• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,719 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Final Crush

(Music plays)

Turning, Mega Man saw the figure that had approached. Much like every other robot, Bass had changed in appearance from the music. Armor now only covered both lower arms, both legs below the knees, and the larger helmet on his head. The armor was black and gold, and the rest of his body was covered by a black bodysuit, with a circular button-like protrusion in the center of his chest, marked with a 'V' superimposed over a 'W'. A brown cloak was wrapped around his shoulders and hanging over his body. Treble was also different. Though he was in cycle mode, much like Rush, the face portion at the front seemed somehow...corrupted, as though it were constructed of endless chunks of data stuck together. The eyes glowed red, and white light formed within the mouth of the beast.

Mega Man and Bass stared at each other for a time as the highway in space slowly sank towards the Earth, the engines of their Support Unit Cycles revving in eagerness for the finality of this confrontation. It was plain that there would be no holds barred once this began...and both were waiting for the perfect signal to start.

Behind them, the edge of the highway entered the outer envelope of Earth's atmosphere, and began to crumble from the strain of reentry, dissolving into so much space dust.

Rush and Treble reared up with a roar, and the race was on.

As they sped along the slowly crumbling highway, Mega Man and Bass constantly maneuvered around each other, jockeying for position even as they took whatever pot shots they could manage. However, the damage from the battle with Turbo Man had caused the highway to be less than uniform, with the occasional warp of the road forming a ramp over a large gap. Mega Man was forced to take these ramps to leap over, though Treble was designed to be able to race along the undamaged railings at the edges of the highway. As he rolled along those, Bass would aim his buster upwards, shooting at Mega Man even as he flew through the air. This tactic caught Mega Man completely off guard the first time it happened, and he took a few bad hits. Bass' overconfidence opened him up as well, however, as he stopped evading for a time to gloat, letting Mega Man get him a few times as well.

The strategy of the race quickly became plain. Each tried to get ahead or behind enough to take a shot at the other without opening themselves to counter-fire, while still keeping an eye out for the obstacles of the highway itself, and avoiding running out of highway at either end. While the segments behind them were crumbling to dust, the ones ahead of them weren't completely attached to each other, and a mistimed leap from one segment to the next could be just as lethal as running out of highway.

As the race continued, each of them gained an advantage at various points, putting their various abilities to good use. The surprise of Bass' unique combat abilities was counterbalanced by Mega Man's greater experience in combat, which was in turn balanced by Bass having prepared specifically for a fight like this whereas Mega Man had been forced to wing it for the entire time. Before long, each of their shield energies had been reduced to half, and they found themselves on the last highway segment.

Bass pulled even with Mega Man as they raced along the crumbling road to the end. If something wasn't done, both of them would descend uncontrolled to a fiery doom in the atmosphere. However, both had a way around that.

"Rush..." Mega Man spoke up, shifting so he was braced with both feet on his seat.

"Treble..." Bass spoke up, mirroring Mega Man's shift in position as each of them shifted to one foot on the handlebars.

"BOOST~O!" they both called out as they leapt from their cycles just as said cycles came to a halt at the edge of the road.

As Mega Man and Bass flew into space, Rush and Treble shifted back to their canine forms. With a joined howl, each turned into ethereal impressions of themselves, flying towards their Masters.

As Rush infused Mega Man, his appearance changed. Red armor plates appeared over his hands, clasping on in the form of gauntlets, changing his buster shot to a rocket punch. Crimson boots took shape over his feet, rockets on the bottom giving him flight. A red torso plate took shape around his shoulders, slamming down and extending stubby wings with matching rockets, granting him true full flight. In a blaze of light, the blue of his body between the plates turned red, and a helmet in the shape of Rush's head slammed into place with a snarling roar. With power fully infused, Mega Man drew his sword, taking a few sweeps at the air with it before shifting to a battle stance towards Bass, one foot forward, one back, and the blade of his sword balanced on his empty hand, outstretched.

