• Published 1st Jan 2020
  • 9,252 Views, 4,091 Comments

Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Catfish Season 4 epilogue, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Season 4 epilogue,
Part 1

[ Ponyville the next day]




Twilight grumbled pulling a pillow over her head.


Twilight ignored the voice.

Then her pillow exploded.


“GAH!!!!” Twilight screamed flailing wildly before falling out of bed to crash on the floor.

Teacup looked over the edge of the bed at her.

“Good you're awake. Your dragon made waffles and I need to talk to you, Sombra and Sunset are already downstairs.”Teacup stated. ”You have five minutes, don't make me come back up here.”

Twilight sat up glaring at the breezy as Teacup flitted out of her room.

“I forgot to reset the wards didn't I?” Twilight growled.

[Outside the new crystal tree.]

“So what's this all about any way. You've not done anything but bitch and tell me to hurry up all morning.” Twilight yawned.

“That castle of yours...” Teacup began.

“ Not mine , not a princess, Rainbow Dash called dibs any way.”

“Mare it is a purple castle in a crystal tree flying your ass mark from the flagpole, that only appeared because you lead a group 'rainbow powered fuck you' to the leech.” Teacup huffed. “It's your damn castle.”

“Pass. Besides it's in Carrot Top's field, it's her castle.” Twilight commented as they approached said castle with Sombra, Spike and Sunset following along with them.

“Luna bought the land for a ridiculous sum.” Teacup offered.

“Then it's Luna's castle.” Twilight continued.” She should change the flag.”

Looking around Twilight was rather surprised at how much had been cleaned up from the fight yesterday. There were still pools of blood and quite a large number of bones and piles of meat around, but it was mostly cleaned.

“Luna pretty much went ' Buck this shit I'm a Princess' earlier this morning and took off.” Spike pointed out.

“Oh yeah, Applebloom's mad at you.” Sunset offered glancing to Teacup.

“What!? What did I do!?” Spike snapped.

“Well you never came to see her to make sure she was okay after everything was over.” Sunset offered.

“It's not even been a full day yet! And it was because of you I didn't get to let her know what was going on before that!” Spike huffed.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Sunset hummed to herself ignoring the dragons glare.

“Do not toy with me mare. I can turn Rahs against you.” Spike growled.

“Don't threaten the messenger.” Sunset shrugged. ”Better you go talk to her yourself.”

Spike huffed glaring at Sunset before storming off grumbling. “I wanted to check out the castle.”

“Okay why are you running off Spike?” Twilight asked as Spike loped off.

“Cause I hate him.” Teacup muttered.

“Dragon types are weak against fairy types.” Sunset shrugged.

“Oookay.”Twilight blinked glancing to Sombra who was frowning up at the castle.

“And what's up with you?”

“This castle is an asymmetrical mess, even the damn star at the top isn't right.”Sombra observed.

“It's a tree.” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“That is no excuse.” Sombra retorted.

“So why are we here?” Twilight asked.

“I saw a portal gate, while this thing was forming and I can still feel it inside. “Teacup offered. “ This thing won't let me in and I don't want to break my way inside in case that might damage the gate. You three offered to help and you all got scans of the gate before it closed this year. I want to know what this one is. Plus I needed you here to get in.”

“And what makes you think I can get in?” Twilight questioned.

“Because your butt tattoo is on the flag.” Teacup stated.

Twilight stared motherfuckerly at Teacup, before she turned and stormed up to the front doors. Much to her dismay, it swung open for her.

“So what do you think?” Teacup asked. The breezy had been oddly quiet for the last hour as the others looked over the gate. It had taken them very little time to find it passing numerous rooms and large halls and chambers. The place was much bigger on the inside than the outside and if not for Teacup being zeroed in on the gate tucked away in the basement, it would have been very easy to get lost.

“It's far more stable than the one to the human world.“ Sunset stated.

“It's also far more powerful than it was before.” Sombra stated considering. “Though the magic is different from the gate that lead to your highlands.”

On the other side of the portal a large number of breezies flitted around peering over houses and out of windows at those looking over the gate. They seemed a little more relaxed seeing Teacup floating there, though they still kept their distance.

“I should send for Celestia, she's probably been studying the portals longer than anyone else.” Twilight offered.

“Almost as long as any one else.” Teacup sighed. “See the trees behind the village? Those are Tir Na Nog Highland Hawthorn. The ones closer to the village are Lowland Ash. Those two trees are the ones we need to rotate the pollen between. They haven't been this close to each other in..... I can't even remember. The energy here it feels......It feels like home.”

