• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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8: Protect

Roll carefully scrubbed away at the space and ocean debris clinging to the massive robot Rock had brought back from the depths of the ocean. Several parts of its body had been severely damaged, requiring major repairs, but Dr. Light had managed to analyze the circuitry enough to construct replacement parts that could properly interface with the existing systems. They weren't nearly as advanced as the rest of the robot's systems and were excessively bulky in order to handle the levels of energy the robot could produce, but they would suffice until the robot awakened and was able to give them whatever information it could about its original build data for proper repairs.

As Roll worked, she marveled at the odd color scheme of the machine. Orange chest, blue limbs, white wings...it almost seemed as though this bot had frequently self repaired using whatever was available. She couldn't help but wonder what it had looked like when it was first manufactured.

As she moved up to scrape the debris away from the robot's face, she froze. His eyes were open, and they were staring right at her. He opened his mouth and began to speak, but his words were illegible. However, his tone was plainly an inquiry for information.

Roll managed to respond. "I'm sorry, I can't understand you," she responded. "Given you are designed for interstellar travel, I'm hoping part of your program includes lingual analysis and translation, or things are likely to be an even bigger mess."

The robot stared at her for a time. It attempted to lift his arms, but it was still restrained, and lacked power to all his systems to break those restraints. Instead, he locked his eyes on Roll's lips.

Roll paused, uncertain what it was trying to communicate. "Um...do you want me to talk more?" she asked. "Do you need a larger lingual sample?"

When she stopped talking, the robot lifted his head to look her in her eyes. What could be seen under the debris on his face smiled encouragingly, before once more locking eyes on her lips.

Roll took that as an affirmative, so she continued to speak as she worked on clearing away the debris. "You crashed in the ocean when you arrived here," she explained. "When my brother Rock found you, you were in bad shape. From what we've heard, we aren't sure how much of that was combat damage, how much was reentry, and how much was water pressure, although you're plainly well designed...at least as far as your interior main structure is concerned. As far as I can tell, it looks like your exterior has received several retrofit-repairs over time. I can't imagine how long you've been online to have needed so many repairs." She cleared the last debris off the robot's face. "I've only been online a decade and a half myself, and that's considered a really long time for robots here. I can't even imagine being online long enough to traverse the stars..." She blinked suddenly, and flushed in embarrassment. "Oh goodness, here I am talking your ear off, and I haven't even introduced myself! My name's Roll."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Roll," the robot responded, his voice calm and quiet. "My name is Duo. Why am I restrained?"

"Your power core had barely any energy in it when we found you," Roll explained. "But your body was still thrashing, even in its broken state. We restrained you to keep you from unnecessarily draining your core until you were fully repaired and recharged."

"I see," Duo replied. "My thanks. However, I cannot wait around here. I must complete my mission." He started to sit up.

"You must stay right here!" Roll insisted, pushing Duo back down onto his back. His eyes showed his shock at just how easily she managed that. "Right now you barely have enough power to keep your circuits from decaying, not to mention you still look a mess." Turning, she returned to her work cleaning him of debris.

"But, my mission..." Duo insisted. "The other..."

"If you mean the robot you were fighting in space, Vinyl's got him fully contained," Roll interrupted. "She's already at work finding a way to neutralize the energy he gives off to keep it from getting out of control."

"The Evil Energy is dangerous!" Duo snapped out, trying to sit up again. "Without my Justice Energy to keep it in check-"

"I said lay down!" Roll snapped back, shoving him onto his back again. "And if by Justice Energy you mean the blue energy that was clinging to the robot before he reactivated, Vinyl's got some of that, too. Trust me, she knows what she's doing. She can handle both energies without being influenced by them."

Duo stared at her, stunned. "How is that even possible?" he demanded insistently.

"I'm not going to tell you," Roll countered. "Plainly, thinking too much about this is causing you far too much stress and agitation, so it's time to change the subject."


"If you don't calm down, you're going to fry your systems and put yourself offline!" Roll insisted clinically.

"It does not matter if I fall!" Duo shouted out. "I was created to eliminate all traces of Evil Energy from the universe, and I must not rest until my mission is complete! If I fall, another will be sent to complete my mission!"

Roll stood up to stare at him, arms crossed over her chest. "Alternatively, you can take the time to rest and recuperate when there's no danger of the Evil Energy spreading, and then once you're fully restored you'll be able to go after the other robot - who isn't being repaired - and the Evil Energy when you'll actually have a chance of succeeding, with no danger of things getting worse in the meantime!"

Duo hesitated. Logically, he knew she was right. However, his programmed priorities placed the completion of his mission so far above his own personal safety that it was difficult to accept. "...but..."

"Or you can go charging out now, get yourself killed before you even reach him since you don't know where to look, and accomplish nothing but giving him free reign until your replacement can be sent from who knows where," Roll offered.

Sighing, Duo lay back. That logic was acceptable to his priority set. "Very well," he allowed. "But I will leave as soon as I am fit for travel."

"And not a moment before!" Roll insisted. She then went back to work on the encrustations.

Letting himself relax for the moment, Duo took in his surroundings for a time. "...what is the purpose of that uniform?" he asked finally.

"You like it?" Roll asked happily, twirling to show off the white nurse outfit she'd donned for her work in the repair lab. "I thought it looked cute on me!"

"I do not understand its purpose," Duo pointed out. "What is the logic behind it?"

Sighing, Roll returned her focus her work. "Dr. Light thought it looked cute on me..." she grumbled under her breath.

Duo focused his attention on her for a time, and then understanding was reached. She was female. According to his database, they weren't supposed to be logical...and voicing such things was classified as self-destructive. His protocol dictated that if he encountered a female whom he was indebted to, he was supposed to smile, nod, and agree with anything she said unless it interfered with his primary mission, as this was the course of self-preservation. "It looks very cute," he agreed with a smile and nod.

Roll giggled happily. "Thanks."

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