Bass and Treble's transformation was no less flashy. Similar boots and gauntlets covered Bass' feet and hands, but in deepest black and twilight purple, speckled here and there with the light of the stars. Only one hand remained hand shaped, while the other became a much larger buster, wicked and gleaming in the reflected Earth light. The torso plate extended much larger wings, each individual feather granting its own thruster for more controlled flight. At the front of the torso plate was a glittering golden gem, shining with the light of the sun. A wolf's head helmet snapped into place over Bass' head, wide fins spreading out to either side like wings with a blood curdling howl. Drawing a sword from a hip holster, Bass set the blade to vibrating as sonic energy raced down the length, slashing a few times and firing off a few charged shots before posing, feet together as he faced Mega Man, sword to one side and buster on the other.

The pair stared each other down as they slowly descended into the atmosphere, letting their thrusters take the worst of the reentry so they didn't take damage from that, instead of each other. Once they were all the way inside the atmospheric envelope and the first cloud passed by them, they lunged in, clashing swords. The energy surrounding Mega Man's sword held the sonic energy of Bass' sword, allowing them to clash repeatedly. As they pulled back, Bass fired off several blasts from his buster, which Mega Man was able to split and deflect with his sword before countering with a rocket punch. Bass dropped downward to evade, and Mega Man pursued.

They clashed several more times on the way down, each trying to get an advantage on the other...but here Mega Man found an advantage in his experience. The descent of the fifth 'trial' during the Wub Master events had prepared him for endlessly descending battles, and he could easily track how thing would change as they fell, something Bass couldn't counter. As the fight continued, Bass was forced to lose more and more altitude to evade Mega Man's strikes. Despite this, however, the lower they got, the more confident Bass seemed to get. "You're good!" he called out as they entered a large canyon. "But I'm better!"

"We'll see about that!" Mega Man roared as he launched the fist holding the sword, following up with a charge.

Bass dove down, speeding through the canyon towards the end of it. Pausing to reequip his arms, Mega Man pursued. However, Bass was able to fly much faster, and he was falling further and further behind.

At the edge of the canyon, Bass defused with Treble, landing on his feet and turning to face the canyon as he leveled his buster, gathering energy. His Bassnium power core redirected all available energy into the buster as panels slid out, humming with the gathered energy as they focused it into the canyon. He watched on his visor as the energy built up, almost ready to unleash. He grinned widely as the energy peaked just as Mega Man came into view. "Yo metal boy blue!" Bass called out. "Drop it!"

(End Music)

Mega Man's eyes widened as the blast - ten feet wide - shot towards him. Desperately, he separated from Rush, using the energy of the separation to propel both as far apart from each other as possible. The world violently shifted back to normal as the force of the Bass Cannon disrupted the enchanted music, the canyon vanishing as the empty desert took normal shape. The beam of blue and white sound tore through the air, seeming to rip a hole in reality, though actually only releasing a blast of focused sound energy.

As the blast faded, Bass stared at what had happened. "I...missed?" he gasped out, stunned. He then winced as Vinyl's voice erupted through his comms.

"How under the sun do you miss with a ten foot wide blast at less than five feet?" Vinyl's voice screeched in his ear. "Dammit, Bass, you had one job, to finish this on a totally epic note, and you botched it! That's it, show's over, get back here!"

Sighing, Bass beamed back up to Sky Lagoon, Treble following.

Mega Man, for his part, continued to stare at where the blast had been, and at the rocks and cacti that had been in its path, now with perfect arc cuts where it had passed. He remembered what it had felt like the first time a blast from a Sonic Disruptor had left a perfectly circular hole through his torso. For the first time in his life, he found himself glad he wasn't more human.

He had been designed to be able to eat, and to taste. But his 'digestion' worked very differently from a human's. Anything he ate entered a catalytic converter where it was broken down to its component molecular structure, before being funneled through his Variable Weapon System's energy/matter converter, the resulting energy being stored in his batteries. As a result, there was no waste product, whether liquid or solid, and thus no systems for handling such.

He was very glad of that right now. Had he possessed such systems, he knew what happened just a few moments ago would be far more embarrassing.

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