• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Let it Shine

Vinyl watched as she saw Mega Man racing off to face Bass and his gang of Robot Master motorcyclists. She could see that he was already enjoying himself from the concept alone, and she knew that Bass would too. However, the more she thought about the concept and stared at everything that was happening, the more she realized...something was missing. Sure, the entire thing was over the top...but it wasn't quite enough. But the more she pursued the thought, the more she hit a dead end.

"What's missing?" she mused aloud. "It feels like there's something I could add, something to really make this stand out as epic, something we'll remember for years to come...but what does it need?" She continued to pace. "What could I possibly add?"

"If you can't think of something on your own," Typhon suggested from nearby, "perhaps you should ask a friend? Perhaps Kalinka has an idea."

"Hmm..." Vinyl mused. "Possible..." Pulling out her cell phone, she called her friend. "Hey, Kalinka? Robot Masters on motorcycles. What's missing? ...no, I'm not making them play cards. I'm shooting for awesome, not absurd. ...okay, maybe a little of both, but more the former. Mega Man doesn't even play Trading Card Games, and the motorcycles don't have the proper systems..." Her eyes widened. "Of course! Thanks so much, Kalinka! And I know just how to do it! You'd better get over here, cause this show's gonna be off the chain!" Hanging up, she raced to her lab, calling up a few designs while accessing the net. "Let's see what I can do with this..." She froze as she saw something she'd included in her internet favorites, something from a normally unpleasant experience that had - in her eyes - achieved awesomeness. "Oh ho ho...yes! That one! But now then, how to make it work? I need to do it justice..." She turned as she heard Wily coming in. "Daddy! I wanna warp reality again! Be facetious in suggesting something absurd!"

Albert blinked, a bit surprised at Vinyl's suggestion, but caught in her excitement just from how into whatever she was doing she was. "...magic circles on computer chips?" he offered, throwing out the first thing that popped into his head.

Vinyl's smile widened even further as she rubbed her forehooves together. "Perfect! And if I set the material the circles are made of to respond to specific subharmonics...I've got the materials for only two, but that's all I'll need..."

Albert rubbed his chin a bit worriedly. "So...why are you trying to warp reality?" he asked worriedly.

"Because Kalinka said the motor-battle needs background music, and I'm gonna do the perfect song justice!" she proclaimed. "Now where's my totally-not-a-screwdriver?"

"Behind your ear," Wily pointed out, deciding to see just where she was going with this. As he saw her working, he decided to add his own suggestions, helping her put the chips in the proper order for activation. One thing he was certain of.

If this worked, he seriously doubted if she'd ever be able to top it.

...he sent a quick signal to Bass and the other Robot Masters to delay confrontation with Mega Man until this was ready.

Mega Man zoomed down the road on Rush Cycle, his shades catching the light of the setting sun as his scarf flowed in the air behind him. It would take him a while to catch up with the Robot Masters since he wasn't teleporting, but he was enjoying the anticipation. He could already tell this was going to be an epic showdown, and he wanted to do it right.

As he drove, Beat - a rather pudgy blue bird support unit Dr. Light had built to back up Eddie - flew in, clutching something in his talons. Mega Man slowed to let Beat catch up, holding out his hand to receive the dropped...cassette tape. He stared at it for a time, seeing no label or any other details on it. He wasn't sure why Beat delivered it, but he knew it was supposed to help him somehow. Though he couldn't understand why there were computer chips inside it. He was pretty sure cassette tapes didn't run on computer chips.

Shrugging, he checked to see if Rush had a cassette player in Cycle mode. To his surprise, he did. Shrugging his shoulders, he put the cassette in, letting Rush load it up as he gripped the handlebars.

Then the music began to play...and everything changed.

Before Mega Man's very eyes, the world around him seemed to change. The buildings he drove between soared higher, casting deeper shadows as the whole world became painted in the colors of the setting sun. Lights flickered and glowed, as the various bots that Robot Masters controlled stepped out, subtly changed. They were darker, more angular, and moved to the beat of the music.

Looking down, Mega Man discovered that he and Rush had also changed. Rush's cycle form was far more elongated, with the handlebars now stretching to above Mega Man's head as he gripped them. The two wheels were much larger, and lightning seemed to race along the rims. Rush's face at the front of the cycle had shifted, his eyes glowing white as his mouth opened wide, baring razor sharp teeth in an audible snarl.

Mega Man's own armor had changed appearance, reaching harder angles at each of his joints. The buster portions of his arms were more clearly defined, and his body seemed somewhat slimmed down and lengthened. His armor still had the same durability, but it had a more stylized appearance, in looks more to convey the sense of being armored than the actuality. Small spikes rose from his shoulder epaulets, glimmering like stars. His shades had changed shape, the ends stretching upward into sharp points. The scarf was now blood red, contrasting with his shimmering blue armor.

Above him, Beat had changed shape, his body stretched out, losing his pudge. What had once been a fat bluebird was now a sleek eagle. He let out a startled cry that tore the air, a true raptor's cry.

Lowering his head back to the road before him, Mega Man grinned widely. "Vinyl," he whispered. Twisting Rush's handlebars, he pulled his cycle into a high wheelie before shooting down the road to an epic confrontation, a trail of fire racing to keep up with the wheels that left it.

Author's Note:

Thanks to BigBosAlmighty for the idea that was too good to pass up.

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