The others glanced at each other before looking back at Teacup.

“So what are you gonna do?” Twilight asked. “The portal is stable, but I don't know what's powering it or how long it would stay open, or if it will ever close.”

“If I go home I might lose my powers. This might not even be the right place. I see a bunch of the breezys from the migration, the ones who made the trip and the ones who I brought to the Highlands portal. But I don't see Seabreeze.” Teacup muttered. “Who would watch over the migrations if I go and am no longer a god?”

“Probably Celestia and Luna still. They seemed to have been doing quite a decent job of it for the last few hundred years it's been recorded.” Twilight pointed out. “ Besides, you helped out immensely with Tirek, I'm more than happy to make sure the migration goes properly, if it still is needed.”

“Hey, it's not like I'm gonna be going any where for a while either. So that's a god and demi god, and I'm pretty sure Rahs would help out after that dramatic last minute save.“ Sunset shrugged. “ And that's in the off chance that this isn't what you said Harmony was working on. The box came from that tree after all so maybe this was what it was the end result.”

The two mares looked at Sombra who blinked then glare back at them.

“Fine. If need be I will help as well.” Sombra grumbled.

Teacup stared at them a moment before offering the first smile any of them had seen on the breezy.

“ Thank you.” Teacup uttered, turning and with a quick flick of his wings was through the portal.

The pastel blue and robins egg blue maned breezy landed lightly on the ground on the other side of the portal, the tiny suit of red leather armor and war paint covering the breezy was clearly visible as Teacup looked around. The butter knife on the god of wars back still glowed with the runic symbols on it.

A moment or two later a pink haired and blue bodied breezy slammed into Teacup's side, bowling over the god of war as Seabreeze crushed his parent in a hug that it seemed even Teacup hadn't expected.

With a last glance back to the portal and a small nod, the gate started to close.

Twilight, Sombra and Sunset watched the portal close before Sombra ran a scan on it curiously.

“The gate is still there, it's just no longer being fed any power. I expect if need be we can open it again.” Sombra offered.

“Well awesome. This has been equal parts heart warming and depressing at the same time. “ Twilight sighed. “ I'm going back to bed.”

With a faint popping sound Twilight vanished in a teleport.

Sombra and Sunset stared at the spot she had been.

“Yeah.... this place better let us out of here or I'm gonna see how much heat this castle can take before it melts.” Sunset huffed.

“Any where from 1670 degrees to 1713 degrees Celsius.” Sombra supplied.

Sunset was quite certain she felt the castle shudder, though she noticed something else that distracted her.

“Hey, you got your cutie-mark.” Sunset pointed out.

Sombra glanced back at his flank, the mark a black anvil with some silver tools before a dark forge, the only real color that was different from his coat was the bright cheery looking orange flame that could be seen in the stone forge's mouth.

“Yes. Seems I gained yesterday during all the commotion.” Sombra pointed out.

“Does Rarity know?” Sunset asked.

“With as much as she stares at my flank while claiming not to? I expect so.”

“What about Pinkie?”

“She has the cutie- cena planed for after everyone gets off the black list so she can throw a big party.” Sombra sighed. “ She didn't even hit me with anything this time.”

“What about Aunt Luna?”


“What about the Crusaders?”

Sombra blinked and flattened his ears to his head. “Shit”


“Well now that that will be taken care of I suppose I have already gotten you all back to your proper times.” White offered with a smirk.

The time displaced gods vanished though White remained where he was frowning as he watched something while remaining just outside of time.

[ Carrot Glace farm, or the crater of it.]

The jar shook a little, the red liquid within mixed with a bit dirt and a few chunks of meat, but the blood was clean enough for his purposes. It had been a near miss with Luna running around most of the night, he almost expected he would miss out of being able to gather anything. Thankfully the goddess of the moon got annoyed with the task of cleaning before it was finished and left, leaving him more than enough to collect.

He expected some cleaning crew would show up later to finish the job at the Princesses word.

The shadow smiled at the jar, before it was tucked away into nothing. “To think it would be this easy to get some of his blood.”

The shadow trailed off, looking over to the edge of the forest where he hid noting another figure who was staring angrily at the crystal castle.

“So close.” The figure muttered. “It would have been almost worth it to be drained just to see them fall.”

The figure huffed and strode away from the edge of the pit leaving the shadow to consider her.

“Well this is a unexpected and yet not unpleasant development.”

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