyes darting around at the mass of bodies, her wings flared as she tried to lift her hooves up from a bloody floor that she wasn't even really touching. She screamed out loudly as something grabbed her and pulled her back through one of the walls.

Outside Twilight shrieked out flailing in the grip.

“WOOF!!” Rahs barked as he clutched Twilight against him as she panicked. He looked around the large courtyard as his sister hyperventilated. This was not a good spot.

Outside was far worse than the halls. Bodies lay strew all about as griffons, pegasi, and thestrals soared through the air tearing into each other, knocking bodies out of the sky or flying down to grab opponents off the ground dragging them screaming into the air before dropping them.

Three massive armor plated dragons soared overhead, blasting the lines of Guard to ash.

One of the great beasts screamed, as it's wing was ripped free by a silver griffon in steel armor, the massive hen ripping and tearing into the side of the falling dreadnought before bursting out of the bloody wound she carved with a chunk of what could only be the dragon's still beating heart.

The griffoness barely paused, leaping from the creature as it slammed into a castle tower sending the stone crashing to the ground with it. The hen payed it no mind, before the last stones crashed to the ground she was already soaring up in a shower of gore after the next dreadnought.

More witch wolves and juggernauts surged against the army of guard, massive nox-cal nocturnes rampaged through the guards, laying siege almost as well as the remaining juggernauts. Kirin fired blasts of spell energy that tore gouges through the guard ranks when they hit, and both sides threw up shields to protect their side as they rained down death on the other.

The sounds of conflict and the scent of blood, bile, and worse things filled the air in a overwhelming assault on the senses.

Rahs frowned as he looked for a way out of this with his sister, before spotting something on top of one of the walls. Tossing his sister over his shoulder he darted over scaling the brick work, wondering how the heck this potion could tell the difference between him wanting to pass through something like a ghost or touch it.

Ehhh, figuring that out was more Twilight's thing.

The air was a little clearer far above the battle field though the scent of blood and now fire, still filled his nose.

Shaking his sister a little as she finally seemed to be calming down he pointed to what he had seen on the wall.

Standing there in golden armor marked with the symbol of the sun, holding a massive claymore as large as she was, was Princess Celestia.

Across from her in steel blue armor and holding a massive double sided ax in her magic was a black alicorn with glowing green eyes, Nightmare Moon.

The pair were only apart for a moment before they were on each others, the impacts of the pairs hooves ripping chunks of stone from the wall as they moved. The clang of their weapons meeting threw up sparks and arcane energy that seared the air around them and turned the darkened sky bright as if the sun was sitting atop the castle walls.

The pair lept apart after the brief clash, Nightmare's mane lashing out and striking a pegasus who was trying to get the drop on her. The stallions head was jerked to the side with the hit, a sickening crack sounding before his body collapsed with a lifeless thud to the wall, bouncing once and falling over the edge into the melee below.

Celestia's horn glowed with brilliant power as she fired a bolt towards Nightmare. The dark alicorn tilted her head a little as the blast shot past her, hitting it's true target and melting the head of one of the remaining dreadnoughts sending the headless creature smashing into the stone wall of Whinnysor.

“You need to stop this Luna.” Celestia snapped.”Solomon is dead, the Crystal Empire is gone. There has been enough war.”

“You don't get it do you. This is not going to be over until I have your head on a wall and the country under my rule.” Nightmare Moon snarled. “You listened to much to those mewing fools you call nobles and have become a pathetic excuse for a ruler. Once you fall they will be ripped from their little nests like the rats they are, and made an example of to the rest of Equss as to what will happen if you cross me.”

“Please Luna.... you need to give this up. Let me help you. I want my sister back.” Celestia pleaded back peddling as the massive ax nearly took her head off in a wild swing.

“Sister !? All you want is a weak little patsy that you can ignore when you feel like it and pretend to care about to make yourself feel better. I came to you with my concerns, my worries and what you didn't out right ignore, you disregarded as the ramblings of a foal who knew no better.” Nightmare Moon Snarled. “ Solomon might have sped up the process but I was already going to have to rip you apart in order to be taken seriously by anyone anyway!”


“YOUR SISTER IS DEAD CELESTIA.” Nightmare Moon snarled as Celestia shoved her back with her blade. “You already killed her.”

“That is not true, I know Luna is there some where trapped by this monster. I hope she understands this.” Celestia frowned.

“She understands you need to DIE!” Nightmare screamed out launching herself at Celestia.

The solar princess frowned, her horn glowing bright as six points of light start shining under her armor. The golden plate suddenly exploding with brilliant light as six pieces of jewelry are seen wrapped around the mares forelegs, wings, neck and resting on her now unarmored head, as a crown.

