• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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Working Quickly

Dr. Wily smiled faintly as he worked away in his lab. Dr. Cossack had already given his announcement about how he was using his Robot Masters to take over the world, throwing the gauntlet down to Mega Man to try and stop him. Kalinka and Vinyl were going to be watching him on his efforts to fight the Robot Masters, battling his way through the various stages. However, Wily wasn't really interested in watching Mega Man fight through waves of normal enemies all over again. He would pop out for the actual Robot Master fights, but for now he had something more important to work on.

The basic frame was easy to design. He just used the same basic model used to make Rock and Roll. The customization, however, was more difficult to decide on. He wanted one that Vinyl would immediately identify with as a sibling, but still blend in with humans for when they wanted to go on an outing. He had made the skin pale, as close to making it white as he could without looking unhealthy. The next issue was the hair. It was these human touches that would make him relatable as a member of the family, after all. He did, however, have to mightily resist the urge to give him a tail.

As he was making some decisions regarding coloration, his communicator beeped. "Daddy!" Vinyl called out. "Mega Man's about to fight a Master!"

"Oh?" Wily asked. "Which one?" Given the absence of Freak Mode - Vinyl had offered the cookies, but Mikhail had refused them, as this was about a combat test for his work - Wily wasn't entirely sure he'd go to watch every Master.

"Toad Man!"

Wily dropped his tools. "Be right there!" he called out. He looked forward to how Toad Man would make Mega Man squirm.

He made it to the couch just as Mega Man slid through the final door to Toad Man's chambers, his body glowing with energy. "Huh. Looks like Tom finally finished that chargeable buster," Wily muttered as he sat down, accepting some popcorn from Crash Man.

"Already got the blueprints!" Vinyl called out happily.


"I..." Kalinka began. "I believe the proper term is I...hacked them?"

Albert chuckled at that. "Bad influence, Vinyl. Bad influence." He then turned to watch as Toad Man dropped in.

Mega Man braced himself as Toad Man arrived. "Well, aren't you just a juicy morsel?" Toad Man purred. "I could just eat you all up. But your little fairy magic won't do much against me!" Music started playing as Toad Man began to sing his number. He leapt about, trying to land on Mega Man as he sang about his 'Toxic Love', complete with pelvic thrust.

Mega Man slid under the jumps, taking pot shots at Toad Man whenever he had the chance. However, the music truly grated on his ears, as well as the singing. It creeped him out, and it showed in his movements. After taking one heavy hit, he groaned as he got to his feet.

"Oh, is that the best you've got?" Toad Man purred, pulling a cape out of nowhere to hang over his shoulders.

"It would be a lot easier if you stopped singing that song!" Mega Man snapped. "Don't you know any others?"

Toad Man chuckled as he wrapped the cape around himself. New music began playing, and Toad Man started to sing. "How would you do?" he sang out. "You're not much of a foe...dear Mega Man. I'm just a~ little down because...when you came you come across like some...Candy Man."

He began to strut towards Mega Man, causing him to back away quickly, a freaked out look in his eyes.

"Don't get strung out, by the way I walk!" Toad Man sang out. "Don't judge this book by its cover! I may not be...an impressive Man by the light of day..." He wiggled his hips, making Mega Man run to the opposite side of the room. "But by night, I'm one hell of a lover!"

Toad Man turned to face Mega Man, throwing his cape open. He was wearing a black corset with matching panties, stockings, garter belt, gloves, and high heels. None fitted his bulbous frame well, and the makeup he'd managed to apply somehow was even worse. "I'm just a sweet tran-"

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Mega Man screamed out, setting the charge function on his buster to overdrive so he could fire an endless stream of charged shots. "Kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it-" Mega Man somehow pulled a flamethrower out of nowhere. "KILL IT WITH FIRE!"

Toad Man's defunct corpse roasted gently as Mega Man curled into the fetal position in one corner, sucking his thumb.

Wily blinked. "I...guess Mega Man just wasn't ready for that much Toad Curry," he joked.

"I like that movie," Kalinka pouted.

Wily raised an eyebrow. "You do?" he asked in shock, surprised Mikhail let such a young girl - especially his own daughter - see it. Admittedly, he probably would let Vinyl watch it if she asked, but still..

"Movie?" Vinyl asked eagerly.

Shrugging, Wily booted it up on the other screen, getting ready to introduce Vinyl - and those Robot Masters still active - to what he considered one of the great modern classics.

By the time Mega Man had made it into the next Robot Master controlled area, the entire group had gotten into the movie in a big way. Wily had pulled out his old Riff Raff costume, Vinyl was wearing an adorable maid outfit with a huge wig as Magenta, Kalinka was dressued in her Columbia costume (which Wily felt was a little much for a seven year old, but she apparently made it herself...), Protoman was dressed as Eddie Ex, Air Man was dressed as Rocky, Crash Man as Dr. Scott, and Wood Man as the Narrator.

"It's just a jump to the left," Wood Man proclaimed, everyone else jumping as instructed.

"And a step to the ri-i-i-ight!" they sang out as they danced.

Before the Time Warp could be completed, however, the first screen alerted them to the fact that Mega Man had reached the second Robot Master, Bright Man.

"Let's do the Time Warp again...later," Air Man suggested as everyone sat down to watch the new fight.

As Mega Man slid into the room, Bright Man dropped into the room. "Well now, Mega Man...you will regret fighting me."

"Doubtful," Mega Man replied, switching to Rain Flush. "I know your weakness." He lifted his arm to launch it into the air.

"Freeze ray!" Bright Man proclaimed, pointing at Mega Man as the bulb of his head flashed brightly.

"Gah!" Mega Man cried out, covering his eyes to shield them as his systems locked up. He winced as he felt several impacts from Bright Man's buster shots. As soon as he could move, he launched the Rain Flush.

"Freeze Ray!" Bright Man shouted again as the rain hit him, making his systems spark as the liquid got onto a few exposed wires. However, he still managed to land several hits.

This exchange continued for a time until Bright Man's bulb broke. "...ow..."

Mega Man grinned. "Looks like you're all washed up now!" Blinking, he groaned. "I can't believe I said that-"

A mettool suddenly leapt up. "BANANA!" it shouted out before pulling out a massive gun.

The resulting explosion destroyed Bright Man, the mettool, the room, a good portion of the area that Bright Man had been in, and Mega Man's buster arm.

Vinyl gasped happily as she floated 'Despicable Me' over to the other screen. She was dressed up as Edith, Kalinka as Agnes, Protoman as Margo (his glare dared anyone to joke about that), Crash Man, Wood Man, and Air Man as Minions, Shadow Man as Dr. Nefario, and Wily had somehow been dressed as Gru when he wasn't looking.

Shrugging, Wily gestured for Vinyl to put the movie in. He knew when he was beaten.

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