• Published 1st Jan 2020
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 4 - TDR

New gods, spiky vines, singing fish, ghost dogs, theatrical mishaps, and a new enemy seeking to destroy everything, The Sparkle siblings will have their hooves, paws, and claws full this season.

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Pinkie Perch, Part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 4

Pinkie Perch,
Part 4


Discord frowned.

He was a bit of a loss on how to deal with this situation. On one claw, these were his children and he should support them in their lives.

On the other hand, Ponyville was an awesome town, a place that had it's own brand of chaos that even he didn't expect or have to incite.

On the other, other hand, that just sprouted from his back, he did consider Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to be friends, even if they were not that tight knit, and one was currently running around screaming, and the other was a bat....


How the deuce did that happen?!!?

Alright that was another point in favor of this town.

On the other, other, other hand, that sprouted from his belly, the girls had left because he and Aqua had been too controlling and protective and he didn't want them to run again.

Discord sighed.

Well at the very least he would keep any one from getting killed, or too badly hurt, that wouldn't benefit any one and dead things didn't make chaos.

Though why was Pinkie unaffected? And for that matter this Cheese Sandwich?

Discord pondered a moment, his eyes going wide as he realized something.

“By the stars there's two of them.....”

[Back to where it began]

Cheese Sandwich yelped as he was tackled by Rainbow Dash and Prince, their glowing red eyes flaring as they pinned him down with a growl.

“Cheese, NO!” Pinkie Cried out.

“Go, save yourself.... and Boneless!” Cheese yelled tossing Pinkie a rubber chicken.

“Sorry, I probably won't forget you... maybe.” Pinkie cried out before running off screaming.

The pink mare didn't make it very far before she ran into someone and bounced off of them, crashing to the ground on her back.

Looking up she was greeted to the sight of Sombra looming over her with a sword gripped in his magic as he glared down at her.

“Nooo, it's the end for me.” Pinkie cried.” Though if I'm going to go out, there's only one thing left to do.”

There was a squawking sound as Sombra was hit in the face with a rubber chicken.


Sombra blinked, and raised one eyebrow at the pink mare on the ground before him.

“Must you always do that?” Sombra asked reaching up to rub his nose with a hoof.

“Only when it's funny.” Pinkie admitted.

“I do not find it funny.” Sombra countered.

“It's not supposed to be funny to you.” Pinkie pointed out.

Sombra snorted and moved past the prone pink pony, advancing on the trio of sirens who just seemed to notice him.

“Well well if it isn't the love cursed king.” Adagio grinned. The history book she had on the boat was quite good. It even had pictures.

“No, that was my sire. Evidently you found one of Sparkle's abridged accounts.” Sombra offered stopping to stare up at the much larger sirens with mild interest. ” You however, are obviously the sirens Starswirl wrote about.”

“Ooh, we're famous.” Sonata giggled licking her lips clean of the frosting coating them.

“Hardly, you had a half sentence mention as something the old coot vanquished in a old tome in the back of the Canterlot Library. Really it only mentioned you as a singing trio with lousy voices called the sirens.” Sombra offered.” I only read about it because being under house arrest is boring and reading about you three was slightly more interesting than counting my own tail hairs.”

Adagio snarled, Sombra stared back impassively.

“I was going to offer you a position as my lackey, I changed my mind.” Adagio stated. “Kill him.”

Flutterbat surged through the air, fangs bared and screaming at Sombra, only to be tackled out of the air by a pink pony wielding a rolled up news paper.

“No. Bad Fluttershy. No Biting. This is why we are mad at him.” Pinkie Pie stated bopping the confused bat mare in the nose as she sat on her to pin her down.

Sunset rushed up her body engulfed in flames as she cackled ready to burn Sombra only for a blast of seltzer water to shower her, putting out the flame and nearly drowning her.

Glancing over Sombra took note that Prince Blueblood and Rainbow Dash were tied up with balloon animals and Cheese was hosing off Sunset.

A rush of other ponies ran at the dark unicorn, only for his horn to flare sending out a pulsing wave of darkness that sent most of them flying away from him to crash down onto tables of party favors and cakes. The remains of the half eaten cake Sonata claimed was sent soaring through the air to splatter over Rarity, who screamed and started running in circles yelling about all the food dyes in the frosting.

Sombra raised an eyebrow at the mares antics before sighing. His magic brought up his sword, the simple, if black tinted blade glinting in the moonlight, a blueish light seeming to flicker around the edges as he pointed it at the three sirens who had pulled back together to stare down at him.

“You have something that belongs to me.” Sombra stated flatly.

