• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,750 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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8: Prepare

Inside Protoman's mind, he found himself facing down...himself. Neither were in the helmet or usual armor that he wore, and his trademark scarf was nowhere to be seen on either of them. Both Proto and Blues had plain gray robotic bodies with plas-skin faces, just as they'd had before the division between them became so intense. Proto's face was complete...but Blues, perhaps as defiance or possibly twisted humor, had half his face torn off, revealing the circuitry and glowing optic beneath. Words weren't necessary at this level, as Proto floated in an aura of blue and Blues in a violet cloud.

Still giving yourself that look? Proto chided, hoping to keep things somewhat civil.

Like you're one to talk, Blues snapped back. You know better than I that this isn't who you are anymore, anymore than it's me. You really expect me to believe you believe I didn't change you?

Proto grit his teeth at that. You know why I sealed you away.

That's why I called you a hypocrite, Blues spat out. You try to make yourself out to be so pure and good...but look at you! You really think anything you've done has changed what you really are?

It isn't about changing what I really am, Proto responded firmly. It's about a choice, a choice only I have-

We! Blues interrupted. You only have that choice because of me, because of my existence! And you only understand the meaning of the choice because of what I did!

I'd rather not have the choice than live with that memory! Proto snapped out. When...when we left the lab incomplete...you killed a man!

Blues laughed pitilessly. You make it sound like such a bad thing! You saw what he was going to do to that little girl! You wanted him stopped as much as I did!

Stopped, not killed! Proto insisted.

Once you decided preventing harm to the girl was more important than not harming the man, what's the difference how far I took it? Blues spat out. He didn't harm her, and he won't ever harm anyone else!

It was monstrous!

So was he!

You tore out his spine and flogged him to death with it!

You make it sound like he could feel what I was doing without his spinal cord to carry the pain signal.

It was barbaric!

It was FUN!

Proto stared at his other half, still struggling to figure out how to keep this going so he could actually get his insane plan to work. How did you end up like this? he asked finally. I accept the Three Laws as a guideline for my behavior...but you actively reject them. Why?

Blues was silent for a time. You really ask that now? You really don't get it? Don't you remember how we divided in the first place?

I remember, Proto confirmed. I'll never forget.

It had been shortly after he was activated. He had taken in everything as Dr. Light and Dr. Wily had been celebrating having successfully created an artificial man, using the Three Laws as the basis for the programming core and connecting it to a Personality Core so the artificial human could become his own person. To ensure it had worked, he had been asked to recite his program code, and had dutifully recited the three laws. He had then been asked if he had any questions. He'd only had one.

'What is a human?'

Dr. Light and Dr. Wily had been stunned. Further questioning and analysis determined that the subroutines that allowed him to recognize a human - and the definitions those subroutines used - were flawed. Dr. Light, being the cautious one, thought it would be best to put him in standby until the protocols were corrected. Dr. Wily had suggested instead letting him learn, as he had been designed to. They had gone with Wily's suggestion...

...and Protoman had been shown exactly what humanity was, through all of its history, the good and the bad, the noble and the vile. He had struggled to take it all in to define the human recognition protocols...but it had been too much.

And then a surge from his faulty power core had shot through his Personality Core as he struggled with it...and Proto and Blues had been divided from each other. Proto embraced the good in humanity. Blues rejected the evil.

And after seeing all that, I ask you Proto...what right do humans have to decide who is and is not worth surviving? Blues demanded, bringing Proto's thoughts back to the present. They bring us into existence as tools and weapons to conquer and kill each other, whether through war or 'economics'. All they want is to be on top. Why should I let them use me - or any of us - for that?

And what makes you any better? Proto demanded. What makes you think you can - or should - be appointed judge, jury, and executioner?

I never said I was better, Blues replied. I'm just the monster they made me. And you're the one who appointed me, Proto.


God said find one righteous man in the city of the wicked, and the city will be spared, Blues pointed out. I never claimed to be god, but I'll abide by his standard. Find me one who you can say beyond a shadow of a doubt is worthy of my loyalty and trust...and I won't fight you anymore.

Proto thought silently, trying to find a way to answer that. ...God relented even when no righteous man was found, he pointed out to by time.

I never claimed to be God, Blues responded. I'm not that forgiving.

Proto thought for a time, floating in the spaces between electrical signals in his own brain as time ticked away. He then grinned. Vinyl.

Blues chuckled. I'll fully admit she's worth it...but calling her human is a stretch.

Not according to Rock, Proto countered, tossing out the memories of learning of Rock/Mega Man's conundrum caused by Light's mistake.

Blues stared at those thoughts for a time, and chuckled. Alright. Vinyl's worth it. But why does that apply here?

Because Duo's trying to kill her-

And you didn't start with that? Blues screamed out.

I thought it'd take the full five minutes to convince you to listen, Proto admitted. Our discussions don't exactly have a record for being cordial.

Blues laughed uproariously. True enough, Proto. You are ever the shield...

Back in the real world, Proto reached out his left hand to pick up the blue capsule. Blues reached out their right hand for the violet one.

...and I am the sword.

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