• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Pinkie Perch, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Pinkie Perch,

[Canterlot, the next day.]

“So what's the damage total?” Princess Celestia sighed.

“Sixteen buildings leveled completely in Ponyville, three in Canterlot if we count the two beyond repair damaged in the explosion caused by Rahs. Thirty six buildings in need of repair in Ponyville and two in Canterlot.” Raven Inkwell listed off. ”Though the ones in Canterlot are the real issue.”

“The normal disaster relief program will cover Ponyville, this is less than that flood they had a few years ago, what's the issue with Canterlot repairs?” Celestia asked. “This should be covered under the acts of gods clause that is required by law in every insurance package.”

“Rahs is not listed on any insurance form as a god yet.” Raven pointed out.

“The blast came from his sister. The connection is documented enough in the court that the reason 'acts of gods' still applies.” Celestia stated. “As for the brawl, that also falls under the 'acts of gods clause' due to the sympathetic magic.”

“They are not going to like it.” Raven sighed.”I expect the nobles will protest and demand something.”

“Tough. I have enough issues with the fact there are three unknown threats that resemble the sirens that caused such havoc in the past to argue the fine points of legalese. If the nobles persist simple tell them 'because I said so' and let them ponder that for a time. Throw in that one of their own was attacked and name drop Prince, get them really freaking out thinking they might be the targets not Ponyville or some nightclub. ”

“Of course. The wanted posters have also been made up for the three of them, the Guard sketch artist put together three very good images of both forms of the sirens from Ponyville residents descriptions.” Raven offered showing the stacks of wanted posters on the table before them.”I'm having a number of pegasi guards rush them to every city and town in Equestria. The six sixty sixth are currently planning new drills to take into account their abilities and the size of the alternate forms.”

“Make sure you send a note to them that that these three got away from Twilight Sparkle on a tear with no obvious injury, they are not to be underestimated.” Celestia pointed out.”I would rather the guard be over prepared for this than under.”

Celestia sighed if it was not one thing it was something else these last few years. The return of her sister and the reactions of the Sparkles and everything else that had gone on in recent years had made her realize that some of the things she held true, were simply, not.

What she almost did to Applejack forced her to consider dialing herself back a notch, though the return of Chrysalis, and the conflict between the two, on top of the youngest Apple's revenge attempts and the fact there were still two names left in the prophecy put her on edge. She felt like a tightly wound wire half the time. Discords occasional prank didn't help matters.

Still there was too much going on. Two unknown threats, Forthe had not been seen by anyone and that was always trouble when the loud Diamond Dog god wasn't barking at something. The other gods that tended to side with him were watching and waiting for any sign of something as well. Rahs had somehow convinced Luna not to bring up he was a god until he could make a proper show of it. This meant that only four other gods knew of his ascension. Granted Celestia fully expected the theater buff to have convinced Cadence and Chrysalis. White knew and didn't because of course he did and the Fates knew everything that had happened.

Then there was the return and rehabilitation of her daughter and nephew, though oddly that seemed to be going smoothly if the report was any indication.

Now adding onto all that stress, there were three knew threats that had been identified, and confirmed, by Sombra of all ponies, as the sirens that caused such havoc in the past.

Honestly Celestia had already figured out where they came from, like Forge Scale Starswirl probably just dumped them in the mirror and forgot about them beyond crowing about another great victory of his.

Celestia shook her head wishing she could convince White to let her go back in time to beat some sense into that bearded ass, but such things as time travel should be reserved emergencies, or for a holiday on a limited time frame.

Looking down at the wanted poster Celestia looked over the images curiously. Three rather angry looking hippogryphs stared back at her on the page, each with some rather impressive looking snake like sea serpent like secondary forms.


She didn't think Twilight could be angry enough to get over her snake phobia and she figured these three might have triggered it. Granted it also might be how they got away and why Twilight reported that her shots seemed to miss them. If she wasn't thinking straight due to fear it was understandable, but she thought her former student had reported them as appearing like ponies, not hippogryphs.

