• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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VSW-001: Visitors

Albert Wily sat back in his bare prison cell, the orange jumpsuit fitting comfortably at least. He wasn't surprised that someone of his intelligence and caliber, locked up for crimes of robotic terrorism, was placed in a cell that was this low tech. A bucket, a pile of straw, solid stone walls, and metal bars, no trace of technology anywhere near him, or even anything metallic that could possibly be useful. Given his total absence of physical strength, this cell was truly inescapable...and they didn't even have to open it up for anything.

He didn't mind the absence of luxury. He knew that Protoman and Forte were taking care of Vinyl, and as long as he behaved he'd be out before too long. Maybe...a decade at most? He hadn't actually killed anyone, after all, and he'd actually purchased the areas his Robot Masters went to before sending them. In all likelihood, he'd be in however long it took for someone to hash out exactly what he was guilty of, and then he'd be off with time served. At least, that's what he told himself.

He was even allowed visitors, although he hadn't had any as of yet. He wasn't all that surprised, though. He didn't actually know that many people, and he doubted any of them would come to visit him in jail. He certainly didn't want Protoman or Forte to bring Vinyl to visit him in jail.

"Wily," the guard called out. "You have a visitor."

Curious, Albert stood up, brushing himself off to get as presentable as possible. He was shocked beyond measure to see Mega Man step in front of the bars. "What are you doing here?" he demanded angrily.

Mega Man flinched back from the rage, and closed his eyes. "I...came to apologize," he replied softly.

Albert Wily stared at the blue robot before him for a long time. He wanted to be angry. He wanted to vent all his rage and pain against the one who'd brought him here. But he'd actually thought about what had brought him here...and realized that shouting at Mega Man would be unfair of him, and he didn't want to be unfair. "Your apology is meaningless," he stated finally.

Mega Man winced visibly. "I understand why you would say that-"

"You never had any choice in the matter," Albert continued as though Mega Man hadn't spoken. "You may be capable of learning and adapting...but that gets processed through your personality core, which can't do anything to your hardcoded programming. All of Light's robots are like that. If your programming core determines a course of action is necessary, there's nothing you - the being we know as Mega Man - can do to escape it. Tom's the one to blame for what happened, Mega Man. He's the one who needs to apologize."

Mega Man was silent for a time. When he finally spoke again, his voice was quiet and accusing. "And how are you any different?" he demanded. "Your robots have the same brain types as I do. Their personality cores can't overwrite their program cores. The only reason Quick Man and Bubble Man were able to abandon the cause is because they were able to classify an order of 'be yourself' above the order from you of 'help take over the world'."

Albert smirked. "Because I install each of my robots with a kill switch," he explained. "One activated through their personality core. If ever what their programming core deems required action is truly unbearable to who they are, they can shut themselves down with a single thought...and thus not take that action. Were I free, I'd still be experimenting on creating a robot brain that can overwrite its core programming...but that's hardware and software that's pure theory at this point. I'm sure Tom's working on the same."

Mega Man stared at his 'enemy' for a time. "...wish I had that," he admitted softly. "I'd have used it."

"So what action did Tom take regarding what happened?" Albert asked, wanting to change the subject.

"My programming core now recognizes Vinyl as a human."

Albert rolled his eyes. "He should have done that long ago."

"Yes...he should have."

Albert's eyes widened. "I never thought to hear you criticize your own maker."

"I was originally a lab assistant," Mega Man replied with a sour smirk. "Part of that job is telling the one you're assisting when they've made a technical mistake. He never got rid of that part when he converted me to a combat robot."

Albert couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Time's up," the guard stated bluntly. Sighing, Mega Man waved farewell, and turned and left.

It was a few weeks later that Albert had another visitor, his old friend Tom. "Albert..." he began as he sat down.

"I'll stay civil," Wily replied firmly. "But it's going to be a long time before I forgive you for the situation you created."

Dr. Light winced. "I know," he agreed. "It's going to be a long time before I forgive myself for it. And I've already begun work to ensure that it doesn't happen again."

"I'd heard what you did to Mega Man's program," Wily indicated. "And I'm wondering why it didn't occur to you to do so sooner."

"...because I'd fallen into the creator's fallacy," Tom replied sadly. "I...I made Rock, made Mega Man, so lifelike and human that...I forgot that he wasn't. ...also, I gave him his own kill switch."

