• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,720 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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Round 4

Mr. X once more took the announcer seat above the arena, ready to announce the next round. "Well, this should be a bit more like what we all thought we'd be getting when we came here!" he called out. "Our next two competitors seem to be quite serious battlers. X-P0N3, do be a dear and let them introduce themselves!"

"Yes, Daddy!" X-P0N3 replied, flying over to the first Robot Master. This one had a mostly dark blue body, with yellow and green patterns at various points that X-P0N3 assumed had some sort of cultural significance but chose not to comment on in her ignorance even in her thoughts. He also wore what looked like a grass and leaf skirt cut short and a feathered headdress. His left arm ended with a buster with a tomahawk sticking out. "And you are?"

"I am Tomahawk Man," the Robot Master replied calmly, his voice neither warm nor unfriendly.

X-P0N3 blinked in surprise at the bluntness. "Do you...have anything you'd like to say about yourself?"

"Not really," Tomahawk Man answered.

"O...kay then," X-P0N3 continued after a bit, moving over to speak to the other Robot Master. This one was humanoid but with six arms instead of two, and was entirely black except for eight red eyes on its face and a red hourglass mark on its torso. "And you are?"

"We are Web Man," the Robot Master hissed, its mouth opening to reveal razor sharp teeth and a long, red tongue, frightening in its fleshy components. "We are here to prove our superiority to mere machines, and will do so without hesitation or difficulty. Those who cross us will be dealt with...permanently." Its eyes gleamed in eagerness.

X-P0N3 immediately threw Item 2 into reverse. "Start the match already, Dad!" she called out, more than a little freaked out by what had just happened.

"Ready..." Mr. X called out as the competitors climbed into the ring. "FIGHT!"

Web Man immediately began racing about, firing web nets from his uppermost arms towards Tomahawk man from all directions. Tomahawk Man, for his part, calmly pulled the tomahawk from his buster - which was immediately replaced by another - and used it to cut through the webs as they approached, splitting them to pass harmlessly by him and collecting some of the adhesive foam on the blades. He kept the other one ready for other attacks.

Smirking, Web Man used his other two arms to fire small, ordinary plasma pellets at Tomahawk Man in a rapid fire motion. He didn't even seem dismayed when the pellets were easily deflected by the ax in the buster. "Something the matter?" Web Man taunted. "Progress too much for you?"

Tomahawk Man clenched his teeth, continuing to split the webs and deflect the shots, saying nothing.

"You cannot match us!" Web Man taunted. "We cannot be stopped! You are nothing to us! Just another morsel on which to feed! We have you trapped on the offensive, and your axes fly too slow. You cannot hope to hit us!"

A growl built up in Tomahawk Man's throat, and a few of the ordinary shots passed through his defenses, though they weren't enough on their own to do much damage.

"You shall fall!" Web Man hissed. "Just like those on whom your design is based did-"

With a roar of frustration, Tomahawk Man hurled the ax he'd been wielding to chop the webs. It flew towards Web Man, spinning.

Web Man laughed. "You cannot hope to hit us like that-" He paused as the ax split into six mid-flight. "What-"

As the axes passed around Web Man, the adhesive foam that had built up stretched between them, catching Web Man and pinning him on his back to the floor of the arena as the axes embedded their blades.

Tomahawk Man calmly stepped forward, grinding his teeth. "I don't have to destroy you," he stated calmly as X-P0N3 flew up. "These matches have time counts, too."

"What?" Web Man roared. "NO!" He struggled mightily, his black body seeming to surge like liquid...but that could have been a trick of the light as X-P0N3 began her count.

"1...2...3..." With each number, she brought one hoof down towards Web Man.

"You will pay for this!" Web Man screamed out in a frenzy.

"I doubt that," Tomahawk Man replied as he calmed his temper.

"...8...9...10!" X-P0N3 finished her count. "Winner...Tomahawk Man!"

Smirking, Tomahawk Man turned his back on his opponent and left the arena. As Mr. X began his usual post match speech, no one noticed that Web Man had stopped moving...and that there was only a metal robotic endoskeleton under the net. Silver, with two arms and two green eyes...

Tomahawk Man calmly made his way to where his maker awaited him, seeking a bit of cleaning, maintenance, and the usual tune up. As he went, however, he paused. He could feel something watching him, something that his sensors couldn't completely identify. Turning, he brandished his tomahawk. "Who goes there?" he demanded.

"We told you we would make you pay..." a voice hissed. A black ooze slid out over the ceiling, extinguishing the lights. "Mistress ordered us to investigate this world, rumors of things that might come to pass troublesome..." The living shadow spread itself. "The ponies...they should not be...so I come, get close to pony, take robot host...but defeat is but a stumbling block..."

"What are you babbling about?" Tomahawk Man demanded calmly, switching to other vision methods, searching for the assailant.

The shadows chuckled. "You could not finish us off in the ring...what makes you think it will be different here? All we need is a new vessel..."

Seeing no other way to find the threat, Tomahawk Man shut off his sensors, sinking into himself.

"...you will do nicely!" With a bestial roar, the living shadow lunged for its prey.


The energy charged blade slashed through the air, and the living shadow shrieked as it was dispersed by the blade of light.

As the danger was no more, Tomahawk Man reactivated his sensors. "Do not mistake mercy for weakness," he murmured. "That is a mistake that, for many, proves...fatal." With that he turned away, filing what had happened away as 'something his designer would classify as neuro-computer malfunction and thus not to be mentioned'.

Author's Note:

Web Man submitted by goldfencer.

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