“Oh, you mean your friend?” Adagio grinned as Sombra was forced to dive aside as a beam of light tore through the space he had just been in.

Twilight practically roared, firing wild uncontrolled blasts of magic at the dark unicorn. Sombra remained impassive, either side stepping the wild shots or knocking them aside with the blade.

As the goddess of magic rushed up still crying bloody murder, Sombra took a step to the side dodging her mindless charge, and whipped his blade around slicing off the head of Twilight Sparkle.

Pinkie Pie screamed, Sonata vomited up the cake she had eaten, Aria looked ill, and Adagio was taken aback by the causal disregard Sombra displayed in killing the mare.

The purple head bounced a few times as the body crashed to the ground behind him. Sombra flicked the blade clean holding it at his side as if it was sheathed, before glaring up at the trio.

“Now then. As I said. You have something that belongs to me.” Sombra stated flatly.

“ How...” Adagio questioned.

“If you are referring to how your song does nothing to me? Honestly it does. However anger is a weapon only to one's opponent. I have spent nearly an entire year in therapy in order to control my anger.“ Sombra explained before he smiled.“ I am very good at it.”

“You still can't take the three of us on, we control the rest of this town” Aria snapped.

“Oh I don't need to. I just need to savor this moment. It has been quite the delightful day. I finished my sword, proved to an annoying mare that the fight would have gone different if I had said sword, had quite a good bit of ice cream.” Sombra explained licking his lips. “ And now I get to watch a trio of annoyances panic when they realize I'm simply stalling until Sparkle gets back up.”

The sirens blinked as a flare of fire shot into the sky from behind the dark unicorn.

“SOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!” Twilight Sparkle snarled as she pushed herself back to her hooves, her head back on her body though no one saw what happened.

“Ahh good, you are awake.”

“You killed me!” Twilight snapped.

“And you got better.” Sombra stated looking behind him at the pure white mare with the flaming mane and tail. “The added benefit is it broke the control the sirens had over you. The very control they used to force you to blow up the town book store.”

Twilight blinked, the fire of her mane going out as she turned back to her purple self. The alicorn slowly turned to look back at the town behind her. Her eyes narrowed to pin pricks as she saw the local book store was cleaved in two and was on fire with a long groove carved in the dirt leading up to, and through it.

Sombra trotted out from between Twilight and the sirens.

Twilight slowly turned her head back to look up at the sirens, a slight twitch developing in her left eye.

“I think we should run.” Sonata offered quickly as the air around Twilight exploded as she screamed out.


The guards rushed into the club to stop the massive brawl.

The lot of them were all thrown back as the night club exploded.


Sombra ignored the screams and the sounds of violence from behind him as he brushed a bit of soot off the dress jacket Rarity had made him. He really was not a fan of being a clothes horse for the mare, but he did rather like the styles he wound up in.

A glance back showed that either Twilight's aim had not improved, or the sirens were just really good at dodging. Still it seemed to be a good thing that the trio were trying to leave town, as now Twilight was simply destroying the landscape and part of the river rather than any ones homes or businesses.

“So.” Rarity stated walking up to Sombra, the mare having dropped the dark fur of her shadow form though she was still splattered in cake.

“Hmm?” Sombra questioned.

“Something of yours, hmmm?” Rarity asked.

Sombra twitched.

“Heard that did you?” Sombra sighed.

“Uhhhh huuuuuhh.” the entire town around them stated in unison as Rarity smirked.

“So what may I ask darling, was that all about?” Rarity asked.

Sombra blinked glancing around and noting that everyone who was still awake seemed to be hanging on every word of this conversation.

“Hmmph. Perhaps you should save this discussion for another time. It may be best if you get home and you wash off that cake. I certainly don't wish to hear it if it stains your fur.” Sombra stated a little too quickly while not meeting Rarity's gaze.

“Oh, we shall have a talk darling, about what belongs to you, or not.” Rarity stated, the smirk not leaving her lips.

“Psssst, Fireball.” Rainbow Dash asked bouncing over to the other weather mare. “Who had bits on that pairing?”

Fireball blinked then pulled the betting pool book from saddle bag.

“Meeeeeeeeeeeee.” Sweetiebelle grinned hopping around the two pegasi.

“Family isn't allowed to bid on this sort of thing.” Rainbow Dash stated.

“I know, that's why I had Spike do it for me.”Sweetibelle grinned.

“I knew I shouldn't have bid on an Abyssinia prince. And I was ready to set up that meeting too.” Prince huffed as the town did their best to ignore the sounds of mayhem and violence behind them.

[ Crystal Empire]

Cadence cackled.