Oh well, the sooner these posters got out there the sooner this danger could be dealt with. Granted these three didn't seem to fit the prophecy, Wraith was never some thing mentioned and while they might meet the 'Pride' concept Greed didn't seem to fit.

So that meant there were still two more things....

“Buck all this.” Celestia muttered.

Discord let out a small sigh as he clung to the rafters, wearing a far too long bandanna and a tight gray stealth suit that showed off his great ass, as he changed the last wanted poster in the stack seconds before Celestia looked at the papers.

“This is cutting it a little close.” Discord muttered, wincing at how he felt after doing something this orderly and exacting. He might need a few days to recover from this, hopefully his girls took the hint he left and made for the border.

[Ponyville, Golden Oaks Library]

“Woof?” Rahs asked staring down at Twilight and Spike who sat at the table in the untouched library.
That their home was undamaged annoyed a large number of ponies who lost property until it was pointed out that the library was hit several times, and simply didn't give a fuck about the death lasers hitting it.

Heck, Carousel Boutique was only lightly singed. Twilight might have a lot of work cut out for her warding places after this.

“Yes Rahs, they got away from me. I have no clue how they pulled that off either.”Twilight growled .” But it's not as if I didn't do some damage.”

The purple unicorn, dragon, and moon dog glanced down at the red crystal shards on the table before them. The shattered necklace had been on one of the sirens, and a lucky shot from Twilight had blasted it off their neck.

“I've already had a look at this thing and tried out a few different scanning spells on it, the artifact is inert, but I found traces of magic on it that were very familiar. “Twilight offered.

“And?” Spike asked.

“Chaos magic.” Twilight snapped.

“So we need to find Discord?” Spike frowned.

“Yup.” Twilight sighed.

“Woof.” Rahs offered to help later before he wandered up to his room with a bit of a wince.

Spike and Twilight watched him go curiously, with Spike speaking up once he was gone.

“Must have been a good date if he missed all this and only got back this morning.” Spike offered.

“Eeeyup.” Twilight frowned not wanting to get into this conversation. particularly if this meant she owed Cadence some bits.

“Wonder what happened to his shirt?” Spike questioned.

[ Jade Wolf, Burrows.]


Whatever else the diamond dog had been about to say was cut off as he was slammed head first into a stone wall and driven half way through it by a black furred hand.

Jynx for the most part didn't even seen to notice she had just put Tatewaki through a wall.


Her assistant however noticed the black furred alpha was humming to herself as she moved down the tunnels to her den with a bit more bounce than usual.

“I take the date went well?” Terri asked curiously, falling into step along with her alpha.

“Quite well Terri. I have learned a number of new things and I am even more determined now to take him as my mate.” Jynx grinned.

Terri nodded as her alpha made her way towards her den putting at least two more rather energetic suitors through other walls.

Terri had not gotten to the rank she was by asking questions that she didn't want to hear the answer to, like why Jynx was humming to her self and smiling so much.

Granted her question was already answered by the fact Jynx's dress was gone and she was only wearing the moon dog's shirt.


“... and as such, thanks to this brave ponies contribution. Ponyville was saved from 'total' destruction. And by the power invested in me by the Country of Equestria, and the Ponies who elected me, I present this, the key to the city, to Prince Sombra Nocturne.” Mayor Mare offered to a host of cheering from a gathered crowd.

“This is bullshit.” Twilight muttered under her breath. ”He cut off my head and they say he saved the city?”

“Shhhh” Spike hushed her. ”It's not like you need another key shaped book mark.”

“It's the principle of the thing.” Twilight huffed.

Sombra looked more confused than anything else as he took the key curiously from the mayor as if wondering what exactly he was supposed to do with this thing. Still, while he didn't seem to want to be there at all, the longer he had 'other stuff' to do, the less time he would have for Rarity to 'talk ' with him.

“Umm. Thank you?” Sombra offered, his expression brightening a little as he realized the key was just gold foil wrapped around chocolate.

The mayor always seemed to know what the recipient would really want as a prize. It was a good way to keep ponies saving the place after all.

The coupons for free ice cream, Snow Cone's shop the only building in the area untouched for some reason, were also a bonus.

