• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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VSW-014: Fire

The eel erupted through a stony landscape, letting off a screeching roar as it bucked Mega Man off of it. As he landed, he watched as the robotic body that had carried him up slowly turned to stone before his very eyes. As its writhing spasms came to a halt, a baleful gaze was locked in stone, trained on him. Shuddering, Mega Man quickly moved away from the new structure as he began exploring the new area.

The rocky land was brown and barren, with only an occasional clump of stones breaking up the landscape, colored black. Visible in the distance was a massive volcano, belching smoke as the earth rumbled every so often beneath Mega Man's feet.

"As if where I'm supposed to go could be made any more obvious," he grumbled under his breath as he kept going.

As he approached one of the piles of black stone, it stood up to attack him. While it moved slowly, it took a lot of damage before going down. Mega Man was unwilling to use the Skull Blaster because in addition to causing massive recoil that sent him flying backwards, he took damage from anything he slammed into in the process. Thankfully, the only attack the stone beast had was throwing rocks at him, and after fighting Guts Man, Mega Man had an easy time evading each throw.

Once he realized the rock piles could conceal enemies, Mega Man did his best to avoid them. Unfortunately, the areas that lacked the rock piles were revealed to be lined with land mines that broke open magma vents when they went off, and Mega Man had to be especially careful to not step on them or he'd risk melting in the magma.

Besides the rock beasts and the magma vent mines, other hazards also lined Mega Man's path. The ground would occasionaly collapse beneath him, giving him mere moments to leap to safe ground before falling to a pit of spikes...or further, back into the ocean of the previous trial chamber. He was just grateful that the ground was more or less flat leading up to the volcano, as he was certain he would have been forced to deal with landslides if he'd climbed so much as a single hill, especially as the ground shook every so often in what had to be an artificial earthquake.

Eventually, Mega Man finally reached the volcano...which was a sheer cylinder up and down, with strange tracks running all over it. At the base was a strange cart attached to the tracks. Curious, Mega Man approached the cart and found instructions written on it.

You must climb the volcano.
This cart can move up, left, or right as you climb the mountain. It cannot move down.
At no point can you backtrack.
Some track points have traps. Some have other issues.
If you reach a dead end, this cart will disconnect from the mountain, and you will have to jump free to not be crushed. Assuming you land safely, the cart will respawn in its original position.
The cart has a structural integrity of 100. Traps will inflict damage between 5 and 25 to the cart's integrity, depending on the trap. If the cart's integrity reaches zero, it will explode.

Have fun!

Mega Man blinked for a bit. "...I think I remember this game..."(1) he muttered as he stepped in. Remembering playing the game with Vinyl at one point while Dr. Wily was at Light's Lab after his second world takeover attempt, he followed the course he had taken up the mountain Vinyl had constructed for him to climb. He was...rather surprised to find that it was the exact course needed to get up without taking damage.

As he stepped out at the caldera, he saw a Robot Master waiting for him. It looked like Crash Man, but he was much bulkier, with drills mounted at the ends of his arms which snapped closed around his hands. Panels opened and closed on his shoulders and leg armor plates, revealing bomb launching ports. Magma flowed freely around and behind him, framing him without touching him.

"Vulcan, I presume?" Mega Man spoke up.

"That is correct," Vulcan replied. "You have one question left."

"Son of a monkey-goat!" Mega Man swore. "Don't you ever get tired of screwing with me?" He then winced, facepalming as he realized what he'd just done.

Vulcan stared at him for a time. "In some ways, yes," Vulcan replied. "It's fun, but it has served its purpose at this point. But you make it too easy." He shifted to a battle stance. "And now we fight."

With that said, Vulcan dove towards the magma. Without thinking, Mega Man lunged forward, gripping tediously to the edge of the caldera with one hand and grabbing hold of Vulcan's foot with the other.

Vulcan stared up at him in confusion. "What are you doing?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just because you're working for Vinyl and Wily doesn't mean I want to see you die!" Mega Man roared out. "Back while you were staying with us, we became friends! We hung out together, played video games, sparred on occasion...Wood Man's not the only one I couldn't bring myself to hurt at the end of that!"

Vulcan stared at him for a time. Withdrawing his drills, he waved his hand at the magma, and it rose to meet him, becoming a solid platform for him to step onto. "Did you really think I'd be fighting in a volcano crater, even if an artificial one, if the magma could hurt me?" he asked calmly. "Vinyl redesigned me so I can swim through the magma as easily as water, so I could use it against you."

As Vulcan pulled him onto the platform, Mega Man glanced away. "Well...when you put it that way, I feel kind of an idiot," he admitted. "But...when I saw you falling towards the magma, towards what to me would be certain death...I..."

"You didn't think," Vulcan concluded. "You felt." He stared at Mega Man for a time, then stepped back of the platform, floating in the heat of the caldera. "I'm supposed to fight you, make you master a pattern...but it's specifically to make you prove yourself here. And I think you've managed that in a different way."

"Huh?" Mega Man asked, confused.

"You have three questions for Typhon in the next zone," Vulcan explained. "Ask, and he'll tell you." With that, Vulcan thrust his arms into the sky. "Hang on tight."

With no more warning than that, the platform shot up into the clouds on a pillar of magma, with Mega Man in tow.

(1) This is based on an actual text based game I remember from a long time ago, where the goal was to get from 000 to whatever was marked as the top of the mountain, where you could only ever go up, left, or right, and each one sent you to a different three digit coordinate. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it's called, and couldn't find it with a google search. I'd appreciate it if anyone could find it for me.

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