Rahs was not a happy moon dog.

He was however a very confused moon dog when he finally calmed down.

Granted it took three squads of Guard, including a branch of the six sixty sixth to stop the riot he had started and to tend to the wounded and even then he was only stopped from knocking some one else out by the anger he felt fading to nothing.

No one was dead thankfully, but the club had exploded from a insane flare of rage that was pushed through him a moment later that turned his fur white and set the glowing orbs of light on his ears and tail flaring like miniature suns. The explosion took out half of each of the three buildings surrounding the club, nearly a full city block.

Then before Rahs could figure out what had happened he was jumped by a mass of guards.

Through all that the sound system somehow survived and was blasting another song despite no one being able to figure out how.

“Dark in the city, night is a wire”

He was currently sitting in the back of a large reinforced paddy wagon, wrapped in chains and magic nulifiers. Jynx sat across from him on the other side of the car with a pair of large cuffs on her, though she wasn't as well wrapped as he was.

The diamond dog currently had her ears flat to her head and wasn't looking at him.

“Steam in the subway, earth is afire”

Rahs sighed at this, he knew it was his sisters fault, but he didn't like the idea that his date was dragged into something brought about by the connection they shared, and he knew that connection was from Twilight, and likely Spike as well oddly. Clearly something was going on in Ponyville. At least he was calm at the moment. Granted outside of the wagon was pure chaos.

The pony he had slugged to start all this was giving some insane sob story about how he was attacked., The DJ was ranting about how awesome everything had been. And the club owner was screaming at his insurance agent as evidently 'acts of a god' was not covered.

“Do do do do do do do dodo dododo do do”

And yet here he was, in chains, with his date in manacles.

“Sorry.” Rahs offered. He was pretty much clearly identified by the guards, but he might be able to get Jynx out of here and out of blame if he took her through the Oneiroi and back to Ponyville before any one figured out who she was or tried to charge her with anything.

“Mare if, you want me, give me a sign...”

“You know when I started to pursue you I expected things to go exactly how pony courtship should go like I read in the books Rarity gave me.” Jynx offered.” We would date and all of that before I finally managed to claim you as mine.”

Rahs winced a little before starting to work on freeing himself. The shackles were easy, Trixie was quite the good teacher for this sort of thing.

“And catch my breathing even closer behind.“

“Of course then I found I was not the only one with interest in you and this became more of a challenge. One I fully intended to win by simply playing the game.” Jynx explained.” After all my only competition for you are two mares and a bug. The wolf is the only real challenge in truth.”

Rahs dropped the shackles to the side with thud. Pulling off the suppressor rings, not like they did anything to him any way.

“Do do do do do do do dodo dododo do do”

“Clearly I have kept your interest as well, as you have not chosen any of us, nor are you favoring one over another.” Jynx continued looking at the chain between her cuffs.

Rahs flinched wondering if Jynx was actually done with him after this. He certainly couldn't blame her. This was far too chaotic. And he wasn't normally that violent for no reason. This had not been a good date.

“In touch with the ground “

“Despite how you act, I know you are not weak. Strength plays a large part of Diamond Dog culture.”

“I'm on the hunt, I'm after you”

“This of course goes beyond you simply being a moon dog, or witch wolf or even a god. And Diamond Dogs are conditioned to pursue strength.”Jynx explained. “And you have shown that constantly albeit not in the normal ways one would expect.”

Rahs shucked the last of his bindings and leaned over to start to work on Jynx's cuffs.

“Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd”

“Despite all that you have been passive to a worrying degree with most things. Yet tonight, you you were quite aggressive in near everything you did, but nothing was directed towards me.” Jynx let out a small sigh. “And despite my attempts to do things the pony way I find myself far more worked up by that display of aggression than I would like to admit.”

Rahs paused letting the cuffs fall off Jynx's wrists noting her damaged tail was wagging. Looking up he was fairly certain she was staring at him and drooling.

“Ummm.” Rahs began.

“And I'm hungry like the wolf.”

The sudden screech of metal drew all the guards attention to the paddy wagon which teetered on two wheels before toppling over with a very large dent formed in the side of it the moon dog had been on.

The guards quickly rushed over to the door of the toppled wagon yanking it open and readying their weapons for another round with the berserk dog.

Inside they found nothing but piles of chains and the navy blue dress the female had been wearing.

[Crystal Empire]

Cadence fell off her throne cackling like a mad mare.

“Do we want to know?” Chrysalis asked as she and Shining peered into the throne room.

“Probably not.” Shining Armor stated.

Author's Note:

And of course this chapters music.

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