• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Twilight Tuna, Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Twilight Tuna,
Part 3

[Neigh Orleans, late afternoon]

Rahs smirked as the music tempo increased and Trixie spun off away from him, her dress flaring out around her legs before she paused, her hooves skidding a little on the floor as she smiled back at him. He had no idea where she had learned to dance like this, but he was hardly complaining. Her balance on her back legs was nearly flawless, and she was easily keeping up with if not outdoing him.

He had expected some sort of ballroom dancing given her dress and the whole Beauty and the Beast thing she seemed to favor, though she had surprised him with a music hall focused more on swing and blues.

Rahs wasn't an expert dancer, but he had quite a bit of stage training and a decent enough rhythm, though he had to admit Trixie was leaving him in the dust.

The tour had been rather nice, Trixie seemed to know most of the points of interest and some that tourists didn't likely know. Evidently the circus her parents belonged to came through here quite often and given it was her mother's home town she was taught a lot about it.

They had paused the tour and stopped at a fairly fancy restaurant for lunch, he had been surprised at the sheer volume of seafood that was presented in the place. He had thought the menu odd of a primarily pony town, though there were quite a few ponies in the restaurant partaking, as well as some Mokolé and a few Naga, so the seafood focus of the place was a little more understandable.

Rahs was rather surprised that Trixie seemed to have no issue with the meal eating the spread with no hesitation. The tour picked up after the meal and Rahs was starting to wonder if he knew as much about his friend as he thought he did.

Of course then they had come to the dance hall and things had only gotten more fun from there. It was a great way to spend time until the show they were to go to later that evening.


Sunset Shimmer glared at the pink changeling.

Saturnia glared at the orange pony.

The Ponyville citizens that had been on the street with them had already backed away to a respectable distance.

Sunset was sitting at the Apple's cart selling some late season apples from the orchard. Sunset had studied why the place was still so warm, and found that the remains of the palace spire the Apples had turned into a rather large and neigh indestructible barn still had a sympathetic connection to the Crystal Heart and kept some of the magic that kept the northern cold away from the Empire. It wasn't as strong, but even the worst Ponyville winter had only felt as bad as the early chill of fall.

The magic might also explain some of Applejack's earlier unwarranted changes, though it didn't explain why the family kept building separate barns on the property, or why they were destroyed nearly once a month. Granny had refused to let her reinforce the new one and told her not to worry about it and that she would explain why later when the zap apples came in again, seems that that particular crop came in when it wanted.

Saturnia had been walking through the market to pick up a few things with Bees tagging along to carry it all. After changelings were accepted as a race, a small number had moved to the Ponyville hive. She had Thorax and several others of the newcomers working on expanding the hive for new housing. Some how she had wound up being the liaison to the mayor and was in charge of the hive and those living there.

Aside from Bees, Thorax, Shadows, and Kevin, she now had four small families of changelings and a few warriors, including Thorax's brother, Pharynx, who was not settling down that well. The hive was supposed to be known and was being used as a test bed to see if Celestia could be trusted. The changelings under her now were some of the few willing to risk it.

There had been more that showed up, but after a couple of Tuesdays in Ponyville, and meeting the pink one, several had wisely fled.

None of that was a concern right now as the mare Saturnia saw as her greatest threat to Rahs was before her. She had realized after their date that while her chances were good in securing the moon dog, it was still only a one in five chance of him choosing her. As such she had started plans for playing a long game, most of the others were mortal and wouldn't be around forever even if he did choose them.

Then there was Sunset.

Sunset stared down the changeling and wondered if her promise to Granny not to burn any pony counted towards bugs. She was already sorely tempted just from dealing with some of the idiots that harassed her.

Retail was not something Sunset felt comfortable with.

Saturnia was a problem, the bug in her long term plans, the only other one who would live long enough to be a problem to her getting Rahs later in life. The bugs very existence was problematic to her goal.

Sure she could have found some one else, rather easily in fact. Let's face it, Sunset was sexy and she knew it, but with her tastes and the challenge put out by this, Rahs was going to be hers, or else. And this bug was a threat to her achieving her goal.

The pair glared at each other for a good ten minutes, the air around them crackling with fire and sparks, though it was silent until Sunset spoke up.

“That will be twenty six bits.” Sunset stated flatly without breaking eye contact.

“I haven't bought anything yet.” Saturnia answered only for Sunset to point a hoof.

Sparing a glance to the side Saturnia frowned deeper seeing Bees sitting there polishing off another apple and adding to the pile of cores around him.

“Hey these are good, we should bring some back.” Bees muttered through a mouthful of apple seeing he had gained Saturnia's attention.

“Those are coming out of your pay bees....” Saturnia grumbled as Sunset smiled.

“I get paid?” Bees questioned.

[Golden Oaks Library]

“You ever get the feeling that something was supposed to be about you and some how isn't any more?” Sweetiebelle considered tapping her chin with a hoof.

“A little.” Applebloom offered.

“ Waxing the poetic is not going to get you out of rolling a fortitude save.” Spike pointed out.

Sweetiebelle sighed flipping the die with a grumble then dropping her head to the table with a heavy thud at the low roll.

“Ooh that's another minus two to con as the cloak Twinkle put on continues to choke her.” Spike frowned.

“I told you you should check it first.” Scootaloo offered.

“Dumb fabric.” Sweetiebelle huffed.

Author's Note:

And here's some of the music from the dancing date

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