“What.. HOW DID YOU GET THOSE!?” Nightmare bellows as the Elements of Harmony glow brightly, the rainbow of light slamming into Nightmare Moon knocking the ax from her magic. The dark alicorn's horn glowed brightly, magic bursting from her pushing back the energy of the Element's as she snarled. “I WILL NOT BE BEATEN LIKE THIS!”

“Stop fighting, Luna I'm trying to cure you...” Celestia winced, her fur turning black around the Element's as the power of them grew, searing into her flesh.

“I WILL NOT BE A ORNAMENT IN YOUR GARDEN CELESTIA!” Nightmare Moon roared the shield of magic around her slowly being crushed as she fought to keep the power away from her. The dark alicorn's eyes widened and she glanced up to the moon, high in the sky then to the Element's burning the white alicorn's flesh, before she grinned. “You might win this round Celestia. But I will be back, and I will end you. The Element's will reject you for this and nothing will stop me.”

Celestia screamed out as the crown atop of her head representing magic exploded, taking off a chunk of her horn, a large section of fur, and her ear, showing some of her skull underneath. The magic surged with the explosion, smashing through Nightmare Moon's barrier, the impact flinging her into the sky, the energy smashing into the face of the moon, burning the image of a mare in the surface.

“See you soon.... sister.” a disembodied voice snarled as the magic faded.

The air was quiet for several seconds as the battle was watched by the combatants in the court yard.

“LUNAR REPUBLIC, FALL BACK!!” Bellowed a voice as the conflict resurged, the guard rallying to their princess as the nox-cal fell back at nightmares defeat. The remaining dreadnoughts were torn from the sky and the guards ripped apart any juggernauts and witch wolves that still pressed the attack, chasing the nox cal back towards the main bridge over the canyon around the castle. The Lunar republic forces maintained an orderly retreat, but with the victory of Celestia over Nightmare Moon the guard forces were not letting up an inch in driving the invaders back.

There was a sudden massive flare of magic and a dome of light formed over the castle. The magenta glow sealing off the guard from the retreating nox-cal.

Standing on the bridge was a single nox-cal kirin. The black furred and scaled creature's horn glowed brightly, sweat poured down his feature along with his own blood. Sword wounds covered his form, arrows and spears riddled his body, and burns from magic scoured away patches of his fur, but still he stood clutching a large spear with a red ribbon wrapped around the haft just under the blade, the weapon being used to prop himself up.

Nox-cal rushed through the raised shield and across the bridge, though guards and griffons slammed into it clawing and attacking impotently against the barrier.

One of the thestrials stopped at his side. “Lord Lionheart we can still hold them here, you need to fall back...”

“I'm already dead, major.... fall back to the island, prepare for an invasion, rally everyone we can, these bastards are not going to stop here.”Lion Heart growled. “Go. That's an order. I'll hold them off. Tell.... tel my son I'm sorry...”

“Sir....” swallowed the thestril before taking off shouting orders at those who had paused to ready to fight again.

The kirin winced blood starting to seep from his horn as the silver griffoness slammed into the shield, the barrier even holding back the griffon god for the moment.

The kirin fell to one knee panting hard, his horn still glowing brightly as the army of guards slammed against it.

The attackers fell silent suddenly.

“I asked Luna to stop and she refused. Will you do the same? Will you persist in this senseless killing?” Celestia offered staring down at the kirin from the other side of the shield. Her burns had healed , though her armor was gone, and the jewelry hanging from her body was lifeless and gray.

“Senseless killing? What a high and mighty line of bullshit to spout.” Lionheart growled spiting at the shield, his blood passing through it and splattering on the solar Princesses cheek. Celestia didn't so much as flinch. “You killed our kind senselessly for years before all this started. Witch trials, refused us work, stole what we had, buried our foals alive or drown them to be rid of the monsters before they could grow up to be a threat. We didn't start the senseless killing, you did, you and your bucking ponies made it legal. We fled from everything and the only one who cared enough to listen to us was some pony else you ignored. We fled further, and still you pursued and murdered and killed us because we don't look like you pastel colored freaks. And when we were finally backed into a corner, when we had no where else to flee and we started fighting back, you all screamed that it was proof we were the monsters you always saw us as. It's small wonder we sided with the one seeking to destroy you, because only then would we be safe from you murderers.”

The kirin coughed dropping hard to his knees in the middle of the bridge, blood splattering the ground under him as his horn sputtered and the shield faded.

The guards rushed forward in a surge crossing the bridge to set out in pursuit of the fleeing nox-cal. Lion Heart forced himself back up at the surge of guards was nearly upon him.

“You..” The kirin snarled.

“Shall.” Gripping his spear in his fore limbs he whirled it around to his left, his horn glowing as the spear blade flared with magic.


The kirin slammed his spear blade down onto the railing of the bridge, the burning magic striking a spark on a fast burning fuse that ignited and raced away along it's path.