“Total bullshit.” Twilight muttered before she got shushed again by others in the crowd.

[ Off the coast of Coco Cabana ]

“We shouldn't be stopping.” Adagio muttered from under her large mass of hair, which was still frizzed up from a lightning attack by Sparkle, making her look like a fluffle pony.

“We've not seen a sign of pursuit since before we made it to the ship. We need to stop at this trading port to get supplies, the ship might run on a magic converter but fresh water, food, and information are not something we have a lot of.” Aria stated as the trio made their way down the street. Aria had hitched herself to a cart to pull along the supplies they needed. Bits were hardly an issue from all they had collected from their concerts. “Besides we need to figure out what to do now and getting away from Equestria by back tracking was the best bet.”

Aria didn't mention the open map she found stuck on the ships wheel suggesting they go to Griffinstone, judging by the big red x any way.

She had ignored that.

There had been a number of smaller islands that Sonata had found that they could hide out on for a while, a trait that had saved them quite a bit of trouble in the other world, not all of the other sirens native there had been as nice as Freddy.

Granted the problem was not only had they been outed, but that they had been outed by a god that had serious anger issues, and the ear of all the other gods of Equestria and beyond in some cases.

Sonata's info had been correct so far, she wasn't about to start doubting that she found out about the Sparkles now.

Though some of the things they supposedly had done seemed ridiculous.

Though their gems hadn't been able to do shit to that purple alicorn.

To add to the problem, Adagio's gem had been shattered in the conflict and while her power was still stronger than a mortals, the power to over charge her abilities was gone, she couldn't use Sonata's or Aria's gem as her own either.

In other words whatever scheme her sister had been planning to try and take over or show up their mother was over with a finality as close to death as one could without crossing the veil. They were never going to take Canterlot and unless there was a a hell of a good plan, getting revenge wasn't in the cards either.

The best plan right now was to fall back and hide out a until the heat died down, not the first time they had done that either.

“Well hello Songfishies.”

The trio stopped, whirling nearly as one, which caused more than a little issue as when Aria turned so did the cart, nearly taking out a few other ponies walking by.

Seated on a stool, barely in view at the edge of the building, clad in shadow like one of those bit store novel bad guys was a unicorn stallion. The figure was tone, though seemed gaunt like he hadn't had a good meal in a while. Dark purple fur covered his form with a well groomed, though short cut pink mane and tail. A rich red cloak covered his back hiding his cutie mark from view. Gold eyes regarded them as he smiled gesturing the trio over with a hoof.

“Ahhh good, that was your ship.” the stallion nodded.

“Who are you?” Adagio demanded.

“Well, like yourselves, I go by a few names. Just call me Jedidiah. “ the stallion offered. “I can see you have had some hard times as of recently. I could help with that, perhaps find something to replace what you have lost? I'm sure you miss what it granted you quite a good deal. Of course I could also provide something better...”

The stallion gestured to Adagio making the mare blink in confusion.

“Aria... Adagio.....” Sonata whimpered, backing up as she tried to put the other two between her and the stallion.

The pair looked at their sister before Aria spoke up. “Yeah, okay, whatever you're selling we're not interested. We've got shit to do, come on.”

“That's quite alright, it's a small world, I'm sure we'll meet again some where in it.” Jedidiah called out as the trio trotted away, only Adagio glancing back at the strange unicorn as they went about their shopping.

Jedidiah smiled. “The daughters of Discord. Quite a find there. I'll be sure to keep my eye on you.”


“Well, well, well, not often I get to visit the mayor of this lovely town.” Discord chuckled as he sauntered into the office in a blue and red pinstriped suit, neon orange top hat, and monocle that was just a doughnut.

“Cut the crap Discord.” Twilight snapped.” What's your part in this?”

“Princess Twilight I would ask that you refrain from antagonizing another god in one of the last intact government offices in the city. How the street sweepers office survived when my own did not is beyond me, but Dusty Broom would likely appreciate if you did not fight in here.” Mayor Mare stated.

“I'm not a Princess!” Twilight snapped.

