• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,454 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Sixty Four: Of Cake and Treaty

Chapter Sixty Four: Of Cake and Treaty

Written by TheCrimsonDM

It was another day, and Twilight had found herself down at Sugarcube Corner with Trixie. Trixie was busy looking at the peanut butter muffins. "I want the special muffins."

Pinkie was behind the counter and offering her a nervous smile. "Those were limited time, they will never be here again, do not speak of them."

Even Twilight knew that was an odd response, but then again she had found out what was in those muffins in the first place. Magical cures aside she looked at Trixie. "Get some normal muffins, we'll make special ones together some time."

Pinkie's eye twitched. "I said stop talking about them please." She glanced at the door going to the kitchen. "Misses Cake would be a little unhappy if she found out what made them special."

Trixie blinked. "Because you used the herbs and spices from KFC?"

Pinkie glared at her. "NO, I did not."

Twilight decided it was time to stop this foolish conversation before somepony began shouting nonsense. there was already too much nonsense in her life as is. "Okay okay, we'll take two peanut butter muffins, a peanut butter cupcake, and an oatmeal smoothie for me."

Trixie looked at her. "Mmmm...."

"mmmm what?"

"Mmmm, smoothie."

Twilight blinked. "Oh come on, use your big girl words."


"Then no smoothie for you."

Trixie frowned. "Fine... can I have one too?"

Twilight beamed. "Make that two oatmeal smoothies."

Trixie giggled. "Yay."

Pinkie giggled as well. "Seems you two get along really well."

Twilight reached out and wrapped a leg around Trixie's. "I would hope so. Even if we haven't set the date yet, we're engaged to be married. Soon."

Pinkie nodded toward the half circle booth in the corner. "I'll bring it out when it’s all done."

Twilight led Trixie to their usual seat. Turned out this was the seat the group usually sat at. From her experience as soon as one of them got here, the others wouldn't be too far behind. Twilight loved her seat here but she knew Trixie was a little uneasy still.

"So, how ya feeling?" Twilight asked.

Trixie lowered her head. "I wanna go home."

"But why, we just got here."

Trixie let out a sigh. "I just don't feel social today."

Twilight could understand that. Trixie had bouts of social anxiety, and she would be lying if she didn't own up to part of it being her fault. The other sides came from some experiences that Trixie had refused to speak on. Twilight reached out and placed a hoof over Trixie's. "We're safe here. I promise."

"Thank you." Trixie looked up at her. Those violet eyes looked so fragile sometimes. Yet she knew there was a strength behind them, one that Twilight admired.

The front doors opened up and Twilight blinked as she watched Celestia and Fluttershy walk into the shop. Fluttershy looked even more anxious than Trixie did. Her ears folded flat against her scalp, and her eyes darting left and right. Celestia nodded to where Twilight was. "Go on, sit with them, I'll order for us."

Fluttershy didn't even try to stay by Celestia's side and nearly galloped over to Twilight and Trixie. she took a seat next to Trixie and looked down at the table. "Please, don't ask."

Twilight smiled knowing she couldn't keep that promise. "Celestia forced you here because she's hungry?"


"For cake?"


Looking over she watched as Pinkie's eyes widened after Celestia said something. She nodded and then Celestia made her way over to the booth. She couldn't quite fit behind the table so she just took a seat next to the table. Being a giant was not always an easy task.

Twilight looked up at her. "Celestia."

Celestia smiled. "Twilight, Trixie."

Twilight spoke up. "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Is there something I should say?"

Twilight nodded at Trixie. "Yes, and I think you'd be pleasantly surprised by the response."

Celestia's eyebrow raised. "Really? A... positive one?"

"More positive than even I'm prepared for, but we'll figure it out.'

Celestia nodded. "Perhaps there is something I would-"

The door opened and Rainbow Dash's voice filled the air as she nearly screamed. "Fluttershy!"

Twilight cursed their luck. How was it, that just when Celestia was finally going to say her piece, at long last, that there was a screaming banshee of a friend to come in and ruin it.

Fluttershy was trying to hide her face with her hooves. Not really doing much other than blinding herself. Rainbow Dash marched over. "What are you doing in here?"

Then again looking at Trixie's baby belly, it was becoming clear that she was with child and the entire town must have known at this point who the father was. A few of them still argued it was Twilight herself, and she had to very politely explain how biology worked on multiple occasions.

Ponyville, home to the crazies.

Still Rainbow Dash was going to be a problem. Rainbow was shooting a rather mean glare at Fluttershy. "So, you came in here, and you're just what, snuggling up to Trixie?"