Everything exploded in a blast of magical fire as the casks of explosives the demo teams prepped under the bridge once they had taken it went off.

Tons of rock lurched upward, thrown high into the air along with the bodies of galloping ponies, the projectile bodies and rocks smashing like a spread shot into the pegasi and griffons in the air over the bridge. The bridge itself collapsed completely, the whole mass of it along with hundreds of guards, griffons, and one nox cal kirin, fell screaming into the depths of the chasm far below.

Celestia winced , her magic fanning out trying to grab as many as she could, though between the explosion and the falling rubble she could only manage to save a dozen at best.

“AFTER THEM NOW!”Shouted the commander of the guard, the remaining pegasi launching themselves forward.

“STAND DOWN NOW.” bellowed Celestia.

“But Princess the enemy is getting away...” the commander pointed out.

“Let them, if they return to their island like they were ordered we shall deal with them there. There's been enough death.... period. “ Celestia frowned.

“But Princess we can still...”

“SHUT UP. I WILL NOT RISK ANY MORE LIVES ON STUPID REVENGE HERE. THERE ARE ALREADY TOO MANY BODIES TO BURY ON BOTH SIDES.” Celestia snapped glaring at the commander. “ If you still have the energy to fight then get to the bottom of this chasm and see if any one survived, the rest of you search the grounds, treat any wounded you find, I don't care what side they were on, if they can be saved do it. Defend yourself as need be and make sure there are no juggernauts or witch wolves left, they cannot be reasoned with. Those of you who can start gathering the bodies of those who have fallen, I want a head count. Again of both sides. NOW GO!”

The surrounding guards saluted and took off in a rush to do what they were ordered. The clear tone of their princesses voice making it certain that none would disobey her.

The silver griffoness landed heavily beside the princess gesturing to her forces to do the same.

“Are you sure about this?”Southern Cross asked.

“No. but this has to stop some where. I cannot control them, so I need to show them we are willing to stop. It is better the nox -cal did find their own place. It will take years to calm down the populace to where they would even be accepted at all. Ponies still have a herd mentality, they are distrustful of anything not the norm. It is not an excuse, not a valid one for how the nox-cal were treated, but this war likely pushed back any chances of peace by decades if not centuries.” Celestia sighed.

“And if the Nightmare comes back?” Southern Cross frowned. “ Leaving them will give her a ready made army to oppose you.”

“She won't be back for a long time. More than enough time to sway them away from her violent teachings and alleviate all their concerns.” Celestia frowned looking up at the moon and the new face on it. “ I can simply wait out any dissenters. We have that option.”

“You have that option. I'm tired of this living forever shit.” Southern Cross sighed. “ These wars cost me my daughter and my grandson, and any other I might be related to. I'm done. Thunderbolt was my choice for this, but with him gone I've got to look for other candidates to take my place.”

“I understand, and I am sorry about Thunderbolt.... I still don't know what happened to the Empire.” Celestia sighed.

“Don't worry about it. He knew the risks, Sombra just pulled a last trick before we ended it for him.” Southern Cross frowned. “ So what now?”

Celestia let out a long sigh holding up a hoof to look at the grayed out Element wrapped around it.

“I need to talk to Harmony about this.” Celestia admitted.


Those watching Twilight and her brother were greeted to the sight of Twilight coming to and immediately vanishing in a flash of light. Seconds later the loud sound of retching could be heard from the upstairs bathroom as Twilight revisited her breakfast.

Rahs sat up quickly pushing Sunset off of his chest, the moon dog looking a little green as well.

“Rahs what's wrong?” Spike asked looking up at his brother as the taller sibling stood up shakily.

“Rrrrrrrrrrrr.” Rahs growled as Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Witch-Jack's eyes widen.

“ Translation?” Sunset asked.

“I'm curious myself.” Grumbled Sombra with an ice pack on his head.

“They saw the battle of Whinnysor castle, the last conflict of the Equestrian civil war when Celestia banished Nightmare Moon and drove off the Lunar republic. Historically it's considered on of the bloodiest battles in Equestrian history. Thousands were killed on both sides in the space of hours, and thousands more were crippled for life. “ Spike explained. “It was the primary reason that the capitol was moved out of Whinnysor and to the newly built Canterlot. And Rahs and Twilight got front row seats for the thick of it.”

“Wuff.” Rahs grumbled as they all heard the shower turn on upstairs.

“And there's still one more vial to drink.” Fluttershy added.

“ Who knew she had such a weak stomach.” Sombra stated.

“Bork!” Rahs snapped.

“He said he shouldn't expect you to be upset by the carnage they saw.” Spike offered a bit of anger in his voice as well.

“Remind me to not tell any of you about some of the human movies I've seen then.” Sunset shrugged.

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