Albert raised an eyebrow. "When he's this much of an emotional wreck?" he demanded. "What's to keep him from shutting himself down somewhere where he'll be destroyed after shut down?"

"Nothing," Tom replied. "And I told him flat out from the start that the kill switch will override his self-preservation protocols when shutting him down." He sat back with a smile. "And...that's why he's getting better."


"I gave him a choice," Tom explained. "The kill switch is activated by the personality core...and has no prerequisites to activate. He can trigger it whenever he wants, for whatever reason he wants. And it has an eight hour timer built into it. Even I can't reactivate him during that time, and at the end of it he'll reactivate automatically."

Albert managed a smile. "And knowing that, he can use it to defy you if he so chooses, can't he?"

Tom nodded. "He can. He even asked about that, and I offered to have it also clear any standing order cache. It does that too, now." He shrugged. "Actually creating a robot mind that can rewrite its own code - with true free will - is a project that will take a long time...but in the meantime, I've given Mega Man as much freedom - as much choice - as possible."

"There's only one robot with more freedom than that," Wily pointed out.

"Yes," Tom replied. "If he'd let me take a closer look at his CPU, I might be able to discover why...and that might well be the answer to our quandary."

"Perhaps..." Albert admitted. "Thanks for visiting."

Knowing the time of civility was at an end, Tom left.

It had been the good part of a year since his imprisonment before he had his next visitor. The guards were kind enough to let Albert know the date when he asked, and he knew today would be depressing for him. After all...it was Vinyl's birthday, and he wouldn't be there with her. He couldn't even make or send her a birthday present.

The worst part was what he'd never told Vinyl. Her birthday had been selected based on the day she'd appeared in his life. And...that had been his birthday. He had to admit, she was the best present he'd ever gotten, even if he'd long stopped celebrating his own birthday.

"Visitors," the guard called out.

Albert raised an eyebrow as he slowly stood up and walked to the bars. Had Tom decided to bring him a birthday cake? It would be so like him. But it wasn't a human who was waiting to be allowed in to see him. Forte looked so human that the guards didn't even blink an eye at him. Albert himself barely recognized Protoman out of his armor. For that matter, he didn't know that Protoman could take his armor off. Still, he looked pretty human with his black hair and silver eyes.

But the last visitor nearly broke him.

"Daddy!" Vinyl called out as she raced across the cold stone floor of the prison, the clip-clop of her hooves echoing in the passage as she raced to his cell and leapt up to wrap her forelegs around his neck through the gaps in the bars. His own arms reached through to pull her into a tight embrace as he wept.

"Sorry, Doc," Protoman said as he approached. "I know we agreed that she wasn't to visit you in jail if you got arrested, but when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, all she wanted was to see you."

"...Vinyl..." Albert sobbed, stroking her mane lovingly. "You...I didn't want you to see me like this."

"Was that a complaint, Pops?" Forte asked, acting like he was snatching the words out of the air. "Wasn't the box here, last I checked?" He stuffed his hand into Wily's left sideburn.

Protoman rolled his eyes as Vinyl giggled. "And what chance did I have convincing her otherwise?" he asked. "Even you can't manage to tell her what to do."

"I missed you, Daddy," Vinyl whimpered tearfully.

What could Albert say to that? Lowering his head, he let her nuzzle his cheek as he held her tight. He lost all track of time in that embrace.

"Time's up," the guard finally said.

"No!" Vinyl complained, clinging tighter to Albert.

"I've bent the rules enough as is," the guard replied. "You're not supposed to be allowed to touch the prisoner unless it's a conjugal visit."

"At his age, you think his heart could take that?" Forte joked, startling many laughs.

"Come on, Vinyl," Protoman said softly, gently pulling her away. "Time to go."

"NO!" Vinyl wailed as she allowed herself to be pulled away. She reached out despairingly towards Albert. "DADDY!"

Unable to do anything else, Albert sunk into his bed of straw and wept.

It was an hour past sunset, two hours before lights out in the prison. Wily had spent the entire time since Vinyl's visit staring up at the ceiling of his cell. He couldn't stay in here any longer. He...he had to find a way to get out and be with her again! His mind began feverishly conjuring more and more insane escape plans, none of which had a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding.

Which was why he wasn't entirely certain the voice coming out of his sideburn was real at first.

"VWM-001, Giganto, online and ready. Operation Bust-a-Move is a go."

Confused, Wily reached into his sideburn...and the tiniest robot he'd ever seen crawled onto his wrist.

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