Twilight opened her mouth to say something but Fluttershy cut her off. "Rainbow Dash, I am here because Celestia wanted to get something sweet to eat. I would never come here, ever again, if it was my decision."

Rainbow Dash seemed taken aback by that, much of the anger in those eyes fleeing as she took a step back. Her voice had grown weak, tired. "Yeah... that makes sense. Sorry I jumped the fence on... that."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, you have every right to criticize my presence here. As soon as we eat I will leave with Celestia and everything will go back to the new normal."

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. "I wish it could go back to the old normal."

"Me too," Fluttershy said. "But I kind of ruined that for all of us. We'll figure out this whole friendship thing eventually, but right now it’s sensitive."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Is... is it okay if I join you girls? Just for some company? I miss hanging out."

Twilight smiled, but she left the decision up to Fluttershy. Fluttershy gave a shy nod, and Rainbow Dash took a seat next to Twilight. The booth was getting rather full, rather quickly.

It wasn't long before Pinkie came out with everypony's food, including a milkshake for Rainbow even though she hadn't ordered anything. It made everypony feel more easy about the tense situation they found themselves in. Friendship was a challenge some days but Twilight was positive they’d get through this maze of pain somehow.

The conversations turned light, mostly about daily routines, jobs, etc. it wasn't all that bad. In fact Twilight would dare say it felt normal for once.

Rainbow Dash was talking, "So I had to go back to Las Pegasus with all of the old ladies. Beg Potluck or whatever his name was to give them a second chance, and he uh, wasn't very nice about it. A bit of bribery, and threat of violence, got him to agree though."

Trixie was staring at her, though there was something odd in her look. Like every muscle had gone tense, and she was on the verge of something. Twilight briefly feared that she was about to throw up, too many cupcakes might have been a mistake after all.

Celestia interrupted. "That name sounds familiar, are you positive it wasn't actually Jackpot that your thinking of?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah that one. Old magician guy, looks exactly like Trixie for some reason."

Celestia purred. "Now he was a stallion of some... repute in his youth. Chasing all the young maidens, or even princesses when he dared."

Twilight looked again at Trixie. She was glaring at Rainbow Dash, her teeth bared into a snarl and her horn glowing lavender. Oh no, something was wrong. "Trixie?"

Trixie hissed. "Take me home."

Twilight swallowed. "Home?"

"Home now, Twilight. Before I do something regrettable."

Everypony was looking at them. It felt like she was in a bad place. A tense place. And somehow Twilight felt guilty for ruining the good mood. Her horn lit up and she looked at everypony. "I'm so sorry, I... I'm sorry."

Trixie spoke once more. "And don't ever, ever mention that vermin’s name around me again."

Twilight's horn lit up and she and Trixie teleported home. Once there Twilight watched as Trixie looked at the round table in the living room and unleashed a bolt of purple lighting at it. The table was knocked over. A black burn scorch mark was branded into the table's side.

Twilight watched in mild horror as Trixie let out a scream. Her voice sounded so frustrated, so angry, and as the scream slowed down, molding into a horrible weeping sob. She watched Trixie fall to the floor. Tears streamed down her face as she cried unrelentingly.

Twilight joined her side. Still a little worried about Trixie's outburst, but she snuggled up next to her and Trixie nuzzled into her side. Her body was trembling as she sobbed.

"I hate him." Trixie said at length.

"But... but why?"

She buried her face into Twilight's neck. Wiping tears and snot into Twilight's fur. They were going to need a shower soon. "He abandoned me."

Twilight was starting to get the pieces of the puzzle. A puzzle she really, really didn’t want to see the full picture of. "I'm sorry."

"He was supposed to be my dad. Supposed to raise me. He, he wouldn't even talk to me. I wanted... I wanted to be a magician just like him. So he couldn't ignore me. Then I wanted to be one better than him... but failed so horribly."

Twilight wrapped her leg around Trixie's back. "No, Trixie. You're better than him. Better than any magician I've ever known."

Trixie sobbed and sniffled. "I just wanted to be close to daddy, and he hates me."

Twilight couldn't believe that. There was no way a stallion could hate their own child. That a parent could... Twilight closed her eyes and nodded solemnly. She understood. At least in part how this felt. How being abandoned by your parents felt.

Twilight held Trixie close and let her sob. Today wasn't going to be a happy fun day in the sun like she had planned. But not all days had to be fun. Sometimes a pony just needed to be sad and hurt for a day.

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