“But that is your name officially.” Mayor stated not appearing the slightest bit intimidated by the purple goddess next to her.” Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle entirety in fact.”

Rahs snickered from where he stood on the other side of the Mayor and Twilight fumed. Raven Quill stood next to Rahs her face as impassive as the mayors, but the slight twitch of her ear showed she was amused as well to those who knew her like the Mayor did.

“Well, I take this is a business meeting of sorts then. Forgive my lack of fanfare but I've just come from Canterlot and dealing with anything there tends to give me a head ache.” Discord offered actually taking a seat across from the old rickety desk the mayor sat at. ”So what's this about then? I would like very much to take a nap.”

Rahs raised an eyebrow at how calm Discord seemed to be for once, rather odd. He drew a few bits of a broken red gem out of his coat pocket, setting them on the desk in front of Discord.

“The sirens each had one of these gems around their necks, they practically glow with chaos magic.” Twilight accused.”There's only one chaos magic caster I know of and even then only one period who's magic never tastes the same way twice.”

Rahs stuck out his tongue, orange juice flavor following tooth paste flavor was awful.

“Well obviously, because they are mine.” Discord rolled his eyes.

“AHA!!” Twilight snapped.

“They were stolen from where I left them before Starswirl banished the Sirens to where ever they went.” Discord picked up a shard looking at it with a wince. “They were not even completed yet, they were supposed to be birthday presents. Of course at the time some one I actually listened to didn't like the idea of me giving them to who they were supposed to go to, so I stopped working on them and tucked them away and forgot about them.”

“And I'm expected to believe that after what happened here?” Twilight snapped.

“Sparkle, normally I would be highly amused at your attempts to blame me for the chaos some one else caused, but right now I have a headache that feels like a galaxy getting eaten by a black hole, and I'm not in the mood.” Discord sighed rubbing his temple with a paw. “ Doing something as precise as orderly as I spent my morning does not sit well with me at all, last time I did something I had stomach cramps that tied me in knots, before that I spent a day suffering from super leprosy. All my limbs fell off and then flew off with little capes. This time it's a pan galactic gargle blaster hangover. Its like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.”

“Sounds like my college days.” Mayor nodded.

“So again why am I here?” Discord sighed.

“Princess Twilight...” The mayor ignored her twitch. “ ...was under the impression that you had something to do with this. When it was brought to my attention I considered that if she was correct that perhaps you could be convinced to help pay for the damages. Most of them are covered, but about thirty seven thousand bits worth are not. Paying this would go a long way to convincing ponies you are not involved in this and perhaps lessen some of the issue that most still have for you from the first time you came to town.”

“That was two years ago.....” Discord rolled his eyes.

“I spent the day as a clown, Mr. Discord. And not even a good clown, a Prench MIME clown who was literally trapped in an invisible box.” Mayor stated flatly.

“Fine....” Discord sighed.

“Yes, exactly, a fine.” Mayor nodded.

The draconequus stood up and took out a small change purse. Mayor mare rose as well walking around the desk and holding out a hoof, fully expecting a golden squid, or something odd she would have to sell later.

Discord reached into the change purse pulling out a single bit and placing it into the Mayor's hoof.


Another bit was drawn out of the bag.

“ Two.”

Then another bit.


[ Ponyville Six hours later]

Another bit.

”Eight thousand two hundred and forty two.”

Another bit.

”Eight thousand two hundred and forty three.”

Discord paused, frowning as he looked at the mayor who had shifted the bits to the desk as her hoof got full, and to Raven Quill who was simply documenting the number of bits.

Rahs and Twilight had fled around the three hundred mark.

“I have to ask, you are taking this manner of payment surprisingly well.” Discord frowned.

“I work for small government Mr. Discord. We often have to wait a long time for money, and you are hardly the first to pay an excessive fine one bit at a time. “ Mayor Mare offered.

“Her schedule has also been cleared for the next three days just to ensure of a proper count.” Raven Quill added.

Discord huffed.

“You ponies are no fun.” with a growl he snapped his fingers showering the rest of the bits into the room as he vanished with a pop.

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